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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 19 & 20

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CHAPTER 1️⃣9️⃣&2️⃣0️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.



“Told you you can’t die without my permission,
witch” he smiled creepily.

But the creepy smile turned wicked immediately,
and he let go of her.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Samara screamed as she
began falling back to the ground.

“What the hell!” Ruthie started running to catch
her, but Aragon was faster.

She fell into his arms, and she inhaled shakily,
holding him tight.

“Superior” she muttered as he set her down

“Are you ok?” He asked.

“I should be asking you that, you’re wounded”
she replied, looking at his right arm

There’s blood all-over it, staining his white shirt.

“The demon is a tough one, I guess” he said,
and Orion landed on the ground beside them.

“Why would you throw her down like that after
saving her? Thought you did some good”
Aragon said

“Good? Were you practicing stupidity when I
told you I have no you’d left in me to do? And
you think if I’d change, I’d change because of
the student I h@ťě so much? Oh please Aragon, I
was expecting you to be smarter than this but
turns out you’re some crazy dumbass” Orion
replied and walked to Agatha who’s currently
struggling on the ground blindly.

“What happened to her?” Aragon asked.

“She stabbed me during the fight, and I died”
she replied, and he frowned confusingly.

“This is like a family heirloom” she said, raising
the pendant of her necklace.

“My Granny Elsa gave me one, it’s capable of
waking the dead, so it woke me, and she got hit
by a beam from it” she explained.

“Nice heirloom” he nodded, and she smiled, but
the smile disappeared from her face when she
saw the others lying weakly on the ground, all
greatly wounded.

She ran to them immediately.

“Ruth! Krishna! Raven wake up! Ceres! Peony!
Merlin Kaitlyn!!” She started shaking them one
by one.

Aragon joined Orion who’s still with Agatha, and
he saw the bottle of bottle lying on the ground.

He took it, and Orion took it magically from him,
so it landed on Orion’s palm.

“Soul snatching poison?” Orion muttered after
inhaling it, and he smiled creepily again, facing

“She ki||ed my student, that’s enough reason for
me to rip out her heart” he said and dragged her

He made to shove his hand into her chest, but
Aragon sped to him and stood between them.

“You must be stupid if you think I can’t hurt you
right now” Orion smirked.

“She’s at fault, but you should let master and
the chiefs handle this” Aragon replied.

“I get to handle everything about my student”
Orion said stubbornly.

“You’re not doing this because you care about
Samara, it’s because you’re angry Agatha hurt
her instead of you!” Aragon replied, and Orion
patted him.

“You might be smart” he said and walked away
from the assembly, leaving Agatha with Aragon.

By now, everyone else got up already, so Aragon
led the way, holding Agatha to prestige Hall.

They got to the front of the hall and met Master
Duran waiting with the chiefs already.

Aragon submitted the bottle of poison to Chief
Water, and he nodded after smelling it.

“Soul snatcher” he muttered, and Chief Feathers
sped to Agatha immediately.

She grabbed her neck in her palm, locking eyes
with her.

“Argh!!” Agatha winced painfully as her
completely white eyes rolled in their sockets.

“You’d be blind for….

Feathers hasn’t finished the curse when Master
Duran stepped in and took Agatha from her.

“You can’t curse her” he said calmly.

“This is her third time of hurting another disciple
Duran! She’s not fit to be here! She should be
sent back to the palace or better still, send her to
the demons coven and let her join Bakasura’s
subordinates!” Feathers shouted angrily.

“She should be punished instead, she hasn’t
received punishment for hurting Merlin too, so…
” Chief Water said

“She’d be sent to the Beastly Territory” Master
Duran said, and Agatha gasped.

“No! Master no I promise not to hurt anyone
anymore! I’m blind I can’t even see a thing!!!
Going to the Beastly Territory like this will spell
doom for me! I might die!!!” She cried out.

“There’s no death in Beastly Territory, only
hellish punishments which would help you get
back to track if you’re ready to” Master Duran

“Isn’t that a little too much?” Chief Water said.

“I don’t think so” Chief Feathers replied.

Agatha was still begging when Master Duran
did two fingers formation, and a white light
appeared on top of the fingers which he sent to
a spot, and a door appeared there immediately.

Agatha was pulled to the door by an unknown
force, and she kept screaming till she went in

The door went shut and disappeared just the
way it appeared.

“Good job everyone. Samara” Master Duran
said, and she bowed.

“Learning the use of your sword should be
easier from now, you’re much more powerful
than you think” he said, and she nodded.

“Yes, master”

Ceres rolled eyes immediately.

“Y’all get your wounds treated before dawn,
there’ll be a teaching class tommorow about
spells, and Chief Feathers will be handling it”
Duran said further.

“Chief Feathers is too strict, wish it was Chief
Water” Peony muttered.

“Me too” Ruthie replied.

“It’s called laziness” Samara said, and they
giggled secretly.

“Goodnight, disciples” Master Duran said.

“Goodnight Master!” They chorused as he left
with his chiefs, and they all dispersed to their
various rooms.

Merlin went back to the cafeteria for Echo.

He carried her to her room in his arms, and he
lay her gently in bed.

She’s still so fast asleep, so she made no move
till he covered her and left the room.

He went to his own room and pulled off his suit
and undershirt.

He was about to start treating the wound on his
arm when the door opened, and he gasped
when Kaitlyn came in.

“Sorry for barging in, I can’t treat my wounds so
I came here. Would you do me a favor?” She
asked, and he smiled.

“Of course, come”

She sat on the only chair in the room and rolled
up her hair.

She got wounded at the back of her neck.

“It’ll sting” he said.

“I know” she replied and looked up.

“After this, I can help you with your wound too,
right?” She asked, and he nodded.

“Gawd, you’re so hot” she said, and he chuckled
as he began treating her.



Ruthie was about to enter her room when she
suddenly saw Cat loitering around, and her eyes


She rushed to get the black cat, and she began
meowing in her arms.

“Why aren’t you with Krishna?” She asked .

“I want something to eat, so I’m on my way to
the cafeteria” Cat replied.

“You talk?” Ruthie laughed.

“She does, and she’s spoilt” Krishna replied
behind her, and she turned to see him.

“Krishna” she smiled, and he came closer, taking
Cat from her.

“I’m not spoilt” Cat said immediately.

“Shut up, please” Krishna replied, and she
rushed into his pocket, her favorite place.

“She’s so cute” Ruthie said.

“Thanks, aren’t you gonna treat your wounds?”
Krishna replied.

“Peony will help me” she said.

“Alright, I’ll see you tommorow morning” he
replied, and she nodded as he started walking

She was walking backwards as she stared at
his backside, licking her lips slowly in
admiration till she bumped into someone.

“MG!” She gasped, and it turned out to be Ceres.


“I should make this clear red girl, Krishna
belongs to me and you can’t change that fact”
Ceres said.

“That’s rich coming from someone like you, but
you know what? I don’t listen to anyone except
my mother” Ruthie replied, and Ceres made to
come closer, but Ruthie opened her mouth wide.

A ball of fire rolled out, but Ceres was quick to
avoid it so it hit a pillar, and the pillar cracked.

“You can’t defeat me in a fight, so stay far”
Ruthie rolled eyes and entered her room where
she met Peony waiting.

“You like Krishna that much? You thr_@tened
Ceres cos of him” Peony said.

“The door was closed, how did you…” Ruthie

“I can see through doors, one of my powers”
Peony replied.

“How cool, where’s Sam?” Ruthie asked.

“Probably with Superior Aragon” Peony



Raven was in when Krishna arrived, and Cat
jumped on the bed immediately.

“Aren’t you going to your room? Don’t tell me
you’re sleeping here again tonight” Krishna said.

“Why else would I be here by this time?” Raven
replied, eating a grape.

“Wasn’t Superior Orion cool back then? He
swallowed a demon’s head” Krishna said with a
big smile.

“You might fall in love with him at this rate”
Raven shook his head.

“I’m not gay, idiot. I’m just amazed, just how
powerful is he?” Krishna said.

“He’s a wizard, he can be a vampire if he wants
to, he can be a ghost, he can be a beast and
even a werewolf. He has so many supernatural
personalities so you don’t expect less from a
mythical being like that, but I have a question
for you” Raven stood.

“What?” Krishna frowned.

“Do you like Ruthie?” He asked.

Without replying, Krishna entered the bathroom.

“That jerk” Raven muttered.



“You really don’t have to do this” Aragon said as
Samara began setting the herbs she got from
the apothecary on the table.

Aragon is standing beside her.

“You have a wound on your arm and you’re
planning not to treat it, who does that” Samara
replied, pulling him to sit.

“I don’t usually treat my wounds, they heal on
their own within three days” he said.

“Well I’m here now, and things will change” she
replied, and he smiled, taking off his shirt.

The moment she saw his bare body, she
swallowed before starting to apply the herbs on
his wounded arm.

“You got wounded by his claws” she said,
noticing the wound nature

She was expecting him to talk, but he isn’t, so
she looked up and met him staring.

“Your Superior, you should thank him. He saved
you” he said.

“He threw me down after saving me. You’re the
real savior” she replied, and he locked eyes with
her for a bit before looking away.

“But how come he’s stronger than you when
you’re both Superiors?” Samara asked.

“He’s the only child born together with his
sword, and the sword ki||ed his mother
immediately it came out of her. I bet no
supernatural being can face him, not even
Master Duran himself, unless they find his
weakness” he replied.

“He has a weakness?” She asked.

“Yeah, but don’t ask me what, cos I dunno” he
replied, and she smiled .

“I won’t ask”

He returned the smile, and hers grew wider.


Agatha landed in a unbearably calm place, and
she stood immediately, tracing her way with her
hands as she started moving around.

Gentle breeze is blowing, but even the gentility
is awkward. This place is hell and everything
about it is pains

Beastly Territory is not for the weak, and now
that she’s blind, she’s hoping she’d be able to
make it out alive miraculously, then she can
teach Samara a lesson for causing this.

She was still searching for her way with her
hand when she stumbled and fell on something.

“What’s this?” She muttered, tracing the skin
with her palms, and she detected it’s a flower

She plucked a rosebud, and immediately she
did, the bud began transforming in her palm,
and even if she can’t see it, she felt the change,
and she folded her palm on the bud, but she got
stung immediately.

It’s a snake!

“Ahh! Father! Father!!!!” She cried loudly as the
venom began mixing with her blood.

She threw away the snake immediately, but the
serpent crawled back to her, and no matter how
much she struggled to shake it off, rolling on
the sandy soil, it didn’t.

It kept climbing her till it coiled itself on her
neck, and it began choking her.

She rolled roughly in the sand, trying to get the
snake off, but the more she pulls, the more she
gets choked, and she got stung on the neck too.

“Fat…her!!! Help… me!!! Help me!!!!’ she cried as
another one coiled on her right leg, then another
on her stomach.




Princess Mali could be seen sitting silently
beside the wide river, her eyes focusing on the

She’s obviously sad, and she looks empty inside
as she sat hopelessly.

She slowly dipped her leg into the river, and
immediately the water touched her, she got
burnt on that spot.

“Ahh!” She winced and quickly removed her leg.

She stood and turned to leave, but her eyes
widened when she saw Agares behind.

“Agares?” She muttered, and he grabbed her

“Great Queen wants you” he said, and they
vanished together, landing back in the coven
where Bakasura is waiting.

“You went to the river again?” She demanded.

“I can’t help it! It’s my original home mother!”
Mali replied, and Bakasura sped to her.

“This is your home, nowhere else so think
straight once again” she said, locking eyes with


Bakasura grabbed her head immediately, the
eyes lock getting more intense as she
communicated with her.

“Listen. Tommorow, you’d go to the streets of
Delos and find your way into mystic institute”
she muttered.

“Tommorow, I’ll go to the streets of Delos and
find my way to mystic institute” Mali repeated
after her, and she smiled before releasing her.

“How will that be possible?” Karazi asked
behind, and Bakasura got her staff.

A single wave of it, Mali transformed into a 7
years old kid.

“It’s easier this way” Bakasura smiled.

Agares exchanged excited glances with Karazi.



It’s already 10pm before Samara returned to her
room, and immediately she turned on the lights,
Orion could be seen sitting on her bed.

“You again?” She said.

“You got bolder, you didn’t jump” Orion replied
standing up.

She started coming to her, but she summoned
her sword and pointed it at him, and he paused

“Get that shitty sword away from my way” he

“No. Who knows what you might do to me the
moment I drop it?” She replied.

“I won’t give you an easy death like your mother,
you don’t deserve that” he said, and her eyes

“My mother? What did you do!” She rushed to

“Oh…such a loving daughter she has. But what
is this shitty necklace on your necks? It brought
her back after I ki||ed her, and it brought you
back after Agatha ki||ed you. Is there a legend
behind it?” He said.

“So you really ki||ed my mother” she muttered

“She refused to tell me if there’s another way to
cure this shitty wound!” He yelled, raising his
shirt from his arm.

“She left me with no choice, and the fact that
she woke doesn’t mean she’s free, I’m still
gonna ki|| her after snatching that necklace
away” he said.

“There’s no other way except dipping your hand
into my blood!” She shouted.

“Which is why I’m here, to dip” he replied, and
she blinked.


“Yeah” he came closer.

“But I’m not on my period” she replied, and he
smiled creepily again, making her step back

His creepy smile always means danger.

“I can make you menstruate, right now” he said,
and her eyes widened.


“Yeah. I only have to touch your n**ple, so don’t
waste much time. Off your blouse, I’ll take off
your brà myself” he replied.


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