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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 17 & 18

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CHAPTER 1️⃣7️⃣&1️⃣8️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.


“Bree!!!!!!!!!!” He yelled, and the energy of his yell
made the whole place shake to it’s roots. and
volcanoes erupted in the middle of the inferno,
making the place hotter than hell.

His skin got greatly affected, and he gripped the
metal tighter, thinking of all the cruel things in
this world he’d do to Bree.

He was still throwing the thoughts around his
head when he remembered something, and a
small smile returned to his face.

He looked at his arm, and in the next minute, he
dug his teeth into it, biting deeply into the flesh
till blood erupted.

He sucked a lot of his blood into his mouth,
then he placed his face in the middle of the
metals, spitting out the blood into the inferno.

The fire died immediately, and the volcano
disappeared, making him smile evilly.

“Change of plans Bree, I’d save your blood for
another day” he said.

Fresh hair hit his skin, and he let go of the
metals, rolling his eyes before vanishing.



Mrs. Morgan Reed (Ruthie’s mum) was drinking
wine from the cellar when Bree rushed into the
house, and Morgan gasped, dropping her cup
when she saw her state.

Her neck is still so red from Orion’s violence,
and she’s breathing hard. She sped here literally.

“Bree what’s going on? I left your place less
than an hour ago so…

“He came” Bree cut her off, and she squinted.


“The wizard, Sam’s tormentor. The one I do see
in my dreams Morgan!” Bree said, and her eyes

“What! Wait… It’s not who I’m thinking, right?
He’s the only wizard capable of hurting witches”

“He ki||ed me Morgan! Thanks to Mother Elsa’s
necklace, I came back” Bree replied

“It’s really him?” Morgan muttered.

“Yes, the cursed devil, Kira’s child” Bree replied.

“What!” Morgan gasped.

“He got hurt by holding Samara’s sword, and he
came to ask for cure” Bree said.

“Then?” Morgan asked.

“We both know he really has to use Samara’s
blood to heal, but he wasn’t ready. He insisted
to get another way and there’s none” Bree

“I was lucky to have him locked up in the inferno
dungeon using the capture spell, but I’m so sure
he won’t spend three minutes in there before
escaping, he’s really very strong” she continued

“He’s surely gonna come back for you, we have
to do something. The existing spells probably
won’t work on him as it is” Morgan said.


“We have to create a new spell together, come
with me Bree” Morgan pulled her into the inner



Agares and Karazi walked into the palace at
once, and they met Queen Bakasura coming
down from the bone stairs with princess Mali
behind her.

“You summoned us, great queen” Agares said
as they both bowed in front of her.

“I’m bored, so I’m playing with the disciples of
mystic tonight. Mali spied on the Institute
earlier, and it was detected that the cursed child
is not in, great chance” Queen Bakasura replied
and faced one of the numerous doors.

It opened for her, and she walked in.

The others followed, including princess Mali
who has been quiet.

In there is a large burning fire, one of the seven
fires of the empire.

Bakasura stretched her clawed hand forward,
and a book appeared on it.

“Come here Mali, summon one” she said, and
Mali took the book from her.

She opened it expressionlessly and tore a page
from it, closed her eyes and allowed her spirit to
become one with that page.

She communicated with it before throwing the
page into the fire, and an explosiom happened,
though it didn’t affect them.

After the explosion, a demon came out of the
fire, looking hideous.

His mouth is on his forehead, and it’s wider than
normal mouths, and he’s got just one
ridiculously big eye below the mouth. No nose.

He’s got a long snake-like black tail and his
arms look that way too, he’s giant as hell!

“Welcome home” Queen Bakasura smiled.



The party hall is ready, beautifully decorated by
flowers from Master Duran’s hall in and out.

The foods are surplus already, placed on every
table present, no empty table, and thanks to
Echo’s powers, the hall was lightened by several
fireflies apart from the normal lights. It’s
dazzling in there.

‘Chandelier’ by Sia was playing softly.

“Awww! It’s so beautiful!” Echo said cheerfully
when she came in.

She’s out of her robe right now, wearing a white
gorgeous gown she took from Peony.

“You own the fireflies yunno? Don’t act like it’s
the first time you’d be seeing it” a disciple
replied beside her.

“Not that. The flowers weren’t here when I came
to summon the fireflies” Echo replied cheerfully.

“Echo!” Merlin’s voice said from the door, and
she automatically turned to see him him suit.
Her eyes widened as he took each step to her.

The only clothes she has ever seen him in is the
robes they both always wear, and it’s part of
why they even became friends apart from their
same age, but now that she’s seeing him in suit
and a different hairstyle, gawd!

She was staring so hard that she was even
unaware of when he got to him, so he had to
tap her.


“Huh” she muttered, and he smiled.

“I’m handsome, aren’t I?” He asked, and she
nodded slowly

“Yes, you’re…

“Merlin come have a dance with me!” A disciple
named Kaitlyn suddenly pulled him, and he
faced her.


“C’mon let’s dance!” She pulled him away before
he could reply, and Echo experienced mixed
feelings immediately.

She turned her face away from him, holding her

“Hey!” Ruthie’s voice made her look up.

She’s dressed in a really hot red gown, the
colour matching with her hair.

“You look gorgeous, Ruthie” Echo smiled.

“That smile isn’t genuine, is it because Merlin is
dancing with Kaitlyn?” Ruthie said.

“You don’t have a date?” Echo asked, avoiding
the conversation.

“Nope. I’m single here tonight” Ruthie replied.

“Then what about Samara?”

“I dunno but she has been obsessed with
practicing her sword lifting since morning, and
she’s unstoppable. She’s not attending this
party” Ruthie replied.

“Guys!” Peony said as she came in with Raven.

He’s suited up just like the other guys, and he’s
looking extra handsome beside Peony who’s
wearing a purple gown, matching with the
colour of her hair too.

“You guys look adorable” Echo said.

“She stole my line” Ruthie replied, and they

Krishna came in next, and Ruthie smiled widely

She wasn’t expecting less cos he’s freaking cute
in his tuxedo, and she was licking her lower lip
as she walked to him, but Ceres came into the
hall and went to him faster, so she stopped on
her tracks.

“Hey Krish!” Ceres waved, her two-tone hair
looking good on her. She’s pretty.

“It’s Krishna” Krishna replied, and she took his

“Let’s dance” she said, but he shook her off

“Not interested” he said curtly and walked to
where Ruthie is standing.

He picked a glass of wine from the table and
and leaned into Ruthie’s ear.

“You look Șëx¥ in what you’re wearing” he
whispered before leaving the table, and Ruthie’s
cheeks reddened with blush immediately.

Ceres scoffed and walked angrily to another

She took a glass of wine and poured it down her
throat at once, huffing as she did.

Agatha’s gown was flowing when she entered
the hall, it’s completely black together with her
lips, and she looks like a princess that she is as
she walked.

She was scanning the hall for any sign of
Aragon, so much that she didn’t concentrate on
where she’s going.

She suddenly stepped on her gown and almost
fell, but an arm wrapped on her waist from
behind, and when she got released, she smiled
when she saw who.

Aragon! He’s suited up like the rest of the guys,
and he’s illegally Șëx¥!

He’s not the most handsome guy in the institute
for joke.

“Careful” he said, and she smiled wider as he
walked away from her.

He just touched her!

The party started in full swing, though none of
the chiefs are present, even the master

It’s a party for the disciples only, and it stops

The song changed from Chandelier to
Snowman still by Sia.

“Tonight is for me, Sia is my favorite” Ruthie

“I love Ariana grande, have you listened to 7
Rings?” Peony replied.

“Nope, I’m not her fan” Ruthie said.

“I’m a fan of Nicki” Ceres said, suddenly joining
their table.

They all exchanged glances, wondering about
the sudden change.

“I don’t love music” Echo said.

“Me too!” Merlin replied, joining the table too.

Kaitlyn came with him, flirting and touching him
anyhow. Echo scoffed and drank another cup of
wine jealously.

“A game?” Agatha said, joining the table

“What game?” Ceres asked, and they all turned
to her again.

Since when did Ceres and Agatha start talking
to each other?

“Now tonight will be bad, I can sense it” Ruthie

“You can say that again” Peony replied beside
Raven and made to drink another cup of wine,
but Raven took it from her.

“You’ve drank enough already, you might get
drunk” he said, and she smiled as she looked at

“I’ll be fine” she said.

“No” he replied, and she gave him a peck on the

“For looking out for me” she said, and he

“How about we start by voting for the most
handsome between the two Superiors” Echo
said drunkenly.

“I’m saying it again, something huge is
happening tonight” Ruthie said.

“I know, right?” Krishna replied opposite her, and
she smiled.

“I vote for Superior Aragon” Agatha said.

“It’s Superior Orion” Ceres said.

“Superior Aragon” Ruthie said.

“Same here” Peony said.

“Same here” Kaitlyn said

“Same here” Raven and Merlin said at a time.

“It’s Superior Orion for me, I like him” Krishna
said, and Ceres smiled.

At least, he’s on her side.

“Superior Aragon won this round, it’s obvious
he’s the most handsome here, then Raven
comes next” Peony said.

“Then let’s vote for the prettiest female disciple”
Echo said drunkenly again.

Agatha smiled confidently, she’d surely win this.

“Samara!” Peony and Ruthie said at a time, and
they stuck hands.

“Samara” Raven and Krishna chorused too, and
the smile disappeared from Agatha’s face.

“It’s Echo” Ceres said.

“Yeah, Echo” Kaitlyn said beside Merlin, and
they all turned to Agatha.

“Talk” Ceres said, and she lifted the table with
an hand, throwing it on the wall angrily.

“Samara? Echo? Their beauties are nowhere
near mine!” She shouted.

“But no one wants you” Krishna laughed, and
she threw a chunk of meat at him which he
caught and took a bite from.

Agatha spread her palm immediately, and her
sword appeared, making all eyes widen.

“Her sword!” Merlin gasped as she flew after
Krishna with it.

She tried stabbing him, but he fled, and she
stabbed the wall instead.

“Agatha stop!” Ruthie shouted.

“Shut it!!!” She shouted back, almost getting
Krishna on the arm, but he escaped again and
landed on the ground heavily.

Aragon came back into the hall, and he was
about to step into the ongoing pandemonium
when he suddenly felt something, and he
stopped on his tracks.

His eyes widened. “A demon” he muttered.

“Demon?” Raven faced him.

“Out everyone! Out!” He shouted, rushing out.

Everyone ran after him except Echo who’s drunk



Samara’s lips became pale already just like it
was in the morning as a result of excess
practice on her own.

She’s able to lift the sword already, and she’s
currently learning swordsmanship, but it’s
somehow difficult since they haven’t been
taught the various formations.

She wielded the sword one more time, swinging
it to the back after making three moves, and she
was breathing heavily, then she felt a strange
feeling in the pit of her stomach.

It’s normal to feel strange at times but this is

She stood still, and she was still standing still
when Aragon teleported into the assembly,
taking her away from the spot.

Immediately they landed on another spot, the
horrific demon landed on the spot they left, and
her eyes widened as the remaining disciples
joined them.

“What the f-__-k is that” Raven muttered with wide
, terrified eyes.

“You’re not blind, it’s a friggin demon” Krishna

“Y’all are losing your souls to me tonight!!!” The
demon growled, shaking the ground.

Agatha didn’t wait anymore before charging
forward with her sword

She tried attacking it, but he blew fire out of his
forehead mouth, and Agatha’s dress caught fire
immediately, burning completely till she’s left in
her underwear.

“Spitfire?” Ruthie muttered, rushing to the
demon to try her luck.

She leapt into the air and opened her mouth
wide, releasing a large fire on him.

The demon tried to counterattack, but Ruthie’s
fire swallowed his own, and the moment the fire
got to his body, he bled water from his wide
mouth, and the fire went off before he was able
to kick Ruthie away

She landed back on the ground painfully, and it
was Aragon who leapt up this time.

His blue sword appeared in his right hand, and
he gave the demon a slash with it, making him

He fell, and Aragon landed back on the ground.

He ran to it and threw his sword halfway,
targeting the wide mouth, but the demon sent it
back, and Aragon did a spin in the air before
catching it.

He charged towards the demon again, and this
time… Krishna, Raven, Ceres, Merlin, Kaitlyn and
the others joined him.

Samara kept standing in awe, looking at the hot
fight going on.

The only place she has seen a scary thing like
this is in movies, so they actually exist for real?

She swallowed hard.

Agatha stood behind her, smiling cruelly as she
brought the bottle of poison out of her bra.

She poured some on the blade of her sword and
walked fast to Samara, th-ru_sting it into her back
from behind.

Samara gasped, vomiting blood as she looked
at the sword in her stomach.

Agatha removed the sword . “Die” she muttered,
and Samara went on her knees, eventually
falling on her face.

The others are still having it hot from the
demon, not noticing what’s going on.

“Finally” Agatha smiled satisfactorily, but her
smile was cut short when the cross necklace on
Samara’s neck began shinning.

“What … is that?” Agatha muttered as the glow
got brighter and brighter.

A beam of it entered her eyes, and she went
blind immediately.

“d@mn it! My eyes!!!” She screamed in darkness.

Samara rose from the dead, and the cross kept
shinning as she grabbed her sword boldly.

Her eyes turned gold, and she leapt up, flying to
the demon.

She met Aragon fighting viciously with him, and
he’s greatly wounded already.

“Superior go down!” She shouted, and Aragon
left the air, so she stepped in.

The light from the cross blinded the demon too,
so she got the chance to roll in the air before
swinging her sword to it’s neck, slicing it.

The head of the demon fell off, but the mouth
on it’s head was wide open, ready to swallow
Samara whole as it fell towards her.

Samara’s eyes widened, and she was already
imagining herself getting swallowed when
someone else came, grabbing her away from
the demons head.

Orion! And he’s shirtless, all sweaty and shinny.

His wounded right hand held her waist, and the
left one caught the demon’s falling head.

The red glow flashed in his eyes, and the head
transformed into an apple.

He threw it in his mouth and swallowed it whole,
and the rest of the demon’s body melted to
ashes, then he faced Samara whose eyes are
still wide in his arms.

“Superior … Onion”

“Told you you can’t die without my permission,
witch” he smiled creepily.


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