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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 5 & 6

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CHAPTER 5️⃣&6️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.

Black blood came out of the eyes as he
summoned his sword, and immediately it
appeared on his palm, he sank it ‘DEEP’ into
Samara’s belly, and it came out on her back.

All eyes and mouth fell open immediately, and
Master Duran spranged up same time with the

“Sam!!” Ruthie screamed in horror as Orion
removed his sword from her belly, and she fell
on the ground lifelessly, blood gushing out of

Master Duran leapt into the air, flying over to the
scene, but Orion vanished before he could land.

The chiefs ran down too, their eyes just as wide.

He knelt beside her, touching her forehead with
two fingers as Ruthie held her.

“Sam, please don’t die” she was already crying
as her blood continued gushing.

“Take her to the ice cave!” Master Duran ordered,
and it was Aragon who came up and carried her
in his arms, rushing out of the assembly with

Ruthie ran after him and several other disciples.

“She was obviously flirting with Aragon, serves
her right” Agatha muttered, smiling as she
remained standing.

“Why would Orion do such? She might die!”
Chief Water said.

“She won’t, she’s a healer herself. Her mother
verified it” Master Duran replied.

“Being a healer doesn’t count, Duran. Orion’s
sword is poisonous” Chief Feathers said.

“It does. She’s a special breed, and she might
not heal as fast as she usually does, but she’d
surely heal” Master Duran replied, climbing
down the stairs.

He left the two chiefs, and Chief Feathers began
stroking the beak of the bird on her shoulder.

“Why would he stab her?” Chief Water said
again, and Feathers faced him.

“Her hair” she smirked.


“You don’t remember? Astrid was murdered by a
whitehead witch” she replied.

“Doesn’t mean every whitehead is the ki||er. He
didn’t even see the ki||er’s face” Chief Water
said, and Feathers smiled, facing the now
empty assembly.

“You know how Orion is”


Orion landed back in his dark room, and the
three stars at the back of his hand began
shinning in the dark, illuminating the room
slightly with redness.

He dropped his bloody sword on the table, and
Samara’s blood got magically wiped from it

His brows pulled when he remembered how he
stabbed her without waiting earlier, and he
rested his palms on the table, remembering that
black evening when Astrid died.


“Orion! I need to go fetch herbs in the woods”
Astrid rushed into Orion’s room, and Orion
looked up from the book he’s reading.

He’s a great lover of books.

“Again? Well fine, just don’t tell me to follow
you” he said.

“You know there’s no way I’m going without
you. Orion please…

“Sometimes I wonder why I was born powerful
while you were born as a human, it’s frustrating
I can’t even do anything without considering
you first” Orion replied.

“Just ten minutes, we won’t take long I promise”
Astrid begged again.

“Go call Aragon” Orion replied.

Aragon is Astrid’s friend.

“He’s currently not in the city, please Orion I….

“Then wait till I finish this book” Orion cut him
off, and he sighed.

“Fine! I’d go alone!”

He left the house, and Orion inhaled in relief.

“Finally some peace” he smiled and returned to
reading his book.

He was on it for hours, and he got so lost in it so
much that she didn’t notice Astrid is taking too

“Astrid!” Aragon shouted from outside, and that
brought Orion back from the reading land.

He dropped the book and and looked up.
Aragon came in.

Though he’s friends with Astrid, but they’re not
close, they barely talk to each other unless if he
wants to ask for Astrid.

“Where’s Astrid?” He asked as expected.


Orion stopped talking, and his eyes widened
when he realized he has actually been gone for
two good hours!

The book dropped from him, and he ran crazily
out of the house.

“What’s happening? Why aren’t you saying
anything!” Aragon ran after him, but he never
stopped nor looked back.

He kept up the race as he went deeper and
deeper into the woods with Aragon running
behind him.

He suddenly came to a stop when he saw drops
of blood on the green leaves, and his eyes

The flapping of wings could suddenly be heard,
and he looked up immediately, there he saw a
white headed girl flying away in the sky with
two giant wings.

She was already gone before Aragon caught up
with him, and they both saw Astrid’s body lying
in blood at once.

He’s lifeless under a tree.



Orion clutched his hand on the sword edge as
he remembered, and his door opened violently.

Master Duran walked in, and when he tried to
vanish again, Duran held him back with a strong
magnetic force, gumming his foot to the ground
till he got to him and slapped him on the chest.

Orion flew away from his spot, crashing on the
bedstand. The bedstand shattered immediately
his body touched it, and he landed in the middle
of the wooden pieces.

“You think it’s fun? Hurting people is a game?
What are you turning into!” Master Duran
demanded furiously.

“She’s not a human, she’s a witch, a whitehead!”
Orion replied as he stood from the middle of the
pieces with bloody dentals.


“Keep her away from me, it’s an advice” he
replied and vanished.

Master Duran inhaled frustratingly, closing his



Almost all the top students are present except
Ceres and Agatha, and Samara is currently on
the ice bed, the steam coming from the ice
seeping into her pale skin.

“Why was she brought here? She should be
treated instead. I’m getting y’all arrested if my
friend really dies” Ruthie said, and Echo held her

“Don’t worry Ruthie. Bringing her here is the
best. Blood will stop circulating in her body so
far she’s on the ice bed, and that’s why her
bleeding stopped already” she said.

“Really? Will it really bring her back?” Ruthie

“Not really, but master can transfer some of his
inner powers to her, she’d wake once master
comes” Krishna replied behind, and she nodded.

As if he could hear, Master Duran came in
immediately, and the students made way for
him as he walked to the bed, taking Samara’s

He placed two fingers on it to feel her pulse, and
he nodded.

“She’s healing”

“Healing?” Merlin asked.

“Isn’t she an healer?” He replied, and Ruthie

“Gosh! I totally forgot! She is! But wait! Her body
is fast in that aspect so she should have
finished healing by now” she said quickly.

“She got stabbed by Orion’s sword, so it might
take a while” Aragon spoke.

“That tasteless, wicked, callous, cruel, devilish
$cvm of the earth is Orion? Sounds like Onion,
what an ugly name” Ruthie said with a scoff,
and everyone began laughing except the master
and Aragon though.

“He’s the second Superior” Peony said.

“I don’t care!” Ruthie shouted.

“Calm your voice down, Samara will wake up in
an hour at least” Master Duran said and left.

“Y’all should leave. Staying here might slow
down her healing” Aragon said.

“Me too?” Ruthie pointed to herself.

Aragon left without replying, and Peony held

“Don’t worry, she’d be fine” she said, pulling her
out with the others.

They left for the cafeteria for breakfast, and
Ruthie’s eyes widened when she saw the
delicious foods looking ostentatious.

There’s no server in sight, so it’s obviously self

“I wish I could eat all these with Sam” she

“You won’t eat?” Raven asked.

“I’m not eating anything without Sam” she

“I envy the friendship” Krishna said, and Ruthie
smiled at him.

He returned it before leaving to join the line with
Raven, and she blushed.

“Did he just smile at me?”

She sat alone and just watched everyone else
take food.

Merlin and Echo were the first to serve
themselves, and they returned to the table with
full trays.

“Don’t tell me you both are finishing all” Ruthie
said in astonishment.

“They’re tiny, but they eat like elephants” Peony
replied, sitting beside her with her own tray of

“I love your purple hair, witch” Ruthie said.

“And I love your redhead, witch” Peony replied,
and they laughed.

“I’m Peony by the way” she said.

“Nice” Ruthie nodded.

“That’s Raven, and that’s Krishna, his friend”
Peony pointed at them.

“Thanks, and those two foodies are Merlin and
Echo right?” Ruthie replied.

“You know their names already?” Peony smiled.

“Yes. They were the ones who came to get i and
Sam” Ruthie said.

Agatha entered the crowdy cafeteria, flaunting
her hair proudly, walking like she owns the
world like her usual self till she got to the line.

Instead of staying in the last place, she went to
the front, not minding the others in line.

She spent over ten minutes to take her food
before leaving the line, settling down alone on a

“Wait … Did that just happen? Did that
disgusting, arrogant, proud Ɓîtçh … Did she just
get ahead of everyone in line?” Ruthie blinked.

“That’s Agatha, she’s the princess of a distant
kingdom called Sullivan. Her father is a king, so
she gets special treatment” Peony replied.

“I don’t care! So far she’s in here, isn’t she a
disciple too?” Ruthie said.

“Well… Ceres is the only one who can say that to
her face” Peony replied.

“Ceres?” Ruthie said.

“That’s her” Peony said, pointing at Ceres who’s
just coming in.

“I like people like her, I should get to know her”
Ruthie made to stand, but Peony pulled her

“Don’t go to her, she only talks to Raven who’s
her brother or Krishna who’s her crush, any other
person is a no, she’s naturally bitter” Peony said.

“Wait… didn’t you say Raven and Krishna are
friends? She’s crushing on her brother’s friend?”
Ruthie said.

“Sure, love is not forbidden in here” Peony
replied, eating another forklift from her
scrambled eggs.

“We’re back!” Krishna and Raven joined the
table, then Merlin and Echo came over to the
same table too. They’re currently on the third
tray of food.

Ceres joined them too after getting her food,
and Ruthie waved at her, but she shunned her
and just ate.

“Told you, she h@ťěs people” Peony said.

“Now I know” Ruthie rolled eyes at Ceres.

Aragon came in, and the attention of 50 percent
of the girls turned to him. He might be a
superior, but he’s same age with most of the
disciples just like Orion, and he’s got an
handsome but cold face.

The only difference between the superiors and
disciples is that the superiors reached the last
stage of their power cultivation already, but the
disciples are just starting their cultivation.

“Whoa, girls crush huh? My Sam even joined the
girls already” Ruthie said.

“He might be cold, but Superior Aragon is
actually caring” Echo said over a mouthful of

Aragon got his food and went to his own
special table at a different spot in the cafeteria
where he settled.

Agatha took her food tray and left her table,
going to him immediately.

“I feel like eating here today” she said, sitting in
front of him.

Aragon said nothing, just eating silently.

“Wait…when did you guys resume?” Ruthie

“We all resumed this week, just different days,
and we haven’t done much” Raven replied.

“Heard we’re going on our first test this evening”
Krishna said.

“Test?” Ruthie blinked.

“Yes. Test of our powers, and I can’t wait” Merlin
said, drinking some water.

“She’s awake!” Echo pointed at the door, and
everyone turned there to see Samara standing
there with an angry look.

The veins on her neck are out.

“Sam!” Ruthie rushed to her with the rest.

“Where’s that bastard who wounded me?” She


“Where’s him!!” Samara interrupted, and Ruthie

“Calm down Sam. Superior Orion is not here

“Onion? So he’s the second superior? Is that
why he decided to stab me at first sight? What
if I died!!!” Samara screamed crazily, and
Aragon entered the circle, making her scream
stop abruptly.

Her mouth remained open as he felt her
temperature by touching her forehead, and she
stood still.

Agatha lost her appetite immediately she saw
the scene.

Aragon actually touched that Ɓîtçh?

She poured away her remaining food in anger.

“You’re not burning, seems you’re totally fine”
Aragon said and made to remove his hand from
her forehead, but Samara held it back.

“No. Keep touching” she said, but he removed it
nevertheless, and he walked out of the cafeteria

“I can now die in peace, he touched me” Samara
rested her palms on her chest, and a loud bell
sounded from the assembly immediately.

They all left the cafeteria for the assembly
where they met just Master Duran on seat, no
chiefs in sight.

They lined accordingly, waiting for what he has
to say.

“This evening will be the first test of power, y’all
will be going on a journey to the woods where
you’d face several challenges. It might turn
dangerous, and that’s why we’d have y’all
distributed under the two Superiors who’d
accompany you in the journey” Master Duran

“I hope I’ll be under Superior Aragon” Ruthie said

“Me too” Merlin and Echo said at a time.

“Anywhere I am, I’m fine” Krishna said, and
Ruthie looked at him.

“He’s so f-__-king cool” she muttered, then her
eyes met with Ceres who’s also staring at him.

Ceres rolled eyes before looking away, and
Ruthie scoffed.

“She’s not even that pretty”

“I want to be under Superior Aragon too” Raven

“Me too please” Peony said.

Agatha only smiled.

“And know that the Superior you’d be under will
also be the one to oversee your practicing
classes” Master Duran said again, and everyone
held their breaths as a broad sheet appeared on
his palm.

He started calling the names, starting with the
ones under Aragon.









“There’s just one disciple under Orion” Master
Duran continued, and they all went silent.

Samara held held her breath this time, hoping
it’s not what she’s thinking.

“Samara” Master Duran finally said, and Samara


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