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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Lacey walk down the stairs
after receiving a call from Linda, ” are you
okay?” I asked, looking at her the moment I step
into the living room, I look sideway and notice
monica standing right there ” Monica ”

” Lacey ”

Tears swell in our eyes before we hug each
other, laughing and crying at the same time, I
have really missed her, so much ” how have you
been?” She asked after we sit down and miss
Linda drop a glass of wine on the table for us.

” Am fine ” I mumble ” you?”

” Yes ” silence engulf us, it was evident, they are
things we aren’t telling ourselves ” am so sorry
for making you worried ”

” It’s fine ”

” The truth is ” I mumble ” my father sold me to
Arthur ”

” What ”

” It’s my fault, I didn’t read the document before

” But he is your father ” she look so furious now
” how can he do such a thing to you? That’s
unacceptable ”

” Monica” she look at it ” will it be weird for me
to say I like Arthur? I know he is arrogant, rude,
selfish, horrible but same time he is sweet ”

” Lacey ”

” I think I like him ” sipping from the glass, I
shake my head ” I might love him ” she hold my
hand and smile

” I understand lacey, I understand”

” Thank you ” clearing my throat, I watch her
look at her phone buzzing, a smile taint her lips
but she didn’t pick up ” are you dating

” No?”

” I know you ” leaning close, I look at her and
how she heat up ” oh my god, you’re sleeping
with someone”

” Is it that obvious?” She gasp ” is it written on
my forehead” i couldn’t help but to chuckle

” Who is it ”

” George”

” You mean Arthur assistant?” She nod and I
smile ” he seem nice, am sure he is a good guy ”

” Good guy?” Monica gulp down her entire glass
” he is far from good, you know the saying of
wolf in sheep clothing, that was made just for
him ” watching how worked up she got, I had to

” Do you perhaps, like him?”

” No ” her hands move to her hair ” I just met him
three days back, I just like seeing his face,
hearing him talk and how dominant he is on
bed ” even my own face heat up from that, when
we look at each other, we both burst out

” Oh my god ” I clear my throat ” you’re

” How about you ” she lean close ” have you
finally done it?” Bitting my lower lip, I look at her
and nod my head ” oh my god ” she gasp.

” What??” That voice startled the both of us,
looking back we both stare at Edwin standing
right there, why is he here? Is they something he
wish to say to me ” lacey ” his feet approach
faster than I expected ” you allowed that
bastard to touch you ”

” What are you doing here?” Monica yell but that
only made him $h00t glares her way

” Am not speaking to you ” grabbing my hands, I
pull back.

” What do you think you’re doing?” he literally
grab me once more and then drag me up stairs,
into Arthur room…am sure he doesn’t know, just
enter any room of his choice ” lacey ”

Pulling my hand from his, I look at him ” why
are you here ”

” To take you away ”

” What are you saying?” Frown creep into my
face ” am not going anywhere with you ”

” Don’t tell me you like here, what’s wrong with
you?” He move closer ” how can your love for
me change so easily? You love me first!!!! Me,
lacey….it was me ” I just realized that both
Edwin and Arthur has blue eyes, Arthur hair
black while Edwin’s blond ” you can’t choose

” Am not going anywhere with you ” folding my
hands, I move closer ” I don’t care about you
anymore and I want you stop with this silly
game ”

” Game?” Laughter escape his lips ” you think
am in this for your money? Yes, that was the
first plan but not anymore, I simply h@ťě the
thought of making Arthur happy” he lean close ”
Arthur is forever meant to be lonely, he doesn’t
need women on his side ”

” What are you saying? Do you like Arthur? Is
that why …..”

” Are you calling me gay?” That Must have
made him very angry ” don’t be stupid lacey, I
simply h@ťě him, I want no one beside him, I
don’t want him ever to experience love….do I
need to be gay for that?”

” But why?”

” You’re coming with me ” he grab my right hand
why I use my left to hold the bed stand, at the
edge, with all my life ” lacey ” I bend down, pull
my hands out of his, sit on the floor, holding the

” Am not going anywhere”

” Let go of that ” he frown, lean close to drag me
hand out of it but stop when our face is an inch
apart, he look at my eyes, my lips and back to
my eyes, I could literally feel his breath on my
skin, how long have I been daydreaming this?
It’s been so long that I can’t even remember and
now that it’s happening….Edwin is trying to take
me back, am refusing?

Back then, I won’t care about his goals, all I
wanted was for him to embrace me, kiss me
and hold me but now, I don’t want this anymore,
still yet my heart won’t stop beating….what’s
wrong with me?” Why him? Why not me?” For a
second he look sad.

Placing my hand on his chest, I wanted pushing
him back but couldn’t, why am I hesitating? ”
What are you doing?” I gasp

” Come with me lacey, I might be a jerk but far
better than Arthur ” images of Arthur flash
before my eyes, why are we in this position and
that too in Arthur room, shaking my head, I
decided to push him away but he kissed me,
right at that moment, on my lips.

I didn’t reciprocate, I just remain still, shocked
and confused….I don’t like this feeling, is not
like when Arthur kiss me, No …it’s different,
pushing him back, I part my lips to talk and he
kiss me once more, his tongue meeting mine in
the process, I just couldn’t believe this.

No matter how hard I try pushing him away, he
won’t bulging just kept kissing, I have known
Edwin for years, he always told me how he
despise kissing and now this?

Successfully pulling back, for a slight second I
notice a shadow disappear from the door, was
someone watching? My gaze move back to
Edwin, he look so confused, hands on his lips
while he stare at me ” lacey ” he step back and
hold his chest ” excuse me ”

Watching him leave, I remain on the floor,
confused. What scares me the most was the
fact that someone might have seen what
happened, but who? Using my hand to cover my
nouth, a huge guilt fall on my shoulders.

If Arthur ever hear of this, what will happen?

Two day has passed,
two days of not seeing lacey ” Arthur ” George
mumble when we walk out of the meeting hall,
my gaze lower to my phone, still no reply from
her, is she busy ” would you like a drink ”

” Hmmm” dipping the phone in my pocket, I drag
a pack of cigarette out, pull one out, light it and
place in my mouth ” drinking is not my thing ”
walking out of the company, I look around…..
Los Angeles, nothing is even spectacular about
this place ” I still have no idea why you fancy it ”

” Smoking is no good either “he replied and I

” You have low tolerance for it ” getting into the
car, we both sit at the back while the driver take
us back to the hotel, drinking has always put me
in bad situation, I mean look at how I handled
lacey, I wasn’t in my right mind.

” Arthur?”

” Hmmm” my phone buzz, I pull it out and smile
at lacey message, already missing me huh.

” Is love at first sight possible?” Hearing those
words from his mouth made me drop my phone
and look at him, he furrow his brows ” don’t give
me that look ”

” George, you are finally in love?” I lean close ”
with who ”

” Get off me ” he push me off and I chuckle ” it’s
just a harmless question, has nothing to do if
am in love or not ”

” You’re hiding it ”

” Am not ” he growl and get off the car the
moment we arrived, trying to catch up with him,
I followed him into the hotel bar, both sit down
in vip section, ten bottle of wine on the table.

” Don’t you think you might drink your life
away?” I look at him, his dark eyes always have
something in them, I always have issues with
what this bastard is thinking.

” You might smoke your life away too ” he frown
and I lean back ” I like Monica ” those voice
came casually to him ” to be sincere, I have
been doing it with her ” and that made me lift
my head up and look at him, George has always
been like a little brother or a son to me, I could
tell something is bothering him ” I know that she
enjoys the segz on bed but I think she h@ťěs me ”

” George”

” And then, they is that bastard Angelo ” he
suddenly look like that little boy from years
back again, grab the bottle and gulp it down ”
what does that bastard have that I don’t? I even
say I will date her ”

” What did you do first ” grabbing my bottle, I
took a sip ” did you try talking to her or you
decided to use your ultimate move, segz?” He
give me a sad look and I exhale ” how many
times do I have to tell you, girls always think
differently if you two have segz immediately,
their thoughts will be if you’re just interested in
their body.”

” What’s the difference between a day and a
month, the segz will still be same ” he growl ”
what if she is with him, having segz with him ”

” George” grab the bottle from his hand, place it
on the table and make him look at me, my
hands on his shoulder ” am sure she likes you, I
mean …’re George, good looks, tall ….rich ”

” What about you ” he lean close ” does lacey
like you? Even after waiting this long for segz,
am sure you haven’t done it yet ”

” Hmmm”

” I knew it !!!” Letting go of him, I watch how he
continues to drink his sorrow away, lighting
another cigarette, I lean back on the chair,
breath in the burn and try to think of something
other than woman, I definitely don’t want
George to know I have made love to her yet ” I
should call her ” opening my eyes, I grab his
phone and get up.

” You’re drunk ”

” Give it back ”

” You will say what you will regret” I growl ” trust
me, am speaking from experience” that didn’t
stop him, I had to run round the room while he
was chasing me, when last did we get together
and have fun like this? I can’t remember.

” I need to talk to her ” he gasp, trying to catch
his breath ” I miss her ”

” You haven’t even known her for a week ”

” I still miss her, hand it over ” I watch him make
the call, my gaze lower to lacey message, I
haven’t even replied her yet…, I know that
feeling once, I have loved before, no matter how
bizarre it seem. I have felt that before.

Where I can’t stay without hearing her voice, I
want to see her everyday, touch her, make her
happy, make her laugh…buy her everything she
needs, I have felt that before and almost died
because of it.

” Love huh ” mumbling, I close my eyes ” can I
bring myself to love again?”

” Arthur ” George sit next to me and rest his head
on my shoulder ” you’re warm ”

” What are you? ” I yell, feeling surprised” have
you turned gay?”

” Let me touch you, just once ” he lean closer ”
Monica” oh my god he is confusing me to be
her, he might try to kiss……when he drew his
face closer I had to punch him.

” help…. someone help” George ended up
screaming. Withdrawing I chuckle then pick up
my phone, new message? Clicking on it, I step
back …..hands clench and mouth dry.

What is this? It has to be fake, lacey won’t do
that to me….not after what we did, no she won’t
embrace another man….must be fake.

Same number text again, this time it was a
video, I stare at it, watch to the very end and my
phone fall from my hand, leaving the screen
damaged ” Arthur ” George worried voice call out
to me but I couldn’t respond.

This has to be fake right?

George pick up my phone and stare at the
pictures, ignoring him I grabbed my phone, call
lacey number but no respond, she isn’t picking ”
I need to go back ”

” Arthur ”

” Schedule a flight to leave tomorrow morning”
looking at George, I growl ” I have to get her
back ” this time he punch me, spitting blood out
I look at him, he stagger backwards.

” Calm down ” George voice high and fill with
anger ” have you ever considered the fact that
this was how it will end, just maybe, maybe she
was never yours to begin with? You have tried
for weeks, to go slow on her and now she
decides to leave, let her be ”

” I can’t ” sitting down, I run my hands through
my hair ” I can’t let her be, lacey, lacey is mine ”
clenching my hands I look at George ” I will ki||
Edwin to prove that, I will ki|| any bastard that
comes between us.”


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