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HomeBAD GIRL LOVEBAD GIRL LOVE – Episode 57 & 58

BAD GIRL LOVE – Episode 57 & 58

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🎀BÀD GÎRL LOVE🎀 (His•Beautiful•Baddie…)



By: Naomi Cindy B.


“I’m so sorry, Chloe” she whispered, breaking
down in regretful tears as she had a flashback
of everything.


The events hall went silent, and everyone slid
into suspense immediately the MC grabbed the
microphone to announce the winner of the just
concluded dance battle.

The contestants are in the front, looking all

Chloe, Mira, Ruby and Mabel in the female

Savage, Vista, and two other males in the make

There’s gonna be one winner from each
category who’s gonna go represent the school
at the Blue house.

The male category winner has been announced
as Savage, and everyone is expecting the
female winner.

The hall remained silent, and the MC smiled
before talking.

“And the winner in the female category is …”

He stopped there, and students began

👥 It should be Chloe

👥 Chloe? No it’s obviously Mira!

👥 You’re not agreeing that it’s Chloe cos she’s
a scholarship student. She might be on
scholarship but trust me she ki||ed the dance,
she should be the winner.

👥 How could a scholarship student represent
the females? That’s senseless

👥 If Chloe wins then it’s total bullshit, a
scholarship student can’t win over the real

👥 Hypocrites. We all know Chloe won this,
Mira can come second.

“And the winner…is…” The MC said again, and
silence returned to the hall

“Chloe Shin” the MC finally announced, and the
hall scattered immediately.

👥 Bullcrap!

👥 It’s not making any sense!

👥 How could a scholarship student win!

👥 She deserved it, leave the poor girl alone!

👥 I want Mira for it!

👥 Even Ruby or Mabel would have been better,
Chloe is trash!

Mabel took off her dancing shoes and threw it
at the judges angrily before storming out of the

Ruby rolled eyes at Chloe and left the hall too.

Chloe remained standing, but despite the h@ťě
she’s receiving from the students, she’s smiling.

“Congratulations” Mira said beside her, and she
faced her.

“Thanks” she said, and Mira smiled before

“Hey, we’re dancing together. We won” Savage
joined her, and and her smile got wider.

“Sorry, there’s something on your lips” he said,
coming closer.

“What?” She asked, and he leaned into her
immediately, kissing her right there.

👥 Geez!!!

👥 Oh m g!!!



“Wait…none of you two won the dance? None of
my daughters are going to the Blue house?
Huh!!!” Chairman Lee ranted angrily.

He’s sitting, and Mabel is in front of him with

“I understand the fact that Mabel has never
been a good dancer, but you too? Mira! You
spent six years in the dance academy when you
were young! What was the use! I was already
boasting to my friends that one of my
daughters will be going to the Blue house but
you disgraced me totally! And yunno what? You
might not be getting shares from my properties
for this!” Chairman Lee shouted.

“No! Dad don’t do that! You divorced my mum
already so it’s death sentence if I don’t get a
share!!! Dad!!!!” Mira cried on her knees.

Chairman Lee went upstairs, and Lady
Genevieve came out to take Mabel in, leaving
Mira to continue crying out her eyes.



Mira came to school early, it wasn’t even 7
already so no student in sight.

She had to leave the house early to avoid
another round of her dad’s anger. She didn’t
even eat.

Rachel her mum has been trying to make ends
meet since she got divorced, but things has
been hard, and now if she fails to get shares
from the properties, she might end up in the
gutters with Rachel.

She was still walking sadly into the hallway
when she noticed the bracelet on her wrist, and
she sighed.

She stole it from Ruby yesterday before the
dance, and she’s not ready to give it back. It’s
too gorgeous on her wrist.

She looked up when she heard pages flipping,
and she saw someone standing beside the rails
which led down to the store room.

Though her back is on her, but she knows Chloe
by her height. She’s the tallest girl in school.

She stopped on her tracks immediately, and her
fists went folded when she remembered the
announcement yesterday.


She folded her fists tighter, remembering her
dad’s words, her mum’s sufferings, everything
built a demon in her head, and she couldn’t
control it.

Tommorow is the president’s banquet, and
since she’s the second in line, she’d be chosen
once Chloe is gone. She has to dance.

She wasn’t thinking anymore when she ran
speedily to Chloe, and just when Chloe made to
look back, she pushed her down the stairs.

Chloe rolled repeatedly, hitting her head and
body of the rails till she got to the base, and the
blood from her head formed a pool around her.

Mira walked to the edge, and tears came out of
her eyes immediately.

“I’m sorry” she muttered.

Chloe’s eyes were already closing, and though
she didn’t see the face, she saw the bracelet
clearly before giving up.


Mira squatted and continued her tears.

Even after pushing Chloe, she still wasn’t
chosen. Mabel went for the dance with Vista so
the whole pushing was useless.

“I’m so sorry” she hiccupped tearfully.



Mone left Ruby already, and right now she’s
walking weakly to the school auditorium where
she’s sure would be silent cos students are
started to arrive in the school.

She got into the auditorium, and surprisingly,
Savage is in there, sitting alone.

She wanted to go out immediately, but he stood
and rushed to hold her back by her arm.


“Yes I’m Chloe! Happy now? Just leave me
alone!” She snapped, and before she could fight
it, her tears fell.

If anyone told her it’d be Mira of all people,
she’d have slapped whoever it is.

In fact, she was starting to like Mira more than
Hwasa cos of her sassy attitude, but now she’s
the culprit she has been looking for, and worse
is that she has been pretending like nothing

She cried more, and Savage held her face. He
began wiping the tears, and she allowed him.

“Wh@ťěver it is, everything is gonna be fine, trust
me” he said, and she sniffed.

“Savage” she called his name as she cried, and
he smiled.

“Finally” he muttered in relief, hugging her


Richie was already on his way to the family
mansion when he got a call from his dad.

He gave the gum in his mouth another chew
before picking.

“Hey Dad!”

“No need to come to the mansion, son. I talked
to your mother about it, and she’d change” Won

“Seriously? Dad that’s what she says every
f-__-king time! She has been doing this since last
year and it has been getting worse but it got
madder this month! 10 billion dollars? How am I
supposed to run the company when all that
cash is gone!” Richie yelled.

“I’d return the money to the company account
before this week ends, I promise” Won replied.

“Wh@ťěver” Richie hung up, throwing the phone
to the second seat.

He made to change route so he’d drive to
Lovelyn’s place, but he butted heads with
another car.

“d@mn” he muttered, coming out of his car

It’s not that much though, just slight scratches
on the body of the two cars.

“I’m so sorry, just send me your account number
and I’d pay for the damages” he said, but
immediately the driver of that car came down,
he frowned.

“Everest Han?”

“Richie Kim” Everest mumbled.

Richie made to get back in his car, but Everest
blocked him.

“Dude, you have every right to be mad at me but.

“Mad at you? It’s more than that Ďïčk, I wanna
ki|| you” Richie cut him off, and he swallowed.

“I still have the scar, want me to show you my
scalp? Just make sure you don’t run into me
again, I’ll really ki|| you” Richie glared and
entered his car.

“What if I tell you Agora cult is involved the
death of your real parents?” Everest said.

“I know about that already, got something else
to bribe me with?” Richie replied, and Everest
sighed as he drove away.



Janet was coming out of the house when Richie
arrived, and she started walking faster when she
saw him.

“Ma’am! Where is Lovie?” He blocked her.

“It’s school day, she’s off to school” she replied.

“Is she ok?”


“Her voice seemed weak last night when we
were talking, and…

“I’m gonna be late for my job” Janet cut him off
and walked away faster.

“Guess she doesn’t like me a bit” he muttered,
dialling Lovelyn’s line again.

She’s not picking like it has been since
daybreak, so he dialled Mira.

“Hey! Buddy”

“My girlfriend, she in school already?” He asked.

“Was just about to call you and ask about her,
I’ve not seen her” Mira replied, and he hung up

He drove to the park he saw her at the other
time, but she’s not there too.

“Baby where are you?” He muttered worriedly,
sweating as he tried her line again.



Bernie arrived and ten minutes ago, but he
remained in his car at the park.

He’d surely run into Lovelyn the moment he
steps into the school unless he stays at the
lounge throughout but that’s even hard to do
cos he’d be craving to see her all day, and the
moment he sees her, there’s no guarantee that
he’d not do something stupid again like kissing

He sighed frustratedly and got his phone, going
to her Stargram to start checking out her
pictures. He does that anytime he misses her
like this.

He was smiling as he scrolled through them, but
he frowned when a news popped up online
about the death of a politician.

He clicked it, and his frown got harder when he
saw it’s the man he saw with his cheating mum
at the hotel last month.

The man he saw with her this early month is a
politician too, and he died too just last week.

Why are they all dying after getting involved
with his mum? And worse is that they both died
of heart failure.

“What’s happening?” He muttered curiously.



“Hwasa!” Jeremy called loudly, and Hwasa
walked faster, clutching her books to her chest
as she made her way to the library

The second test is coming next week, and
exams will roll in after that. She plans to start
preparations early as usual.

“Hwasa!” Jeremy called loudly again, and she
added to her pace.

He caught up with her eventually and turned her
around to face him.

“Hwasa I’m so sorry” he apologized earnestly.

“I should be at the library right now, I don’t have
another 20 minutes to waste on you Jer, I mean.
.. I explained how tough it was to squeeze out
that twenty minutes for you but you ended up
not showing up. It made me look stupid” she

“I know you have the right to get mad, and it all
my fault, but it wasn’t intentional. My mum had
an accident, and…

“What! Is she ok? How did it happen? What the
hell” she gasped.

“It’s only a slight wound on the forehead, but I
told you how she’s good at overreacting. I’m so
sorry Hwasa” he said.

“I’m still mad” she replied, and he smiled.

“So… how can I make it up?”

“You have a lot of money, right? Buy me
chocolates and meet me at the library” she said.

“Sure, I gat you” he replied, watching her till she
went out of sight.

“Hwasa was here just now” Mira suddenly
joined him.

“She went to the library” he replied, and Mone
walked past them immediately.

“Hey Mone!” Mira grabbed her hand, and Mone
shot her a deadly glare before taking her hand
roughly from her.

She walked away, leaving Mira in confusion.

“So … It’s true… Mira pushed Chloe?” Yuri said.

She’s with Ruby and Mabel at the end of the

“Trust me, that Ɓîtçh did” Ruby replied.

“And to think that I have all of Lovelyn’s secrets
with me. This is actually interesting” Mabel

“And what’s the secret?” Ruby asked.

“Soon, this school will turn upside down” Mabel
smiled again.



Mone came in and met Savage still waiting. He
walked to her immediately.

“Are you really sure its her?” He asked.

“I know what I saw” she replied, getting her
phone to dial the ex-president.

“Hello, dad…I think I found the culprit. It’ll all be
over tomorrow” she said and hung up, then
Hwasa came in.

“It’s not Ruby anymore?” She asked.

“It’s … Mira” Mone replied, and Hwasa’s books

” What!”



Richie inhaled when he came out of his car, and
he took a long look at the clubhouse.

Lovelyn is still nowhere to be found, and her line
went off since noon, so he has nowhere else to

Though he has promised not to believe
anything but what she says , but the text he got
was too vague, and he somehow wants to clear

He entered the clubhouse, and the smell of
smoke hit his nostrils immediately.

He blocked his nose with his palm and
continued walking till someone pulled him from
behind, and he turned to see Tsunami.

He immediately grabbed him and pushed him
violently till his back thudded on the wall.

“You’re strong, d@mn” Tsunami groaned with a
light laughter

“It’s you again? What do you want? It took a lot
of self and not to tear you apart the last time
you came to my office so if it turns out that
you’re playing games, I’mma really end you”
Richie thr_@tened, letting go of him.

“Follow me, come see for yourself. Your
girlfriend has been here since noon” Tsunami
smiled, leading the way to the private room.

He opened the door, and Richie looked at him.

“Get in” he said, and Richie walked in boldly.

The room is red with the lights, and there’s only
one chair, so he sat restlessly with a racing
heart, and two minutes later, the door opened.

Kitten came in dressed in her thongs, and he
lifted his brows immediately.

Though the red lights didn’t give him the view of
her face, but he recognizes the figure he’s

He’d recognize that anywhere anytime.

He was dumbstruck as the slow sensual song
started playing automatically, and she began
dancing while walking to him.

It took all of his control to keep sitting till she
got to him, and immediately she touched his
shoulders, he grabbed her hand, stood and
pushed her till they were at the wall.

“What are you…

Her words were cut when he put on the lights,
and their faces mirrored.

Her eyes widened, same with his eyes.

Though she has multiple thick layers of makeup
on, but it’s so obvious to him, it’s his baby right
in front of him in thongs, she’s a…

“Lovie” he whispered shockingly, and she
opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out.

It’s obvious she wasn’t expecting to meet him
here too. She was told to prepare for a private
strip show, but she definitely wasn’t expecting
her customer to be the love of her life.

So…when Tsunami was talking about giving her
a reason to breakup yesterday, this must be it.

She was shaking as Richie held her still by the
wall, and she could feel Richie’s stare burning
through her almost naked body.

She wants to enter the ground so badly right
now and… Disappear.

“Lovie, it’s not… I’m… I’m hallucinating, right?”
He muttered in a shaky voice, holding her naked
shoulders tighter.

Lovelyn looked up slowly, and a small tear
came out of her glassy eyes.

“I’m a Ɓîtçh, Richie. A stripper” she muttered
tearfully, and Richie’s two hands fell from her
shoulders in a slow mo.


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