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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE IMPOSSIBLE – Episode 25 & 26

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( Drips Of Pleasure… )


By, Summer Gold R.




Angel played with Royal’s hair,the deep kiss still
on going,their Mõ@ɲs filled each other’s mouth
as their tongue rolled and twist together,feeling
each others tastes.

By the time Royal broke the kiss,their lips were
both looking red and almost swollen. Angel
caught her breath,they still maintained eyes

“Can we….do that again?” Angel asked and held
Royal’s shirt,she pulled him close again and
slammed her lips on his own,Royal broke it a
minute later,cupping her cheeks while staring
into her eyes.

“You know this…..isn’t right” He said

“I don’t care” Angel muttered.

Royal left her side and her phone rang again,she
answered it this time around.

“I’m sorry Chris,I have to help mom with
something” She said over the phone.

“Oh….then I will see you tomorrow” Chris replied.

“Thank you” Angel said and hung up.

Angel walled closer to Royal and held him.

“Do you regret it?” She asked.


“I don’t want t listen to the but” Angel shook her
head and hugged him.

“The truth is,I like you alot okay? And I’ve been
dreaming so much for this moment” Angel said.

“Go back to your room,I’m trying to use the last
second of control in me right now doll” Royal
tapped her cheek and she blushed.

“I don’t mind if you loose it” She said and Royal

“I’m going to destroy your legs,then your mom
will find out,and we are both dead” Royal said.

“So,make sure they don’t find out” he added.

“They won’t” Angel smiled.

“Can I sleep in your room tonight?” She asked.

“Don’t act too fast” Royal said,pushing her out
of his room.

“This is unfair” Angel pouted.

“I was going on a ride…….”

“I’m coming with you!” Angel immediately

Royal looked at what she was putting on and
shook his head.

“Fine,I will change” Angel mumbled and rolled
her eyes.

“You were really planning to go out with him
wearing this?” Royal scoffed.

“I guess you two aren’t in good terms,come pick
an outfit for me” Angel grabbed his hand as he
took the helmets.

They left his room and went to Angel’s room.



Ryan was in the living room when Christian
walked in,Ryan looked up from the popcorn
bowl in his hand and discovered Christian’s sad

“Are you okay?” He asked.

Christian said nothing and sat down

“You look sad” Ryan muttered.

“She turned you down?” Ryan asked again.

“I didn’t even get to tell her” Christian answered.

“Oh…but then,don’t you think it’s too fast? You
should wait a little bit more” Ryan said.

“Maybe I should,but I don’t know why I fell so
crazily for her,it’s unlike me” Christian muttered.

“I know” Ryan nodded and smiled.

“Wanna play video game?” He suggested.

“Not interested” Christian stood up but Ryan
grabbed his hand.

“You play or forget that you have a twin brother,I
will be waiting for you in the game room” Ryan
smirked and walked away.

“Is he trying to thr_@ten me?” Christian chuckled
but followed anyway.

Ryan’s phone came on,it started ringing. Alice’s
name was written clearly on the screen. It rang
and turned off,the call came on the second time
and then the third time.

Inside the game room,Ryan and Christian were
already screaming and shouting while having


“Whoa!!!!!” Angel screamed in total excitement
on the bike as Royal increased the speed once

“Faster Iceman!” Angel screamed,raising her
arms,Royal was riding along the highway.

He suddenly stopped,hitting the break at once.

Angel opened her eyes to see Royal already
facing her.

“Do you want to die?” He asked.


“Then why asking me to go faster?” Royal asked
and Angel grinned,she removed her helmet and
took off Royal’s own also.

“What are you doing?” Royal asked.

Angel smiled and pecked his lips,she moved her
head back and made to kiss him again.

“Don’t make it an habit” Royal turned his face
away and wore the helmet again.

“Put on your helmet” He said and Angel
immediately did,he started the ride again.

“Wow,this is so amazing Iceman” Angel said
and wrapped her arms around Royal’s tummy.

“This feels so good” She mumbled.

Royal looked down at her hands blankly,he
sighed out and sped more.

“I love you Royal!” Angel shouted.



Alice groaned out loudly and dropped her
phone,she was in the kitchen and just finished
washing the dishes,she’s been calling Ryan
countlessly but got no answer.

“Where is he?” She mumbled worriedly and
opened the fridge,she brought out a fruit and
sat down on the kitchen table,she bite the apple
and took her phone again.

She dialed Ryan’s contact again but it’s still the

“Is something wrong?” Her mom,Liana came in.

“No mom” Alice immediately answered.

“You’ve been sighing around the house kid,you
can’t lie to me” Liana said.

Alice sighed.

“I’ve been trying to call him,but he’s not picking
up” She said.

“Who? Ryan?”

Alice nodded.

“I’m sure he will be glad for come with me to the
grocery store,but since he’s not answering,I will
go alone” Alice said,getting down from the

“You seem to like him alot” Liana said and Alice
looked at her.

“I know he’s not your boyfriend” She added and
Alice was surprised.


“I saw it in his eyes,it wasn’t love” Liana said
and Alice’s face fell.

“But you are in love with him”

“I have a crush on him” Alice mumbled and her
mom smiled.

“I saw that,that’s why I’m bringing this up,
because I saw the way you look at him,your
reactions too” Liana muttered.

“But him…” She shook her head.

“He’s a playboy,I’m not expecting anything from
him,but I enjoy spending time with him” Alice
told her.

“Who said playboys don’t fall in love?” Liana
smiled and Alice listened more curiously.

“Be different tho,don’t be like the other girls he
have séx with for fun,you understand what I
mean” Liana said and smiled at her.

“Thank you mom” Alice said and hugged her.

“It’s nothing,and my friend I told you about,you
might get to meet her this week” Liana said and
Alice nodded.

“I will go get dressed for the store” She said and
walked out of the kitchen.



“Why do you love ice cream air much?” Royal
asked Angel who asked for five cups of ice

“It gives me…….I don’t know but it calms my
nerve” Angel said cutely and Royal chuckled.

“Who’s paying?” The man asked after packing
the ice cream cups.

Angel pushed Royal forward and went in,Royal
gave the man his card and the money was
deducted from it.

He turned to leave but was blocked by a strange

“Hi hottie” she said,blushing.

“Blushing doesn’t suit you” Angel entered back ,
glaring at the girl. She grabbed Royal’s hand
and took him out.


“I don’t want to hear it” Angel shook her head.

“You can’t keep up with this” Royal stated.

“Why can’t I?” Angel asked.

“Then you’re gonna burst us over” Royal

“She was trying to flirt with you……”

“You should have allowed me handle it” Royal
cut in.

“You wouldn’t,I know you enjoy playing with
girls,not allowed when I’m here” Angel said and
Royal chuckled.


Angel nodded.



“Morning mom” Angel said as she entered the
dinning room,Kendall already set the table for

“Morning baby” Kendall smiled at her.

“Where’s your brother? He’s not down yet” She

“His room probably,I’ve not seen him this
morning” Angel said,picking up a spoon.

“Me too,then go check up on him” Kendall said.

Angel dropped her spoon and stood up. She
went upstairs and knocked gently on Royal’s

“Come in” Royal replied from inside and Angel
opened the door,Royal already dressed up
actually,he was just about leaving the room
when Angel entered.

“Morning” She smiled,staring at Royal looking
hot as usual.

“Is something wrong?” Royal asked.

“No,mom asked me to check up on you” Angel

“Let’s go…..”

“Ice wait” Angel grabbed his hand and Royal
looked at her.

He his head to her level,their faces close to each
other,Angel could feel his fresh minty breath
hitting her face,making her feel hot in between
her legs.

“What do you want?” Royal whispered and she

“I…….I…what do I want??……uhm…” Angel
stammered and Royal chuckled.

“I know I’m handsome,but you shouldn’t react
this way” Royal said,Angel stood still,staring at
Royal’s lips and then back to his eyes.

Royal grabbed her waist and pulled her closer,
Angel bite her lips trying not to let out her heavy

Royal kissed her cheek and she closed her eyes,
inhaling. He moved to her neck and Angel

“Just…….touch me Ice…..touch me” Angel
stuttered without thinking.


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