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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⚜️(Romance:Arranged marriage)⚜️
(Theme:Love, revenge, action)
Setting: England, United Kingdom (21st
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️


There is more about you that I know and you
don’t even know I do”

“I want to be happy, I want to have friends I can
talk freely with,
I want to live a life of freedom, be comfortable,
and be okay
But no, it’s the opposite, am so unlucky”
A tear fell from her eye.
Ethan just watched her.
She began to spill out all the problems she had
been hiding from the world.
My life has been a hell for me, especially in the
past few weeks”
The pregnancy and…

“What pregnancy are you talking about?
She was interrupted by Ethan. Ethan looked

Lauren looked at Ethan with a sad face.
“Am carrying a baby”
She muttered.

“You’re pregnant?”
Ethan asked again to be sure.


A confused look was on his face.
“How is that possible?
Are you married?”

I’m not”

“Then, who is Alex?
You once mentioned his name”

“Alex is no one… Forget about that
And give me the chance to explain myself”
Lauren said and sighed.

“Am all ears”

“I don’t know how I got pregnant”
Lauren began.
“I don’t even know who the father is”

“I can’t believe this… Are you saying you are
pregnant without sleeping with anyone?”

Lauren nodded.
“Have never slept with anyone before but here I
am, carrying another life in me”
“Look, Ethan… I just want you to know this so
you will know what you are getting into.
And that’s why I said you can’t make me happy,
am going to be sad all your life”
It’s like am bound to become sad for the rest of
my life”

Ethan held her hand.
“That doesn’t mean I should stay away from
And stop saying negative things about yourself”
He held Lauren’s hands.
But how did that happen?” Explain to me

“I don’t know… I just woke up the next day and
found out I was pregnant”

Silent ruled between them for a second.
“This is crazy”
Ethan speaks out after giving it another thought
of maybe believing her story or not.

Can we change the topic? I don’t want to think
about how my life has been messed up right

“Your life isn’t messed up… You are just passing
through some difficult stage that you are going
to endure for the time being.
“Being in a messed up life isn’t permanent, you
are not going to stay in that position forever”

“I don’t think things can be better for me…
Lauren replied.

Ethan held her shoulder.
“Stop saying negative things to yourself, I
already warned you”
And learn to fight for yourself”

“Look, my life is always messed up”

“That can be one of the reasons your life is like
I don’t think you believe in yourself”
Ethan said and held her close before hugging

Lauren cried on his shoulder as Ethan patted
her back.
“I’m here for you now and am not going
anywhere anywhere…
No matter what you are going through”
He assured her.

(10:30 pm)
Lauren arrived late in the evening. She walked
into the living room where Alex was already fast
asleep with the TV still on.
“That’s just what he does everything
Stay home, do nothing, eat my food, and watch
Lauren muttered.
“He doesn’t even act like a husband like he was
paid to do”

She sighed and walked towards her bedroom.
Something crossed her mind.
Ethan doesn’t know about Alex.
“I think I should have let him know about him”
She thought and then she shrugged it off. She
got to her bedroom and lay peacefully on the
bed with a smile on her face.
Ethan’s words touched her heart.
“I think have made a true friend

Her phone rang. It was Det lewis. She quickly sat
up and accepted the call.
“Evening Miss Lauren Quinn… Am sorry for
calling this late”
Det Lewis apologized.

“It’s alright…
Why do you call?

“I want to report the results of my private
Remember I once promised to help you find
who is behind those house theft”

“Yeah, I didn’t forget you promised to help.
So who are they? Can they be arrested?”

“Yeah… But that will be very difficult, these
people are quite above the law”

Lauren scoffs.
“Who are they?
Wait, let me guess, is it Luke and his thugs?”

They are the only ones who know the passcode
to your home.
Just like you told me… it’s just Luke and Mr
George who know about your house passcode.

“Just like I suspected…
He wants to ruin my life, it might be one of his
plans to take over as the CEO of Linde Plc”

“Well, Lauren Quinn… I would advise you to be
very careful
Luke isn’t a man the cops can handle very

“I will…
Thanks, Det Lewis”


“So what are we going to do about Luke’s case?
Lauren asked.

“Are you planning on bringing Luke to book”?
Det Lewis asked back with a question.

Isn’t that possible?”

“It is but it’s going to be difficult
We have to set out a plan that could trap him in
a net he can’t escape”

“Then let’s do it.
It’s time for me to fight for myself”
She said and smiled remembering Ethan also
said the same words to her.

It’s going to be a win-win for us then”
I’m in”

Lauren smile.
“So can we meet somewhere and discuss about

How about tomorrow evening after work?”

“That sounds cool”
Goodnight, Det lewis”

She ended the call and took a deep breath.

“Why am I so happy tonight?
She said to herself with her face full of smiles.
“I guess Ethan makes me happy”

(Ethan’s resident)
Harry came into the small living room with a
glass of water.
Ethan who was already tired of the day’s stress,
landed tiredly on the sofa.
He collected the glass of water from Harry and
gulped down the whole content.
“Thanks so much, Harry”

“I guess your date with Lauren went well with
the smile on your face”

“Yeah, I did… I get to know her the more”
He smiles.

“So why did you come back tired?
What happened?”

“The stress I went through to make sure our
date goes well makes me so tired”
Ethan replied.

“Sorry about that
You spent a lot on this date”

Ethan suddenly jerks up from the sofa on
hearing that.
“Omg, where is my phone?
I need to check my account balance”

“Wait, you spent all your money?
Harry said and handed over Ethan’s phone to

Ethan quickly checked his account balance.
As soon as he saw his account balance. All his
body went cold. His mind was blank.
Harry grabbed his phone and checked also.

“Holy $h|t…
“Man, you are d@mn broke”
How do you spend all your money?”
Harry asked.

“I didn’t know a date would cost a lot”
Ethan said with a sad face and wanted to cry.

Harry couldn’t laugh.
“You took the owner of one of the biggest
companies in the UK on a date, remember?
So expect you are definitely going to spend

Ethan couldn’t even think straight. He just
looked up at Harry.
“Do you know I just lost the money I needed,to
repay the debt my sister and I owe?”

Harry was silent for a moment. He couldn’t say
a word.
Ethan spent the money on Lauren oo

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