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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Romance:Arranged marriage)⚜️
(Theme:Love, revenge, action)
Setting: England, United Kingdom (21st
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️
Her brain flashed into some old memories.
Memories of when she found out she was
pregnant in this same hospital.
Ethan noticed the sad face Lauren put on. He
saw she was thinking of something that made
her sad.
He quickly drew her to himself and hugged her.

Lauren wanted to pull off from the hug but
Ethan held her tight.
Ethan tapped her back gently.
“Everything is going to be okay”
Lauren breathes out in relief as she embraces
A nurse walked in to ruin their moment.

“Hrm… Am sorry for coming in without
She apologized.

“It’s okay…
Ethan replied as they disengaged from the hug.
Lauren was a bit shy unable to look at Ethan
and the nurse’s face.

The nurse noticed the awkward moment she
created when she came in.
“I think am going to come back later…
I just came to check how you are feeling but it
seems you are doing pretty good”
The nurse smiled and walked out.

Lauren chuckled but was still unable to look at
Ethan’s face.
Ethan faced her as soon as the nurse left.
“Why are you hiding your face?”
He asked.

I will be on my way now”
She stood up from the bed.

“Thanks for visiting”
Ethan smile.

Lauren took her handbag and quickly rushed

🧩🎲(The George’s residence)🧩🎲
Mr George was in the living room busy with
some guests when Luke suddenly walked in.
“Dad… I want to have some words with you”
He said as he came in.

“Your eyes are working well…
Can’t you see am having some business
conversation here?”
Mr George replied.

“I think we will take our leave now…
We already talked about everything we have to
do for the preparation
So, you can have some words with your rude
One of his guests said as three stood up from
the couch and walked out with dissatisfied
looks on their faces.

Mr George sighs resting his head on his fingers.
“What have you done?”

“Dad, I need to speak with you”
Luke was still adamant about having some
words with him.

“Can’t you see what you have done?
You just chased away your next month’s
I just lost $70million worth of business because
of you”

“I don’t care about that…
What’s with the trash you put into Lauren’s
What are you planning?”

“So is that the reason you decide to become a
nuisance in my living room?”

“Answer me, Dad…
What’s Alex’s mission?”

“To save our whole family from embarrassment
and disgrace”
Words must not get out Lauren Quinn is
carrying a bastard without a father”
Mr George replied.

You and I know you don’t care about this family
at all.
All you are after is Lauren’s wealth and assets”
What are you planning? You can fool Lucy or
anybody but not me”

Mr George smiled.
“You are really a smart one…
That’s one of the reasons I want you to take
over as the CEO of Linde Plc after Lauren is
being dethroned”.

“It will be hard now since she has a company
lawyer and he also works as an employee”
Luke replied.

“Who is he anyway?”

“Ethan Baker…
He is the only one that can stop me from being
the CEO, I can feel it”

“I will take care of it”

“I don’t think you can… I already tried but failed”

“You can’t handle it
Mr George replied.
I know you are easily swayed by mere words
and am very sure that’s what he used against

Luke thought of it for a while.
Ethan thr_@tened him using his sister who he
claimed knew he would be abducted by him and
was going to release his secrets if she didn’t
hear from him before the stipulated time
Luke scoffs after realizing it’s all a lie.

“I guess he did that”
Mr George said.

Leave Ethan Baker to me, I will handle him”
So, now what are you planning with Alex?”
He changes the conversation.

“Alex is going to bring back everything we have
ever wanted. He is the key role in bringing back
everything Lauren Quinn collected from us”

“And how is that possible?

“Just watch and see”
Mr George smiled.

Luke fakes a smile. It seems he doesn’t trust his
dad. His dad might be after something else.
But do you really know who is responsible for
Lauren’s pregnancy?”
He suddenly asked that question.

The way Mr. George reacted on hearing that
convinced Luke that his father knew something
about Lauren’s pregnancy.
His dad couldn’t speak a word.
“Am I the father of the baby?”

“What’s wrong with you?
Lucy once reported this your new attitude of
Do you want to be the foster father of Lauren’s
unwanted baby?” Why are you trying to pin the
pregnancy on yourself?”
Mr George said those words leaving Luke

“So, am truly the father of the baby. I
impregnated my cousin
You both lied to me”
Luke’s face changed to an angry one.

Don’t jump to conclusions.
You forcefully had segz with a lady at the party
that day but the lady isn’t Lauren.
Lauren doesn’t even attend parties or go on an

“But Lauren mentioned her memory was blank
and she doesn’t know how she got pregnant,
meaning definitely she was drvgged”
Luke replied.

Mr going stood up and walked to him. He held
his shoulder.
“You are not the father of the baby…
Trust me”

“How can I trust you?”

“Then, I am going to show you the lady you
forcefully had segz with”
Mr George said.

“Which means she is still alive?”
Luke asked.

She is still alive, I send her into hiding.
Lucy doesn’t know about this”

🎲🧩Lauren’s resident🧩
Lauren drove back home from the hospital
herself. She sighed as he mind crossed back to
what happened back earlier with Ethan at the
The hug she received was a comforting one.
She felt like all her problems were being wiped
away and everything was alright.

She doesn’t know when a smile curved out of
her lips remembering the consoling hug.

Alex who was in front of the house waved his
hands at Lauren bringing her back here.
“It seems your mind isn’t here”
Alex said.
Can we head inside now?”

Lauren just ignored him and walked inside. Alex
quickly followed behind her.
They both got inside.
Alex helped her with her handbag surprising

“Just go in and freshen up, dinner is in your
bedroom also”
Alex said.

Lauren just nodded like she didn’t care.
“Thanks for the dinner but I already ate outside
before coming back”
She said and walked to her bedroom.

Alex placed his two hands on his waist
watching her walk away.
“She still doesn’t like me.. after what I did today
just to impress this lady”
I cooked dinner and cleaned the whole house,
she didn’t even notice the house is more clean
than before”
Alex sounds pissed and angry.

Lauren walked tiredly to her bedroom. She saw
the bedroom well cleaned and the bed well laid.
She also saw a tray of covered meals beside her
“So he truly prepared dinner?
Lauren seems surprised.

~ Hours later ~
(Living room)
Lauren came out already dressed in her
nightwear. Alex’s eyes were glued to the TV. He
seems to be enjoying the show being displayed.
Lauren walked to the table and took the TV
remote. She was about to change the channel
when Alex stopped her.

“Don’t you dare”
Alex said freezing Lauren’s hand in the air.

“And why is that?”

“Can’t you see am watching my favorite TV

“This is my TV and my house, not yours…
I can do wh@ťěver I want and I don’t care
wh@ťěver TV show you are watching”.

“Well, am sorry…
Am the man of the house now, am your
husband, so you now listen to me”

Lauren scoffs.
“Who are you?” Do you think you can just come
in here, behave as if you are my husband, and
do wh@ťěver you want in my house, my living
Look, you are a stranger to me, okay? I don’t see
you as a closed one talkless of a husband”

“Whether you like it or not… I am your husband
legally. We both signed the marriage papers”.
Alex replied.

“What papers are you talking about?”
Lauren was confused.

“Mr George didn’t give you any marriage
contract to sign?
Oh, I guess he faked your signature then”
Well, according to the contract, we are to be
married and we have to live together for two
years before filing for a divorce.
Everything you owned before marriage will also
be mine and I can do wh@ťěver I want with it cos
it is mine now including this TV am using to
watch my TV show”
So hand me the remote”
He stretched his hands towards Lauren but she
was already lost in thought.
Alex could see the tears forming in her eyes.
Alex just reminded her of her problems again.

“Hey, am sorry if I made you cry…
I thought since we are boasting of what we
have, I should also say why all these also
belong to me”

“It’s okay…
You can have the remote”
Lauren said and handed it over to him before
walking back to the bedroom.

Alex sighs and puts on a regrettable face.
“I shouldn’t have said that”
He muttered.
He got up and walked towards the bedroom.
Lauren already locked the door from behind.
“Hey, Lauren…
Am sorry”
Alex apologized.

“Just let me be…
I need some time alone”
He could hear Lauren’s voice from inside.

(Some hours later)
🧩🎲 At Ethan’s apartment 🧩🎲
Harry helped Ethan out of the car. Ethan
staggered on his healthy foot.

Harry rushed to the other side of the car and
brought out his walking stick.
He quickly hands it over to Ethan as they
manage to walk towards Ethan’s doorstep.
Beth came out from her apartment and walked
to them.
“You guys are back…
I guess the doctor discharged you early”
Beth said.

Ethan had to plead with the doctor to release
him to save his job”
Harry replied and Beth laughed.

“I guess you are scared to lose your job”
Beth asked.

Ethan just shrugged.
“Can we go inside now?”

“Yeah, sure…
Let me help”
Beth replied and held Ethan at his other side
while Harry handled the right.

~ The next morning ~
🎲(Linde Plc)🧩
Ellie walked into Lauren’s office and dropped
the file she asked for.
“Am done with that, Miss Lauren”

Have you made an appointment with those
glassware vendors?”
I need to meet them immediately, we have a lot
to discuss”

I already did, the meeting is set for 2 pm this
Ellie replied.

“That’s great
Lauren smile.
“I love how you handle your job well”

Yeah, thanks Lauren”
Ellie chuckles.

“About Ethan Baker…
Prepare a release letter, he has been released
from his duties”
Lauren said with a little tone of authority.

Ellie smiles.
“I think there won’t be a need for that”

Lauren looked up at her.
“What do you mean?”
She asked.

“He already resumed this early morning”
Ellie replied.
A knock came on the door.

“Morning, Miss Lauren”
Ethan’s voice was heard from outside.

“You can come in…
Ellie said and faced Lauren.
“I will be at my office if you need me”
She added before walking out. Ethan also
Ethan smiled and winked at her as she walked

Ethan staggered on his left foot to her.
“Am surprised you resumed work before your
absent days elapsed”
Lauren said.

“Yeah…. I knew you were going to miss me if I
was fired,
I have to make sure I resume work today by all
Ethan replied.

“Welcome back”.
How is the leg now?”
Lauren smiled but hid it. Ethan noticed it and
kept quiet.

“Well, the doctor said it’s healing and I just have
to try and walk without the walking stick

“And where is your walking stick?”
Lauren asked. She seems more interested in his

“I left it at home, and decided to walk without it
He replied and moved closer to Lauren.

“You can go back to your office now, your job is
saved right?”
Lauren quickly said when she noticed Ethan
moving closer to her.

“Why didn’t you have any socials? I wanted to
contact you somehow but I remembered you are
not on any social media”
Ethan asked.

“You could have just texted me”
Lauren replied.

“I wanted to see your face on a video call”
Ethan said still moving closer to her.
Lauren stopped him placing her two hands on
his chest.

“What are you trying to do? ”
Lauren asked.

“I don’t know… I think it’s you who has
something different in your mind.
What are you thinking?”
Ethan moved his face closer, staring very
closely at her face. He grabs her waist and pulls
it against his.
“Now that we are close…
He said in a low voice.
“What are you thinking about me in that little
mind of yours?”

Lauren just scanned his face with an innocent,
shy look on her face.


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