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HomeTHE NEW MAIDTHE NEW MAID – Episode 27 & 28

THE NEW MAID – Episode 27 & 28

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🥀🔥 THE
{… His Crazy Disguise…}

THEME; Heart Felt Roses.


Gbemi Writes ✍️




{ The Kiss }

“You can’t possibly be serious right?” Tracy
asked but instead of replying, Ray signalled to
his friend who came to pull Tracy up.

“Hey, let her go” Vance tried to interfere but Ray
quickly took hold of his hand and sat beside

“Just let Tracy have a talk with my friend while I
talk to you instead. What’s your name, pretty
lady” Ray asked.

“You see have got two names. If I tell you the
first one you will obviously become more
obsess with me but if I tell you the other one
then you are bound to run away. Which one do
you prefer?” Vance asked.

“The one which will make me more obsess” Ray
said taking hold of Vance hand once again.

“Somehow your hand doesn’t look soft and
feminine” Ray commented while starring at his
hand,Vance quickly pulled away knowing that if
he wasn’t careful, a foolish guy this will
definitely realise that he is a guy.

“Do every feminine hand have to look soft and
feminine?” Vance asked in return.

“It has to ”

“Then am sure that if you look around enough,
you are going to find someone else with such__”

“I don’t mind going with strong hands this time
around cause you see, feminine and soft have
been boring, I need something new which is
you. So don’t think it will be easy for you to
discard me cause I won’t let you ” Ray said,
sending a smile that would have melt the hearts
of many ladies.

Angela who had witnessed this scene couldn’t
stop laughing.

“What’s funny? Are you angry that Ray didn’t
look at you and chose Sarah instead?” Elsa

“Let’s just say that am laughing at the situation.
Ray doesn’t know what he’s getting into by
falling for Sarah” Angela bit out airily.

“I doubt that. Ray strikes me as someone who
knows what he’s doing and since he chose
Sarah, am sure there’s a reason. What I can’t get
is why Tracy is angry” Elsa added as both of
their gaze drifted to Tracy who was seated at
the back with one of Ray friends, looking angry.

“She rejected Ray when he made a move on her
once. Is she now angry because Ray finds
Sarah attractive and not her?” Elsa asked

“More like she’s jealous of Ray” Angela replied
watching the intent look on Tracy face.

Has she also found out about Vance secret.


“Until when are you going to keep hiding this
truth from that Martin guy?” A man gently
smoking his cigarette asked the lady that was
seating in front of him with her legs crossed.

“What truth?”

“That he has a son whom he knows nothing
about” The man replied which got the lady
sending a glare his way.

“You know what will happen if I do that.
Everything we’ve been planning for years will
definitely go to waste ” The lady said as she
pulled out a cigarette to lit.

“But the truth is bound to come out someday
and it’s also time I get close to my child” the
man said looking grim without a bit of affection
in his rugged face.

“You will someday but not just now. There’s still
a whole way to go, let’s not jeopardize this and
just focus on what we will achieve at the end”
She said and that got him agreeing.

“So, what’s your next plan?” The guy asked.

“The next plan is to get rid of two other girls of
the Martin daughters. We shouldn’t have any
obstacle shackling us when it’s time for us to
enjoy the fruits of our labour” The lady told him
while starring at her nails.

“Fine then, I will get things ready”


“It’s not funny” Vance said glaring down at
Angela who kept laughing.

Turns out they were both given the same tent to

“It is to me. I can already picture the look of
horror on Ray face when he realise that you are
a guy” She said in between laughter.

“That’s why have got to get him off my back
and you need to help me ” Vance pleaded.

“Only on one condition. Tell me, Is Tracy aware
about your real identity?” Angela asked and he
nodded in return.

“No wonder she was looking pissed, turns out
she was jealous” Angela muttered.


“Figure that out yourself. Now that two of us
know about your identity, you can be rest
assured that you will be fine. Now where’s that
dumb Ray ” she said as she left the tent.

Vance breathe out a sigh of relief thinking about
everything that happened today.

This trip is meant to get his mind off things, to
help him relax but instead he’s more frustrated
than ever.

The vibration of his phone got him pulling it out
of his pocket to read a text.


his face lit up on reading Tracy text and
immediately he left the tent only to be
bombarded by Elsa.

“It won’t take time, it’s just a game” Elsa said as
she pulled him off to join some students who
were seated in a circle playing a game of truth
and dare.

Amongst those student was Ray and Angela.

He had told Angela to get Ray away from him
but somehow, he was the one who went to Ray.

Pulling out his phone, he sent a text to Tracy.

It was evening. The sun had long gone
disappear making room for the moon.

Tracy finally found the group of students
having fun and she spotted Vance amongst

He seemed to be enjoying himself, she thought
and made her way to where they were purposely
sitting somewhere far from Vance.

Vance who had seen her quickly sent a
message just as the students spin the bottle
which landed on Ray.


Tracy heard the beep of her phone but she
didn’t bother bringing it out to read his

“Truth or Dare?” One of the female asked Ray
who chose Dare.

“I dare you to kiss a girl you find attractive ”
They threw the question at Ray which made him
very pleased.

On the other hand Vance was texting Tracy, his
attention was totally on the note he was typing
and he failed to see Ray approach him.

Vance will never forget the way, Ray lifted his
chin and pressed his lips on his.

He had first been shock but when he got back
his composure, he quickly pushed Ray away
from him.

“Are you crazy!” Vance yelled at him but Ray
gave him a wink and a smile before going back
to his spot.

Vance quickly looked around but there was no
sign of Tracy. Where did she go?

He was about to go in search of her when Elsa
stole his attention.

The game went on for a while and Tracy was no
where to be seen.

When he couldn’t take it, he stood up to go in
search of her when he saw her coming back.

She looked pissed and pale,what happened to
her? Is she angry about the kiss he shared with

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Reed
approach them accompany by Lola.

The bottle was spin again and this time it
landed on Tracy.

“Truth or Dare ” they asked and he was
surprised to hear her say dare, shouldn’t she be
playing safe?

“We dare you to kiss someone among everyone
seated here” They said and Slowly Tracy stood

They watched as she walk around getting calls
from some of the male student but she ignored
them and went towards Reed.

“She said you should take a pick from one of
the people playing the game. Reed is definitely
not playing” Lola told her but Tracy totally
ignored her.

She move towards Reed who was mesmerized
by her. She had her lips very close to his when
she whispered against his mouth.

“I know your secret” she said making his eyes

“And it’s totally sickening” she added and move
away from him, retracing her step to where
Vance and Elsa was seated.

Right in front of everyone, Tracy knelt beside
Vance and claim his lips___


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