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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 77 & 78

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.









“What’s going on?” Emma immediately stood up
as her senses told her that there was danger in
the city.

She and Diane rushed outside, and met scary
looking demons and rogue zombies, creatures
and everything scary, everywhere. Everywhere
was suddenly turning dark, spookily and a lot of
humans were déad already…..


“What in the world?!” Both Emma and Diane
exclaimed at the same time, with wide eyes and

“What…is…going on?!” Diane who was already
trembling, asked with a shaky voice.

It looked like she was watching a horror as she
stared at the scene before her in fear.

People could be seen running helter skelter,
wailing in fear.

Emma already knew what this meant, because
if this was an ordinary attack, then things
wouldn’t be like the way they were at that

The demons, the rogue zombies, creatures and
the sudden change of weather were definitely
something she knew was going to happen.
However, she didn’t expect this.

“Where’s your mom?” Was all Emma could say
as she turned to look at Diane who was still


Emma couldn’t wait for her to complete her
statement, she grabbed Diane by the hand and
they both went back inside.

Diane’s mom just walked out of her room too,
coming to know what was going, but she wasn’t
given the chance to.

Emma held their both hands and they all
vanished before any of them could speak.

Emma’s mom who was already panicking,
walking around in fear and frustration. She was
actually preparing breakfast for her husband
and herself when the unexpected struck. She
was still in that state when Emma appeared
with Diane and her mom in the living room.

“Emma?!” Richard and Megan called out in both
panic and shock as they didn’t expect to see

“Where’s grandma?” Was the first thing she
asked. She couldn’t even say “hello”, or spare
them any glance. There was absolutely no time
for that!

Once Emma brought her grandmother too, she
finally speak, her voice sounding very serious
and powerful.

“Y’all stay here until everything is done” Was all
she told them.

Knowing that those rogue creatures would of
course start entering people’s home to attack
and kìll.

Emma’s eyes immediately began to glow the
usual color as she shut them completely.

In few seconds, the entire house was covered
with something like mist.

Emma’s parents and the others couldn’t speak,
they were just too stunned and amazed to do
that. And Diane’s mom who hadn’t actually seen
Emma doing those things, was the one who got
stunned more. It felt like she was dreaming of
probably watching a movie.

“This will keep you all safe until whenever I
come back. I love you, mom and dad, I love you
all” Emma uttered, but before any of them could
re could reply or say anything, she was out of
the room; she vanished.

“What just happened?” Diane’s mom who just
got out of her daze, asked with her mouth wide.

“Lord, please keep my daughter safe” Emma’s
mom prayed inwardly as she feared what might
happen even though she knew Emma wasn’t an
ordinary girl.

Though she had not told them that she was
Themis, except for Diane whom she was able to
tell before the attack came.

Meanwhile, back in the underworld, everyone
had been alerted.

The clouds were extremely dark, so dark and
creepy. It wasn’t the usual change of weather
that happened during Emma’s transformation,
this was pure evil. It was screaming evil!

It seemed the human world wasn’t the only
place that was being attacked by those
creatures. Even the Immortal world was in

This happened unexpectedly, and though the
Masters had sensed that this battle was going
to take place soon, they didn’t see it coming so
very soon.

They were all still preparing for their usual day’s
activities when the danger alarm began to blare,
and it wasn’t the usual alert noise it always
made. It was different, so hearing it sound that
way, they all knew what that possibly meant.

The only place that was not attacked yet was
the school that of course, was under protection.

Master Shirlene and the rest could be seen too,
all on alert. It definitely wasn’t a battle for just
the students to handle, it was for everyone who
had the power to fight the evil ones.

Anyway, while everyone was taking their stand,
preparing themselves for the fight, all Tempest
could do was to worry about Emma whom he
had been looking for to be sure she was alright.
Even though he knew Emma got all the powers
to fight and protect herself, he just couldn’t help
but to be worried about her.


“You all can’t be here, the human world is being
attacked more, though Emma is handling that
already. But we need more of you there than

“This isn’t the usual attack, but Belphegor, Circe
and Black tiger have finally gone beserk. I know
you all weren’t really prepared for this, but the
battle has begun already and many humans are
déad already as I speak. So, whether or not you
are ready, you have to be prepared for wh@ťěver
happens” Masters Shirlene told every single one
of them.

Tempest wasn’t there though. Aside Emma, he
was the only one who was not there among the

Ever since Emma told him what the Masters
said, he had been staying away from school
and from the Masters. Nonetheless, he was in
the school in his room before Emma even left,
and they had seen each other that morning
before Emma told him where she was going.

That’s by the way. So, the Masters shared them
and immediately they did, the students began to
leave for the human world, even those who
couldn’t teleport themselves, did, because the
Masters gave the powers to do so.

“What is going to happen now? I have a very
bãd feeling about this” Master Levi turned to
Master Shirlene and said, the moment the
students left.

“Emma is still adamant and I don’t think there’s
really anything I or anyone can do about. As
much as I h@ťě what I’m about to say, I also
can’t help but say it, it seems she’s ready to
sacrifice herself again to end, which I doubt will
end for real. I wouldn’t, until destiny has been
It is obvious that Emma isn’t going to change
her mind about this, the battle has begun
already, and even though she still got the
chance to do what is right, she’s still not going
to do it.

“So I really don’t know what or how else to
persuade and make her understand this. I can’t
force her to do what she doesn’t want to, no one
can. But she should be reassured that she’s
doing this at her own detriment” Master Shirlene
explained and the other Masters could only sigh
in frustration, shaking their heads in

This was way worse than any of them thought.

So, as it stood, it was either Tempest dìed or
Emma was going to dié. Tough!


The moment Emma appeared, she was
welcomed by the rogue creatures who attacked
immediately, but they were easily taken down
by Emma. They were like ten of them who came
at her at once, but it only took seconds before
she took them down.

“Who the hell created all these?” She asked no
one in particular as she went for another set,
coming to her.

They were just too many of them that she had
thought the battle wasn’t going to end that day.
Like they were going to continue with it the next

Emma had just taken down another set of the
rogue creatures when she heard loud wails
coming from the apartment near her.

She immediately vanished and appeared there,
and inside were two déad bodies that the
creatures just kìlled.

Emma clenched, and instantly activated her ice
powers, but the creatures were already attacking

Emma attacked them back, furiously but not
with what she wanted to do to them because of
the humans. She didn’t want to harm them.

So, she fought the creatures that way until she
got to the humans and touched them, vanishing
with them out of the room to a safe place.

After she did so, she came back to the scene
and immediately smiled, because she saw that
Tempest and the rest had arrived.

The moment Tempest saw her, he teleported to
her side and immediately hugged her.

“Are you okay? I was so worried” He said and
Emma smiled, very happy to see him too.

“I am fine, okay? Dealing with them real good”
Emma replied, and Tempest was about saying
something again when a multitude of the
creatures came at once.

Tempest and Emma both looked at each other
and nodded thier heads, before unleashing thier
powers. Emma was slashing and piercing thier
bodies with the sharp pointy ice crystals she

While Tempest activated another of his powers
that he had never used. With just the moment of
his hands, he was snapping the creatures heads
off their bodies without actually touching them.

Once he moved his hand in a twirling manner,
the creatures heads just leave their bodies and
start rolling on the ground.

Not even Emma had seen that power of his.

He got other powers too, reasons why Circe
wanted to kìll him by herself to gain those

Because if she let Emma kìll Tempest, she
(Circe) wouldn’t just be weakened, she also
wouldn’t be able to gain any of those powers
from Tempest.

However, from yesterday, she knew Emma
wasn’t going to kìll Tempest after all. So she
was relieved of that.

Now, after what happened yesterday, she
created more of those creatures just within
yesterday, after which, she kìlled almost of them
and drank their blôod, gaining more powers.

It was surprising how she was able to achieve
all that just within that yesterday. Now with her
powers, she could duplicate those creatures
without having to create them.

And while she did so, she made sure to poison
their hearts for them to be heartless and vicious.

Same yesterday, an evil thought came to her
mind and that was why she decided to do
things that way. Right at the moment, her main
target was Emma.

She alone knew what evil she planning against

All she anticipated on was for her to succeed in
that evil plan of hers, and once she succeeded
in it by trapping Emma where she wanted to
trap her in, then that would be it.

Belphegor on the other hand increased the
number of his demons, venting his anger on
everyone. He finally found out who Circe told
him was in love with Themis and they even
fought. Well, he still didn’t know Tempest was
his son, and Tempest didn’t tell him either.

The dark demon in him was awakened the very
day Circe told him that, and worst still, he found
out about that himself and it was true what
Circe said.

He decided to be that evil and viscious man
again that he had almost forgotten he was.

And for Black tiger, she was just doing it to gain
more slaves and powers.

Anyway, Emma smiled at Tempest, and he
smiled back excitedly.

They both took down those ones they had at
hand before going to join the others to help.

“All of you came?” Emma was surprised to see
that everyone came, because Tempest already
told her that the underworld was under attack
too. So expected some of them to be there.

“Yes, the Masters are handling the underworld,
the chaos there isn’t as much as the one here”
Calix spoke and he kicked one that attempted to
grab him, and Tempest moved his hand like he
was cutting off something. Like that, he cut off
the head of that same one Calix kicked.

“We need to split, we all can’t be in one place.
These creatures are everywhere and it it’s as if
they are just multiplying or something” Emma
said to everyone.

“That’s right, we can’t focus only on one place”

They all did as Emma had said, they went to
their different places. Schools, hospitals, the
beach and every corner of the city.

“Were you able to….

“Yes, Temp, and they are okay right now” Emma
quickly replied, knowing what Tempest was
about to ask.

“Great then. We need to split too, Emma. This is
worse than I thought. My mother and well….
father have gone insane and I don’t think this is
going to be easy and short lived”

“It’s obvious, Temp, wasn’t expecting less.
I know you can handle this alone, but be careful,
okay? I’m leaving now. My family is right behind
you” Emma said, pointing to where she was
talking about. “I left them under a protective
mist, but still make sure they are okay, please”
She said and Tempest nodded with a smile,
before giving her a quick kiss and then they
both left.

Immediately Emma left, more than thirty of the
creatures came at Tempest at once.

Because he didn’t expect all of them, he didn’t
expect any of them at all, so he was taken

Before he could do anything, he was grabbed by
the creatures, but instead of being scared, he let
out a knowing smirk.

While they still held him that way, about to harm
him, Tempest suddenly melted in their hands,
and was gone.

The only thing the creatures could see, was an
overly hot larva which instantly burned them,
shockingly turning them into statues.

Seeing that they were all statues now, Tempest
turned back to his normal self and started
spitting same larva out of his mouth, firing it at
the others that came again as he fought further.


Like Diane knew something like that was going
to take place, that she didn’t go to school.

The whole school was under attack and some
students, including some of the teachers were
gone already (déad).

Bluey and Astrid were the ones who came to
protect and fight the demons in school, but it
seemed they came a bit late.

However, that didn’t stop them from doing what
they came to do.

Bluey already created her shield, a very big one
to be precise, one that could take as much
people as there were.

While Bluey fought with her water powers, Astrid
was doing hers with her animals, and amidst
that, they were saving the students and taking
them to the shield.

Everyone else was just busy with the battle at
hand, no one was slacking or stopping to rest
because it wasn’t a joke, and stopping to rest
only meant putting your life and that of the
humans in danger. Because those creatures
were merciless, especially to the humans who
were very vulnerable.


The big fight was still on and things were
getting worse. It seemed like the creatures and
demons gained more powers.

The weather went from dark to extremely dark
red, and up the sky was an even darker color
which stunned everyone.

Why did it suddenly turn that way?
What was going on?
Did something happen?

Most of the students powers weren’t as strong
as they were, just that alone, they knew
something was wrong.

“Emma is in danger, a grave one” Calix who
sensed it told Tempest as he and Alcaeus came
back to the first place they had fought.

“What?!” Tempest exclaimed, and just then, he
knew his mom was behind this.

Confused on what to do, he began to walk to
where he had no idea of.


Back in the underworld, Godmother Dimitra who
had joined the Masters to keep the underworld
safe, noticed the change of things, the Masters
did too.

“Don’t tell me it is happening”

“I’m afraid it is. I already told you all what this
was going to result to if destiny wasn’t fulfilled”
Master Shirlene replied.

“Well, I don’t blame her, she just couldn’t stand
to kìll the one she loves. This is the toughest
situation I’ve ever seen anyone find themselves
in” Master Aerith spoke…


A raging and an infuriated Tempest could be
seen walking to exactly where Belphegor was,
kìlling and harming people.

“Father!!” Tempest yelled from afar, and
immediately Belphegor heard that, he turned but
only to see the person he h@ťěd.

And what did he just call him? Father?
Was he crazy? Or he was preparing himself well
to go crazy?

With the anger in him, he zoomed swiftly
towards Tempest and was about to attack, but..

“Go ahead, do it! Do it, father, go ahead and kìll
your son, that’s what you and my mother, Circe
are good at after all, do it!!” Tempest yelled and
he was instantly taken aback, as he narrowed
his eyes and stared at Tempest confusedly.

Father? Circe? Mother?

Okay! What was going on?!

Like one who was in a trance, Belphegor shook
his head and got himself back and the moment
he did so, he was about attacking the anyway,
because he didn’t believe the trash he said. But
he wasn’t quick to do so, because Tempest
already vanished.

With the greatest of all his powers, Tempest
was able to get to where Emma was.

She was trapped by Circe! And she had drained
almost all her powers, using her dark poisonous
smoking to weaken her.

“Emma!!” Tempest called out when he saw how
helpless and powerless Emma looked.

Wasn’t that the same Emma who was fighting
tirelessly like a tigress minutes ago?
How come she looked this weak and

Well, it was all Circe’s evil doing. It was what
she wanted and she got.

Anyway, Circe was shocked to see Tempest.

How the hell was he able to get to this place?!!
Circe was the only one who could be there, well,
including Emma whom she trapped in there.

However, Tempest gritted his teeth in anger,
after seeing his mom.

Before anyone knew what was happening, a big
clash ensued. Tempest was trying to get to
Emma, but Circe wasn’t letting him. He knew
what he was up to, so she didn’t want to let him
do it.

Tempest was even shedding tears because of
Emma. His heart was in great pain, seeing her
like that.

“Emma!!” He called out again, but what he heard
was Circe’s evil, mocking laughs.

“There is nothing you can do, dear son. Oh, wait!
Who’s even going to let you do anything?

“I feel so powerful!! The most powerful
sorceress in the universe” She taunted Tempest
so badly, as she pinned him down.

“Would you like to watch me do my thing, or you
want to dìe first? Oh, no, no! I’ll choose for you. I
think you want to dié first…..

“Arrrrghhhhh!” She wasn’t done talking when
Tempest got off the ground like lightning bolt,
throwing her off balance and created a
temporary barrier, stopping his mom.

“I can’t let you dié, Emma. I’d rather dìe myself”
Tempest cried as he ran towards Emma with

“Temp…” Emma called weakly in almost like a
whisper. She was bounded with chains like a
slave, abd that shattered Tempest’s heart
because they are unbreakable.

“I’m sorry, Emma” Tempest said in so much
pain, more tears rolling down. He planted the
sweetest, yet most painful kiss on her forehead,
before uttering an “I LOVE YOU, EMMA. BE FINE

“Shut it, and stop saying…” Emma weakly broke
in tears, as the only thing she could do was
stare at him.

Immediately after Tempest said that what he
said, he brought out a dagger and put in
Emma’s bounded hands.

“Tempest….wh…what are you….

Emma felt too weak to even speak. Her already
trembling hands began to tremble badly. She
couldn’t even struggle to get the dagger out of
her hand.

Tempest’s grip on her hand and the dagger
tightened, he stared painfully at her with red
eyes, while the only thing Emma could do was
shake her head as she cried hard.


She couldn’t say more than that, as Tempest
shoved the dagger deep into his body.

“No!!! Tempest!!” Emma screamed with the last
strength left in her, as she watched him
crouched to the ground with the dagger in him.

As a result of the powers the dagger carried, it
began to affect him immediately and before
anything could happen, Tempest instantly went
limp as he breathed his last…….

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