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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 73 & 74

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.









However, with the pace he was using on her
down there using his tongue, Emma reached her
highest and exploded on his face.

Tempest smirked again and let out that
mischievous but satisfied smile as he watched
her breath hard and squirm a little….


Tempest then fell beside her while she was still
trying to catch her breath.

Once her breathing settled, Tempest turned to
stare at her beautiful glimmering face that
made Tempest wonder how she suddenly
became more beautiful than she was.
Was it because of what just happened?

Her face was glistening so much in excitement
that it got Tempest smiling, realizing that he
really made her feel good.

“Are you okay, Emma?” He asked, removing a
strand of hair that was covering a part of her

He kissed her forehead, then laid back.

“I’m fine, Temp” Emma finally replied as her
hand trailed until it met his chest, where she
rubbed it gently, causing him to smile. Though
he felt very aroused just with the little rubbing of
his chest by Emma.

“Don’t touch me too much, I might lose it,
Emma” Tempest told her and she chuckled,
turning all her gaze on him.

While she did so, her eyes subconsciously
traveled down and she caught sight of his little
big monster.

He was hard as a rock and Emma could only
gasp inwardly at the sight of his hardness.
Why did he get so hard?!

Well, what was she expecting to see?

A flat tyre?

“Temp…are you alright?” Emma worriedly asked
when she saw his unease, the expression on his
face got her really worried.

When Tempest realized that she was asking
because of the look on his face and his little
brother that stood down there ready for action,
Tempest smiled and rubbed her cheek softly.
He really was feeling pain around that area and
badly wanted to be inside her because it’d relief
him of the pain, but he didn’t want to take
things too fast. So he had to find another way
to make him c.u.m.

He caused it anyway; they both caused it!

“Don’t woryy, I’ll be fine, okay? Just go freshen
up, Emma” He told her and Emma could only
nod, though she was not so happy with the way
he looked.

Nonetheless, she headed to the bathroom like
he said. After spending minutes in there, she
finally came of the bathroom.

Tempest already changed the bedsheets and
was just sitting and resting his head on the

When Emma saw him that way, she became
worried that he had started thinking again, but
after reading his mind, she got so relieved
because he wasn’t thinking about anything
relating to their problem.

Tempest already gave her his shirt to wear while
she went into the bathroom, so she just sat
back on the bed, with the towel wrapped around
her hair.

“Do you still feel….uneasy?”

“A little bit, but I’ll be fine. I just need to….”
Tempest trailed, pausing to stare at her like
something just popped up in his head.

“Um…what?” Emma shrugged.

“Nothing, you’re just so cute that I can stay up
all night to stare at you without getting tired,
and….. that includes doing naughty things to
you too to keep me awake” He spouted out, and
Emma laughed shortly, shaking her head.

“Believe me, one could swear with his life that
you are so innocent, not until they meet the
other side of Tempest” Emma said, and that got
him chuckling hard.

“I need to freshen up too” He told her, giving her
a quick kiss on the lips before entering the

With the door closing behind him, Emma laid
back and sighed in relief.

“This did work. He isn’t thinking anymore” She
said, her eyes glimmering with excitement. She
laid on the bed before pulling the blanket to
cover herself, but she wasn’t planning to sleep
just yet.

She didn’t know how to go about it, but she
somehow wanted to talk to him about his

Few minutes later, Tempest finished up and
walked back into the room. He looked better and
more relieved than when he left the bathroom,
which got Emma wondering.

Was it the bath he took? Or….

“You aren’t sleeping yet?” He asked as he dried
his hair with the towel while walking towards

“I was waiting for you”

Tempest sighed and went to his closet to pick
something to wear. Now that Emma was there,
he somehow knew he’d be able to sleep, so he
decided to put on his clothes, knowing he would
not be bathing again for that night.

“It’s late, Emma, you need to sleep” He told her,
while putting on the last piece of clothe.

He walked back to the bed and climbed on it,
immediately laying next to Emma.

“I know, Temp, and you also need to sleep. But
can I ask you a question first?”

“Sure…what is it?” He asked, his fire eyes
burning in anticipation.

Emma took a deep breath first, thinking if what
she was about to ask him was okay or not.

What if that changed the happy mood he was
in? She couldn’t afford to see him getting
himself worried again. But averting her gaze to
his eyes that were waiting in anticipation, she
couldn’t help but to ask her question. Who
knew? Maybe he already knew about it.

“Erm, Tempest?…Emma took another deep
breath and snuggled up so that she could rest
her head on his chest.

Tempest helped pull her closer before pulling
the blanket to cover them both.

“What’s your question, Emma?”

“Nothing really serious, actually. I was just
curious to know about your father” She spoke
honestly, staring at his face to see his reaction.

After staying mute for minutes, Tempest then
sighed and replied her. “I don’t know who my
father is, and really do not care. That witch
refuses to tell me who my father is each time I
ask. So, I’m actually tired of asking, I guess I
don’t even have a father. Who knows if she just
created me by herself, she’s capable of
everything” Tempest spoke, sounding a bit
ridiculous, yet heartbreaking to Emma.

“Well, what if you do have a father?” Emma
asked before she knew it, and Tempest
narrowed his eyes with a little frown.

Seeing that look, Emma quickly erased all the
thoughts that had to do with Belphegor before
Tempest got to read her mind, because she
knew he was going to, because of the last
question she asked him.

It sounded very suspicious.

She was eventually going to tell him about it,
but definitely not now that she succeeded in
making him stop thinking.

“You need to sleep, Emma” He suddenly said,
surprising Emma. She thought he was going to
ask many questions to as why she said what
she said.

Emma smiled happily, before she received a
warm affectionate kiss from him on her
forehead, making her heart flutter.

She wrapped her arm around his waist and they
both drifted to dreamland minutes later.

•√•√•√NEXT DAY MORNING√•√•√•

Emma could be seen with a towel around her,
wearing on her own clothes. She just vanished
into the room not quite long; she and Ilekktra’s
room, before going to have her morning bath.

She had the best night ever, having to spend it
on the same bed with Tempest by side. She
didn’t even have anymore nightmares, they both
had a peaceful and sound sleep.

Waking up again next to him was the best
feeling she ever had. She just couldn’t stop
smiling and thinking about last night. Her face
flushed just at the thought of it.

She was about putting on her last piece of
clothe, when Ilekktra entered the room.

Ilekktra creased her brows in surprise. In
surprise because she woke up in the night and
didn’t find Emma in her bed, and she wondered
where the hell she went to, or should I say…she
panicked. But when she realized who she was
panicking and getting scared for, she relaxed
and just went back to her peaceful sleep.

“You look happier than these past few days I’ve
been seeing you, Emma”

“I sure am, Ilekktra. That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
Emma smiled, whilst trying to wear her top.

“It is. Did you suddenly go invisible last night?
Where were you last night? I woke up and didn’t
find you”

“Mm…? C’mon, let’s go” Emma said instead,
without answering Ilekktra’s question.
However, Ilekktra didn’t pester her. As long as
wherever she went to was what made her look
that happy, Ilekktra was happy too.


Everyone could be seen seriously training, no
one was lazing around around at all.

Sensing how the days were going and how
things might take a drastic turn on the day that
no one would expect, the Masters sternly told
the students to take their training more serious
than they ever had.

So, right then, everyone was serious with
wh@ťěver they were doing.

“Emma!” Bluey and Ioanna ecstatically called
the moment they sighted Emma coming,
causing the others to turn to her direction.

They had all seen Ilekktra already since she was
with them before she decided to go get
something. So, all the attention and gazes were
soley on Emma, staring at her like they hadn’t
seen her before or like they had seen the most
beautiful goddess in the whole of the

“She even looks more beautiful today. Funny! I
don’t think Emma is still supposed to train with
us…even train at all. I mean, she’s a deity…
goddess and she’s got all the powers, right,
Avalon?” Talkative Astrid turned to Avalon after
she was done talking, but only to meet a poker
face, glaring at her.

“Okay. You still haven’t told me why you’ve been
keeping this poker and aggressive face” Astrid
glared back at her. Though she already knew
why Avalon was like that, but she wanted to
hear her say it by herself.

“I owe you no darn explaination, do I?” Avalon
quickly barked. “I do not have to tell you
anything because….

“Hell yes, you do! You owe me every f.u.c.k.i.n.g
explanation. You almost freezed my bones out
with your harsh words, yesterday. Who the hell
does that to a friend?”

“Avalon does, yeah!” Avalon gave a mocking
chuckle. Would it not be cool if I froze you? At
least that way, you’d stop bugging and let me
the hell be!”

“You are too mean and harsh, Avalon!” Astrid
yelled seriously.

“Did it just occur to you? You’ve always known
that, so why do you look surprised, huh?”

Avalon and Astrid kept exchanging words, and
just when it was about to get hotter than it was,
Alcaeus walked to them.

“Hey, Avalon, mind if we train together?” He
asked, and Avalon didn’t even know when she
said “yeah, sure”.

It was as if Alcaeus hypnotized her or
something. Despite the anger and all, she just
said “yes” without glaring or saying no.

Anyway, they both left together, while Astrid
stayed where she was, just watching them.

“That girl! Why does she get angry all the time
over little things? And she’s so insensitive!”
Astrid shook her head. However, she was happy
that at least, someone was able to calm the
storm that was starting to rage.

She also left to join the others.

Meanwhile, Emma and the girls had started
thier own training.

Ilekktra could be seen spinning in circle very
fast, and while she did so, she was creating a
rain storm too.

Bright and blinding lightning were started to
spark while she kept doing that; running in

First, it was normal. But when she continued to
do it, she realized that it had gone beyond what
she was capable of doing.

Her speed increased, and before everyone knew
it, there was a rain storm, the lightning spark
and everyone got shocked shocked with her
electric. All thier hair stood up like spikes as
thier bodies got electrified, except for Emma
who wasn’t affected.

“Whoa! I can’t believe I did that!” Ilekktra
exclaimed in excitement. “I only knew how to
shock one person at a time” She said.

Actually, if she continued spinning that way and
hadn’t stopped, the shock everyone got would
have been bad.

“Looks like your powers just got upgraded”
Ioanna playfully said.

They all got back to thier normal selves after
few seconds.

“Looks like it” Ilekktra smiled happily, they all
resumed what they were doing.

While they trained, Emma’s thoughts were all
about Tempest as she kept thinking about him.
He said he was going to come later in the day

“Let’s have a combat, shall we?” She suddenly
went to Rickett and asked.

She really did feel like having a physical fight,
and Rickett was the one she wanted to have
that fight with.

She saw him in action the other day they were
fighting Bluey’s uncles, so she knew he’d be the
perfect person to combat with, since Tempest
wasn’t there. He was actually the one who
taught her that those days they always trained
together, and she was indeed a good student.

Rickett only smiled before nodding, obviously
happy about to combat with her.


Everyone demon Belphegor owned, could be
seen hiding themselves from Belphegor’s anger.

Just yesterday after he came back from where
he went to meet Emma, he kìlled a lot of them
that added to it, or that got him more angry.

Not like they got no powers to fight or defend
themselves, but they were no match for their
Master. So a lot of them dìed miserably in his

Yes, he knew and was very much aware that
there was no way he and Themis were going to
be together again, but he still was thinking they

He himself said it that “I can’t be feeling this
way again for her”, back when they met at
Vhinlox beach again.

As he walked past the other demons, heading to
his room, the devil in him just told him that he
wasn’t satisfied, that he should ki|| more of his
demons. And so, he stopped right in front of
some that were doing their work, let out a
menancing smile, and the next second, he flew
and grabbed one on her neck.

One who happened to be Theo’s mom (the little
boy whom Emma saved).

He was just about snapping her neck to kìll her,
when the woman heard her son scream her
name again.

She couldn’t recognize the voice, and neither did
she know who or why that person’s scream was
always affecting her so much. But as the
scream pierced so deep in her ear, the woman
roared so hard and loud that it shook everyone,
even Belphegor shook and was stunned!

None of his demons ever did that!


Meanwhile, Tempest whom Emma had been
waiting for at Immortals High, was seriously
battling with his mom’s creature who appeared
out of nowhere and began to attack him,

Just like the other day she was able to wear his
transformation powers off without him
knowing, he couldn’t tell why, but he kind of felt
weak. Though, he was still fighting strongly,
trying to overpower her.

“So, she’s too lazy to come by herself, huh? Oh, I
guess she’s starting to lose her evil powers now,
that’s why she’s always sending you” Tempest
taunted, obviously trying to rile the creature up.

“Shut ùp!!” The creature yelled at him, firing its
dark powers at Tempest.

He almost got attacked, but thankfully, he was
quick to dodge as he flew up, then landed back
on the ground seconds later.

He began to breathe really hard as he landed.

“Why are you here? What the h.e.l.l do you
want?” Tempest asked amidst heavy breaths.

“Here to kìll you, how would you like that?” The
creature said, with no ounce of emotion, letting
out an omnious smile.

Before Tempest could say or do anything, she
attacked him, and Tempest flew again, but he
didn’t land on his feet this time. Rather, he flew
and landed on a tree around his garden.

He groaned out in pain, and he felt weaker than

Getting up with anger, Tempest began to attack
her with fire. It wasn’t just any fire, but one that
had a volvano-like larva.

He was creating it at the fastest speed he could
use, because he didn’t want to give her any
chance of attacking him. He was even surprised
at his own speed, because he had never really
been that fast.

However, he continued $h00ting the fire (larva)
at the creature who got bùrnt at some part of its
body, but the creature girl wasn’t really affected
by that.

Anyway, as she got those burns, her eyes began
to change into the darkest shade of black, just
like those of her Master (Circe).

Unknown to Tempest, she was trying to cast a
spell on him, so coincidentally, Tempest and the
creature-girl eyes met, and instantly locked.

The moment that happened, Tempest was
frozen! Not with ice, but he suddenly was
unable to move his legs, like they were glued

With a menancing smile, the creature girl began
to walk to where Tempest stood frozen, with a
wicked and dark intention.


“So, you’re saying there really isn’t another
way?” Master Aerith asked, as they all could be
seen in Master Shirlene’s room, having a

“There isn’t. If there was another way, that also
would have been revealed to me.

“Hmm, what then happens if she doesn’t?
Because it is obvious Emma is never going to
agree to that”

“She has to, she really just has to. This isn’t just
about defeating those demons and bringing
peace to everyone. This is about her too, the
danger she’d be in” Master replied, getting the
other Master a little confused on the last

“What do you mean by “danger”?

“We all know how powerful Circe and Belphegor
are, but not as powerful as Emma/Themis is.

“Now, what I am trying to say is that, if Emma
doesn’t weaken Circe especially, by doing what
she’s ought to do. Circe would gain more
powers, and Emma…” Master Shirlene paused,
picked her staff and walked towards the
window, before continuing.

“Emma would lose all of her powers and…she
may dié…..

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