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HomeLADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection)LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 65

LADY MAFIA (From Revenge To Affection) – Episode 65

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Lady Mafia
(From Revenge To Affection)
By: Vickie Dora 🌻
Chapter 65
(One Love; True Love)
The dinning hall was filled with the whole
members of the two clan, each in separate
tables, as they eat their lunch after the
morning’s trainings and sports likewise. Jade
walked in, towards the Senior members table of
the Wolves clan. She drew closer to Wizards
seat, bending forwards to kiss him directly on
the lips.
He froze at first before reciprocating, kissing her
back. They broke the kiss, not minding the
stares they received from their fellow members.
Autumn gulped in watching them with pain and
sadness. She had taken up the fate that she
isn’t meant for Wizard, he clearly loves Jade,
even the blind could see it.
Jayden looked towards her direction, he saw the
pain in her eyes. He sighed, rubbing her hand
beneath her table, giving her a reassuring look.
She rolled her eyes, pulling it away. He pressed
his lips together.
Everyone focused back on their meal, as the
chat continued, not minding what had just
happened in their midst. Though they were quite
“Thought you wanted to keep it a secret”
Wizards whispered into her ears, just as she
pulled a seat to sit. She smiled, flipping her
fallen hair behind.
“I got tired of doing so…I love us this way” she
replied, serving herself.
“Is boss saying anything about this?” He asked,
to be sure he isn’t doing the wrong thing
supporting her wish.
“She would….soon” she smirked.
Power Room
The whole senior members of the Wolves Clan
waited patiently for Kyla to arrive, as they feeds
their eyes with the current news displaying on
the projecting screen.
Few minutes later, she came in, her skin glowing
beneath the light with a soft smile on her face.
The members were a bit amused at the way she
looked, in her beautifully made short gown,
ending few inches above her knees, hinging her
body so perfectly that it brought out her curves.
Kyla rarely put on girly cloths except on few
occasions, so it made her look hot,
complemented with her smile. They were sure
she has something interesting to tell.
“Sorry for keeping you all waiting” she started,
baffling them the more. She admitted that she
was late. “I erm…have been thinking lately
about some things relating to the clan, and the
members in it. You know, ever since I took over
from Luna, I have tried making things better for
all of us.
In as much as the clan is not fully grown,
challenges here and there, having dispute and
all that, I still believe we have gotten
somewhere, and my dad will be very proud
wherever he is. I’m sure of that.
But the clan success won’t be complete without
the members happiness. I know it’s been
always in her heart to have fun sometimes, go
on vacations or holidays; but we haven’t gotten
that opportunity to do so, due to many laws
made by Luna, of which I will be revoking some
of it.
First, about the vacation stuffs, I will be granting
each one of you the grace to go on a one month
vacation, after this get together. You will
expected to get back after one month, failure to
do that will require your head rolling off, cause
I’m gonna find doubt.”
“And also, I got to check many other laws which
should have been revoked, but I’m trying to
consider why Luna made those laws. The
dating aspect among members of same clan
has obliviously been prohibited, due to many
reasons which Luna hadn’t explained to us,
though I tried putting pieces together to get her
Bringing love into the clans code could bring
down the strength of the clan, especially when
the love one dies and leaves the other broken.”
She paused to read their expression; their once
lively face gloomed up, referring to the laws of
Luna, which most of them clearly h@ťěs.
“But, there is gonna be a considering. I’m taking
away Luna’s law bringing in my own. You are
free to date, only if you won’t get drown in it,
getting it to break you from within. Love is a
beautifully thing, as people say, but it becomes
harmful when it rides over you. You need to be
able to control it.
One more thing…I don’t want any pregnant lady
roaming around” she chipped in, as laughter
erupt among them. She chuckled
“You all know what I mean, I don’t support
abortion either…so try to get well protected. We
are the senior members of the clan. We are the
ones to be called upon in time of emergency, in
time for missions and others. A person with
pregnancy condition won’t be able to run cases
like that. If I get to know about any, there is
gonna be suspension.” She added.
They talked about other things, fixing a date for
the resumption of the vacation also.
Three Days Later ★
The members of the other clan were already
getting set to return. The one week get together
ended last night.
“Hey” Liam muttered on entering Kyla’s room.
She smiled “Morning Liam” she greeted,
arranging her bed sheet. “Morning sunshine” he
mumbled, relaxing his shoulder on the doorway
as he watched her with folded arms, admiring
her morning beauty. He felt unlucky not winning
her heart, he wished he could.
“You all are set to go?” She asked, still backing
him. “Seems you want me out of here quickly
right?” He teased. She chuckled
“That question should be referred to chief. I
don’t mind you staying more longer, but the
rules still remains. Chief wouldn’t want his
member to get drown in merriment forgetting
the main reason of their existence in the clan.”
She replied, giving him no reason to question
her more. Taking steps away from where he
stood earlier, he stood before her, taking her
chin in his hand, raising her face up to stare at
He bent his lips towards hers, about claiming it
after staring dreamily at her. His pouted lips
landed on her cheek just after she turned her
face to the other side. He agreed to the peck,
making it linger a bit on her cheek before
breaking off.
She pressed her lips together, avoiding his face
at first. She didn’t know why she did that, but
she felt like she would do wrong kissing another
guy when Evans is already occupying her mind.
“You both ain’t dating” her subconscious noted,
hut she couldn’t help ignore Liam’s kiss. This is
the first time she will do that. “I’m sorry ..I
can’t…” She looked up to his eyes, seeing the
sadness in it
“I understand…it’s ok” he chipped in. She
nodded, breaking the space between them. He
tucked his hands into his pockets, backing
away a bit
“You love him right?” He asked, making her
froze. “Love who?”
“You know who I’m referring to…the pretty
guy….” She sighed, rubbing her temple. She
gave him a canny look. He smirked
“I don’t know what to feel” she admitted,
truthfully. He nods his head. “It’s ok….he is cool
by the way. I happy to see you finally agree to
someone. You will get used to it” he advice. She
gulped in
“Thanks Liam” “You are always welcome….
take care” he added, turning to leave. “I will see
you off when you are ready to leave” she
muttered. He nods, giving her a brief smile. She
sighed slumping on the bed just as he left,
thinking of what he said. I believe I love Evans,
else I wouldn’t have done that; but did I?
Evans’ POV
“You are leaving?” I asked, as Finn packed up
his bag. He smiled, zipping it up as he tucked it
over his back. “Yea…the get together is over…I
wish it didn’t end, I really want more of this. I’m
gonna miss you bro” he pouted. I nodded.
“Me too, don’t worry we will keep in touch” I
noted, getting up to give him a side hug. Truth
is, I would miss him dearly, he has been a good
friend this past few days we spent together. I
love his vibes and all.
“I need a portrait of myself when I come for a
visit” he muttered making me smile. I actually
made some paintings for him, which he loves
so much. An art freak to begin with, but he
doesn’t have the ski||s.
“Sure…I would” I saw him off to the park where
their bus is. “So it’s a goodbye now right?” He
“Yea ..see you next time bro”
I decided to visit Kyla’s suite after leaving there.
The last time I saw her at a close range was
yesterday’s morning. She has clearly been busy
all through the remaining days of the week,
making me long for her.
Her suite door was opened, I walked to the room
meeting it empty.The sound coming from the
kitchen noted me of someone’s presence there.
She backed my direction, stirring something in
the pot. Her huge butts was all that occupied
my heart, lol…
“Why are you standing there?” She asked,
turning to face me after closing the pot.
“I missed you” I replied, going forward to hug
her. She hugged me back…hmm, surprising. I
was expecting this odd attitude from her, like
some girly stubbornness. I tightened the hug,
placing soft kisses on her neck.
“Wanna take it to the bed” I teased, bitting her
earlobe. Expecting a sweet reply, but she broke
the hug, walking away. “No”
I frown. “Why…ok when you are done…right?” I
questioned. She shook her head, kinda acting
like a child. She pouted
“I’m not your girlfriend…you don’t have the
right to touch me the way you want” she noted,
turning off the gas. I smirk, moving closer.
“So what are you insinuating” I asked. She
shrugged. “You should know what to do” she
“Ok” I gave her a brief hug, walking out of the
kitchen. I will just think of what to do. A small
smirk appeared on my face.

(Background Music: Anyone by Justin Bieber)
After lunch Kyla decided to go back to her room,
she took a quick nap, sleeping her tried a$$ out.
Evans had left her immediately after the lunch,
saying he needed to get something. It was late
in the evening when she woke up, only to find
out her phone was not in the position she left it.
it was replaced with a short note that left her
bewildered. “If you want your phone back, meet
me at the river” it read. She scoffed, dropping
the sheet with a thoughtful smile appearing on
her face. Only Evans will do this, what’s he up
She freshened up, dressing in a simple short
and crop top, allowing her hair to pour down.
She walked down to the river, not getting his
point of wanting them to meet at the river. The
calm water shimmer under the evening sun,
giving it a crescent view.
“We ain’t here for pranks right” she muttered,
folding her arms on seeing his absence. A figure
walked out of the closeby woods, holding
something in his hands.
“Rose is beautiful….red is a perfect colour that
depicts love, sunflower has its own perfect
nature, it’s yellow color brings smile to the lips.
But standing before me is more than those
flowers …. beautiful is an understatement”
Evans quoted, walking towards her with a rose
flower in his hand. He was looking handsome
than ever that evening; she wonders why a guy
will look so good. He licked his lips before
speaking again, giving her the wants to kiss
“You are more than beautiful Kyla, a damsel,
my beautiful butterfly” he winked, making her
blush, she bits her lips watching his drama.
“Ever since the first day I set my eyes on you,
despite the situation we found ourselves then
…I just erm feel this attraction, the connection
was so strong that….I just couldn’t stop
thinking about you. I don’t know how, I just feel
like….you can’t leave my mind, no matter what.
I know what’s meant for me….and age or race
can’t stop that.”
He drew closer to her, handling her flower which
she gladly accepts smiling, she felt flattered.
“I can’t stop myself from saying this Kyla, and
erm…I will not stop myself from saying this. ”
He paused, looking directly into her eyes, deep
down that she could see the emotions in his
“I love you Kyla….so f-__-king much. Not even
the largest scale can measure the amount of
love I have for you. Please…. Will you be my
girlfriend” He dropped the bombshell, gulping in
as he waits for her reply.
“You’re kidding me right?” She blurted. “Wh..
what do you mean…I mean .no” he shuttered
nervously. She smiled at his naivety, pulling him
closer as she slammed her lips on his, trying to
calm her aggressive urge to her him inside of
her. She felt touched to the heart by his speech,
no guy has ever made her feel this special.
He reciprocated in same pace, holding her
closer. She broke the kiss, staring into his eyes
with a blushing smile. “I am already your
girlfriend Evans….I have accepted you a long
time ago.”.
He smiled brightly
“And one more thing…… I love you too….so
f-__-king much” she winked, he blushed this time,
pulling her into a tight hug. “Thanks” he
whispered, kissing her ear. The sound of
someone clapping made them break apart
“So …she finally decided to date a guy…at long
last.. congratulations to you both” Jade smiled,
walking closer.
Kyla squinted, looking from Evans to her. “I’m
sorry, I had to tag her along” he noted, pressing
his lips together. Kyla chuckled.
“I’m happy for you sis” Jade chipped in, she
pulled her into a hug. “Thanks” Kyla whispered.
She felt complete, having the two people she
loves most around her makes her feel better.
“Show him what you gat baby” Jade taps her
butt, giggling. She left them, heading to her own
“So…I erm…”
“Shhhhhhh” Kyla interrupted, wrapping her
hands around his neck, while he grabbed her
waist, pulling her closer. “Just kiss me” she
whispered the words seductively. He smirked
“Yes my lady” he slammed his lips on hers,
igniting her arousal.


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