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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD GIRL IN DISGUISE – Episode 55 & 56

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(Her life as a guy)

By May Maria K ✍️


°°°Chapter 55💛56°°°

She held his shirt in her hand and kissed him.
Frankie broke the kiss and then she whispered.

“Take me please…. Make me forget it all….
Pleasure me Frankie” she said and reconnected
their lips.

Frankie didn’t let her enjoy the kiss as he broke
it and then held her shoulder. He stared gently
at her before speaking up,

“You are not in your right state of mind so just
rest for now okay” He said and Maverick gently

He placed her in bed and within few minutes,
she fell asleep. Frankie sat beside her in the
bed. She must be going through a lot right now.

Megan came to Frankie and then said;

“She’s the one don’t worry you have my
approval she’s pretty” Megan said with a smile.

“I watched the way you were looking at her with
so much affection, Gosh! She’s so lucky to have
you. You have to love her with all your heart or
else” And folded her fists stretching them out
demonstrating how she’ll beat him up.

“She’s the one lucky to have me and I would do
everything for her even if it means to bring
down the moon” Frankie said and Megan

“Lover boy” Megan gushed and he rolled his

“Stop being a drama queen. This aren’t funny”

“Oh please! My brother is trapped in the web of
love and you want me to act like it’s nothing.
Leave me let me act it’s a thing of celebra….. “
Frankie had to slap her mouth for her to stop

She hadn’t stop being a blabber mouth.

“Look at her short hair just like mine, people
could mistake us as twins”

“Megan stop you don’t have to wake her up with
your incessant talking” Frankie said and Megan
wrapped her hands around his neck.

“You know I love you”

“And I love you too” Frankie replied.


Liliane was about to leave the hospital when
Dwayne came in front of her. Dwayne was the
child she had with the governor first.

“I told you but you never believed me. Now you
got to find out. How do you feel” Dwayne said
and one could notice the hurt in his voice.

That was it. Liliane couldn’t hold the tears any
longer, she released them in full folds.


Eighteen years old Dwayne huffed as he just
had a fight with Tracy. He didn’t like Tracy one
bit. She was so arrogant to everyone around her
and she always acted Ɓîtçhy all the time.

Dwayne was the one who saw Mr Myers when
he exchanged the babies. A guard actually
brought him to the hospital since his Mum just
gave birth.

He was so happy that he left the guard behind
and ran away missing his way and that was
how he ended up seeing him.

Tracy was always rude to him almost all the
time and he h@ťěd it. He told his Mum of what
he saw ten years ago but she always say he
was lying.

Today he got into a fight with Tracy cause of
his results. She was rubbing it in his face that
he wasn’t that intelligent and couldn’t take over
his dad’s business.

He marched downstairs to the magnificent
parlour and saw his Mum watching a soap

He stood in front of the television to get her
attention and he did.

“What happened this time Dwayne?” Liliane
asked already knowing the everyday argument
between siblings.

“Why does Tracy has to say it everytime that I
am not that intelligent huh…. I told you
countless times that girl aren’t my sister”
Dwayne yelled and then his mum came and
pulled him to sit on a couch.

“See Tracy is little and she doesn’t know what
she is saying and Dwayne I have told you to
stop this assumptions you always make. Tracy
is your blood, I gave birth to her out of my own
womb okay” Liliane said but Dwayne pushed
her hands away from his laps.

“I’m tired of all these $h|t you say mum. Tracy is
not my sister I saw when a man exchanged her
with another” Dwayne yelled and was shut up
with a slap from Liliane.

“Shut up! Stop spewing rubbish. You have to
accept the fact that Tracy is your blood and
that’s final”

“Am outta here” Dwayne said and Walked out on


Liliane tears poured more remembering how she
slapped and always called him silly for making
such assumptions and now she’s regretting it

“I’m sorry Dwayne. I’m sorry for not believing
you, I’m…” She said and then hiccuped.

Dwayne consoled her as she cried on his
shoulders. He was glad that the truth was
finally out.


Everyone was seated in the parlour and Dwayne
was present. Liliane was holding the DNA
results in her hands.

“Mum what’s this prodigal son doing in his
house” Tracy spoke up in her usual rude. She
was eyeing Dwayne Ɓîtçhily.

“Tracy can you please shut up”Liliane muttered
and Tracy folded her lips.

“Hmph!” She harrumphed loudly.

“Darling you have to see this” The Governor
assessed the paper with creased forehead.

“How does this got to do with us” The governor
asked when he looked up.

“Darling you won’t believe that Tracy isn’t our
real daughter” Liliane blurted.

“What are you saying” He asked.

Liliane explained everything in details bit by bit
and both Tracy and the Governor were left in
shock at the end.

“Noooo… I am your real daughter. I’m not letting
an imposter come to take my place. No Never”
Tracy yelled and everyone turned to her

“Her parents are rich so it wouldn’t be hard to
adjust” Liliane said but she shook her head

“I’m not having any other parents apart from
you both. Everyone knows me as the Governor
daughter and you want that to change
overnight” Tracy said.

“I am the only real daughter of the governor and
if I can’t be then no one else will” Tracy
screamed and ran to her room.

“How could Myers do that. I thought we were
close friends” The Governor said.

“I would talk to Tracy. She has to understand
that she has to go to her real parents” Liliane
said and left.

It was only Dwayne and the Governor that
remained in the parlour.

“Dwayne” The governor said but the glare that
Dwayne gave him didn’t let him speak more.

Dwayne walked out on him and the Governor
looked down guiltily.


Liliane walked into Tracy room after knocking.
She saw Tracy pacing around her room and her
room and she sighed.

“If you want to say any rubbish to me then
please just get out” Tracy said and Pointed at
the door.

“You need to listen Tracy” Liliane snapped and
Tracy shrugged before going to sit on the bed.

“Tracy you know I love you and no matter what
you’re still like a daughter to me but you have to
see things in the right way. You have to go back
to your real parents…..”

“Noooo” Tracy protested instantly.

“You are not reasoning with me and if you want
things the hard way then you’ll get it. You are
going back to your biological parents and that’s
final” Liliane snapped and Walked out of the

Tracy folded her fists when Liliane stepped out.
Her face was also hardened.

“I won’t let you take everything from me you
witch. It’s Time to eliminate you finally” Tracy
said in a strong voice.


Megan woke up and looked around and just as
she was about to stand up, Frankie entered the
room but he was not alone, he was with the girl
Maverick saw him earlier with.

Maverick didn’t pay attention to the girl because
her focus was elsewhere but now she thinks
about it, who really is the girl.

“Who’re you” She asked as she stood up staring
intently at Megan.

Then she walked to Frankie and grabbed his
hands. “Don’t tell me that you are falling for
someone else” Maverick said and was about to
tear up again but Frankie stopped her with his

“Noo she’s my sister” Maverick stopped and
then she muttered an ‘oh’

“I’m really sorry” Maverick said shyly and Megan
just chuckled.

“It’s okay. You look cute anyways. I’ll leave you
both” Megan said and winked at Frankie before
walking out.

The air was so awkward and Maverick was
feeling shy for thinking that Frankie is falling for
someone else.

“Now I think about it you haven’t said those
three words to me” Frankie said and Maverick
coughed and turned her back on him.

Then she covered her face with her palms
before saying it,

” I love you” she said shyly and Frankie smiled.

Then he hugged her from the back and removed
her hands from her face and then he kissed her
earlobe before muttering,

“I love you too till eternity”

T. B. Continued……………

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