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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡




“Dad!!”. Isla called out as she ran to go hug her
father who hugged her back warmly. By now
Lorena and her son have already been taken to
the police base.

Olivia was next to hug senator Clearn after Isla,
then Lady Camila followed but Oliver just stood
standing staring at them, by now Isla was done
hugging him.

“How did you even know Lorena planned to
poison you with the help of doctor Clark?”.
Olivia asked, still hugging him.

“I felt worse when I took my last shot in Clark’s
office and asked one of my men to investigate
it. Only for me to find out he’s a regular visitor at
Lorena’s place and that he’s also the father of
Archer ”. Senator Clearn said and everyone’s
eyes widened.

“You didn’t tell me that part”. Lady Camila

“I just found out also honey”. Senator Clearn
said, taking her hand.

“Where’s Doctor Clark now?”. Olivia asked.

“Behind bars. He’ll be testifying against Lorena
in court if he doesn’t want to lose his license
which is inescapable”. Senator Clearn said then
he faced Oliver who has been quiet all this

“You’re not happy to see me hail and be
healthy?”. Senator Clearn said to Oliver who
immediately rushed to hug him.

“Our school’s inter house sport is next week. I
need you there”. Oliver smiled, breaking the hug.

“I won’t miss it for anything in the world son”.
Senator Clearn said, patting him on the

“I’ll be running for pink house dad!”. Isla
announced cutely and Senator Clearn chuckled
pinching her cheek.

“You’re not the one to decide it’s the school”.
Olivia said and Isla glared at her.

“Either way i can’t wait to see that ”. Senator
Clearn said, patting both his on their daughters’

“I’ll be up in my room”. Oliver said.

“Goodnight honey”. Lady Camila said and
Oliver winked at her before going up to his

“Why don’t we watch a little movie as the
complete family that we are now”. Olivia said
and Lady Camila faced Isla

“Are you interested?”. Lady Camila asked Isla.

“No, I have homeworks to attend to too”. Isla
said before running up the stairs to her room.

“Camila she’ll come around okay?”. Senator
Clearn said as he hugged Lady Camila while
Olivia excused herself going up the stairs also.


“I knew you were lying when you said you had
homework to do!”. Olivia said with folded arms
as she walked into Isla’s room.

Isla who later on her pink bed, busy on her
phone frowned meanly at her.

“What are you doing in my room? And are you
so spoiled you don’t know how to knock?!”. Isla
snapped at Olivia who rolled eyes at hers.

“You’re the spoiled one here! C’mon Isla don’t
you see mom’s trying really hard to make you
accept her, but you have to be so strong
headed. Even Oliver didn’t hold this much
grudge on her for this long. What’s your
problem?!”. Olivia snapped.

“My problem? You’re my problem okay? Just
because we share the same dad doesn’t give
you enough license to steal my mom away from
me!”. Isla shouted and Olivia’s eyes widened.

“Are you okay? C’mon girl just because I’m
close with her doesn’t mean you have no room
at all to get close to her. Everyone knows she’s
just trying so hard so I don’t feel like the odd
one amongst us all. I’m the one who’s supposed
to be sulking, not you. Keep hurting her feelings
then if that’s what will make you feel noticed,
but i won’t let her approach you again if this is
how you keep turning her down!”. Olivia glared
at her before leaving her room.

“Do you think you are to speak to me in that
tone like you’re all nice and easygoing
yourself!!!”. Isla yelled, throwing her pillow to the


“Hey! Your dad wishes to see you in his study!”.
Lisa said the moment she walked into Dylan’s

Dylan on the other hand was just coming out
of the bathroom with only a white towel
wrapped around his waist. His body was
dripping wet and for a second Lisa froze with
her mouth a gap as she stared at his amazing

“Quit drooling, you look stupid”. Dylan smirked
as he picked his phone from his bed before
laying on it and Lisa glared at him.

“Are you deaf or something! Your dad wants to
see you and you’re lying there?!”. Lisa yelled and
when Dylan made to speak that’s when a knock
came on the door and she went to open it only
to see the Senator standing there, then he came
in and Lisa left the room.

“Just wanted to show you this, go through it
and make your final judgment about your
hatred for me”. Senator Russell said, throwing a
tab to Dylan on the bed and went out of the

Almost immediately Lisa broke into the room
and jumped on Dylan’s bed snatching the tab
from him she began scrolling through it and her
eyes widened.

“I knew you were a pervert but rape?!”. Lisa
exclaimed, staring at the tab and Dylan took it
from her.

“Leave my room. I haven’t forgiven you yet”.
Dylan said as he went through the tab, but Lisa
soon jumped on his naked back wrapping her
hands around his waist and Dylan faced her
with a raised eyebrow and a frown on his lips
but Lisa kissed him on it.

“I dare you to stay mad at me for too long”.
Lisa winked at him and Dylan pulled him to his
laps which she comfortably sat on with her
hands now wrapped around his neck.

“Can a day pass by when you won’t cause any
trouble?”. Dylan asked, gazing deeply at Lisa
who shook her head.

“It depends! In today’s case Olivia was the one
who started it. I still can’t believe she’s Isla’s
sister!”. Lisa said and Dylan shook his head and

“She said nothing wrong Lisa. She only
mentioned she doesn’t like blue. I don’t find
anything wrong in her statement and the fact
that I have to suffer for your troubles gives me
enough worries”. Dylan said and Lisa pouted.

“I’m sorry okay”. Lisa apologized as she began
caressing his chest seductively but Dylan held
her hands.

“Stop it”. Dylan said and Lisa took the tab from
him standing up from his laps and sitting
comfortably on the bed.

“What exactly happened five years ago? Who
did you rape?”. Lisa asked and Dylan wrapped
his hands around her then he took the tab from

“It’s a short story”. Dylan said, kissing Lisa’s
neck and she chuckled.

“Short story?”. Lisa asked.

“Yeah. I went to a forbidden club, hooked up
with some girl naned chinnie only to find out
later that she was a minister’s daughter who
stated to the media on her blog that i R@P£D her”.
Dylan explained and Lisa faced him with a
mean glare.

“Well did you rape her?”. Lisa asked and Dylan
shook his head negatively but Lisa still pulled
his ear and he groaned in pain.

“But you still had a nightstand with her”. Lisa
snapped, pulling his ear.

“Yes but that was on her own free will okay? I
was still thoughtless and unholy then, I didn’t
even know the girl had everything planned out”.
Dylan gasped in pain and Lisa let go of his ear.

“Well you should be grateful to have a capable
dad like yours! If he hadn’t sent you to jail to
clean up your mess then you would have
forcefully been married to the minister’s
daughter by the minister and even the president
himself!”. Lisa sneered.

“Yes I’m really grateful to him and I’ll go meet
him once I’m done”. Dylan said.

“Done with what?”. Lisa asked giving him the
raised eyebrow and almost immediately Dylan
pulled her towards himself smashing his lips on
hers and Lisa immediately wrapped her hands
around his neck pulling him closer only for
seconds later because of the pressure from the
both of them, Dylan’s towel came loose and
Lisa who meant to caress his lower abdomen
mistakenly touched his D instead and her eyes
widened as she instantly broke the kiss only to
see Dylan smirking at her.

“d@mn pervert you knew!!”. Lisa growled in
frustration before running out of the room and
shutting the door loudly behind her.

“Crazy virgin”. Dylan chuckled as he tied his
towel well around his waist before finally going
into his closet to put on a short and a white tee


The senior students have been having their
exams for the past three days now and today
was the third and last day.

They were currently having their chemistry
papers and it was super though.
Ella and her friends didn’t know what to write
and so as usual they submitted their empty

Dylan and his friends kept on stealing glances
from Isla’s answer sheets which were almost
filled to the brim and she wasn’t still done

“f-__-k! Your girlfriend’s a real bookworm!”. Oliver
gasped as he stretched his neck more trying to
see what Aiden was writing since he was the
one copying directly from Lisa who was
copying from Isla their source. Davis was
copying from Dylan, who was copying from
Oliver who was copying from Aiden.

“All this stress wouldn’t have taken place if they
hadn’t switched Physics for chemistry as our
today’s paper”. Davis said from beside Dylan.

“I know right? It seems Mr bald intentionally did
this to us as if making this exam a surprise one
wasn’t enough they still took the risk of
switching the subjects in the timetable”. Dylan
added as he wrote.

“This is all Aiden’s fault I told you to have
readied the answers to all the subjects
questions before today’s papers but you went
ahead and did only physics now we’re doomed
copying what we’re not sure of”. Oliver said.

“I thought immediately after physics I would
use the little break to get Chemistry’s answers
and besides if you’re not sure then quit copying
from my tab. To think your little sister is more
knowledgeable and even more prepared than
you are in this exam”. Aiden snapped and Oliver
glared at him.

“You guys should quiet down. We don’t want
Isla to get distracted or we’re doomed”. Lisa

“Shouldn’t we have been done by now? My
hands are hurting?”. Maya said from in front of
them. Each answer Oliver writes he secretly
sends it to her on her tab and she and Olivia
copies from it.

It was a method they all would have done from
the start but once two or more people connect
their tabs to one another so as to transmit
information the class teacher and even the
school principal will get the notification. So it
was an easier but crazier method.

“I know right? Isla plans on taking all his
marks?”. Olivia complained.

“Quit whining and just disconnect your tab
from Oliver’s own and go submit your crap!”.
Lisa snapped and Maya glared at her.

“Take your fingers from your screen, you’re
blocking me”. Dylan said to Oliver as he
removed his hands from the screen making
Oliver frown.

“If i take my hands off them then how are we
going to finish up quickly”. Oliver sneered lowly
as he took his fingers from Dylan’s.

“Lisa f-__-king type faster time is almost up”.
Aiden said to Lisa.

“I’m trying, okay? But the problem is from Isla
she’s f-__-king covering her work”. Lisa said and
that was when Isla stood up with her tab facing
them she smirked.

“Figure out the remaining answers yourselves.
I’ve helped you all a lot. Next do try to pay
attention in class okay? And this exam wasn’t a
surprise exam like there’s nothing like a surprise
exam. Mr Baldy announced it in his last class
but you guys were so busy sleeping and
watching your videos that you didn’t hear him
say it”. Isla smirked before winking at them and
like that she went to go submit while her friends
stared at her with widened eyes.

“f-__-k! We’re so screwed!”. Maya said, resting
her head on her desk.

“This is all your fault! If only you had found the
answers to all the subjects at once and not one
at a time”. Dylan and Oliver snapped at the
same time to Aiden.

“What do you guys take me for? An exam
malpractice machine?!”. Aiden glared and that
was when Lisa and Olivia stood up to go submit
at the same time.


💬 Currently in Mali to stay with my mom’s
cousin and her family. I won’t be coming back
anymore but I’m so sorry for what my brother
did to you. Trust me he’s paying for his crimes
already so please learn to forgive and forget.
Chris texted and after reading when Isla called
him his line wasn’t available again.

Then the notice about what house they would
belong to in their school’s inter house in two
days time came up on her phone and her eyes
glittered when she saw she was placed in her
dream house Pink!

She searched for Aiden’s and saw that both he
and Maya were in yellow. Oliver was placed in
red as presumed, Davis and Lisa in white while
Dylan and Olivia in Blue! Isla chuckled when she
saw that Olivia actually ended up in blue.

“I don’t like blue! I can never run in a blue
outfit”. Isla mimicked Olivia’s statement and
laughed at her own imitation of her step sister.

“What!!? I ended up in blue?! Why?!”. Olivia
fumed as she checked her phone with the
others while they walked down the hall.

“How come you’re in the same house with
Davis? You’re not even on the basketball team”.
Dylan said facing Lisa who just laughed
awkwardly and ran off.

“What’s up with her”. Dylan muttered as he
watched her runaway while Oliver and Davis
exchanged glances knowing fully well what the
issue was.

Then Davis’s phone pinged off a message and
he checked it.

💬 Lisa: I’m waiting for you in the basketball
ring. Come train me!

Lisa texted and Davis immediately looked up at
the others.

“It’s time for training. Coach just texted me”.
Davis said to them and with that he was gone.

“Let’s go get ready for the physics exam. It’s
our last paper for today. We can’t take the risk
we just took and yes! Be sure to make Isla pay
for leaving us hanging with half answered
answer tabs”. Dylan said to Aiden who chuckled
at his remark then they left with Oliver for the
restroom to do their business of copying and

“Lisa hasn’t told Dylan she joined the
basketball team yet?”. Maya said to Olivia who
stood beside themselves.

“It’s her business not ours”. Oliver said as she
walked away.

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