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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 84

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©Sir Zach


“What are you doing?” Finally Markus asked, not
being able to remain calm anymore.

“Packing my bag.” Kizy said, without even
looking at Markus.

“Where are you going?” This time there was a
little panic visible in his voice.

“To the last room.” Kizy said, still not lifting her

“You know we haven’t disclosed the news yet. It
would be dangerous if people would come to
know that I am married. Thus-” Markus was still
trying to explain, feeling a little guilty, but Kizy
cut him off.

“Markus, I don’t care. I don’t have a problem in
shifting to last room.” Kizy said, only paying
attention to her bag.

And finally Markus couldn’t keep his cool. Kizy
had been ignoring him continuously.

He directly went behind her and pulled her by
her arm, making her collide with his chest.

“Are you angry?” Markus asked.

“I said I don’t care, Markus.” Kizy said, trying to
remove his hand from her arm.

“Then why are you ignoring me?” Markus asked.

“Why do you care?” Kizy said.

“I don’t care about your emotions. Just that I
don’t like it when people ignore me.” Markus
said, not knowing what exactly he wanted, or
why he was getting frustrated.

“Why should I care whether you like it or not?”
Kizy asked, stopping her useless try to free her
arm from Markus’s grip.

“Because you are my wife!” Markus said.

“Oh really!! I didn’t know that I was your wife. I
thought I was just a random fiance, someone
who should leave YOUR ROOM once your
childhood SWEETHEART is back.” Kizy said in a
mocking tone.

“Kizy it’s not like that-” Markus said but Kizy

“I am not interested in your excuses, nor do I
want some explanation. I am calmly leaving
this room, so stop with your drama.” Kizy said,
once again trying to remove his hand.

But Markus tightened his grip on her arm even

“Are you angry because you will have to live in
the last room?” Markus asked, his voice a little
gentler from earlier.

“No Markus. I never cared about things like
where I am living. Just that I don’t like to leave
something because others might not like it. I
thought we were married so I had equal rights
like you. But forget it.” Kizy said.

“Kizy listen to me. Its not like tha-” This time
Markus had truly wanted to be truthful and tell
Kizy that Nicole was his cousin, but once again,
Kizy cut him off.

“And one more thing. I won’t be returning to this
room where first I was forcefully asked to live
and then had to leave the room when your
friend came.” Kizy said and forcefully jerked her
hand, finally able to free her arm.

She picked up her bag and left the room.

“Kizy stop.. who gave you-” Markus was still
speaking when Kizy left the room and shut the
door with a kick, making a loud thud.

Nicole was listening to all this, but she remained
in her room.

‘Did I overdo it?’ Nicole thought to herself.

Kizy on the other hand started unpacking her
stuff in the last room. She had locked the door
from inside and kept a table in front of the door,
so as to not let Markus enter this room like the
previous time.

Once she was done, took out the laptop and
started working on the files.

But she couldn’t concentrate on it. It wasn’t that
she was angry at Markus. She never had a
problem keeping their marriage a secret. But she
had her own self dignity as well. How could she
tolerate that she had to leave her room because
of some friend of Markus.

Finally not being able to concentrate on
anything, Kizy took out her phone and called a

“Hello.” Kizy said after the call was picked up.

“Second sister, how are you?” Rose asked.

“Finally you remember me, First sister?” Kizy
said in a dramatic voice.

“Sorry. I had wanted to call you earlier, but didn’t
know what I should say.” First sister said,
panicking a little.

She had actually wanted to talk with Kizy, after
Aaron had forced her, but she didn’t know what
she should say. And then she came to know
that Kizy had gone to country A with her family.
Thus she didn’t disturb her after that.

“Ok calm down. I want your help.” Kizy said.

And this statement made the First sister gulp,
because the second sister never asked for some
normal help, she would always create some
huge trouble and then come asking for help.

“What help, second sister?” First sister asked.

“Could you please arrange a bike for me in A
city?” Kizy said.

“That’s it?” First sister asked, confirming her

“Yeah. I want a bike.” Kizy said.

“Go to house no. 3 on the link road. My brother
would be there waiting for you with the bike.”
First sister said and quickly ended the call.

She then called her brother and told him that
Kizy was coming for the bike.

Kizy quickly went to her bag and took out her
black leather jacket with black jeans and boots.

She put them on before shifting the table away
and opening the room door.

Coincidentally Markus and Nicole were talking
in a low voice in front of Nicole’s room.

Markus looked at Kizy and was stunned
speechless for a minute. Kizy had never dressed
up in such a savage way before.

That entire black outfit, with the black leather
jacket and her curls tied in a high ponytail, gave
her the complete badass girl look, something
that made Markus gulp hard. His Adam’s apple
moved up and down before he took a deep
breath, calming himself down.

Kizy completely ignored both of them before
climbing down the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Markus asked from the
second floor.

Kizy ignored him and called the old chef.

“I won’t be having dinner today and will return
late. So just leave a glass of milk on the table. I
will have it once I am back.” Kizy said.

“I will heat up the milk once you are back.” Old
chef said.

“No. No need to stay up late, you should rest
early too. Just leave a glass of milk here. If I
want, I will heat that up.” Kizy said with a smile
and left the house, leaving a smiling butler, chef
and Nicole with a flabbergasted Markus behind.

Markus immediately called Joel who picked up
his call on the first ring itself.

“Follow Kizy.” Markus said.

“Yes boss.” Even though Joel didn’t know what
was happening, he agreed and immediately left
to search for the Young Miss.

After exactly ten minutes, he found her cab on
the link road.

He quickly called Markus.

“Boss, I found young miss. Her cab stopped
near some house on the link road.” Joel
informed Markus.

“Link road… keep following her.” Markus
ordered and went to his laptop, typing
something at his fastest speed, his fingers
literally dancing on the keyboard.

“What’s the matter? She just left. Why to make a
fuss out of it?” Nicole asked, standing behind

“Because you don’t know the kind of
troublemaker she is. No matter where she goes,
she invites trouble her way.” Markus said, finally
hacking the CCTV for the link road.

“Woah!! Bro, isn’t this going a little overboard?
Hacking the official CCTV for your wife? And
you say you don’t love her.” Nicole said

“I am the one who has to clean up the mess she
creates. So won’t it be better if I know where she
is and what she is doing to prevent it?” Markus
said, his eyes stuck to the monitor, continuously
looking at Kizy without even batting his eyelid.

“The screen would crack from your intense
staring!” Nicole said and laughed.

“Shut up and go away.” Markus said, suddenly
regretting his decision to call Nicole.

“Why are-” Nicole was speaking when he cut her

“Shhh.. don’t disturb me.” Markus said while
looking at Kizy who got down from the cab and
met a man.


Kizy just went and hugged the man with a
smile. The man looked younger than Kizy.

“How are you Rio?” Kizy asked while giving him
a hifi.

“I am good, second sister. What about you?
Long time no see.” Rio replied.

Rio was Rose’s younger brother, and he was
aware of all the illegal work she was doing. But
he supported her, especially because of what
they had suffered in their pasts. Rio thought
that this was probably the best job his sister
could do.

“Yeah. Kind of busy nowadays.” Kizy said.

“So what made you ask for a bike? You only
need this adrenaline rush when you are piled up
and need to vent your emotions out. Is
everything fine?” Rio asked.

“Yeah. Just thought that it has been months or
most probably a year since I last rode a bike. So
I just felt like doing so.” Kizy said.

“As you wish. These are the keys. And I knew
you would forget your safety so this is my
helmet. You can keep the bike however long you
want, but I’ll need it next saturday.” Rio said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be returning it by tonight or
tomorrow morning at the latest.” Kizy said
before taking the bike keys.

“Speed ride all you want but don’t risk your life. I
know you are professional at this, but still
safety first. And don’t remove the helmet.” Rio
lectured like an old man and Kizy simply
nodded, knowing Rio always treated her like his
own sister and cared for her.

She then went near the gate, where a shutter
was present. She bent down and opened the
shutter, looking at her favourite blackie. Yes
blackie, that’s what she had named the bike and
neither Rio nor Rose minded it.

She started the bike, raised the accelerator while
still pressing the brake.

“VROOM!!” And she left the house, leaving a
stunned Joel behind.

Joel had never expected this turn of events.

‘What has Boss married himself to? Young Miss
definitely isn’t the ordinary girl he had
mentioned.’ Joel thought before speeding up his
car, trying to catch up with the young miss.


“What the hell!! She is so d@mn cool!!!” Nicole
exclaimed, looking at Kizy who had disappeared
with the wind.

But Markus’s face had darkened since the
moment he had seen her with Rio. Plus he was
not able to hear their conversation, making him
feel uneasy.

“Bro, you have such a savage wife!! Thanks for
bringing this cool sister-in-law for me!!” Nicole
said cheerfully.

“Shut up!!” Markus said.

“What happened?” Nicole asked, not knowing
why Markus was angry instead of being proud.

But Markus didn’t reply, and just kept looking at
Rio who was still looking in the direction where
Kizy had gone.

“Don’t tell me you are jealous over him?” Nicole
said, slapping her own forehead.

Who would have known that instead of making
Kizy jealous and admitting her feelings, it was
Markus who would end up getting angry over a
young boy.

“There is nothing between them. She treats him
like a friend or maybe like a younger brother.”
Nicole said, trying to clear a certain possessive
man’s doubt before he could freeze the entire
room with his cold aura.

“Then why was she hugging him?” Markus
asked, his voice cold.

“Just a form of greeting him. Didn’t I hug you
after exiting from the airport?” Nicole said,
trying to make Markus understand.

“But you are my sister!” Markus said.

“Maybe he is Kizy’s brother then.” Nicole

“No. She is a single child.” Markus said, looking
at Rio who was entering back inside his house

“Not real brother!!” Nicole exclamined.

“Still, she has never hugged me!” Markus said.

“Are you jealous of this? See I told you. You
definitely love her.” Nicole said.

“No. I am just angry as she is my wife. How can
Markus’s wife hug any other man? The Evans
family can’t tolerate this.” Markus said, trying to
justify his sentence.

‘Does the Evans family consist of only one
member? Bro, open your eyes, none of the
family members would object to this except
you.’ Nicole thought, crying internally.

“Yeah yeah. But where did she go?” Nicole
asked, looking at the screen showing a blank

Suddenly Markus realised that he had forgotten
the reason why he had hacked the CCTV.

He immediately pressed some keys and other
CCTV from all over the city were visible through
the screen. He looked at every scene with
details, but Kizy was nowhere present.

He was still checking all the cameras when he
received a call from Joel.

“Speak.” Markus said, knowing Joel must be
knowing Kizy’s location.

“Boss I lost young Miss.” Joel said in a panicked

“What? Don’t you know how to drive?” Markus
shouted at him through the call.

“Boss, Young miss was racing at a speed of 300
kmph, while you know, our car can’t cross the
limit of 250.” Joel said, almost on the verge of

‘Who had told young miss to be this cool. Plus
the model I am driving is a Maybach!! Though it
is meant for business, the car has great speed.
But who would have known that young miss
knew how to race a sportbike beyond 250
kmph!!’ Joel thought, not knowing whether he
should cry for not doing his job or be happy for
having such a cool young miss.

“When was the last time you saw her?” Markus
asked, sounding a little unnatural.

“Five minutes ago.” Joel said.

“Where?” Markus asked.

“Heading towards the southern mountain range.
” Joel answered in a low voice.

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