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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 72

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©Sir Zach


“You all can now ask your questions one by
one. Please raise your hand to ask. We will be
answering all of you.” Markus said politely,
making all the people present, respect him and
Kizy even more.

One man raised his hand and Markus nodded at

“Miss Kizy, how were you able to communicate
with Mr. Markus, without alerting Aaron.” He

“I had an antibug phone. But I never sent
messages to Markus as both of us were under
watch. I sent it to my previous bodyguard, who
would further convey it to Markus.” Kizy spoke
in a composed voice.

“Miss Kizy, you seem very calm right now. But
was that the same when you were with Aaron.
Did you feel nervous?” Another woman asked.

“There were moments when I panicked but
thankfully I was able to cover it up.” Kizy
answered briefly.

Another woman raised her hand to question and
Markus nodded.

“Miss Kizy has been staying with Aaron for at
least a month now. In this duration, you were
seen sharing your food and drinks, even
hugging each other publicly.
Did you never cross your line even after staying
with such a handsome and caring man ever?
Does Mr. Markus accept you wholly after all
your intimate actions?” The women asked.

Kizy was about to answer when Markus
stopped her.

“Reporter no. 8, first of all, you will be sued for
Secondly, Kizy has never been intimate with
Aaron except the times they were in public, I can
literally give this in writing.
And what do you mean by ‘handsome and
caring’? Please don’t lower her standards. Plus I
trust my woman, so who are you to question
her?” Markus spoke a few statements, but all of
them were on point.

Plus his possessive tone made the audience
clap for his resounding face slap. Afterall the
question was way too rude to begin with.

“Also, questioning this to me while being a
woman yourself shows how narrow minded and
unhealthy thoughts you have regarding
relationships and how you have been treated by
your male partner and other males around you.
No one understands and cares for me as much
as Markus does. The only person who can
make my heart flutter in this lifetime would only
be Markus. No other person can replace him.”
Kizy said, making the audience go wild with her

“I am sorry Mr. Markus!! Please don’t sue me for
this one. I won’t repeat this mistake again!!” The
woman who had asked the question
immediately started apologizing.

“The one you should be apologizing is her, not
me. Another mistake. And I am not giving you
any chance over this.” Markus said in a cold

“Sorry Miss Kizy. Please forgive me. I might lose
my job.” The woman started pleading with Kizy.

“I don’t want people to have such corrupt
thoughts about my relationship. And sorry but I
ain’t no saint. How do you expect me to forgive
you for questioning my character?” Kizy said
confidently, earning herself another group of
loyal fans on the spot.

And soon the woman was forced to leave the

“Aahh!! What’s with this sudden PDA!!”

“That’s what we call a power couple.”

“I would have h@ťěd it if Kizy would have tried to
forgive that woman after Markus spoke harshly,
in an attempt to improve her own image.”

“For people calling her a princess with Markus
being her prince charming, she ain’t a princess.
She is a queen herself, able enough to build her
own kingdom.”

“Pffft.. ‘Don’t lower her standards!!’… gosh I can
die satisfied now.”

“Markus : breaking my heart by calling Kizy his

My broken heart : keep calling, I somehow
support it even after being broken.”

“Savage comebacks!!”

“If someone wants to know what instant face
slapping is, please watch this video on loop.”

“And the part ‘I ain’t no saint’ was so d@mn cool.

This way the rest of the conference went on
smoothly, with no one making it difficult for the
couple. Kizy and Markus sincerely answered the
questions, making people happier.

Eventually people ended up being a die hard fan
of this couple of the decade, going back home
while feeling like some single dogs.

“So how was my performance hubby?” Kizy
asked with a Ç0çƙy smile, something she had
learnt from Markus.

Markus was speechless for the first time, never
thinking his own dialogues would be used on
him like this. It was the first time Kizy had
spoken to him like this the entire time they had
known each other.

“Okay okay.” He said, clearing his throat

Kizy felt even more confident after achieving
such a flustered reaction from Markus.

With her confidence boosting, she bent a little
towards him, her face inches away from

“Did you like it hubby?” She asked while pouting,
making it hard for Markus to concentrate on her

“Huhh?” He said in a confused tone.

Kizy went even closer to him, their distance
making them feel each other’s breath.

Markus’s breathing had turned shallow by now,
he felt his throat constricting.

But Kizy didn’t stop and kept on moving ahead
slowly, her lips about to touch his lips.

This time it was Markus, who closed his eyes,
waiting for a magical moment to occur.

But suddenly…

“Did you like my performance?” Kizy spoke near
his ear and immediately shifted back to her
place, smiling a little.

Markus opened his eyes wide, frustrated at
Kizy’s behaviour, while Kizy enjoyed watching
Markus irritated, even laughing loudly at him.

Markus turned to her side and in one single
motion, he had pushed her against her seat,
trapping her in between.

“I loved it a lot, little lamb.” Markus said in his
segzy voice, shocking Kizy at his sudden actions.

“Wait.” Kizy said, trying to push him away,
knowing she was about to fall in her own plan.

“Two can play the game, wifey.” Markus said
with his seductive smile, closing their distance.

Just as he was about to bend more and kiss her
lips, Kizy looked outside the window and
shouted in an urgent voice.

“Stop the car!!”

“What happened?” Markus asked in a worried
tone while shifting back, even a little panicked
due to Kizy’s tone.

Even the driver had halted their car to a sudden
screech, removing his pistol from the hidden
pocket. While Joel, sitting in the front passenger
seat, went on full alert, looking all around to
detect anything abnormal.

“I want a milkshake from that shop.” Kizy said.

“A milkshake you want.. hmm… Wait. What?”
Markus looked at her confusedly, then finally
understood what was happening.

“You stopped the car for your milkshake?”
Markus asked, confirming his doubt.

Even the driver and Joel, who were about to
load their guns, were dumbfounded at their lady
boss way of asking for a pastry.

“Yeah.” Kizy said, biting her lower lip to control
her laughter.

“Stupid woman? Is this how a normal person
asks for some random drink?” Markus

“‘Stop the car. I want a milkshake from that
shop.’ That’s all I said. I thought that’s what we
are supposed to say while asking for it.” Kizy
said, barely managing to hide her laughter.

‘Hat’s off to you, lady boss. Twisting statements
like this! Though that’s what you should say,
you don’t have to be so loud, almost making all
of us scared. Never knew someone could be
even more black bellied than our boss.’ Joel
who was sitting on the front passenger seat

“You.. you..” Markus said but shaked his head
and closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath, calming himself down
because of Kizy’s annoying antiques.

“What flavour?” He asked in a much more
composed voice.

“Chocolate.” Kizy said with a surprise, not
expecting Markus to not snap at her and let her
have her way.

“Joel.” Markus said and Joel knew what he was
supposed to do.

Joel went inside the shop, bought two chocolate
shakes packed in disposable cups, and came

“Here lady boss.” He said and passed the

“Thank you Joel.” Kizy said with a smile.

‘I am the one paying for it? Why is she thanking
him instead of me?’ Markus thought

“Tomorrow you will resume your job.” Markus
said in a flat tone.

“Job?” Kizy asked, only paying attention to the
chocolate shake.

“My PA.” Markus said.

“Yeah yeah job.” Kizy said, not paying any
attention to Markus while opening the lid of the
wrapped chocolate shake cup.

‘Is that milkshake more important than your
job?’ Markus thought, not knowing whether he
should laugh or cry.

Kizy completely ignored Markus, happily
sipping her chocolate milkshake. And soon the
entire milkshake was gone.

She was about to open the second cup when
Markus snatched it.

“This belongs to me.” He said, irritated after
being ignored because of this chocolate shake.

“You never said you wanted it though?” Kizy
said in a complaining tone, snatching the
wrapped cup back from Markus.

“But you only asked for one, Joel bought the
second one for me.” Markus said, ready to
snatch the cup back.

But Kizy was a step ahead, she turned her head
to the other side, quickly opened the lid of the
cup and gulped down a large sip of milkshake
inside her mouth. The sip was so huge, she was
barely managing to gulp it without choking,
some amount of the melted chocolate cream
sticking to her lips.

She was still taking another sip when Markus
turned her back, only to see Kizy with puffed
cheeks, unable to gulp the whole amount

“Serves you right.” Markus said before

This made Kizy pout even more, making her
puffy cheeks look even more puffed up.

Suddenly an idea came to Markus’s mind.

“Let me help you my dear wifey.” He said and
directly kissed her lips, sucking and licking
them, tasting the chocolate on her lips. Once he
was done licking her lips clean, he bit her lower

This made Kizy gasp, giving her access to her
cake filled mouth. Markus entered his tongue
inside her mouth, tasting the sweet bitter
chocolate flavour along with the hotness of her

He swirled his tongue inside, reaching every
corner of this sweet cavity, wishing to keep
tasting her mouth.

After having his sweet time with the kiss, he
sucked her hard, tasting the remaining
chocolate shake that was present in her mouth.

Once done, he kissed her a little more and
finally let go, licking his own lips with a smirk.

All this while, Kizy completely froze, not
knowing what this man was exactly up to.
Finally when Markus broke the kiss, Kizy
realised that he didn’t even let her taste the last
sip of her favourite chocolate shake properly,
tasting it all by himself.

“Selfish pervert!!” Kizy said and turned to the
other side, though wanting to be angry at
Markus, all she could feel was a weird warmth
blossom in her heart, making her unable to
scold him, but instead made her heart beat
faster with excitement.

Rest of the ride went peacefully, though Markus
was giggling all the time while Kizy pouted.

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