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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE REJECTED HUSBAND – Episode 42 & 43

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….(Charms of love..)

By: Terri Savage 🖊️


★CHAPTER 42~43★



“I love you Leonardo, I love you” She shouted in

“I love you so much” She cried louder, it was like
time froze in the bedroom. Everywhere became
silent as Emiliana and Leonardo stared at her.

The tears were falling freely from her eyes and
she didn’t even bother to wipe it away. She was
standing there with a crying face.

Leonardo cleared his throat and slowly dropped
Emiliana. He faced Bianca.

“What do you mean by you love me?” He asked,
locking eyes with her teary eyes.

“I have loved you since our highschool days, I
still love you despite everything you did to me in
the past, Leonardo” Bianca cried.

“What!! I had a past with you?” He asked

“Yes, I h@ťěd you for everything but my stupid
heart couldn’t stop loving you for a minute, I
thought I won’t have anything to do with you, I
thought I would continue hiding my feelings but
everything changed when you started giving
Emiliana your attention, the love side of me I
was hiding for years came out and I couldn’t
control it” Bianca replied in tears, and his mouth

“What did I tell you sir? I knew it would work out”
Emiliana said, and Bianca stared at her.

“What do you mean?”

“Leonardo was never in love with me” Emiliana
replied and her eyes widened.


“It was all a plan to get you back to your senses”
Emiliana said.


Presently, Leonardo was sitting on his bed with
his palms all over his face, he was in deep
thoughts when a soft knock came on the door.

He dropped his palms, and his eyes moved to
the door.

“Come in” He said in a cool voice, and the door

Emiliana walked in slowly but she stopped at
the door as she saw his sad face. She sighed
before walking to him.

“Sir Leonardo” She called softly, and he nodded.

“Emiliana, do you need anything?” He asked

“Not really sir, I just want to discuss something
with you, can I?” She replied, and he looked at

“You can” he replied, and tapped on the space
beside him on the bed. She saw that but she
ignored it.

“Are you going to stand there and talk to me?”
He interrupted before she would even start

“Sit with me” He said in a calm voice.

“Should I?”

“Come on” He smiled this time, and she smiled
back before sitting beside him.

Nervousness took over her immediately and she
started bubbling on what she wanted to say.
What if he get angry about it?

“You said you wanted to talk to me” He said.

“Yes” She replied, hiding the nervousness in her
voice but her nails couldn’t conceal it.

He turned his eyes to her when he didn’t hear
anything from her, and he could notice how
nervous she was.

“Be free with me, I don’t ki|| so go ahead” He
smiled reassuringly.

“I know I shouldn’t be butting into your family
issue but I feel sad seeing you this way” She

“It’s fine, I guess I’m unlucky” He said.

“I know you love her so much”

“I love Bianca more than anything, I have been
crushing on her for a year now but I’m not the
type to rush things, I was happy when father
told me she was the one I was going to marry, I
thought things would be different but I guess I
expected too much” He sighed heavily.

“I think there’s a reason for the hatred, she can’t
h@ťě this much without a reason” She said, and
he faced her.

“Do you think so?”

“Maybe you hurt her in the past” She uttered.

“I don’t think so, we haven’t met before talkless
of me hurting her, we don’t have a past”

“I still believe she has a reason even if she
denies it but I have a plan sir”

“What is the plan?” He asked.

“I know how jealous we women can be, you
need something to trigger that jealous side in
her, and if it doesn’t work out then that means
she has no feelings for you, she might start
loving you when you turn your attention to
another woman, you don’t value what you have
until you lose it”

“You mean I should pretend to be in love with
another woman?” He asked, and she nodded.

“Yes, pretend like she doesn’t exist anymore,
stop giving her your attention”

“But I don’t have anyone to do that with”

“I can help you, pretend to be in love with me,
you can kiss me too but that will be the only
boundary you can pass” She said and he looked
at her.

“Are you sure about this?”

“I can’t give it a hundred percent assurance but
let’s take the risk” She replied with a confident

He continued staring at her.


“What!” Bianca gasped shockingly with wide
terrific eyes.

“You all planned this together?” She muttered.

“Yes, I was never in love with him, Leonardo
can’t love another lady, he loves you so much,
he hurt himself trying to be harsh and cold to
you, it was my idea so don’t blame him, do it on
me” Emiliana said, and Bianca started another
round of fresh tears.

Emiliana walked to her and held her shoulders,
looking into her tears filled eyes.

“I know you h@ťěd him for a solid reason, stop
hiding it and let it out to him, stop hurting
yourself, I know you had a bitter past with him,
my instincts can’t be lying to me” She said
straight at her face, and Bianca cried more.

“I thought you h@ťěd me”

“I never did despite the fact that you were
wicked to me, I don’t just judge people, tell him
the secret you are hiding, please” Emiliana said,
and stepped back from her.

Bianca turned her teary eyes to Leonardo, and
he was staring back.

She sniffed loudly, pushing the snort trying to
come out.

“I h@ťěd you because of what you did to me in
highschool, let’s say that was what I thought
but I never did h@ťěd you for real, I was still in
love with you but I allowed my anger and hatred
to suppress the love I had for you until you
started giving your attention to Emiliana, I tried
controlling my feelings but the love side of me
took over and it was out of my control…

“We went to the same highschool? But I can’t
remember anything”

“Germany, Germantown highschool” She cried,
and he moved back.

“Germantown” He muttered gently.

“I was h@ťěd in the whole school because of my
ugly face, it was filled with pimples and burns,
my parents were still poor but they managed to
send me to the school, being the best school, it
was attended mostly by children from rich
families, your parents were so rich that time too,
dad took us there to look for money, you were
the hot cake in the school, you were the center
of attention and the girls couldn’t stop crushing
on you, I was one of them, but I couldn’t come
out clean cos I was a rag among the students, I
crushed on you from afar but my suffering from
you started the day you lost your wallet” She
cried hotly, remembering the bitter past.


It was free time and there was no teacher
present in any class. The students were outside
of their classes mostly having fun with their
friends but there was only one person who was
alone. Bianca.

She was detested by the students because of
her pimples and burns on her face, she was
nicknamed “Pig face”

Walking in the mist of students was a sin so
she isolated herself like a leprosy patient. She
had no friends, she was all alone.

She was walking through a silent alley in the
school when her eyes suddenly saw something
on the ground. She ran towards it and squatted
before it.

It turns out to be a fallen wallet from a student.

“It must belong to the students” She said in her
tiny voice.

She stood up and wanted to walk away but she
found herself coming back and picking it.

Since she couldn’t mingle with the students, she
started wondering how she would find the

Out of curiosity, she opened the wallet and her
eyes widened when she saw Leonardo passport
in the wallet.

She smiled, and her heart started beating so
fast just at the sight of his photo in the wallet.

“My crush, he’s so cute even in the picture” She

“I need to find him” She said, and continued
walking but Leonardo suddenly appeared on her
way. Actually he discovered he lost his wallet
and remembering earlier that he passed that
way, he started tracing it back to that way.

Bianca stopped walking and a smile appeared
on her face, this is the first time she would be
seeing him this close since she started
schooling here.

She took fast steps to him.

“Leonardo” She called in her tiny voice but
immediately he saw the wallet in her hand, his
eyes grew with anger.

“What are you doing with my wallet?” He
demanded furiously that Bianca flinched, and
she started stuttering.

“I…. found….it…on the… ground”

“You stole it from me right?” He barked.

“No, I saw it on the floor and I was looking for
the owner, please have it” She said, pointing it

“And do you think I will have anything to do with
that infested wallet? You touched my wallet
with your dirty hands, you rag!! How dare you?”

She felt hurt as he insulted her, and she blinked
her tears back.

“I’m sorry” She said in a crack voice.

“I’m not going to collect that back” He said and
her eyes widened.

“You are going to get me the same wallet and
don’t let your hands touch it” He said and she
went on her knees immediately.

“Please, I’m just a poor girl, I don’t have any
money, please” She begged, and tears slipped
out of her eyes.

Being a big time bully, Leonardo was beginning
to enjoy the show like a lion about to devour its

“You have only twenty fours hours to get me a
new wallet or you will regret it tomorrow” He
said emotionlessly, and walked away.

“What have I gotten myself into? Where am I
going to get the money from? My parents can’t
afford this wallet, I’m so sure” She cried, sitting
on the ground.


It was lunchtime and the cafeteria was filled
with the students but at the far end of the hall
was Bianca. She was eating on a small table
with her scanty plate. Her head was bent as she
ate. She knew Leonardo to be a bully but he had
not bullied her before, she knew was in trouble
as she couldn’t find the money to buy him
another wallet, the same type.

She was waiting for the worst to happen, this
isn’t her first time getting bullied, it’s her daily
meal in this school.

The time came when Leonardo came into the
cafeteria and the girls started shouting his
name, as usual the center of attention.

His eyes started searching for her till he saw
her at the far end, and he smiled cruelly.

He started walking towards her with the girls
shouting his name till he got to her.

🗣️ What is he doing there?
🗣️ That ugly thing
🗣️ Don’t he know he will get infected?
🗣️ Ugly face, pig face

He stopped at her table, and she looked up
slowly, fear in her eyes.

“Where’s my new wallet? Hope you got the
same type?” He asked.

“I couldn’t buy it cos I got no money” She replied,
her lips shaking as she talked.

“What!!” He yelled angrily, and she went on her

That attracted attention and the students
started gathering around, leaving their foods.

They started laughing and insulting her.

“Listen everyone, she stole my wallet” Leonardo
shouted, and Bianca gasped shockingly.

“No, I didn’t”

“Then what is my wallet doing with you?”

“I picked it on the ground yesterday, you know
you are lying”

A hand flew to her face immediately, and her
hair scattered on her face.

“How dare you call our Leo a liar?” A guy who
slapped her yelled, and took her bag pack, he
opened it and brought out the wallet.

🗣️ She’s a thief.
🗣️ I’m not surprised
🗣️ She’s not only ugly but a thief also
🗣️How dare she steal from the school prince?

Leonardo was smiling satisfactorily as he heard
the abusive words coming from the students.

“I didn’t steal from him, I didn’t” Bianca cried but
who would believe her anyway.

“Treat her like a thief should be treated” He said
and bent to her.

“I don’t joke with my words, I told you you will
regret it if you don’t get me the new wallet” He
said meanly, and stepped back.

“Thief” The students chorused, and started
pouring juices, pasta, eggs and all sorts of
things on her. Bianca stopped struggling as she
was bathed, she kept crying.


Leonardo couldn’t believe his ears as she
narrated everything. His body started shaking.

Emiliana’s eyes came wide too, and she started
looking at him.

“I can’t remember anything” He said, trying to

But he was feeling guilty already without even
remembering anything.

“I became your victim from that day, there was
no day that you didn’t bully me in school, you
made me stay in the rain till I passed out. You
forced me to drink your urine, and a lot of things
you did to me but I endured but the funniest
thing was I couldn’t stop loving you. The worst
of it was the day you R@P£D me in the
clubhouse” She cried.


A very popular clubhouse in Germany, and
Bianca was lucky to be hired as a server in the
clubhouse for the night, she needed money
badly for her textbooks and her parents couldn’t
afford it.

She had no idea Leonardo was in the club that
night, after serving for hours, she started feeling
pressed so she left to the female restroom. After
urinating, she flushed the toilet, she was about
to open the door when the door opened against
her, and Leonardo staggered in.

“Leonardo” She gasped.

“Pig face, what are you doing here?” He asked,
and started walking to her.

Bianca shifted back fearfully.

“You are looking cute tonight, how come?” He
asked, toppling on his toes as he tried to walk to

“Don’t bully me again, please” She started crying
but he grabbed her and pushed her to the floor,
he came over and started smiling lustfully at

His hand went into her skirt and her eyes

“No! Stop it, please, stop” She started fighting
him but he was stronger. He pinned her down
and draw her P@ŋtîēṣ down.

He pulled his trousers down and with a swift
move he was in her.

Large tears came out of her eyes as he took her
pride, he was so rough that she felt blood
coming out of her p@zzy.

He was still at it when a red haired girl came
into the restroom.

“What the f_ck” She shouted and pushed
Leonardo off her.

She punched him and he fell to the ground.

The next day Bianca went to school and
confronted him but he wasn’t remorseful, she
got angry and slapped him but he pushed her
and she fell off the stairs landing in the


“Red haired girl, what’s the name of the club?”
Emiliana asked curiously.

“Booky” Bianca replied, and Emiliana’s eyes

“It was you, that night, he was the one” Emiliana
gasped, and Bianca faced her with wide eyes.

“It was you, the red haired girl?”

“It was me, I was in Germany too, I went to the
restroom to do my stuff when I saw that scene
but you ran away after he escaped from me”
Emiliana replied, and her eyes went to

He looked like a dead person. She looked at him
disappointedly, and with angry eyes.

“You deserve everything she did to you, you
deserve it all devil” She shouted and he
confirmed it, he really did all that?

Bianca suddenly ran out of the room and she
came back quickly with two pictures, one
having her face and another having his face.

“I took this picture of you and had it printed, this
is my picture” She said and he took the pictures
from her.

Immediately he saw her face and his face, his
head made a straight crack voice, and his body
started shaking. Blood came out his nose
immediately as he started remembering

He remembered everything, he had an accident
that day he pushed her, he got a partial memory
loss after waking up and he couldn’t remember
anything about her.

“I had an accident that day that I pushed you
down the stairs, I remember everything now” He
said, his body shaking so much.

He staggered in shock and almost fell as tears
came out of his eyes.



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