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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO DIRTY SECRET – Episode 12 & 13

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(His Pretty Seductress)
By Ricky Gold


“Noo,”Daisy screamed and fainted on the
ground as two boys rushed out and heaped her
over thier shoulder and start heading to the
school clinic””

Pinky and Steve keep on kissing crazily and just
ike a flash, memories of the kiss scene in
Steve’s room came into his head as he broke the

👥 OMG! They kissed for real

👥 Newest couple in school

👥 Awnn! What a heartbreak for Daisy

Pinky made to walk away but Steve held her
hand as she looked at him.

“Back then at my room, I did something crazy
right,”Steve asked as Pinky stared at him.””

“What are you talking about,”Pinky asked in

“I kissed you right,”Steve asked as Pinky yanked
off his hand and ran away immediately as
Steve made to go after her but Ivan and Steve
draws him back. “”

“You need to let her be for now, she needs to be
alone,”Ivan muttered as Steve ruffled his hair
going crazy already””

“I f-__-ked up this time around, I hope she forgive
me. I did it to make sure that Ɓîtçh moves out of
my life. She should stop pestering me again,
“Steve muttered in frustration.””

“Can we all love to the class please,”Seth replied
as they all walked to the class. “”

Xander woke up as the memories of last night
flashed into his head as he left the bed.

He grabbed his phone and put on his slippers as
he walked downstairs.

The sweet savoring aroma of the food hit his
nostrils as he heaved a yawn immediately and
he walked to the kitchen and met Karina who
was cooking.

“Karina felt a presence and before she could
turn, Xander hugged her from behind and kissed
her checks as she blushed.

“Good morning beauty goddess,”he muttered as
Karina smiled and turn off the gas.””

“I’m fine and you, you can back home yesterday
very drunk. Is there anything bothering you,
“Karina asked as Xander face turned pale but he
covered it up with a smile “”

“Nothing happened,I feel like having fun
yesterday and it was so amazing. What are you
cooking,”Xander asked disengaging from the

“Am cooking rice together with salad, I hope you
like it,”Karina replied as Xander smiled widely””

“Sure, I hope it’s as delicious as you are”Xander
whispered naughtily to her a zhe pushed him

“Get away pervert, quickly freshen up and hurry
up for breakfast,”Karina replied””

“Sure, beauty,”Xander blew her a kiss and left
the kitchen as Karina smiled. All of a sudden,
she became moody and she didn’t know why.””

“How will he fee if he finds out that I’m here to
find his secret, I just wish I have started this
mission in the first time now I have completely
fallen for him,”she muttered to herself…””

There’s no doubt she’s falling for him, the way
he smiles, everything about him drives her

“What do I have to do now,”she muttered””

Alexa was shopping at the mail when she
bumped into someone and made to fall but
someone grabbed her pulling her closer to him.

It was Julius as Alexa gasped in shock same
thing as Julius who’s eyes were widen.

Alexa pushed him off as she stared at him
shockingly, that same face she can’t forget.

“Alexa, it’s me”Julius called out in shock as he
moved towards her but she moved backwards””

He made to touch her but the unexpected
happened as Alexa pulled him into a hug as
Julius was surprised.

“Omg! I have never seen anyone as hot as you
are. Can I have your number,”Alexa said “”Alexa
said breaking the hug as she was touching his
face as Julius stared at her confusedly

“It’s me Julius Callaghan, are you sure that you
don’t know me,”Julius asked””

“Wow, mister I didn’t know you, your name is
Julius Callaghan. I think I must have heard of
that name,”Alexa said scratching her head
trying to think as she suddenly realized

“OMG! You are Julius Callaghan brother to
Xander Callaghan the popular billionaire. Nice
meeting you,””

“I don’t think she recognizes me at first, maybe
she lost her memories,”he muttered and smiled.”

“Sure, isn’t your name Alexa,”he asked

“Yeah, that’s my name. Have we met before.
How did you know my name,”Alexa asked with
curiosity as Julius laughed””

“I just guess since you have known my name.
Can we be friends,”Julius asked””

“Sure handsome, we can be friends. Type your
number into my phone,”Alexa said handing over
her phone to her and Julius put the number into
her phone.

“We will see each other next time ok,”Julius

“Sure handsome,”Alexa pecked his check and
walked away as Julius stared at her.””

“She have become so beautiful, I hope she
doesn’t finds out what I did to her,”he muttered
and entered his car driving off


John was about to left the house when a
message popped into his phone. He sighed and
opened the message which read thus:


John raised his brows as many questions ran
into his mind, who sends this message to him
and what does he mean by the Callaghan’s
family are not the behind the murder of his late

Another message popped into his phone as he
opened it without hesitation and read it.


“Who the f-__-k is trying to mess with me,”he
shouted angrily and entered his car with Aa
thoughts running into his mind””

Just when he thought he was getting closer to
the truth, another mystery have appeared.

He was driving speedily with his car on a lonely
road when two cars overtakes him.

The door car opened and five huge men came
out of the car with many guns In their hand.

“$h|t,”John cursed under his breath and opened
the other seat brought out Ak47 gun and kicked
the door opened. “Let’s get into the battlefield”””

He fired at shot at the leader on the forehead as
he fell down and died instantly. The remaining
four hurry up after him as John left the car and
rolled on the ground.

He hide beside the back of the car and pulled
the trigger $h00ting the two men who died

The remaining two were advancing towards him
as he rushed out of his hiding place and shot
one of the men.

He made to pull the trigger on the other men but
his bullet finished.

“f-__-k,”he screamed and raised his hands in
surrender as the guy pointed his gun at him.””

He got closer to him and before he could do
anything, John grabbed the gun from his hand
and threw it away before grabbing a pocket
knife from his trouser and stabbed his chest as
he fell down and died.

“Bunch of fools trying to get in my way,”he spat
on them and entered his car as then his phone
rang and he glanced at it, it was an unknown

He hesitated for a while before picking the call
and a husky voice came into the view.

“You like what you see right, it’s so enchanting
and bloody,”the husky voice said””

“I don’t care who the hell you are but I promise
that I will find you into pieces and break your
bones. Mark my words,”John yelled gritting his
teeth in anger as he folded his fist.””

“Bring it on, I’m patiently waiting for you,”the
voice said and hanged the call as then John
grabbed her phone and entered his tracking app
but it was saying that the number doesn’t exist.

“f-__-k, he’s using a burner phone. I will find you
@$$h0le,”John ignited the engine and drove off

Savannah entered the house and met
everywhere dark as she sighed in anger.

“What the heck is happening. How can there be
power failure in this house,””she yelled angrily
as then the lights came on and she gasped in
shock with her eyes widen staring at the
horrifying scene in front of her.”

Behold, were her six maids lying on the ground
as their head were placed on the table with
blood pumping out of their neck as the room
were filled with blood.

“Nooooo, what the f-__-k is this,”Savannah
screamed in fear moving backwards as she fell
on the ground.””

A paper came flying beside her as she
screamed loudly. She was shaking already as
she grabbed the letter and opened it.

She gasped reading the letter which was written
with blood.

“Don’t try to mess with, Savannah. I have my
eyes on you and I monitor every movement you
made. This is the last time I will warn you about
this, stay away from Xander Callaghan. He’s

By Vixen

“Who the hell is Vixen and why is he or she after
my life. No, this can’t be happening,”she
shouted and threw away the letter shaking as
she stood up and took to her heels.

Karina and Xander were shopping at the mail as
she tried a lot of clothes on and many of them
were being packed due to xander order.

“You have tried a lot for me Xander Callaghan. I
really appreciate it,”Karina said to Jim as
Xander smiled””

“You don’t have to thank me, I can’t help but do
it for you. Do you have any problem with that,
“Xander asked”

“Not at all,I must say that you are a good
billionaire having a heart of generosity, but can I
ask you something,”Karina said as Xander
looked at her.”

Karina dipped her hand inside the bag and
brought out a picture and showed it to Xander
who was shaken by it.

“Who is she, i found it in your room,”Karina
asked as Xander eyes start getting misty as
tears rolled down his face””

“She’s my ex, she was pushed down the rooftop
by an unknown but I was accused of being the
one that ki||ed her in my high school days,
“Xander dropped the bombshell as Karina
gasped in shock”””

“What the hell,””she muttered as the picture
slipped out of her hands “”

Xander made to walked towards her but a voice
was heard making them to turn and Xander
widen his eyes to see a girl walking towards

“Raven, what are you doing here,”he asked
moving closer to her.

“What are you doing here, I should be the asked
you that boss. Do you want your identity to be
exposed. What if one of your enemies suddenly
leaked the world about your identity. Then, you
are gone for it,”Raven asked stopping in front of

“What are they talking about? Why is she calling
Xander boss. Is there something going on,”he
have a lot of secrets under his sleeves,”Karina
thought trying to gather the puzzle going on her
brain around”””

“I never ask you to care or trying to protect me
Raven. Leave this my presence right now,
“Xander ordered as Raven made to walk away
but turn to him.

“We have gotten a video of what really
happened during your high school days, come
to the clan,”with that, she turned and walked
away as Xander was confused and he turned to
Karina who was staring at him.

“I’m sorry, I have to go now,”Xander said””

“Okay, maybe next time. Thanks for the
shopping,”Karina said as Xander picked the
picture, paid the bills and left the mail in a hurry

“What’s going on,”she thought as then her
phone rang and she glanced at the screen, it
was her Uncle.””

She picked it and her eyes widen and she left
the mail and dropped the bags on the seat and
drove off.


A car drove into the clan as someone wearing a
mask alighted from the clan as everyone bowed
to him.

👥 Welcome boss

The person pulled off the mask as Xander face
was came into the view. He wore a cold face,
wearing black shirt and trouser as a gun was in
his hand.

“How will everyone feel when they find out that
I’m a mafia under the disguise of a billionaire,
“he let out a smirk and he entered the control
room and met all the gangs assembled already.

“Welcome back boss,”everyone chroused and
bowed to him.””

“Show the video,”he said as Phoenix walked
over to the projector and put it on as the video
came into the view.””

It was shown that Xander and Lola were
discussing at the rooftop and they have
argument over something.

Later they hugged each other but unknown to
them that someone is coming behind them and
the person pushed Xander and at the same
time, Lola fell off from the rooftop making it
look like Xander was the one that pushed her.

“$h|t,”Xander yelled $h00ting in the air as his
face was written with anger.””

“Boss, look at this closely, I think the unknown is
a lady and There’s an inscription on the neck,
“Phoenix said and paused the video zooming it.”

Xander moved closely to it and it was written

“Who the hell is Vixen?””Xander muttered””



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