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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 45 ~

Why are you smiling, Leon asked Victor

Victor turned to him

Did something happen, Leon asked

Was I smiling, Victor asked in return

He sighed, he had been thinking about Chloe’s
beautiful face

He didn’t know even he was smiling

Gosh what had she done to him, why can’t he
get the image of her face out of his head?

Can I ask you a question, Victor asked

Leon nodded

What does it mean when you can’t stop thinking
about someone, Victor asked

Leon raised his head

Do you have a crush on someone, He asked

Crush on who, I don’t have a crush on anyone,
Victor snapped

Huh why are getting angry because of that,
don’t tell me…. OMG no wonder you were
smiling like a goat, tell me is it Elizabeth, Leon

Shut up which Elizabeth, Victor snarled

Oh Victoria, Leon laughed

Get out, he snapped

Then is it Scarlett? Stacy?, Paula?, you have a
lot of girlfriends, Leon continued

You know what I am done here, he snapped and
stormed off

Leon laughed

But as he was hurrying out he bumped into
someone and they both fell on their butts

It was Tamina

Is she seriously blind!!

He was about to yell at her when he saw her

She looked pale as though she was ill, her eyes
were sad too

He stood up and watched her calmly

She stood up too and was about to leave when
he pulled her back

Are you okay, he asked softly

She scoffed and pulled her hand away from his

He sighed

And just like that she walked away, wait did she
really ignore him!!

OMG don’t tell me it’s Tamina, so you still have
a crush on her, Leon whispered

Victor turned back frowning

Why did you follow me, he snapped

So it’s Tamina, I really thought you’ve moved on,
you told Kein and I so, were you really lying,
Tamina and Victor sitting on the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g,
Leon grinned

Victor grabbed him immediately, locking his
neck with his arms

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh let go, Leon screamed

I will seriously ki|| you, Victor yelled

But you had a crush on her from middle….
ahhhhhhh, this jerk let go, Leon screamed

I am ready to silence you forever, Victor said

Leon grabbed his Ďïčk

Let you you jerk, are you playing with me, Victor

Go ahead let’s see who will silence each other
first, Leon snapped

Fine I’ve left you let go, let go of my family you
mother f-__-ker!!!!!!


Kein glared at him and stood up

Did you follow me, he asked angrily

Of course not, I was about to meet Chloe but I
saw someone confessing to her and then they
kissed… Urhm and then I saw you running away
so I followed, Adrian replied

Get lost, Kein snapped

Sure but are you really okay, do you need tissue
or something, Adrian asked

Kein removed his shoes and threw it at him,
Adrian dodged it

Fine I am going, so calm down, Adrian rolled his
eyes and turned to go

He turned back almost immediately

Fighting!!, I am rooting for you, Adrian grinned

Kein threw the other shoe at him

Calm down, I am only motivating you, Adrian

Let’s go Keeva, he said and walked away

Kein scoffed and looked at his leg

Gosh why am I bare footed, why did I have to
throw my shoes at that jerk, he asked in tears

Are you really crying because you are bare foot
or because of Chloe, his mind asked him

Not you too, leave me alone, he cried

<< Evening <<

It was already getting dark, the students were
getting ready to eat dinner

Adrian was inside his tent alone

He was really nervous knowing that he may be
attacked anytime

Hey lan, Izna called

He sat up immediately

Come let’s go for dinner, Izna said

He sighed and stood up

Is something wrong, Izna asked

Where Mason, Adrian asked in return

He’s already there, Izna replied

The both of them went outside

The students were sitting outside eating while
some went inside their tent to eat

Adrian sat down beside Mason while Izna sat
down the other side

I can’t find Jasmine at all, I wonder where she is,
Izna said

Maybe she went somewhere, Mason said

Adrian looked around for Chloe or Keeva but he
didn’t find them

Chloe is having dinner in her tent, she’s
obviously avoiding me, Mason said

You confessed, Izna gasped

Yeah kind of, Mason mumbled

OMG you are my gee!!

Something immediately dawned to him

He jumped up immediately

Adrian where are you going, Mason asked

I will tell you later, He replied and ran off

Mason and Izna followed him

f-__-k Jasmine!!, They dare not harm Jasmine!!

And why didn’t Keeva see this?

He ran round the arena but couldn’t find her so
he began to panic

But then he heard a faint whimper

He followed the sound and saw Jasmine tied to
one of the trees

Those bastards!!!

Adrian, she called when she saw him

Calm down I will save you, he said

They are here, she whispered

He heard footsteps behind him and turned

He kicked the demon that tried to attack him

It turned to dust and disappeared but then
about hundred demons appeared

They were all holding a sword

This is a distraction, he mumbled

That stupid thing is trying to distract me so the
full moon will pass, but I won’t fall for that
trash, I will save Jasmine first, he muttered

His sword appeared in his hand and he rushed
to them

Lolz He fought different kind of creatures in the
stages Keeva had created and he knows their

I am going to beat you like a kid, he mumbled

He started fighting them

They were easy to ki|| he didn’t even use his
powers on them

He finished them and made to go to Jasmine
when he heard footsteps

He turned back and pointed his sword at the
direction it was coming from

It was Izna and Mason

Adrian, Izna called in shock

What are you doing with a sword, Mason asked
looking surprised

He was also in shock

What are you doing here, why did you follow
me, he snapped

They both saw Jasmine and gasped

Mason rushed to her

What happened to you, Izna asked looking

Adrian heard fainted footsteps and sighed

What’s going on, Mason asked looking around

Demons appeared in an instant

Izna shrieked and fainted

Mason staggered backwards in fear

Even if they left they might get caught too, to
think of it they are safer here, Adrian thought
looking at them

f-__-k where is Keeva, he mumbled

The demons started approaching him, he
rushed to them again

This time they increased by two folds whenever
anyone died

He stopped when he saw that and moved

He had to untie Jasmine, he thought

Mason who might have helped was too scared
to move

He felt Keeva’s presence and turned

It was actually Keeva and Chloe

Save Jasmine, he said immediately

The demons started coming closer again so he
started fighting again

Keeva pointed her finger at the rope and
Jasmine was set free

Chloe rushed to hold her

Take them to away, he said without looking

Chloe sat Jasmine down and went to carry Izna
and then the scared Mason

Let’s go, she told Keeva

I want to join Adrian, Keeva said

Adrian stopped and moved backwards, the
demons just kept increasing

Leave Keeva, you have to protect them, Adrian
said panting

No I have to, Keeva said stubbornly

Keeva, Adrian snapped

Keeva sighed and turned to Chloe but then she
felt something

Adrian felt it too

A sword appeared in Keeva’s hand and she flew
up attacking the person tried to attack Adrian
sneakingly, it was Manuel

Adrian attacked the other person, Manisha

Manuel came from the left side while Manisha
came from the right side

Manuel fell to the ground bleeding heavily

Keeva’s attack was really heavy

Manisha on the other hand passed out when
Adrian attacked her

Keeva glared at Manuel coldly and pointed the
sword at his throat

You look like your father a lot, she said

Do you know my father, he asked weakly, he
was really in pain

If you really know my father then, how dare you
attack me, he snapped

How dare you attack the god of the sun, she

He began to spit out blood

I will really ki|| you, you must die for trying to ki||
him, She said and slashed his throat

Manuel held his neck and whimpered

His bleeding increased

You you are are….., He didn’t complete what he
wanted to say when he stopped breathing

His eyes was still open

You can go first, your parents will come keep
you company later, Keeva said coldly

I will take care of her, Adrian said looking at

Take them with you, please go with them, and
you need to find Tamina the moon is coming
out, Adrian said

Keeva sighed and disappeared with Chloe,
Jasmine, Izna and Mason

As if the demons were waiting for him to finish
they attacked him again


Chloe paced around immediately they appeared
in the tent

Jasmine and Mason were sitting down

Izna was still unconscious

What’s going on Chloe, what are you guys,
what’s going on, how did we appear here,
Jasmine asked she was really shocked

Chloe turned back

Mason looked speechless and Jasmine was
shaking and Izna…. Ok he finally opened his
eyes and sat up

I am sorry, we will explain it to you later just
calm down, Chloe said

I just had a bad dream, but what am I doing
here, Izna said looking around

What’s going on, Mason finally asked

Chloe sighed and turned to Keeva who had been

I will go get Tamina, you stay here and protect
them, Chloe said

Jasmine, Izna and Mason stared at her like she
had gone mad

Who was she talking to!

I can do that, Keeva said

I will be fine, they can’t hurt me because of the
seal, she said and with that she rushed out

Everywhere was quiet and was no longer as
dark as it was minutes ago as the full moon
was coming out

She rushed to Tamina’s tent but she couldn’t
find her, she went to the dinning area and she
wasn’t there either

Where the hell is she!!!!


Adrian continued fighting the demons and they
kept increasing

Soon they were all surrounding him obviously to
keep him there

He finally had enough and burnt all of them
with his powers

They all disappeared

He sighed and looked up

The full moon is finally out!!!

And just then he sensed the weird and demonic

It was really strong

Demons appeared once again and he sighed

He was definitely not fighting them

He turned and began to leave but they chased
after him


He took his heels and ran really fast

But then he almost bumped into someone who
was coming so he stopped

Sheila, he called in surprise

She moved closer and stabbed his chest

He was shocked

How dare you decieve me, you are the god of
the sun!!!

You ruined my parents too, she screamed

Okay he didn’t expect it, he realized she was
really soft and cute when he got closer to her,
that was why he allowed her close to him

But this!!!

He stared bleeding heavily

I will ki|| you, she screamed and removed the
knife, she made to stab him again but someone
stabbed her from behind


Sheila fell down and passed out

Keeva rushed to Adrian

Are you okay, she asked holding him

He stared at Sheila still shocked

I didn’t ki|| her, Keeva said holding his chest

I am fine, he stuttered

Taus is controlling her from the necklace, she
had already ki||ed two people, she said

Let’s go, he mumbled

We have to find the wildcard, he added

Your wound, Keeva mumbled

It’s fine, he said and held her

They both began to trace the scent

They finally saw where it was coming from and

Tamina’s tent!!!!

They both looked at each other in shock

Keeva entered inside the tent and looked around

Adrian followed her

Tamina was lying on the floor unconscious

They both looked at each other in shock

Tamina, Adrian called,

Hey Tamina, he called again

But then he felt something behind him and
turned sharply

Keeva attacked the person before the person
could attack

Then she pulled the person in completely

Lolz so smart, she chuckled

Adrian’s jaw dropped!!

Ahhhhhh Miriam
Miriam is Apra!!!!!


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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