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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Make me scream holy 🙏}








Let’s do well with the likes, comments and
shares if you want an episode tomorrow 😊



“Or should I call her, our daughter?” Jade
pressed further

Valerie turned to Jade sharply and that made
her bursted into another round of laughter.

“Don’t tell me that you haven’t told her yet? Such
a nice and doing mother” Jade said
sarcastically with an eyes roll

“I…. I did, I told her already” Valerie stammered

” Then I guess you haven’t told her that you
bought her from the underground selling house”
Jade said with a knowing smile sending shivers
down the spine of Valerie.

“Why are you here?” Valerie asked instead
clearly diverting the topic

“I am actually here on behalf of our daughter”
Jade said knowingly wanting to piss Valerie off
and it did

“She is not your daughter okay? I paid
everything, I paid every $h|tty thing you asked
me to pay. I rightfully own her” Valerie said with
gritted teeth picking her words slowly

“And the same way I can rightfully collect her
from you with just a bullet. Warn her or will I say
advice her to stay clear off our ways, a bullet
straight into a skull could set everything right”
Jade said

” You dare not touch a hair on her head, you
dare not harm her” Valerie said

” Then do the needful” Jade replied igniting the
car engine and the car roared back to life

“That’s the price of advice I want to share with
you, get out of my car, we are done” Jade
commanded with a sneer

Valerie just carried her weak and shocked self
out of the car, she suddenly developed
goosebumps from nowhere.



Thelma broke from the kiss after a while, her
both cheeks were red. She palmed his shyly still
on believing that they just kissed.

“It’s not a mistake okay?” She muttered before
he could say anything. She raised her head to
look at Father Micheal who just stared blankly
at her

“Why did you do that?” He asked, a frown slowly
settling on his face

“Huh?” She moved backwards immediately, the
expression on his face wasn’t the one she was

” I’m a priest for god-damned sake!!” He yelled
making her flinch, hiccups from nowhere
attacked her.

“I am a holy sacrament of the Almighty, $h|tty
stuffs like this is against the rule, didn’t you
know that?” He added still raising his voice

She stared at his with glassy eyes regretting her

” You know what …. Wh@ťěver it is, we are done
and this, wh@ťěver we shared is a mistake, a big
mistake” He added before leaving.

Thelma stared at his retracting backview as the
tears dropped freely from her eyes. It hurts to
the bone, it hurts so much. The pains made her
squat when she couldn’t stand on her both legs.
The alcohol has cleared from her eyes a bit

” He is probably mad” She muttered

After a brief moment, a man came in from the
door and walked up to her.

“I was hired to be your designated driver, I’ll take
you home” The man said

” Huh? I didn’t call for any designated driver” she

” But your boyfriend did, he left already” The
man said helping her up

” But he still care” She said inwardly



“Where are you coming from” Jade asked Hazel
who was just returning

“I had to attend the evening mass” Hazel
answered shocking Jade who blinked her
lashes rapidly not believing her ears

“Why are you suddenly interested in going to
church? When did you turn religious?” Jade
couldn’t help but wonder aloud

” If going to the church will make me meet him
and get closer, then I don’t mind getting
converted” Hazel said with a slight shrug

” Huh? Meet who? You have a new crush?” Jade
raised her brows inqusitively

” It’s Reece, he is a priest on the Daham
Cathedral. I kept on asking him when he turned
to a priest but he wouldn’t give me any solid
reasons. I don’t mind if he is a priest though, he
is mine and no one…..

“You mean the young priest in the cathedral is
the Reece we both know?” Jade asked again
wanting to confirm

” Is there a problem with that?” Hazel retorted
but she got no reply from Jade who was staring
into the space with a smug smile

“Things just got interesting” She mumbled



Galaxy and theme rest of the gang broke into
the station. The cops on duty were alerted
immediately and they brought out their guns

“Who are you all?” One of the officers said
pointing his gun from one direction to another
which looked funny to Galaxy who laughed out

Without wasting time, she brought the six cops
with her silencer pistol. They went down at once
motionless. She looked up to the CCTV camera
before taping her earbud

“The system has been corrupted, you all can go
on with wh@ťěver you want to do” Clove said to
her through the device, he is actually the clan’s

Just then Sean rushed out from nowhere, he
was startled on seeing them but he quickly
comported himself

” I’ll lead you to his cell” he offered and without
waiting for their response, he started moving
watching his back from time to time though



Galaxy was the first to rush into the cell as soon
as the door was opened, Wasp was already on
his feet with a smile on his face which made
Sean boil in anger but he controlled himself

Galaxy held his face and started planting kisses
on it, Wasp held her @zz from behind giving it a
light squeeze making her groan. Sean looked
away immediately

“I missed this” He muttered with a smirk giving
her a spank on her behind.

“Let’s get moving” One of the clan members
said after he had destroyed the prison lock, they
made everything looked like it was an attack.
They scattered and spoilt somethings in the
station before leaving.

Sean stared at phone heaving a deep sigh, when
he couldn’t take it anymore, he contacted Father

“Wasp and the rest of his gang just left the
station” He said simply before hanging up



Thelma stared at her phone as she made her
way into the living room. Her message to Father
Micheal was marked as seen but there was no
reply from him

“He should have just texted okay at least” She
mumbled with a sneer, she was tempted to text
him again but decided against it.

“I shouldn’t act too clingy right? He’ll surely miss
my presence and reply to my texts” She
reassured herself.

Valerie averted her gaze from the television to
behold her daughter who was talking to herself.

“Welcome back” She said to Thelma who faced
her with a smile; just the thought that she got to
kiss father Micheal was enough to bring a smile
on her face

” Evening” She greeted

“How was work?” Valerie inquired further,
Thelma actually didn’t tell her that she got

“I want you to take your hand off the murder
case of Mr Garry” She added almost

” Huh?”

” I have a bad feeling about it”

“When did you turn to a Shaman?” Thelma said
with a slight scoff. Valerie moved closer to her
talking her both hands, she stared deep in her
eyes while stroking her hand fondly

“What if it puts you in danger? What will
become of me? I don’t want anything to happen
to my darling daughter…. The world is not safe
anymore, will you just listen to him this once?”
Valerie said empathetically, her eyes searching
Thelma’s hoping for a positive response



“Galaxy just called to say that they had left the
police station” Finn informed the rest of the

” It was a great plan after all” Fabian said

” And it was all my idea, I’ve always been a
brainic” Festus said with an air of pride sipping
from his whiskey.

“And how are we going to round up the whole
thing? We need to come up with a perfect story
to make sure everything dies down, we can’t
afford to stir up too much attention on this, I
just want everything to be swept under the
carpet” Fabian voiced out

” The culprit broke out of the prison aided by
members of his gangs, they destroyed the CCTV
which is the only crucial evidence and gun
down some cops on duty. And that’s how it is
going to be, it’s finally over” Festus said

Fabian let out a sigh

” But it’s not really over until the priest is taken
out of the picture” He added and that caused
Jade to chuckle gaining the stare of everyone
on her.

“You all still thinks that he is a priest? I guess
the robe made him one” Jade said

” Who is he then?” Festus asked curiously

” He is an NIS agent” She blurted out


Father Micheal alighted from his bike stopping
right in front of the vehicles and that made
them halt. They were close to four vehicle on
total, each filled with members of the Scorpion

He removed his helmet, his full bangs fall on his
forehead making him extra hot. He beckoned on
them to slight from their cars too.

Wasp and Galaxy were the first to get down and
the rest members followed suite. Galaxy bit her
bottom lips with a seductively wink at Father
Micheal who didn’t even spare her a glance.

“He’s handsome” She mumbled causing Wasp
to roll his eyeballs

” Enough of the Ɓîtçhy acts and let’s take him
down, Scorpion will be delighted to have his
head” Wasp said getting ready for a fist battle.
He signalled on the men and more than half the
of them rushed to Father Micheal at once.

Father Micheal, being ski||ed, expertly dodged
and avoided their blows and kicks. He sent
most of them to the floor in no time.

Just as he was administering blows to the face
of one, another kicked his leg from behind
making him go down with a groan. Before he
could get himself back, they all rushed to him
hitting him anywhere possible. They began
kicking him like he was a ball; at all part of his
body. He was badly bruised in no time, the only
place that was unaffected was his face which
he used his hand to shield.

Just then flashes of lights came from no where
causing them to be startled. The person riding
the motor cycle stopped right in front of the
scene, still on her helmet, she walked briskly to
the scene. The men rushed at her instead.

She removed her helmet at once revealing Sister
Abigail. Other than the fearfully and scardy
sister that we know, she was looking fearless,
she had that grimace on her face. The black
overall she wore made her look more chick and
like a total badass rather than her usual nun

“Sister Abigail” Father Micheal called weakly

She gave one a flying kick sending him to the
west while another, she used his hand to turn
him over making him land on his back. A groan
escaped his lips immediately. She grabbed
another by his arm twisting it until it made
sounds, his arms got temporarily dislocated.
When she released him, she couldn’t do
anything, he just moved backwards. The rest
did too.

Sister Abigail went to Father Micheal who was
in shock, he was still on the floor. Stretching her
hand towards him with a smile she said…

“Mind if we both ride them on a shuttle bus to

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