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HomeNOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters)NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 11

NOIR LEGACY (The Reign Of Monsters) -Episode 11

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(The Reign Of Monsters)

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔

Written By, 𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧_𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞


The bullet whizzed through the air, narrowly
missing it’s intended target as Gavino swiftly
shifted from his spot. As the deafening gunfire
ceased, he released Elmira from his protective

“Stay here!” he instructed, and without waiting
for her response, he bolted after the $h00ter.

Elmira watched in awe as Gavino moved with
extraordinary speed. The supposed $h00ter,
realizing his cover was blown, emerged from his
hiding spot, firing off rounds in desperation.
Gavino was like a shadow, ski||fully dodging
each bullet with uncanny grace. With precise
aim, he fired his gun, hitting the $h00ter’s hand,
causing him to groan in pain and stumble out
from behind the car.

He hadn’t gotten far when Gavino pounced on
him, delivering a relentless barrage of punches.
Each strike echoed with pent-up rage, but Elmira
couldn’t bear to watch any longer.

“Stop!” she shouted, rushing to Gavino’s side.

“Please stop!” she pleaded, reaching out to
touch him.

Gavino ignored her and continued to rain blows
upon the hapless assailant until the man lost
consciousness. He stood up, his chest heaving,
and turned to Elmira with eyes that sent
terrifying chills. She took a step back, her heart
pounding in her chest.

“I asked you to stay over there, didn’t I?” he
growled, walking towards her.

“Don’t come closer” Elmira said, trembling with

“You’re a devil! Stay away from me!”

She attempted to flee, but Gavino caught her
before she could escape.

“Keep your bloody hands off me!” she
exclaimed. His hands were truly soaked in

Gavino’s grip was iron-tight as he slapped her.
He then seized her neck firmly and forcefully
kissed her, possessively and violently.

“You’re making me hurt you, Bambina” he
whispered, smiling mischievously, his thumb
gently tracing her slightly bruised lower lip.

“Listen to me very clearly” he said huskily. “I do
wh@ťěver I want, wherever, however, and
whenever.” “That’s precisely why I brought you
along to witness what I’m capable of. This is
just the tip of the iceberg” he added with chilling

A car roared into the scene, the screeching of
tires breaking the tension. Ryder and Tiago
rushed out of it, their eyes widening as they took
in the scene.

“Don!” they called out in unison, halting their
advance as they realized he had already taken
care of things.

“Clear this and bring that bastard along” Gavino
commanded. He pulled Elmira closer and led
her toward his car. Bending down, he yanked a
tiny tracker from beneath the vehicle, letting it
fall to the ground before crushing it under his

Pushing Elmira inside the car, he sped away.

(𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒂’𝒔 𝑹𝒐𝒐𝒎)

“What’s wrong? Cat’s got your tongue?” Kendra
smirked, locking her eyes with Flame’s.

“What the f-__-k do you take me for, huh?” Her
voice shook with anger as she shouted,
releasing Flame from her grasp.

“I’m sorry” Flame quickly apologized.

“Sorry?” Kendra snickered. “Sorry that you
cheated? Have you ever considered my feelings,
or do I look like a fool?!”

Flame, tears welling up in her eyes, pleaded, “No,
please, I am sorry.”

“Stop saying that!” Kendra barked with hurt. “He
didn’t force himself on you. You willingly gave

“I am glad you have chosen to end it this way”
She nodded her head repeatedly, smiling

In a desperate attempt to bridge the emotional
chasm that had formed between them, Flame
closed the distance between them in a hurry
and kissed Kendra deeply.

“Please don’t say that. I need you” Flame

“I love you, Kendy” she continued, pouring her
heart out.

Kendra pulled her into another fierce kiss and
broke it after a while.

“Ti amo anch’io, Tesoro (I love you too,
sweetheart)” she replied and kissed Flame

Their connection deepened with each
passionate kiss as they moved towards the bed,
their hands hungrily removing each other’s

Kendra playfully carried Flame and tossed her
on the bed, both ladies giggling with a
newfound closeness. With tender affection,
Kendra used her teeth to remove Flame’s

As their desires and emotions intertwined, the
intensity of their connection only grew. Kendra’s
lips kissed Flame’s ćƖĩť, making her close her
eyes and Mõ@ɲ softly. The teasing gradually
escalated, driving Flame to a state of helpless

Using a rope, Kendra tied her hands to the bed
and reached into her drawer, retrieving a large
dildo that made Flame gasp at it’s size.

“Were you expecting me to go gently after what
you did?” she chuckled, using it to tease her

“Wa… ahh!” Flame yelped as the toy was
inserted into her V@ģĭń@ before she could voice
an objection.

Kendra withdrew it slowly and th-ru_st it back in
forcefully, repeating the same motion.

“Ahmm…” Flame Mõ@ɲed sweetly.

“Ugh! Oh, Gawd!”

“Kennn…” she screamed, trapping Kendra with
her legs.

Kendra intensified the torment with her tongue,
making each th-ru_st more agonizing than the
last. She was channeling her anger.

It didn’t take long for Flame to break down in
tears. The pain mixed with the pleasure was
more than she could bear.

Enjoying the look on her face with a devious
smile, Kendra increased her pace on the dildo,
th-ru_sting in and out of her Pů$$¥ harshly.

“What do you have to say to mommy?” She

“I am so.. sor.. ouch!” Flame stuttered.

“What was that? I can’t hear you” Kendra
smirked, pushing the dildo inner.

“I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry!” She shouted, gripping the rope as
she felt her climax approaching.

“Say you promise to be a good girl from now on.

“I promise to be Mommy’s good girl from now
on” she managed to say amidst the pain.

Kendra’s forceful th-ru_st elicited an even louder
scream as she experienced an intense release.

Withdrawing the dildo, Kendra licked the Com
that had little blood on it. She crawled up to the
weak Flame and kissed her, twirling their
tongues together.

“If you try that again, I won’t be so nice” she
warned sternly, patting her hair.


Delrico’s voice sliced through the dimly lit room,
akin to a blade as he stood over the disheveled
assailant Gavino had brought in. His temper
flared, his knuckles whitening as he clenched
his fists.

“Stop groaning and start talking!” He barked,
punctuating his words with a punch to the
man’s already battered face.

The assailant winced in pain, blood trickling
from his bruised lips. Delrico leaned in, his eyes
fixed on the desperate man before him.

“Who the hell sent you?” He shouted.

“I don’t know. I was only paid to do my job” the
man mumbled, his words muffled by the scanty
teeth he had left.

Delrico’s patience wore thin, and he couldn’t
help but scoff at the response. He delivered
another brutal punch, causing the assailant to
gasp for air.

“Don’t feed me that load of lies” he sneered.

Gavino, observing the situation, saw Delrico’s
rage reaching a dangerous peak. He knew he
had to intervene. Placing a firm hand on
Delrico’s shoulder, he signaled for him to calm
down. Delrico reluctantly relented, stepping back
and letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Do you think he was the one?” Delrico asked.

Gavino considered the question for a moment,
studying the beaten man at their feet. “I doubt it”
he replied thoughtfully.

Delrico, although still seething, respected
Gavino’s judgment.

“Want me to do some research?” he asked,
turning to Gavino for guidance.

Gavino nodded in agreement. “I want to know
who’s confidently treading on death’s doorstep.”


The church was engulfed in heavy silence, with
every hushed whisper resonating through the
vast space as Mr. Pedro made his way down
the aisle, accompanied by his daughter, Leona.
All eyes in the building, including the solemn
gaze of the priest, were fixed on this critical

Mr. Pedro’s face beamed jovially, for this was
the day he had longed for. He fervently wished
for his daughter to marry the man he had
chosen for her. In contrast, Leona remained
enigmatically composed amid the palpable
anticipation that filled the church.

As they approached the ornate altar, Mr. Pedro
graciously handed his daughter over to the
groom, a middle-aged man who had been
wearing an insufferably smug grin ever since
their arrival. A collective sigh of relief and hope
seemed to ripple through the congregation.

Mr. Pedro took his place in the front row with an
air of regality, crossing his right leg over the left.
Turning toward Slice, who stood beside him, he
subtly signaled for him to lean closer.

“How’s our plan progressing?” Mr. Pedro
inquired, speaking just above a whisper.

“I’ve got everything well under control, Don” Slice

“Very good” Mr. Pedro acknowledged, his smile
tinged with a sense of assured victory as he
redirected his attention to the altar.

The priest began the marriage ceremony, and
Leona insisted that her veil remain in place as
they began to recite their vows.

“You may now kiss the bride” the priest declared
with a benevolent smile.

The groom’s face filled with joy as he eagerly
reached to lift Leona’s veil, revealing her face to
all in attendance. As the delicate fabric was
lifted away, a collective gasp of astonishment
filled the hallowed space. Shockwaves rippled
through the congregation, and a sea of
murmurs and whispers erupted, filling the air
with anxious uncertainty.

The young woman standing before them was
not Leona. Her appearance was a stark
departure from the vision of the bride they had
expected. The groom, bewildered and flustered,
stared at the unfamiliar face before him.

Mr. Pedro was as stunned as anyone else in the
church and leaped to his feet. He angrily shot
the impostor bride, and the congregation
screamed with panic, rushing for the exit.

“Vai e trova Leona! (Go and find Leona!)” Mr.
Pedro bellowed. His loyal men sprang into
action, rushing out in search of the true bride.


Leona clutched her gown tightly, it’s delicate
fabric fluttering in the wind as she ran faster
than ever before in her life. Panic clawed at her
throat, and her heart pounded against her chest
as if it would burst. With every step, she cast
furtive glances over her shoulder, checking to
ensure that no one was in hot pursuit.

She darted through an alley where rough-
looking men loitered, their hungry eyes
following her. They exchanged hushed words
among themselves.

“Lei sembra una ladra (She looks like a thief)”
one of the smoking men muttered suspiciously.

“Catturiamola e richiamiamo una ricompensa
(Let’s capture her and claim a reward) another

Leona’s heart sank as she overheard their
discussion, and she quickened her pace. The
men matched her speed, and a perilous race
began through the winding streets of the city.

“Catturala! (Catch her!)” they shouted, and more
of their companions joined the chase. Leona
knew that her pursuers were relentless, driven by
the promise of a handsome reward from her

She pushed herself to the limits of her
endurance, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
Items belonging to innocent pedestrians were
scattered behind her, forming makeshift
obstacles to slow them down.

Desperation in her eyes, she spotted a hidden
corner and ducked into it’s shadow, holding her
breath as the men thundered past without
noticing her concealed presence. Once they had
vanished from view, she emerged from her
hiding place and chose a different path.

Unknown to Leona, her flight had taken her
perilously close to a busy road. Her heart still
raced, and the fear of being captured continued
to drive her onward. In her haste, she failed to
hear the approaching roar of an unnoticed
speeding car. In an instant, it struck her with
unrelenting force, and she tumbled to the
unforgiving pavement, her world spiraling into
darkness as consciousness slipped away.




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