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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazily in love with you)




CHAPTER 11. . . .

Adrian roughed her hair, playfully before
scurrying off but not without releasing a
triumphant smirk.

“Excuse me. . .? do you need any sales
attendant here? ” Olivia asked a lady who had a
bored look on her face.

“No, check front ” The lady uttered without
sparing Olivia a glance.

Olivia bowed slightly and scurried off,

“Sorry. . .good day, is there any vacancy here? “
Olivia asked a guy who looked kinda unhappy.

He scoffed and ignored her.
Olivia stood there for a while and when he didn’t
reply her, she sighed and strode off.

She continued searching for a job but paused
when she saw a banner which was pasted on
the wall,

she quickly took out her small android phone
which was already tired of living and dialed the

“Hello…? this is Olivia Smith, Erm…is there still
vacancy? ” Olivia asked, nervously.

“Yes, come to Estella’s club and bar at St.
downtown’s street tomorrow by 12 O clock,
don’t be late! ” A stern female voice emerged
from the phone.

“Yes ma’am. ..” Olivia glanced at the phone and
saw that the lady has already hanged up.

“Yay!! ” Olivia screamed, happily as she did a
happy dance, she didn’t know when she
mistakenly hit a girl with her shoulder,

“Watch out Ɓîtçh! ” A girl hissed and strolled off.

Olivia rolled her eyes,
“Hey..? “A voice called, surprised.

“Huh?…” Olivia answered the unknown stranger,

“Do you probably have a sister or a…twin..?
gosh I just thought I saw you in there a minute
ago… but your outfit is…

gosh, never mind I think am just going crazy… “
The unknown man mumbled to himself and left
but to Olivia’s hearing.

“A sister..? heh, he’s right about him going crazy
” Olivia muttered and shook her head.

“I didn’t see Charlotte in school today, maybe
she’s still angry at me” Olivia mumbled and
went into a shop to get something to eat.

She came out with a can of black bean noodles,

“1000 dollars for this? am bleeding for using
this money! ” Olivia complained, childishly.

She quickly opened it and took a peek inside,

“Child you know eating while standing is a bad
habit, look for where to sit and eat! ” Olivia
heard a strict but soft voice behind her,

She turned and glanced at the person but froze
when she saw who it was, the can of black bean
noodle fell off from her hand to the floor.

“What?! ” A lady gasped.

“you’ve grown into a very beautiful girl ” The
lady muttered, silently that Olivia was unable to
hear what she said.

“What. . . ?” Olivia retorted, confused.

“Nothing. . .am just…” The lady stuttered,

“Good day ma’am, who are you?” Olivia asked,

The lady tried to touch Olivia’s hair but Olivia
took a step back, fearfully.

“What is your name and where are your parents.
…?” The lady asked.

“Am sorry but I don’t talk to strangers ” Olivia
stated, politely and quickly ran away.

“Wait…!” The lady called, alarmed but Olivia has
already gone far.

“Patricia? what are you doing out here, we have
to shop fast so I can go see my daughter” A
warm voice, uttered behind her.

The lady known as Patricia rubbed her
forehead, tiredly.

“Am sorry Violetta I just got caught up with
something, let’s go in ” Patricia uttered,

“Ugh? is everything alright? did anyone troubled
you? ” Violetta asked, worriedly as she strained
her neck to see if anyone was in sight.

“Haha it’s nothing am just kinda tired, let’s go in”
Patricia uttered with a nervous laughter.

Violetta giggled and the both of them went into
the mall.

• • • • • • •

“Aish! who was that lady? the way she was
staring at me it felt as though she knows me”
Olivia muttered lowly as she took off her school

She quickly ran to the kitchen to look for what to

“I mistakenly threw away my black bean noodle
because of that lady, my 1000 dollar is gone

just like that? where the hell did that lady even
knew me from? “

Olivia rambled to herself, frustrated not knowing
that her mother was behind her.

“What happened? did anyone called your
name?! who was it?! ” Mrs Judy who has been
listening to Olivia uttered, panicky.

Olivia flinched and gazed at her mother,
“Hah! I was just joking no one.. . .”

” Don’t f-__-king lie to me!! who called your
name?! tell me! ” Mrs Judy roared, angrily as
she shook Olivia by her shoulder, harshly.

Olivia stared at the lady she called her mother,
stunned, confused and surprised.

“Mom. . .calm down” Olivia stuttered, softly.

Mrs Judy pushed Olivia that she fell down on
the floor in a rough manner.

“I. ..don’t know her. . .she glared at me surprised
and asked me who am I and where are my
parents” Olivia muttered, lowly with her head
hung low.

Mrs Judy felt her heart raced, widely,

“What did you tell her?! did you answer her?! “
Mrs Judy asked, panicky.

“No. . . .i only told her that I don’t talk to
strangers.. ” Olivia mumbled, slowly.

Mrs Judy let out a sigh of relief, she quickly
sauntered to where Olivia was, she knelt down
and held her cheek,

“Oh my baby am sorry for pushing you, am just.
.am just… angry at something..gosh I don’t

know what’s wrong with me” Mrs Judy sighed
and roughed her hair like a maniac.

She placed her palms on Olivia’s cheek and
Olivia cringed in fear,

“Baby, did you hear me? I said am sorry ” Mrs
Judy pleaded, desperately.

“I’ve heard you mom, please just go take some
rest you look stressed out and know that Olivia

loves you, she will be by your side till the end of
time” Olivia muttered with a fake smile.

Mrs Judy stood up together with Olivia,

“I made some pasta with egg and shrimps, have
a taste! ” Mrs Judy, uttered, happily as she
opened the food and gave Olivia a cutlery.

“Mom! I told you that am fine, am not a child
anymore I can eat by myself ” Olivia whined

Mrs Judy smiled and pat her hair,

“Alright baby, i’ll be in my room if you need
anything just call me” She retorted, sweetly and
strolled off to her room.

Immediately she left, Olivia’s body shook in fear
and she felt goosebumps.

Is this really her mom or someone else, her
mom has been acting weird these past few

She was totally scared that was why she had to
pretend to be good, what was really wrong with
her mom, was she hiding something from her?

Olivia sighed, sadly
She glanced at the food her mom made for her
and felt like throwing up, she scrunched up her
face in disgust,

The pasta was okay and appetizing but she
can’t believe that since when her mom gave
birth to her,

her mom doesn’t know that she’s allergic to

Olivia took the shrimps and threw it inside the
waste bin, she ate the pasta with a heavy heart.
. . . . . .. .


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