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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 81 & 82

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 81 & 82

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel




ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷



“For real? You sister is alive? And it’s her?” Viper
muttered, looking at Amelia who was playing
with Amour.

Yesterday when they went to visit her, Amelia
refused to let him go and so Aurelio convinced
them to let her go but under the condition she
continued her treatment at home.

The doctor said it’ll take a while for her to act
like someone of her age

“Yes, it’s really hard to believe as well but that’s
all I could ask for” Aurelio smiled.

“That’s great news” Coralyn smiled.

“How’s the other group members?” Aurelio

“They’re with their loved ones” Viper replied

Yesterday the whole clan dispersed, going back
to their families, only Raven came to live with
Amour and Aurelio in the mansion

“I guess I should start calling you Adrian then
since everything is over” Aurelio said and
Coralyn chuckled.

“Wassup Aurelio!” Vitto exclaimed, walking in
the mansion

Aurelio looked at him with a poker look on his
face and he immediately shrugged. “What?
You’re not longer boss so I can call you by your
name” Vitto smirked.

“Okay why am I seeing a female version of
Aurelio” Vitto said, looking at Amelia

“It’s a long story” Amour said, standing up with

“Excuse us” Amour said and led Amelia outside.

Aurelio stared at Amour till they were out of
sight, Viper had to snap his fingers before him
to bring him back to reality.

“Man, you’re completely whipped for her” Vitto

“I was actually thinking of proposing to her once
everything is over” Aurelio muttered

“What!! Ahh!!” Coralyn screamed out happily

“I wanna get over with all the $h|t happening in
my life first so I’ll be glad it was to be a secret
among us” Aurelio said and they nodded

“I perfectly understand… Gosh! Amour will be so
happy!?” Coralyn squealed.

“Take example from Aurelio, Viper” Vitto said
and Viper glared at him as Coralyn laughed out.


“Where are you taking me to?” Raven whined as
Saint kept dragging her.

They’ve been to the restaurant where Raven ate
all sorts of delicacies and all what Raven wants
now was to rest and take a nap but it looks like
Saint was not having it.

They took a cap that dropped them at the
outskirt of the town and now they were walking
the few meters left on foot.

“Saint!!” Raven exclaimed and Saint stopped to
look at her

“Are you tired? If you’re tired I can kiss you, I
heard it boosts up someone’s energy” Saint
smirked and Raven immediately shook her head

“Good, follow me” Saint said and led the way

Raven rolled her eyes before following him.
They walked few meters before stopping by a
lake. The lake looked so beautiful, it has this
sparkly blue color

“A lake? Upon all places you had to take me, it
just had to be a lake.. Nice” Raven said

Saint chuckled. “I use to come here when I feel
depressed. I’m someone would rarely shows my
emotion so I come here. Somehow staring at it
frees my mind” Saint said.

“Oh..” Was all Raven said.

Saint looked at her. “Taking a close look at you
now, you do have some resemblance to Amour.
I wonder why I never suspected you two were
sisters. It’s also kinda weird to not see a stony
look on you face like usual” Saint chuckled.

“I know right?” Raven shrugged

Saint took her hand and she looked at him.
“Let’s swim” He muttered and began dragging
her to the water

“No, I don’t want to.. Wait_ Saint!!” Raven
exclaimed when Saint dragged her into the

Their clothes immediately soaked, sticking to
their body.

“You idíot!” Raven exclaimed and made to hit
Saint but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her
closer to him

A gasp escaped her lips as she gazed up to his
eyes. Saint looked down before looking at her
eyes, smirking

“Pink… Cute color” He muttered

“Huh?” Raven muttered and looked down. Her
eyes widened when she saw her white T-shirt
because transparent due to the water and he
could now see her bra


Raven gasped when Saint pulled her closer to
him, her eyes falling directly onto his lips. She
bit her lips and swallowed hard.

“What were you saying?” Saint smirked, loving
the effect her had on her.

Raven immediately wrapped her arms around
his neck and tilted her head to the side, pressing
her lips against his

Saint slowly closed his eyes and held her waist,
pulling her closer to him



“There.. There, be careful not to make the cake
fall” An elderly lady said. It was none other than
Cisco’s mom

Flame nodded, removing the cake from the oven
and carrying it to the table.

“And that’s how we make a cake! Now it’s left to
decorate it and make it look attractive” She said

“Thanks aunt” Flame said and bowed

“Oh please! Call me mom, you look so cute and
pretty no wonder my son fell for you” She
pinched Flame’s cheek

Flame smiled cutely.

“Let me grab something I’ll be back” Cisco’s
mom said left the kitchen

Flame smiled to herself before facing the cake.
Almost immediately, Cisco sneaked in the room.

“What you doing here?” Flame asked.

“I came to get my energy booster. You know my
mom will never let go off you while you’re
around and you’re mine, not hers. It’s unfair”
Cisco pouted and Flame laughed

She walked to him and pecked his lips. “Is your
energy boosted enough?” She said and Cisco
shook his head

He grabbed her waist and crashed his lips
against hers, kissing her deeply.



Vitto could be seen walking through the garden
in Aurelio’s mansion, admiring the flowers he
saw in there.

Viper and the others were still talking when he
decided to take a short walk to take in fresh air.

“Argh!” He heard someone wince and turned to
see Amelia.

When did she get here? Was she following

“Amelia” He immediately walked to her and she
shifted back but winced again when she placed
her left foot down

“You’re hurt?” He asked and she nodded,
pointing down at foot.

Vitto went down and made to touch her left foot
but she shifted away in fear. Vitto looked up at

“Relax, I won’t hurt you. I promise” He said
before he gently took her foot and placed it on
his thigh

She actually stepped on a thorn that got stuck
inside her foot. Vitto pulled out the thorn and
she winced abit.

“All done, you should avoid walking barefooted”
Vitto said and she nodded.

Vitto looked around. “Where’s Amour? Wait,
where you following me?” Vitto said and Amelia

“Don’t you know to speak?” Vitto raised a brow
and Amelia opened her lips to speak but closed
it back.

Vitto shook his head and smiled. “You look cute,
unlike your brother who always look scary” He

“Cute..” Amelia said and Vitto nodded

“Cute!!” She said, clapping happily and Vitto

“Let’s go back in” Vitto said and Amelia
frowned, shaking her head.

She pointed at the flowers. Vitto looked at
flowers before looking at her.

“You want to see the flowers?” Vitto asked and
she nodded with a smile.

“Okay, let’s go” He said and led the way. She
followed behind..



Only few people were seen gathered around the
burial ground. Yeah, today was the burial of

Just Aurelio and some of the clan members
were seen on sight. The burial was a very calm

Aurelio told Amelia about Godfather but he
didn’t tell her that Godfather was responsible for
their mother’s déad. To him, it’ll be better if she
has only good memories of their father.. Unlike

Everyone took turns to say their final goodbyes
to Godfather before the coffin was closed and
lowered to the ground.

“Goodbye… Dad” Amelia muttered, looking sad.
Though she wasn’t crying.

She looked at Aurelio who had a grieved look on
his face. She immediately hugged him, Aurelio
hugged her back as they watched two men
filling back the whole with soil.

The weather was even dark and cloudy,
signalling it will rain anytime soon. Looks like
even the cloud was grieving.



“I will miss you so much!” Amour pouted,
hugging Coralyn for the third time

“Me too” Coralyn smiled.

“Have a safe trip bro” Aurelio said and Viper

He decided to take Coralyn on a short vacation
to Hawaii where they’ll free off their mind.

“Take care of her” Viper said, referring to Amour

“Sure, you too take care of her. And make sure
you come just the two of you and not three of
you. You know what I mean” Aurelio smirked
and Viper chuckled

A voice blarred through the speaker, signalling it
was time for the passengers to board their

“Bye guys!” Coralyn waved before boarding the
plane with Viper.

Amour turned to face Aurelio. “You can go
without me, I have something urgent to attend
to” Amour said and Aurelio raised a brow

“What’s that?” Aurelio asked.

“It’s a secret. I promise I’ll tell you tonight”
Amour smiled and pecked Aurelio’s lips before

Aurelio watched her leave with a smile on his
lips before dipping his hands in his pocket.

“Time to set up the plan” Aurelio said, walking
away too



Amour was seen sitting on a chair, clutching
tightly onto her skirt as she waited for the
doctor to call her in

These days she has been experiencing the
same dizziness and nausea she used to feel
and as such immediately rushed to the hospital
to do some tests, the doctor said she could
come today to collect the results

Nervousness kept eating Amour up as she
waited for her turn. If her suspicion were true
then that will make her the happiest woman on

“Miss Amour Valdez, it’s your turn” The nurse
said and Amour immediately followed her

They got in the office to meet the doctor staring
at her results with a poker face and that added
to her anxiety

The doctor looked up and immediately smiled
at her. “Miss Valdez, please have a seat” The
doctor said and Amour immediately did so

“So doctor, what does the results say” Amour
asked slowly

Doctor stared at the results and immediately
smiled brightly

“Congratulations Miss, you’re 3 weeks pregnant”
The doctor said and Amour immediately sprang
up from her seat with wide eyes

She touched her tummy and immediately
smiled widely

“Really? OMG!!” She shouted happily.

Her joy knew no bounds at that moment and
she couldn’t wait to break the news to Aurelio

“Thanks so much doc! Gosh Aurelio will be so
happy!!” Amour squealed happily

She immediately picked her purse and rushed
out of the office in excitement. The doctor and
nurse couldn’t help but smile, seeing how
excited she was.



Amour immediately got down the car and
rushed the mansion while smiling and giggling
to herself as she stared at the pregnancy test in
her hand.

“Aurelio, I’m back! I have a surprise for you”
Amour called, rushing upstairs

Amour got to their room and opened the door


Her words immediately got stuck to her throat
and her purse with the paper fell off her hand in
the process

The room was beautiful decorated with red and
white balloons, petals of roses laying on the bed
that had red cover sheet, the light of room was
dimly lit with scented candles at some corners
of the room giving it a romantic and soft vibe

Her focus wasn’t even on the decorations but on
Aurelio who was down on one knees holding the
most beautiful ring she has ever seen

“Will you… Marry me?”

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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