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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 77 & 78

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 77 & 78

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel




ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


“We meet again… Lady of my heart” He

“Rexton…” Amour muttered without turning

Rexton smiled, holding his gun pointed on her
head from behind. Amour folded her fists tightly

“What happened to the plan huh? Weren’t you
supposed to kíll Aurelio?” Rexton questioned
and Amour turned to face him

He still had his gun pointed at her but Amour
remained unfazed.

“It’s really cràzy how much you can pretend.
You fooled the whole clan here” Amour said and
Rexton chuckled

“Don’t change the topic here beautiful” Rexton

“Join me. Be my lady, and I promise I’ll let
Aurelio live” Rexton stretched his hand towards

Amour looked at his hand and chuckled. “You
must really be delusional to think you’ll be able
to beat Aurelio” Amour said, taking a step closer
to him.

“Read my lips clearly. I was never yours, I am
never yours and I will be never yours. You can
continue feeding your imagination you stupidity
but one thing will forever stand. I.. Will.. Be..
Never.. Yours” Amour said and the smile on
Rexton’s face fell and was replaced with a look
of anger.

“Ɓîtçh!” Rexton punched her face.

Amour’s face went to the side as her hair
scattered all over her face. She touched her
cheek before looking up at Rexton, a vile smirk
crept up her lips.

“You just signed your déad sentence” Amour
said and immediately aimed her gun at him

Rexton pointed her gun at her too. Almost
immediately a gun shot was heard from behind
and Rexton immediately ducked.

“Amour!” Flame called, running towards her.

“$h|t!” Rexton cussed and ran off.

“Are you okay?” Flame asked and Amour

“They invaded the clan, go and make sure the
others are safe. I’ll take care of him” Amour said

“Are you sure you’re okay on your own?” Flame
asked, looking at Amour’s bandaged arm.

“Yeah” Amour smiled before going after Rexton

Flame sighed before going the opposite


Aurelio’s car roughly parked outside of the clan
and he got down. He couldn’t hide the shocked
on his face when he saw the maids getting
evacuated from the clan by the guards with
gunshots here and there.

“What is happening?” He thought in shock.

“Amour!” His eyes widened when he
remembered Amour was still in the clan. He
immediately brought out his gun and rushed in
the clan.

He immediately came face to face with Clyde
who just shot down one of his clan’s men. Clyde
smirked at him

“Long time no see Aurelio” Clyde said.

Aurelio wasted no time to $h00t him but Clyde
was quick to hide. He shot at Aurelio who
immediately hide too

“What the f-__-k are you doing here?” Aurelio
questioned from his hiding.

“You kílled our beloved leader! So we’re coming
for your head and everyone here” Clyde replied
with nothing but anger in his voice.

One of Rexton’s men made to $h00t Aurelio
from in front but Aurelio immediately gunned
down the man. Clyde took the moment of
distraction to $h00t at Aurelio who quickly
ducked and shot back.

“You just entered a dangerous zone Clyde, and I
promise you ain’t getting out here alive.” Aurelio

“We’ll see” Clyde smirked and immediately
launched at Aurelio

Aurelio stood there with a devilish smile on his
lips as he watched Clyde approach.


Viper, Cisco and Cleopatra stopped when they
both came across each other.

“What the hell is happening!!” Cleopatra asked
in shock.

“The clan is under attack, quick we need to do
something” Cisco muttered.

“Cisco, you and Cleopatra go find Saint and
make sure all the maids are safely evacuated
from the clan.” Cisco and Cleopatra nodded and
immediately went to do their job

Viper began walking fast to a particular
direction as he made a phone call

“Indigo, check the cameras planted in the clan
and tell me where are our enemies location”
Viper said

“I can’t! All the cameras in the clan were infested
with virus, I can’t seen to access it” Indigo said
typing fast on the keyboard with Scythe and
Vitto working on theirs

“We have another snitch in the clan” Viper
hissed, thinking of no one else but Cheetah

“Keep trying to remove the virus. If the enemies
get to you, you know what to do” Viper said and
hung up

He brought out his gun, ready to kíll Cheetah the
moment he’ll bump on her but stopped on his
track when he saw Cheetah… Déad.

Godfather rushed out of his suite too and
paused when he saw Cheetah’s déad body. He
looked up at Viper and their eyes locked.

“What is happening??”

“Looks like Rexton’s clan launched a surprise
attack at us” Viper said and Godfather hissed
angrily, bringing out his gun immediately



Coralyn who was busy dressing up after having
her bath suddenly heard a gun shot. She jolted
and began looking around

“What happened?” Coralyn thought and walked
out of the room

Her eyes widened when she was met with the
chaos happening in the clan. The maids were
panicking, running up and down

“What is-” Before she could finish her phrase
two figures appeared and began $h00ting
everyone they saw.

“Ahhh!!” Coralyn screamed out when a maid
was shot down before her. The maid fell in front
of her and blood began wetting the ground.

Coralyn stared at the déad body before her with
wide eyes. It all happened all of a sudden that
she was shocked and frozen on her spot

“Look who we have here, she’s pretty” Bonnie
smiled, $h00ting down another maid. She
gummed a timer to the wall

She was accompanied with a man from their

“She’s my type” The man licked his lips

“I know right?” Bonnie chuckled.

“We’re here to have fun. Before we kíll her, you
can have fun with her” Bonnie said.

“Thanks boss” The man licked his lips

Coralyn shook her head and began backing out
slowly while the man slowly approached her.
She swiftly and made to run when a bullet flew
just few inches from her ear, hitting the man
behind her

Bonnie’s eyes widened when the bullet took the
man’s skull and he immediately dropped down
déad. She looked up to see Raven staring at
them with a bored look on her face.

“You” Bonnie sneered.

“I’ve cleared this path. You’ll meet no enemies
alive there, take that path. You’ll meet Saint
along the way, he’ll escort you safely out of the
clan” Raven said

“Thank you” Coralyn muttered and immediately
ran off

“What the f-__-k do you think you’re doing. How
could you gun down our men, you’re a f-__-king
spy in this clan remember!!” Bonnie shouted.

Raven looked at her gun in her hand. “I’ve
always wondered how it’ll feel like to have 10
bullets in your body” Raven smirked then looked
at Bonnie

“Guess I’ll find out” She said

Bonnie’s eyes widened.


“f-__-k!” Rexton exclaimed when his back met
with the floor. Amour had just flip him over her

Their bullets finished long ago so now they
were engaged in a serious arm-to-arm combat.

“Like father, like son. You both are weakling
who used shameless ways to get what you
want” Amour smirked and stepped on his
tummy with great force.

Rexton groaned out in pain. He looked at Amour
and smirked then swiftly brought out a knife
and swung it to Amour’s leg

“Ahh!!” Amour winced when the knife took her
thigh. Rexton dragged her leg and Amour
landed to the floor

He immediately got on top of her and pinned
her to the ground, placing the knife to her throat

“I’ll give you a last choice, choose me or him”
Rexton said, pressing the knife tighter to her
neck that it began bleeding.

“Aurelio” Amour spatted to his face.


A bullet immediately flew and hit Rexton’s arm.

“Arghh!!” He gripped his arm in pain

“You bàstard!” Aurelio spatted and shot his
thigh. Rexton fell down to the floor.

Aurelio immediately rushed to Amour and
cupped her cheek. Traces of blood could be
seen on Aurelio’s face meaning he fought
before arriving there

Amour nodded with a smile. “I’m fine” She said.

Aurelio left her side and walked to Rexton then
grabbed him by the collar then landed a heavy
punch on his face before pointing his gun at

“Say your last words” Aurelio sneered and
placed his finger on the trigger.

Amour was looking at them when her gaze went
to the side and her eyes widened to see Clyde.
Looks like he survived from the battle with
Aurelio, but it wasn’t for long coz he looked like
he was barely alive

He slowly raised his gun towards Aurelio. “If I’m
going to díe, I’m taking you along” He muttered
and with that he pulled the trigger before giving
up the ghost

“Aurelio!!” Amour shouted and struggled to
stand but her leg failed her.

She watched in horror as the bullet flew towards
Aurelio. Aurelio turned when he heard Amour’s
voice and just when the bullet could hit him,
someone intercepted

Godfather spread out his arms and the bullet
pierced through his chest. With wide eyes he
began free falling, landing in Aurelio’s arms.

“Father! Father!” Aurelio exclaimed with wide
eyes as he placed Godfather down

Everything happened so fast that he couldn’t
retaliate on time.

Godfather coughed, finding difficulties to breath
as blood escaped his mouth. He smiled slightly.

“Looks like I’ll be joining your mother soon” He

“Don’t say that rubbish… You’re surviving punk!”
Aurelio said immediately

Godfather held his hand. “Please forgive me
Aurelio, forgive me my son. I’m very sorry”
Godfather muttered

Aurelio just stared at him. “Dad, it’s not the right
time to say that” Aurelio said slowly

“Don’t repeat the same mistake I did son. Live
your life in a way you’ll be happy to see what
you’ve accomplished.” Godfather said, more
blood gushing out of his mouth

Aurelio stared at him as a drop of tear fell from
his eyes.

“I love you son” Godfather said with a smile on
his lips. His hand slowly dropped down, lifeless.

Godfather stopped moving.

“Dad..” Aurelio muttered as more tears poured
out of his eyes

Almost immediately a loud noise was heard as
one side of the clan blew up and immediately
fire began spreading through the clan

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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