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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 75 & 76

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 75 & 76

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel




ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


“That’s enough, I think you’ve wasted enough
oxygen on this earth. Don’t you think so?”
Amour raised a brow

Cheetah smirked. “Make me stop then, if you
can” Cheetah said, coming closer to Amour.

“Is it a challenge? I accept it then” Amour said
and Cheetah immediately attacked Amour but
she blocked her kick with her arm and let out a
sly smirk before punching Cheetah’s face.

And like that a deadly fight began both of them
as they threw dangerous blows at each other.



“Today is really boring” Indigo yawned.

“Since there’s nothing to do, I guess I’ll be going
then” Vitto said before leaving the lab while

Indigo turned to Scythe who stood up to leave
too. She immediately stood up and blocked his

“What?” Scythe asked confusedly

“Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something
wrong?” Indigo asked.

“What are you talking about?” Scythe furrowed
his brows

“Ever since we kissed, you’ve been avoiding me.
You didn’t like the kiss we shared? Is it because
I’m not your type” Indigo asked at once.

Scythe who looked confused at first slowly

“I’m not ignoring you, I’m just trying to set
boundaries to what I feel for you” Scythe said.

“Huh?” Indigo muttered with her heart already
fluttering in anticipation.

“I love you Indigo” Scythe said and Indigo’s eyes
widened. “But I don’t want anything to ruin our
friendship so I think it’s better I end it” Scythe
said and smiled.

“Have a nice day” He patted her shoulder and
began walking off.

“What if I love you too!” Indigo blurted out and
Scythe stopped on his tracks.

Indigo turned to face him. “I love you too” She

Scythe turned and their eyes met. Indigo took in
her lower lips before closer to him, looking as
shy as ever.

“Let’s… Let’s da-”

Scythe immediately slammed his lips against
hers, kissing her hungrily. He was about to
interrupt her words but the moment she did that
with her lips, he immediately lost it.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, their
chest slamming against each other.

Indigo’s eyes widened but it was just for
seconds as she closed her eyes and began
responding to the kiss with the same hunger.

Her hand got tangled in his hair as their lips
moved against each other with her standing on
her toes.

Scythe lifted her up and placed her on the desk
before him so he relish better on those lips.

Their lips made sound as they broke the kiss,
resting their forehead against each other as
they caught their breath

“I missed those lips” Scythe breathed out with
closed eyes and Indigo smiled.

“So… Does that means we’re, yunno a thing?”
Indigo asked shyly.

Scythe couldn’t help but smile at how cute she
looked. He cupped her cheek and pressed his
lips on her forehead before nodding.

Indigo smiled widely, her heart couldn’t stop
hammering against it’s ribcage.



“So you took me away because of this? Why are
we even doing this?” Raven asked with a frown
on her face as she glared at Saint who was
before her.

A smile on was playing on Saint’s lips as he
applied make-up on her face. The makeup was
light and looked natural.

“I just want to know how you’ll look like if you
decided to look like a girl” Saint replied her

“Besides, who thought you all this.” Raven said,
referring to the makeup he was putting on her.

“I have a sister remember? So I use her face to
do my experiment and with time I learned it”
Saint said, opening the lip gloss.

He applying it on her lips and Raven froze when
it touched her lips. She began staring at his face
but immediately looked away.

“Done” Saint said and shifted away to take a
look at her. He immediately bursted out in

“What?” Raven asked.

“You look even worse” Saint laughed.

Raven glared at him then immediately went to
the vanity table to check her face. The makeup
was actually nice on her but Saint laughter
made her think it was bad.

She turned and glared at Saint who was still
laughing at her. “You!!” She exclaimed and
made to hit him but Saint dodged.

She made to hit him again and he dodged
again. His laughter rented the room as he kept
dodging her attacks till he stumbled against the
bed stand and fell on the bed.

Raven straddled him and placed a hand on his
neck, pinning him down while her other hand
was raised up in tight fist as she glared at him

“Laugh one more time and I’ll ruin your face”
Raven said

Saint whose eyes was wide in surprise at first,
slowly smiled. “You look beautiful” He muttered
and Raven’s eyes widened

She immediately forgot she was angry as all
she did was stare at him. Saint held her hand on
his next and swiftly switched positions with him
on top.

He cupped her cheek and Raven immediately
froze. She couldn’t understand why she always
feels this way each time he compliments her or
smile at her. She always feel weak, like her brain
temporarily stopped working.

“You might find it weird but I think I love you”
Saint said and Raven blinked her eyes.

“What is love?” She whispered

“This” Saint said and closed his eyes, claiming
her lips in a soft kiss.

Raven’s eyes widened when she felt like some
sort of electric wave course through her body.
Her heart raced as Saint moved his lips on hers.

He pulled away slowly, maintaining eye contact
with her. Raven’s gaze went to his lips before
looking at his face

“Do… Do it again, what you just did” Raven said.

Saint immediately pressed back his lips against
hers and Raven closed her eyes.


“Argh!!” Cheetah spatted out blood when Amour
landed a kick on her tummy. She crumpled to
the floor

Amour cleaned the blood coming out of her
mouth while breathing heavily as she advanced
at Cheetah.

“You were trained for years by Godfather yet
you’re so weak. Is it with this strength you
expect to beat me?” Amour smirked and
stepped on Cheetah’s back.


Amour pulled Cheetah up by her hair, so
Cheetah could look at her.

“You were on the phone with someone, who is
it?” Amour asked and Cheetah smirked despite
the traces of blood on her lips.

“You’ll soon find out” She said and swiftly
brought out the knife from her pocket then
swung it at Amour

Amour was swift to dodge but it took her left
arm, leaving a long cut on her arm that bleed.
Cheetah stood back up and held her knife
tightly. With a smirk on her lips she launched at
Amour, swinging the knife at Amour

Amour dodged each of her attacks and grabbed
her hand the moment the knife was coming for
her face.

She twisted Cheetah’s arm and hit the knife off
Cheetah’s hand before hitting Cheetah’s face
with her elbow.

Cheetah staggered back and before she could
recuperate from the hit Amour gave her a punch
on the face

Cheetah punched Amour’s face back before she
tackled Cheetah down.

Cheetah’s gaze went to the knife beside her and
she immediately picked it then stabbed Amour’s

“Argh!!” Amour staggered back as her arm bled.

Cheetah stood up with a smirk on her lips. She
dipped in her hand to bring out another knife.

With great pains, Amour pulled out the life from
her arm and flew it at Cheetah.

Cheetah who distracted for a splitting second
didn’t see the knife flying her direction and
before she could see it_

“Aaarrrggghhh!!!!” She let out an agonizing cry
when the knife hit the bullseye… Or should I say
Cheetah’s eye

“My eye!!!!!!” Cheetah screamed when the knife
fell down with Cheetah’s left eye bulb sticking at
the tip.

Blood began pouring down from her eye that
way gorge out. She looked up at Amour who
was advancing towards her

Cheetah placed her hand on her bleeding eye
and immediately ran away. Her phone off her
pocket as she ran like her life depended on it.

Amour tore a piece of her clothing and tied it to
her wound to stop the bleeding she picked the
knife and smirked when she saw Cheetah’s eye
sticking to it.

Cheetah’s phone began ringing and she glanced
at it. She took the phone and picked the call

“We’re here already” Rexton’s voice was heard
and Amour’s eyes widened.

No… Does that means Cheetah is now working
with Rexton?

Amour immediately threw down the phone and
ran after Cheetah

“Hello? Hello? Hello!” The voice came from the
phone that was on the ground.



Aurelio paces to and fro in his room. The man
just told him everything about his sister and the
asylum she was kept in.

He was shocked, excited and happy. If it’s true
then that will be the greatest news of his life.

But that wasn’t actually what making his pace
through the room. He has been dialing Amour’s
number non stop and she isn’t picking.

He was getting more worried as the minute
passed. She should be back by now right?

Something felt off and when Aurelio couldn’t
longer handle it, he grabbed his car keys and
rushed out of the room immediately



Godfather could be seen drinking whiskey as he
sat on the couch in his room. Ever since the
incident at the meeting room, his mind has been
running wild.

Aurelio is his actual son?

What if what Aurelio said was true and Evelyn
was thr_@tened to leave him? Does that means
he kílled the only woman who had ever loved
him.. He kílled his daughter too?

Guilt began to eat him up at that thought. He
adopted Aurelio to ease his pains not knowing
that he was the one who caused him pain.

He was still lost in his thoughts when a gunshot
was fired, jolting him up. He began looking

“What was that?”


Cheetah kept running while placing her hand on
her eye that didn’t stop bleeding. Her blood had
already wetted her body and it was now wetting
the ground.

She turned and her eyes widened when she saw
Amour chasing after her.

Some troops of guards were passing and they
stopped when they saw Cheetah’s state


“What happened to you”

Almost immediately Amour caught up with
Cheetah. The guards immediately aimed their
guns at Amour.

“What did you to Cheetah. Spy!!”

“She’s the spy, she’s the one who set Rexton free
and is working for him. They’re planning an
attack on this clan!! We need to-”

Amour didn’t finish her words when they heard
gunshots outside and almost immediately,
screams rented the whole of the clan as people
ran helter skelter

👥 Help!!

👥 We’re getting attacked!!!

Cheetah used that opportunity to run away.

“f-__-k! It’s too late” Amour hissed.

“Give me your gun” She said to one of the


“Give me your f-__-king gun!!” Amour cut him off.

He immediately gave her the gun without further

“They’re maids and gardeners in this clan.
Evacuate then safely out of this clan and inform
the others about the attack” Amour said and
they nodded.

Amour immediately ran off.


Cheetah stopped to catch her breath when she
got at the open air. At this rate she was losing
too much blood plus the excruciating pain
coming from her missing eye weakened her a

For the first time in her life, she experienced
what was fear and it was none than the fear of

She touched her pocket and her eyes widened
when she couldn’t feel her phone.

“Looking for your phone?”

Cold chills ran through her spine when she
heard that voice. Like a slow mo, she turned to
see Amour pointing the gun at her with a
devilish smile on her face.

“Please… Have mercy” Cheetah immediately
muttered and Amour laughed

“Mercy? Since the day I came in this clan, have
you ever shown me mercy?” Amour smirked

Cheetah immediately went down to her knees.

“Please spare my life. I beg you, please” Cheetah
began begging.

Amour clicked her gun, advancing towards her.

“Say your last words” Amour muttered

Cheetah placed her hand on the ground, looking
down. When Amour was about to pull the
trigger, she Cheetah immediately scooped sand
in her hand and threw it at Amour’s face.

“f-__-k!” Amour hissed when the sand entered her

Cheetah immediately stood up and launched to
grab the gun from Amour but Amour wasted no
time in pulling the trigger

Cheetah’s eyes widened when the bullet took
her tummy. She stood frozen on her spot,
staring at Amour with wide eyes.

“Ɓîtçh!” Amour spatted and shot her on the
forehead then on her heart.

Cheetah immediately drop down déad with her
eyes wide open.

Amour breathed heavily as she looked down
Cheetah’s body. “Finally” She said.

Amour immediately froze when she felt a gun
pointed at her forehead from behind.

Who is it? She didn’t even hear him come? Only
one person can be able to move in silence.

The figure smirked and leaned for her neck

“We meet again… Lady of my heart” He

“Rexton…” Amour muttered without turning

Rexton smiled, holding his gun pointed on her
head from behind

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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