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Friday, October 18, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 54

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©Sir Zach


“How can I help you Ma’am?” Maria asked

“Get me a blanket and a huge stuffed toy teddy
bear. Better if it would be of my size.” Kizy said.

“Yes Ma’am.” Maria replied and bowed before

Kizy went back inside her room and unlocked
her phone. It had been days since she last
logged in her social media account, thus she
opened it.

“I support you Miss Kizy.”

“You deserve someone better..”

“I love you Kizy. Will you accept my proposal?”

“Kizy, don’t forgive that bullshit person ever.
What do these men think about us women? We
definitely have the right to leave these pieces of

Kizy laughed a little after reading the last
comment. People were still fighting over their
matter, though they were very much mild now.

She wanted to check out on Markus, but she
had blocked his account, just to show the public
that she had nothing to do with him.

Thus she searched for his fanpage. It had his
recent photograph posted yesterday, saying his
company which was facing losses for the past
three weeks was back on track again. In fact
their shares were rising, profiting him.

Kizy didn’t show much expression on her face,
but she was happy. Though Markus troubled
her to no end, he was her husband. Especially
after parting away with him, she noticed that
she was kind of missing him a little.

She was still scrolling when she heard a knock
on her door.

She immediately went back and logged out of
her account before locking her phone.

“Come in.” She said.

Maria came inside with a thick blanket and a
huge stuffed panda, even taller than Kizy’s

“Ma’am your things.” Maria said.

Kizy took those from Maria and thanked her
with a genuine smile. Afterall she wasn’t used to
ordering people as servants. She was nice to
everyone, be it the butler and old chef at
Markus’s home or this Maria at Aaron’s place.

After Maria left the room, Kizy closed the door
but didn’t lock it. She went back to her bed and
removed the blanket on her side. She placed the
panda and smiled a little at the cute toy before
laying down and covering herself with the
second blanket.

‘I won’t repeat the same mistake again.’ She
thought before closing her eyes and
remembering her first day in Markus’s bed.

She had placed those two small pillows
between them, creating a barrier, yet she was
the one who crossed them. But if she was to
place a huge toy, it was different.

On top of it, she took a different blanket to
avoid any type of contact with Aaron. Afterall
she didn’t trust him even slightly.

Though she wasn’t able to see the smile that
bloomed on Aaron’s face after she closed her
eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Aaron opened his eyes and turned on his side to
face Kizy, who wasn’t visible due to the toy
barrier she had placed in between them.

Aaron lifted his hand a little and rested his head
on that folded arm to look at Kizy from a higher
view. Though he could only see her back, he
was content knowing that she was sharing a
bed with him.

“Soon baby girl.” He said softly and kept looking
at her for a long time.

Next day, Kizy woke up early and the very first
thing she checked was her position. But
thankfully she was still sleeping on her side,
while the panda separated Aaron from her.

Only if she knew that it was Markus who had
pulled her to his side and turned the situation,
she wouldn’t have doubted her sleeping habits
this badly until today.

She quickly went to the bathroom and
freshened up, had a bath before changing into a
set of new clothes bought by Aaron.

“Good morning babygirl.” Aaron said as soon as
Kizy stepped out of the bathroom.

Aaron looked every inch of a segzy husband,
asking for a morning kiss with his silky
disheveled hairs, covering his forehead
unevenly, his sleepy eyes and most importantly

But Kizy was already immune to Markus’s good
looks, hence Aaron in front of her was a very
normal sight for her.

It wasn’t that Aaron wasn’t handsome enough,
but it was Markus, who had raised her
standards a little too much.

“Good morning.” Kizy greeted him politely and
went back to her study table.

“So what do you want to eat for breakfast?”
Aaron asked, while getting out of bed.

“Anything is fine with me.” Kizy said without
even looking at him.

“I will be cooking our breakfast. So you can ask
anything.” Aaron said.

And finally this made Kizy turn her head
towards him.

“Why are you cooking?” Kizy asked.

“Cause I am free and won’t be accepting any
jobs for the next week.” Aaron said.

“How about introducing me to the team of thirty
men instead of making breakfast?” Kizy asked
after thinking about it for sometime.

“How can you neglect your own health and food
while working? Let’s have our breakfast first.
You still have plenty of time on hand.” Aaron

Thus both of them had their breakfast and
Aaron took Kizy to the ground floor of this
place, where all those men were already
standing in three rows of ten.

Aaron nodded at Kizy, gesturing to her to speak.

“Hello everyone. I won’t be introducing myself
and won’t ask for your names as well. But that
is for the time being.
You must be knowing that we will be finishing a
mission together next monday. Therefore I will
be practicing fights with you guys till then.
For now, we only need to concentrate on this
mission. Once we succeed, we will have our
celebration and only then will we introduce
ourselves.” Kizy said in a stern voice.

“Yes Ma’am.” All of them replied uniformly.

“For now let’s start with the following.” Kizy

And none of them saw this coming. Kizy directly
asked one of them to fight with her. All of them
looked at each other before looking at their boss
for help.

“Kizy, how about letting them fight between
themselves and then you practice with whoever
you want?” Aaron asked carefully.

He knew that she was a literal ‘Gun Goddess’
but wasn’t sure about her ski||s when it came to
fist or hand fights. He just didn’t want to see her

“No. I want to see which level I belong to when
compared with them.” Kizy replied stubbornly.

Aaron knew that he couldn’t deny her request.
Thus he looked at those thirty men before
choosing the weakest out of them..

“No. 13.” Aaron said.

“Yes boss.” The person replied.

“You will fight Kizy.” Aaron said.

“Ok boss.” The person said, stepping out of his
line when Kizy interrupted.

“Stop. You come.” Kizy said, pointing towards a
muscular man, looking far more stronger than
No. 13.

“No, not him.” Aaron immediately rejected.

Though Kizy wasn’t the best at hand fights, she
was roughly able to judge a person’s fighting
level from their posture. And this was what
made her choose the mentioned man, knowing
he was strongest.

“Why not?” Kizy asked, knowing what Aaron

“He is their captain, strongest within them. So
let’s not fight him.” Aaron said.

“No. I only want to learn from him, no one else.”
Kizy said stubbornly.

“That’s too dangerous!!” Aaron exclaimed.

“Stop it Aaron. I am fighting him. Besides, if I
feel that I can not take him down or maybe I am
not his match, I will ask him to stop.” Kizy said.

“You sure? Promise me you will do this.” Aaron

“Yeah.” Kizy said nonchalantly before walking
towards the centre which was cushioned
completely to avoid injuries during practice.

The captain came and stood in front of Kizy. He
was a little hesitant to fight Kizy, but Aaron had
already nodded his head, showing his approval.

“You attack.” Kizy said while taking a defensive

The captain looked at Aaron once again who in
return nodded his head one more time.

Captain took a deep breath before taking the
attacking stance and moved forward, closing
the distance between him and Kizy.

The audience was busy watching his great
footwork when he suddenly threw a punch at

And surprisingly Kizy easily managed to dodge
the punch!!

All the men thought that this was sheer luck, but
when she had dodged the attack for the fourth
time already, all of them understood that she
was good at defence.

But once again Kizy surprised them by not only
defending their captain’s punches, she attacked
him by kicking the very next second, catching
the captain off guard and making him stumble
a step or two back.

‘What!! How is that possible? Though our team
isn’t the bestest one when counting other teams,
we still stand on a high level. And she just
kicked our captain!! Our best fighter!!’ All the
men were thinking.

The captain on other hand, steadied himself
and then started with his attack once again.

But this time Kizy got bored with the defensive
stan and went all out.

She dodged all his attacks while fighting back
equally, throwing the captain in a tough

He had been going easy on her in the beginning,
but now he was using all his strength, and it
wasn’t difficult for him to see that Kizy was on
par with him.

Finally the match came to a draw after fifteen
minutes with no winner as it was a draw.

Aaron, who was busy observing the fight while
standing on the sidelines, smiled a little at the
result. He was looking intently at Kizy while
something sparked in his eyes.

No one else saw this, but he was the only one
with superior fighting ski||s there. It didn’t go
unnoticed by him that Kizy had been
purposefully fighting while controlling her
power. If she was to go all out, the captain was
sure to have numerous injuries as well as
internal damage.

He could see that all her attacks were lethal, one
shot ki||ers. She just needed to work on her
power and force with which she would attack. If
she could achieve that, she might stand on an
equal footing with him.

“Good job.” He said and asked everyone to rest.

He took Kizy towards a secluded corner and
made her sit on the sofa.

“You did that on purpose right?” Aaron asked.

“What?” Kizy asked with a confused expression.

“Directly fighting with their captain and showing
them how powerful you are without speaking
any words. You did this on purpose to gain their
respect and trust. To make them believe that
you are definitely worthy of leading them for a
mission and not some woman taken in by their
boss for fun.” Aaron said.

“I like working with smart people.” Kizy said.

“Should I take it as a compliment?” Aaron asked
with a smile.

“Let’s go back for the match.” Kizy said before
getting up.

“I don’t think this match will help you though.”
Aaron said.

“What do you mean?” Kizy asked.

“You already have those ski||s. You can fool
them with your tricks but not me. If you want to
seriously train, I can take you somewhere.”
Aaron suggested.

Kizy knew that there was a high chance where
Aaron would be able to see through her plan,
and that happened.

“Fine. We can practice there.” Kizy said.

With that Aaron asked those thirty men to keep
practicing while he took Kizy to his practice
room. It contained all the equipment one could
think of. In fact there were some that Kizy
wasn’t even acquainted with.

She curiously started practicing with the
instruments, learning them quickly. Aaron would
help her whenever she needed his guidance.

And this went on for four day continuously. Kizy
would have her meals after Aaron’s scolding,
would practice everyday till he would literally
beg her to leave with him, plan their mission
and occasionally open her mobile phone. But
she was never able to inform Marlus about this

Today was Sunday, and tomorrow was their
mission. Thus today, instead of directly going
for practice, Kizy had called all of them for a
meeting and explained her plan.

“We will be executing this mission when
grandpa will be returning from his meeting.”
Kizy started.

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