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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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😾 Don’t copy or repost ee

Or you will meet crazy soon 😾

👻 No ghosting I will ban you ehn this is a new
story 👻

Written by:Charlotte 💋

Chapter 27👶28

*A week later*


Josephine had traveled to Mexico today.

“Hmm, fancy.” She laughed as she hailed a taxi
to Erica’s Mansion.

Of course she had done an investigation her
sister had a mansion this side. Her boss was
Jakes Hunt and this was the guy she needed to

She took out her phone to call Natalia.

“Natalia I just got off the plane.” Josephine

“Good, now go to her Mansion and make sure
everyone in that house thinks you are her!”
Natalia laughed hard.

Josephine had slowly turned into her toy.

“Ok, should I go to work?” Josephine asked.

“That would be too hasty. You should go there
tommorow morning for today establish your
authority in that Mansion and you’ll go to work
tommorow.” Natalia said not afraid of ordering
her around anymore.

“Ok, sister.” Josephine said and hung the phone

“Dear Erica watch out cause I am coming for
you!” Josephine said while smiling devilishly
anyone who saw her like this would be horrified.



*Ancestral House*

*Natalia’s room*

“Haha, isn’t this perfect? I have her triplet as a
toy. And now everything is in motion. Erica be
careful! Haha, and now lemme call brother.”
Natalia laughed.

“Big brother.” Natalia smiled excited as he
talked to the man on the other hand of the

“Did you do it?” The man asked with his usual
lazy tone.

“Of course. That Erica is gonna pay for taking
what belongs to us!” Natalia sneered.

“That’s good. Make a plan to get rid of her
siblings so I can fully come back. After all we
are also rich.” The man laughed emphasize on
the word ‘rich’.

“Don’t worry brother. I might even turn Noah into
your servant soon they won’t even be qualified
to carry your shoes!” Natalia laughed.

“Of course, they were never qualified.” The man

“Chat later.” Natalia smirked and ended the call
as soon as a maid walked in.

“Young Miss. Breakfast is ready.” The maid said
in the softest voice possible and offering a 90°
bow to Natalia.

Every maid in this house was afraid of Natalia’s
cruel punishments and games she played
behind the masters back.

“Good.” Natalia smirked.

The maid made to walk out but was stopped by
her cold voice.

“Stop?” Natalia shouted causing the maid to

“Young Miss!” The maid called out obediently.

“You seem to have forgotten to collect your
punishment for not knocking before entering?”
Natalia chuckled as he circled the maid in her
high red heels.

The maid immediately kneeled in a sorry state!

“I am sorry young Miss.” The maid bowed as
she kowtowed.

“Mm, how obedient.” Natalia chuckled kicking
the maids @$$ as she continued kowtowing like
she was in Lord Buddha’s temple.

“Please sparee young Miss.” The maid said in a
shamy voice.

“Of course I will. From today onwards you will
feed the wolf dog in the cage. And also you
shall not eat unless I allow it! You should
receive sixty whippings a day. You must knock
on my door a thousand times each day under
my supervision at night it must be a soft knock.
You must write 100 reflection letters on paper
every day and read them to me at midnight until
I am satisfied.

You must write a thousand apology letters on
paper every day until I say it’s enough! You
must kneel in my room at 7pm every night until I
tell you to stand! You must not bath until I say
you should! You must not go home for any
holiday what so ever! You must clean the male
guards bathroom every day! And also, you must
lick my shoes 300 times a day. “Natalia ordered.

“Young Miss please forgive me.” The maid
changed in a low voice as she continued to
kowtow but this annoyed Natalia even more.
She kicked her hard causing her to roll over but
she still continued to kneel and kowtow.

“Fine since you want extra punishment. You
must walk on foot and accompany me to the
mall while running in high heels every time I
decide to go shopping. Mm, you must wash my
underwear every day under my supervision. You
will eat with the wolfdogs everyday. you shall
obey my every command. My command for
today is for you to fuvk yourself with a d*ldo
and send it to my WhatsApp you must enjoy it.
Now stand up and run!” Natalia ordered.

The maid had no choice but to run out of the
room crying.

“Mm, ungrateful maid. I should let you sleep
with a guard tommorow.” Natalia laughed. “It’s
funny how no one noticed this small
punishments. Oh! I should go to the mall later
on today!”


*Cape Town*

*Anastasia’s house*

Now Erica could walk on crutches under the
help of Anastasia.

“See you are getting better quicker than
expected. By the end of next week yyshould be
able to walk! Or if a miracle happens you should
be able to walk on any day next week!”
Anastasia giggled looking at his own hard work!

“Mummy. Aunt Anastasia is really good you are
almost back to walking!” Aura said in a sweet

“Yes, mum look you will soon walk on your own
feet!” Brandon smiled.

“Mm, and y’all should go back to school!” Erica
said as she sat on the sofa.

“Don’t worry mummy! We are doing online
classes!” David laughed happily.

“Yes, why didn’t you tell us we could do this? I
would have spent a lot more time with
mummy!” Logan whined.

“You speak as though mummy has your time.”
Michael said rolling eyes.

“Mm, she does go to work alot.” Gabriel added.

“Can you all stop hurting Logan?!” Erica
shouted. “They are all lying baby.” She said
kissing Logan’s forehead.

“I know mummy. Who listens to these two
idiots!” Logan chuckled pointing his tongue out
at Gabriel and Michael.

“Mummy is going to bed soon. And your dead.”
Michael smirked.

“I’ll sleep with her!” Logan chuckled hugging
Erica even tighter.

“Mummy’s baby.” Michael shook his head as he
chewed on a piece of meat.


*Erica’s Mansion*

Josephine strutted in with a serious expression
ready to scold the maids.

“Madam!” Several bodyguards and maids
welcomed her.

“Mm, prepare soft tofu…” Josephine said as she
ordered them.” In the next 30 minutes I am
going to take a quick shower.”

“Yes, madam.” The maids left in a hurry with
confused expressions.

We’re are the kids?! And doesn’t the Madam
usually prepare her own food?

*30 minutes later*

“Why is this meat too soft and contain so much
water!” Josephine shouted at the maid even
though the meat was good.

“I am sorry Madam.” The maid kneeled.

“Go prepare another one! Your punishment is to
receive a 1000 whips from the guards! You
must write 2million apologies today and
3million reflection letters if I don’t receive them
by midnight you are dead! And if anybody helps
you they are dead! Now move!” Josephine

Scolding these maids made her feel as though
she was scolding and punishing Erica! Which
made her go overboard.

“You! Why is this ice cream so watery! Go get
me another one! Your punishment is to wear
torn uniform to work everyday until I fire you!
You must also write the same amount of
apology letters and reflection letters as the
previous maid! Also you must kneel in front of
the gate at midnight!” Josephine shouted.

“Yes, Madam!” This maid was particularly calm.

“Why are you so calm playing hard I see! You
must also eat dog food for a month!” Josephine
shouted as the maid left.

Every maid in the mansion understood that this
was not the Madam. But they still treated
Josephine well and waited for the eldest maid
to call the Madam and report thus impostor!

“Madam.” The eldest maid called on a phone.

“Aunt Linda. What’s wrong in the house?” Erica

“You aren’t back yet?!” Aunt Linda asked.

“Yes, why?” Erica was confused.

“There seems to be an impostor in the mansion
pretending to be you. She has been ordering the
maids around like crazy! And giving them stupid
punishments!” Aunt Linda said.

“Mm, it must be Josephine. Take videos for me
and order all the maids to go on holiday if she
asks tell her it’s the monthly Holiday. They won’t
be at work for two full months and they should
leave let her stay in that house for as long as
she wants. I will pay everyone with an extra
bonus this two months!” Erica smirked.

“When are you coming back?” Aunt Linda

“Next of next week. Let her play for awhile.”
Erica smirked.

“Ok.” Aunt Linda understood very well what was
going on.

Erica is gonna give a harsh punishment to this
girl and let her see the world.

“How sweet?” Aunt Linda chuckled dropping the
phone she was the second maud to receive
punishment and so she was quite happy to let
the young Madam play with thus f00l!

𝐓 𝐁 𝐂 ♡

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