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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(His Sweet Candy…)


By,Sodie Irish M.







He got to the room and saw Amelia trying to
escape through the window.

“You Imbecile”Viper cursed and just like that,he
pulled the trigger and the bullets went straight
to her skull.

She fell on her back.

“That’s what you got for conning me bitçh”Viper
cussed then caressing his gun as a deadly
smirk played in his lips.

He squatted to her level and dipped his hands in
her clothes and he was amazed he didn’t see
any ruby ring.

“f-__-k!Even the last minute she didn’t have the
ring.Why is everyone playing so hard to
get?”Viper grinned as he referred to the dead
girl,Amelia and Razor he fought with an hour

” I’m sorry for allowing the ruby ring as my
priority and cursing at you, Razor”Viper pleaded,
covering his face in his palm.

“f-__-k this angêr issue!It won’t lead me to
anywhere but confusion”Viper cussed when a
red shiny substance struck him.

Meanwhile,Razor was already pissed off and he
didn’t want to have anything to do with Viper.

“You should have told me I was a coward before
then so I can free myself from guilt”Razor
sniffed as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Just the torture alone was unbearable for him
when his mother was brutally ki||ed cos she
wasn’t able to pay her debts.

“Danshiki,Who said you can die freely without
facing my judgement?The f-__-king torment my
mother passed through was all a waste cos you
died of kidney failure.I wish humans have got a
second life so you can pass through hêll and
you’ll pay for your sins but that’s
impossible”Razor said in anger as tears formed
in his eyes.

“That’s impossible and why is that?”Razor
complained and he kept muttering to himself
when Pinnochio came from behind, closing his
eyes the most cutest way ever.

“Guess who?”Pinnochio asked as she winked
from behind and her elbow resting on his

Razor jerked up from his lament when he felt
her touch as he keep mute.

“I’m not good at guessing but your sweet voice
describes you Pinnochio”Razor chuckled as she
pouted, stumping her legs on the floor.

“How do you know that was me?”Pinnochio
asked, letting go when she felt liquid on her
palms and her eyes almost popped out.

“What?Were you crying?”Pinnochio asked
worriedly and he shook his head.

“Just the effect of the cold weather.I think the
weather is a bit harsh today”Razor wrapped his
hands under his chest as he looked at her when
she creased her brows.

“You’re not good with lies,you should learn from
Scorpion”Pinnochio pulled his hands and it
dropped before she palmed his forehead.

“You are not cold up here”

“Actually you can’t understand cus my
temperature normally falls when a girl’s hand is
there”Razor replied as he pointed to his

Pinnochio rolled her eyes and he swallowed
hard before she crawled on the bed.

“I’m not joking.Why did you cry?”Pinnochio
asked again as he smiled sheepishly and in a
twinkle of an eye,tears started rolling from his

“You can count on me just tell me what the f-__-k
happened”Pinnochio said impatiently but he
paid no attention.

He continued crying and after what felt like
three hours he stopped then looked at her.

“Can I hug you for a second?I’m badly
hurt”Razor asked and she nodded.

“Promise me you won’t cry again”

“I won’t”He muttered and she crawled to where
he was sitting and pulled him into a warm hug.

“Better now”Pinnochio asked, pulling away but
he grabbed her hands as she fell on his chest.

“What do you think you’re doing?Let me
be”Pinnochio said cutely as she laughed but it
slowly turned to a frown.

Her eyes landed on his hands as she gave him a
“Are you serious?” look but he didn’t let go.

She tried freeing from his touch but he held her
hands possessively.Before she could blink,he
slammed his lips on her.

“Razor…”She Mõ@ɲed out as he continued
devouring her like she’s gonna disappear.

He pressed his lips harder when she tried saying
another word and he looked to her

“I’m not feeling too well.Can you..”Razor tried
asking for a favour when she cut him off in a
deep kiss.

“Yes you can”She replied as he leaned his lips
on her and it became intense all of a sudden.

“Razoooor”She Mõ@ɲed out when he dipped his
hands on her bra and took her bõõbs,his hands
trailing to her tip and pressing it softly.

“Don’t stop..I want to get buried in your
touch”Pinnochio let out a scream as he took her
dress off and flung it to a corner.

He squeezêd her a$$ and resumed teasing her
bõõbs as she shut her eyes in pleasure.

Moans filled the room as he continued
savouring her wet lips and he raised her legs to
his waist region and Pinnochio tightened her
grip on his neck.

“Svck my lips until you’re satisfied”Pinnochio
Mõ@ɲed nonchalantly and his eyes widened,he
dropped her immediately.

“What am I thinking?I can’t do this..”Razor
stuttered as he ran his fingers in his hair, facing
the window and backing her.

“What do you mean?”Pinnochio asked as tears
slipped and she palmed her face.

“Just forget everything we did now.I was not in
my right senses”Razor said leaving the room as
she squeezed her face.

“You started it first… RAZOR”She screamed as
tears welled her eyes then she bit her lip.

“Razor started it but you didn’t decline,that
makes you a pathetic fool and loser”Pinnochio
inner mind said and she grabbed the pillow,
burying her face there as she sniffed loudly.

“Razoooor…I lõve you with my whole heart just
give me a chance”


Falcon Suite*

Nairobi wrapped her hands on Splash waist as
they walked.

“Are you feeling better now?”

“A little”Splash expressed with her two fingers
and Nairobi smiled at her.

“Okay sweetie but make sure you tell me if
something is wrong,you know I can help”

“Don’t worry big sis”Splash said as Nairobi
smiled looking at her.

Splash stopped cus of the way she looked at
her and gave her a questioning look.

“What?”Splash asked but she kept looking at her
and her cheek got instantly red.

“Let’s promise we’ll stay by each other and
protect ourselves from harm”Nairobi said
stretching her little finger as Splash brought
hers and chuckled.Their fingers interlocked
before Splash decided to let go and she sighed.

“Promise”Splash said and just her voice alone,
got butterflies in Nairobi stomach and she
pinched her cheek.

“What’s up with you? You’re so hyper active
today”Splash asked as she bit her lip shyly.

“Your voice is superb.Woah!Why didn’t I notice
that earlier”Nairobi complimented and it got
Splash thinking.”Is it now she noticed her
angelic voice?”

Nairobi snapped with her fingers as Splash
jerked up from her thoughts.

“Have you dated before?I got some tips for
you”Nairobi whispered in her ears and she
almost throwed up.

“Never thought of that”

“You never thought of that but now I’m telling
you”Nairobi said winking at her.

“Talking of someone that got dumped by a sêx
freak”Splash teased her and she frown.

“I didn’t get dumped little sis,I dumped him
instead”Nairobi expressed herself with her
fingers like a bomb sound as she stood on her
toes.Splash got scared for a moment cus she
did it directly to her eyes.

“What was that for?”Splash asked, clicking her

“You got scared didn’t you?”Nairobi laughed as
she slapped her back.

“I wasn’t bae”Splash said rolling her eyes.

“What of Goltha?I hope they tortured his @$$
and his disgûsting d!ck.That f-__-king a$$hole
tried to take my virginity I’m trying to
protect”Splash said, gritting her teeth as she
balled her hands into a fist.

“That mugu is being taken care of..”Nairobi
scoffed loudly as Splash rushed, hugging her.

“Thank you for standing by me”

“Our pleasure cry baby”Nairobi said as they both
laughed same time.

“I wanna teach you a trick how to steal Viper’s
heart”Nairobi said as Splash closed her ears.

“I don’t wanna hear that name,It itches me and
gives me cr@zy goosebumps”

“You don’t want to hear about it,Okay that will
be later but there’s one strange thing you don’t
know of”Nairobi said as she pinched her skin.

“And what’s that?”

“He normally gets hõrny when he’s plus one but
keep that a secret”

“Horñy on his birthday?But how’s that my
business”Splash scoffed

A phonecall disturbed their discussion as they
checked who the caller was by checking the ID.

“Falcon”They both chorused, looking at each

“Pick the call”Splash said, giving her a go ahead
as she breathed out.

“Falcon”Nairobi called as she played with her
toes on the floor.

“Okay copied”Nairobi ended the call before
looking at her.

“We’ll talk about the tricks later but for now
Falcon need us in his suite”

“In his suite?But I thought he was an ex
mafia”Splash asked, creasing her brows.

“Forget about the questions and let’s
move”Nairobi said, pushing her from behind.

“Leave me alone”Splash shrugged as she
pushed her.

“I won’t”Nairobi said playfully.

Nairobi and Splash got to his suite faster than
they thought and they stopped when they heard
hot argument in the room.

Splash was the first to turn to her”What’s going
on?”Splash asked as Nairobi peeped through
the holes.

“What did you see?Talk to me”Splash asked but
she said nothing,her eyes widened in awe.

“This problem is deeper than I thoght.Woah!First
time in history Falcon raised his voice at
Viper”Nairobi said as Splash was forced to peep
through the tiny hole.

“Let’s go, Falcon called for us anyway”

“What?In this situation? Don’t you think we
should come back later in the day”Nairobi

“That’s a No,we can’t back out now”Splash
replied as she interlocked her hands and pushed
the door open.

“Sir you called for us”Splash said boldly as she
nudged Nairobi,she let out a smile.

Viper was at the right hand near Falcon as he
glared at Splash in hatred.

“What do you think you’re doing Viper?”Falcon’s
voice came and he swallowed hard.

Viper kept looking at Splash but he was unable
to say anything.Was that pride?

“Apologize to her”Falcon said to him and he
turned,tears welling his eyes.

“Father..”He protested.

“I said apologize to her or I’ll terminate your
contract to be a Mafia”Falcon ordered.

“What?”Nairobi eyes widened but she dare not

“Yes.Aplogize to me right now and I don’t take
apologies without you on your knees”Splash
said with a smile as she walked to him.

“What the f-__-k!Are you kidding me?”


You Neva see Shomtin 🙄😂

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