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HomeSAVAGE LOVESAVAGE LOVE – Episode 71 & 72

SAVAGE LOVE – Episode 71 & 72

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{ …Thief Of Hearts… }

𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑬: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒔𝒐’𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆


By, Ariel Mirabel




ENJOY!!! 🫧🩷


“It’s Godfather, he was the one who sent me to
ki|| them!!”

Amour’s eyes widened



Aurelio got down the car while clutching onto
his bleeding wound. How he managed to drive
back home safely is still a mystery to him.

He began walking slowly towards the entrance
of the building. Aurelio got to his room and met
Amour pacing to and fro while biting her
fingernails nervously

She immediately turned when she heard the
door open

“Aurelio! I have something to tell- Aurelio!!” She
immediately gasped when she saw the state he
was in.

Amour immediately ran to him and held him as
she stared at bruises on his face, then at his

“Aurelio.. What did you do?” Amour exclaimed

Aurelio smiled and cupped her cheek. “You don’t
longer have to worry about Demetrius. He’s
gone Love, he’s now a bad memory” Aurelio

Amour sighed loudly, not knowing if she should
get mad at him for risking his life or if she
should be happy he did that for her.

“Lay on the bed, I’ll treat your wounds” Amour
held him and helped him to the bed.

She immediately rushed to the bathroom and
brought back the first aid kit. She helped Aurelio
out of his shirt before she began treating his
face and some minor bruises he incured. She
cleaned his major wound before she took him to
the bathroom, helping him to bath.

Once she finished helping him bath, she
patched his wounds. Aurelio kept smiling as he
watched her dress him up.

Amour who was buttoning up his shirt glanced
at his face before looking back at the shirt.
“What?” She muttered

“I just find it cute how you suddenly start
treating me as a baby just because of this. I’ve
gone through worse yunno” Aurelio chuckled.

Amour rolled her eyes and scoffed once she
was done. She stood up and made to walk
away but Aurelio grab her hand and pulled her

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have taken the risk of
going to Demetrius. But I wasn’t alone, Viper
and the others came to help me” Aurelio said.

“It doesn’t matter. What if something bad had
happened to you” Amour pouted.

Aurelio smiled and pecked her lips. “I’m sorry
okay? I love you” He said

Amour smiled. She suddenly remembered what
she wanted to say earlier.

“Ummm Aurelio?” Amour muttered and Aurelio
hummed, signalling he was listening

Amour stared at him and bit her lips. Earlier, she
told him about Demetrius and he went wild.
What more if she tells him who is the
mastermind behind her family’s déad?

“Nothing… I’ll go make dinner” Amour smiled
and pecked his lips before leaving the room

“I’ll just tell him tomorrow. He needs to rest first”
Amour thought as she headed to the bathroom.


Viper’s car drove in the mansion and he got
down the car with his hands in his pocket. He
began walking to the entrance but halted when
he saw Cheetah standing before him.

“Where are you coming from?” Cheetah asked.

Viper ignored her and began walking.

“You went to see Aurelio right? Have you
forgotten that he betrayed us” Cheetah said.

“Why are you suddenly interested with what I do
with my life?” Viper raised his brow.

He walked closer to her with his hands in his

“Wait… Is it about Aurelio? Or the fact that you
still can’t get over the fact that Godfather chose
me and not you” Viper said.

Cheetah glared at him. “Watch your tongue” She
warned him.

“You should be the one doing that. We have one
thing in common and that’s the closeness we
have towards Aurelio, but that doesn’t mean
we’re friends. I’m not Aurelio who will tolerate
your bull$h|t, so mind your business and I mind
mine… It’s for your safety” Viper said and patted
her hair before walking away.

Cheetah turned to glare at him with gritted teeth



A knock came on Flame’s door and she stood
up to check who it was. She opened the door to
see Cisco standing there.

“Hey” He smiled.

“I just wanted to know if you’re feeling better.”
Cisco added.

“I’m fine” Flame muttered.

“Okay” Cisco muttered. An awkward silence
issued between them as the stared at each

“I’m sorry if my actions hurt you earlier. Also you
don’t have to worry about your secret, it’s safe
with me” Cisco said.

“I just also want to let you know that. I love you,
alot” Cisco smiled. “I guess you’re tired, you
should have some sleep. Goodnight” He
muttered and made to leave

“Wait” Flame grabbed his hand. Cisco turned to

Flame looked down and bit her lips. “Stay
please, just for tonight” She murmured

Cisco looked at her and smirked. “Well okay, just
because you begged me” Cisco said and Flame

Cisco walked in and Flame closed the door.
They got to the bed and immediately snuggled
onto each other.

“I love you” Flame suddenly said and Cisco
smiled widely then pecked her lips.

“Goodnight” Flame smiled.

“But I’m not feeling sleepy” Cisco said

“Hmm? Then what do you wanna do now?”
Flame blinked and Cisco smirked.

He swiftly got on top of her. “Lemme show you”
He muttered and Flame’s eyes widened, already
knowing where he’s heading to

“No! Wait, listen!” Flame exclaimed but Cisco
immediately kissed her neck while his hand
sneaked beneath the big T-shirt she was putting
on. She was wearing nothing beneath so he
immediately gave a B-__-bs a squeeze.

“Cisco..” Flame bit her lips.

Cisco covered their body the sheet

“Cisco wait, Cisco… Oww” Flame Mõ@ɲed out
and the next minute her Mõ@ɲs filled the room.



Rexton walked in the clan with a broken look on
his face while the other members followed
behind him while carrying a corpse that was
covered with a piece of clothing

The members of the clan all gathered as they
watched with great curiosity.

👥 What is happening?

👥 Where’s Lord Demetrius?

The members kept questioning till they Rexton
got to the middle of crowd. The body was
placed before him and with a bitter look on his
face, he pulled off the cloth off the corpse’s

Gasps and screams filled the area when they
saw the déad body was actually none other
than Demetrius’s body

Tears fell down Rexton’s eyes as he stared at
the body with a pathetic look on his face

“Father..” He muttered, touching Demetrius face.

Bonnie and Clyde rushed in the crowd and their
eyes widened. Bonnie immediately fell down
without getting pushed.

“What happened to Lord Demetrius!!” Clyde

“It’s all Aurelio’s fault.” Rexton muttered. “Earlier,
father called asking me to come with backups
that Aurelio was on his tail. I immediately
rushed with the backup but I arrived too late, I
met him déad” Rexton cried.

“No!?” Tears fell down Bonnie’s eyes too.

“What do we do now?” Clyde breathed out

Rexton cleaned his tears and the look on his
face changed to an angry one

“Aurelio, he’s going to pay for it” Rexton gritted
his teeth.

He looked up at the crowd. “My father is gone,
there’s no one to lead us now and it is with a
heavy heart I’ll take over the clan and finish
what he started. We’re going to make Aurelio
and all his clan members pay!!” Rexton said.

👥 Yeah!!!

“It’s going to he a bloody war and we won’t stop
till they are annihilated!” Rexton exclaimed and
they supported him by shouting loudly

👥 Long live our new leader!!

The crowd kept chanting. A vile smirk appeared
on Rexton’s lips.

“The clan is mine now” He said inwardly.



Viper could be seen, sleeping peacefully on the
bed. His hair was quite messy yet he still looked
so handsome.

He was enjoying his sleep when suddenly a
pillow landed hardly on his head. That jolted
him up from his sleep and sprang up on the
bed, getting ready to grab his gun.

His eyes landed on Coralyn who was straddling
him while holding the pillow

“Good morning!” Coralyn said cheerfully with
the brightest smile ever.

“Really? Jeez!” Viper sighed and fell back on the

“You nearly gave me a heart attack. Is it how
you wake someone?” Viper muttered and
Coralyn laughed.

“I’ve been trying to wake you up but you
wouldn’t bulge. You looked so tired, where did
you go last night? You left without informing
me” Coralyn said, running her hands through his

“Oh I was with her and we went on and all till it
time for me to go” Viper said and Coralyn
immediately sprang up

“Her? Who’s her?” She immediately said.

“She’s Șëx¥, has this round pointy B-__-bs that I
like and her àss oh gawd!” Viper smirked

Coralyn looked down at her B-__-bs to see if it
was big and Viper immediately laughed at her

“How could you!” Coralyn exclaimed while Viper

“I was just joking” Viper muttered and Coralyn
scoffed then made to leave but Viper pulled her
back to a hug.

“I’m sorry okay? Don’t worry, I’ll never cheat on
you coz I love you and your two decimal point”
Viper said, referring to her B-__-bs.

“What!!” Coralyn exclaimed and Viper laughed

“I hàte you!!” Coralyn pushed him off and left
the room

“I love you too!” Viper laughed, going after her.



Ever since Aurelio took his breakfast with
Amour she has been out of sight so Aurelio
decided to go and know what she’s up to.

He opened almost all the doors of the room in
mansion but she was still not seen. Aurelio
furrowed his brows and decided to go to the
second floor

When he arrived there, he immediately paused
when he faintly head the sound of someone
getting tortured

“Amour!” He immediately became alerted and
followed the voice.

The voice led him to the door of a room that
was a little bit isolated.

He immediately opened it and froze at what he
saw. Amour who was electrocuting the man she
met yesterday turned and her eyes widened
when she saw Aurelio.

Actually, last night after the man told her what
he said she took him along for further
interrogation but it seems like he wasn’t longer
willing to speak so Amour resorted to violence

“Aurelio..” Amour stood up.

Fear immediately gripped the man who was tied
up when his eye met with Aurelio. He began
trembling in fear.

“How do you know him? What is he doing here?”
Aurelio stuttered.

Amour walked to Aurelio and held his hand. “I
wanted to let you know yesterday but I didn’t
know how you would take it” Amour said.

“This man here kílled your family right?” Amour
asked and Aurelio nodded, still looking too
stunned to speak.

“Aurelio, you need to calm down once you hear
what I’ll tell you” Amour said and heaved in a
deep breath.

“This man was hired by someone to kíll your
family, it wasn’t his intention… And the
mastermind behind it was,,, Godfather” Amour
said and Aurelio felt like a wave of electricity
ran through his body.

He immediately slumped down to a nearby
couch when he couldn’t stand straight due to
the shock.

“What?” Aurelio stuttered with wide eyes.

“Yes, last night I tailed this man and he
confessed” Amour said and Aurelio looked at
Arthur Gonzales who immediately nodded.

Aurelio looked back front as he felt his whole
world crumple. The man that adopted him
actually turned out to be the man that kílled his
mother and sister??

The man he has obeyed for such a long time
turns out to be the reason why his life ended up
this way??

“Love, you need to calm down-” Before Amour
could finish speaking, Aurelio stormed out of
the room with red eyes.

“Love!! Aurelio!!” Amour exclaimed.

She looked at Arthur before locking the room,
making sure there’s no way for him to escape
before she went after Aurelio.


Aurelio’s car roughly drove in the clan and he
got down the car.

👥 Boss Aurelio!!

👥 I knew it! He’ll get to his senses and finally
leave that spy

👥 But look at his face

Aurelio walked towards the entrance with tears
in his eyes. The look on his face held nothing
but rage and anger, raw anger.

“Aurelio?” Coralyn muttered and made to go to
him but Aurelio pushed her aside, heading to
Godfather’s room

“What’s happening?” Coralyn muttered

“Aurelio!” Amour made to go after him but the
guards blocked her way

“You’re not welcomed in here” The guards said

“You need to stop him!” Amour muttered,
looking worried.

Aurelio barged into the meeting room and met
Godfather having a meeting with the other

“Aurelio!” Cheetah muttered, seeing the tears in
his eyes

Godfather smirked. “I told you, you’ll come
begging for me to take-“

Before he could articulate his words, Aurelio
landed a nasty punch on his face. Before
Godfather could react he gave another punch
on the the other cheek.

He brought out his gun, aiming it at Godfather

“How could you do this to me!!”

➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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