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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD GIRL IN DISGUISE – Episode 5 & 6

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(Her life as a guy)

By May Maria K ✍️


°°°Chapter 5💛6°°°


Maverick yawned and stretched her body then she snapped her eyes open and looked around to see that she was still on the bathroom floor.

Then she felt her wet clothes and cussed herself inwardly. She already peed on her body.

Then she stood up and saw that it was already night time. No one even helped her when she fainted.

“Wicked people” She insulted as she left the bathroom ashamed of herself.

As she walked the whole place was silent till she eventually got to her room. She didn’t see her roommate so she went straight to the bathroom to clean herself up.


Maverick woke up early in the morning and prepared for school. Then she decided to call her sister before she goes.

She called her number and she picked at the first ring.

📞 Good morning Mr Maverick

Stephanie said jokingly and laughed.

📞 How are you coping over there. Did the plan work well.

She asked.

°°°Yes. I just wanted to call you before I go to class.

Maverick said.

📞Ok. I am preparing for school. So take care.

She said.

°°°Take care also

Maverick replied and hung up. She’s definitely going to miss home.

She adjusted the collar of her white shirt and headed to class. She really can’t wait.

Maverick arrived at the classroom and opened the door to meet the noisy voices of the guys.

Then she saw Biggie and Connor waving at the back and then she went to go and meet them there.

“Good morning” She said and sat down at the space beside Connor.

“Good morning handsome” Biggie said and smiled at her.

“Good morning, Biggie told me about yesterday” Connor said and laughed.

“That’s just how he is, his best hobby is eating” Connor said again.

“Must you always embarrass me all the time” Biggie said with a frown and that was when Connor laugh increased.

“I know you never wondered why they gave him Biggie and that’s because of his hugeness” Connor said in-between his laughter.

“I will deal with you today” Biggie said and stood up to beat Connor but Connor stood up and ran away.

“I will catch you betrayal” Biggie screamed as the both ran around the class. They continued like that until Biggie was tired and then went back to his seat while panting heavily.

He was already tired from the little run that he did.

Maverick was also laughing as she watched the two boys have fun.

Then the door opened and Daniel entered. He stared at Maverick closely before going to seat at the back.

Connor and Biggie was already back to their seat while they quarrelled like two little kids.

“Who is that guy there” Maverick asked referring to Daniel at the back.

“Oh you mean him” Connor said understanding who she was asking about.

“That’s Daniel. I don’t know why but I h@ťě his aura but rumors have it that he’s gay” Connor replied while whispering the last part.

“Oh” that was all Maverick could say .

“Well the only advice I have for you is to stay far away from him” Connor said and just then the teacher came in and everyone rushed to their seats.

Then Maverick looked around hoping she would see her new roommate but he didn’t show up. He was not in class.


Frankie knelt down in front of his father. His face held no expression. He knew better than to disobey his dad but sometimes he can’t help it.

“Tracy called me and told me how stubborn you were to her. I have told you to treat her like a queen. She would be your wife soon” Mr Brauns shouted.

“I don’t even know why God gave me a son like you…. A murderer ” Mr Brauns said and took his belt wiping it on Frankie bare back.

His Father accused of ki||ing his Mum. He has always lived in the belief and his dad wasn’t helping matters.

He released more lashes on his back but he didn’t or cry at all. He was already used to it.

“I don’t know what you are even doing with this” Mr Brauns said and tore the pendant on his neck.

“I don’t want to hear any complaints from Tracy and if I hear so, you would spend the rest of your life in prison for ki||ing my wife” Mr Brauns said and left the room.

Then Frankie crawled and picked the broken pendant on the floor. He picked the other parts and covered it with his hands and put it on his chest.

The tears that he was finally holding came out freely as he remembered how it happened. How his mother died.

Then he picked his shirt from the floor and wore ignoring the pains coming from his back.

Whenever his Dad does this, he causes scars and wounds but he doesn’t try to get rid of them because partially he thinks he deserves it.

Then he left the mansion after wiping away the tears from his eyes. He already missed a class.


They finished the first class and the teacher already left. The second class was flight training and they were grouped into three in each group.

They were given the opportunity to choose who they would want to work with so it was Biggie and Connor that were in Maverick group.

They would be thought how to make a plane fly today so they were àll ready waiting for their time.

“Why did you want to become a pilot” Connor asked Maverick and she smiled.

“I just love everything about flying a plane, the way it’s up in the sky and I always wished that one day I would be a popular pilot” Maverick replied while imagining everything she was saying in her head.

Then the instructor called their names that it was when they stopped and went to try it out.

Classes were already done for today and Frankie didn’t attend any class at all. Maverick was a little worried but they were not close so she didn’t have a clue why he didn’t come.

So when classes were over, she was in a hurry to go back to the room maybe he would be there.

She left Biggie and Connor since they were in the cafeteria with Biggie having fun while eating.

She was on her way when she came across Daniel. Then she remembered Connor advice and then she walked past him.

“Hey” He called and that made Maverick to stop. Then she looked back to see that he was walking to her.

“What do you want” she asked nonchalantly.

“I don’t know why but you look fishy” Daniel said looking at her.

Then he touched her hair next and Maverick became nervous when she remembered what Connor said about him being gay.

“I have to go” Maverick said trying not to sound scared but then he smiled afterwards.

Something he doesn’t do but he (Daniel) doesn’t understand but he feels attracted to her.

“My name is Daniel, see you around” He said before leaving and Maverick released the breath that she didn’t know she was holding.

Then she resumed her walk to the room.

She opened the door and then saw Frankie sitting down with a glass cup in his hand and a bottle of tequila by his side.

He filled the glass with tequila and drinked it in one go.

Then Maverick went fast to him and snatched the bottle from his hand. Biggie told her yesterday when they were walking that it was a crime to drink alcohol in the school.

Then Frankie stood up whilst staggering and tried to collect the bottle from her hand but she didn’t give him a chance. She hid at her back.

But that didn’t stop Frankie, he continued chasing her so he can collect the tequila bottle.

Maybe drinking can take away his pains for a while even if not forever.

“Hey give me that” He said but Maverick didn’t hear. She took the bottle to the sink in the bathroom and emptied it all.

Maybe now he won’t see anything to drink at all.

Then she gave him the empty bottle and the drunk Frankie began grumbling because of the empty bottle.

Then he sighted something lying on the floor and then he staggered till he went to where it was and picked it up.

It was a pantie.

Then he raised it to Maverick face and her eyes widened. Where did he get that from.

Then she rushed and tried to get it from him but he raised it above her hand chuckling on how she can’t get it.

Then he came closer to her with the pantie still in his hand.

By now his breath were already fanning her face and then he whispered in her ears,

“Does this pantie belongs to you”

T. B. Continued……..

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