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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 38 ~

The next day

Are you already awake, Keeva asked Adrian as he came out of his room

He ignored her and went to the kitchen

She scoffed and followed him

Are you really ignoring me, she asked

He poured the some cereal inside a plate

She grabbed the plate

Adrian for how long are you going to keep ignoring me, she asked

He grabbed another plate and she sighed

Seriously, stop acting like a kid, she snapped

He still didn’t reply her

You know what I am done, she snapped and stormed off

She came back minutes later

Can’t you just talk, she yelled

He ignored her and continued eating

I am never talking to you again, bye, she screamed and disappeared

Adrian!!!, He suddenly heard someone scream

He flinched and turned back, she was standing behind him glaring at him

I thought she said she was leaving, he thought

Can you stop behaving that way, she snapped

Are you really serious, fine I am going back to ghostie, she said and turned to go

Don’t you dare, he growled

I thought you didn’t want to talk to me, she snapped

You caused it okay, why did you lie to me, he snapped

How did I lie, didn’t you see me with Chloe, she snarled

I saw you with a ghost not Chloe, Chloe was few meters away from you, he said

And so is that enough reason for you to ignore me, I almost coughed my throat out because of you, she snapped

Sorry I was just…..

Hold it there, I am not talking to you again, I don’t need your stupid sorry, she snapped and stormed off

What just happened, Adrian thought

Am I not the victim one, how did I become the guilty one all of a sudden?

Sheila opened her eyes weakly

She felt really weak and her head was hurting badly

What the hell happened, why was her head hurting so badly

Wait what happened yesterday?

Did something happen?

Wait she remembered eating chicken and then hearing a bell sound then…..

She doesn’t remember what happened next

What happened after that?, How did she even get home?

And what was the bell for?

So many questions

She stood up and went to wash up

Immediately after showering the head ache disappeared like it had never been there

She sighed in relief but then she noticed her powers was back completely

Huh how did it happen?

Anyway it doesn’t matter it’s a good thing, she will begin to process her school things, crush and hubby here I come, she grinned

Adrian stared at Keeva calmly

She was sitting beside Chloe and they were talking

Well with caution so Chloe won’t be dragged to a psychiatrist hospital as a mad girl

Immediately they got to school she went to Chloe

He couldn’t help but feel that Keeva and Chloe were getting closer and now he is being kicked out

Very annoying!!

Even though she is angry, infact why would she be even angry

She was the one that lied and went in to talk to a ghost guy and now she’s angry?

Women will always be women whether ghost or not!

Adrian, he heard someone call

He turned immediately

Leoreth smiled and sat down beside him

Do you want to hang out today, she asked

He turned to Keeva, she was now glaring at them

Gosh her eyes could ki||

Urhm I have to prepare for the project, he replied

Oh what about night, I am throwing a party, she said

That I will……

He smiled cutely before replying

I will come, he said

OMG really, she gasped

Yeah I am serious, write your address, he said

She wrote it down immediately smiling like a fish

You better don’t fail, Adrian I will be waiting for you, she said

He nodded

She rushed away and began to chat with her friends obviously telling them that Adrian agreed to come

He looked at Keeva again

She scoffed and looked away

Is she serious, he thought

What’s up with this party, Kein asked playing with the basketball bat he had in his hand

It was lunch time, the KLV and Leoreth were in their private room

Do you really like that guy, that you had to throw a party because of him, Leon asked

Yeah, if not for the fact that you made me do that $h|t to him, he would have asked me out by now, mean no one is as pretty as me in this school, she said

Kein scoffed

Was there really a party because I never heard of it, Victor said

Of course not, I suggested it to him and when he agreed, I called Pablo to immediately start making arrangements, she grinned

Leon shook his head

What of that new girl, are you inviting her, Kein asked

The one that beat Victor up?, Leoreth asked in return

She didn’t beat me up, Victor snapped

Why would I, I don’t like her, Leoreth scoffed

Can you invite her, Kein said

They all glared at him

I mean she’s your crush’s best friend and she may even make him not to attend, Kein said

That’s right, please invite her, Victor said

They stared at him

I will deal with her tonight, I guess the deities are helping me too, he thought grinning

Sure I will but because you said so, Leoreth said

Why don’t you just invite everyone, why pick some people, it’s going to be a blast, Leon said

That’s right I gotta go, she said and rushed out

I know what you are planning Victor, but just know that you won’t succeed, you will end up in tears again, Kein said

You changed immediately that Ɓîtçh came here, Victor said

Really, he chuckled

Now I feel like ki||ing her for real, Victor said

Okay I dare you to do anything, I want to see you in tears again, Kein said and stood up

You bastard, Victor cursed

Kein smiled and walked away

Victor punched the wall

You guys are crazy, Leon shook his head

Are you seriously avoiding Adrian, Chloe asked

Keeva scoffed

Chloe shook her head

You didn’t even attend our project meeting, we will be going to the mountain this weekend, Chloe said

They were currently in Chloe’s house and she was preparing for the party

Don’t you think he will miss you, Chloe said grinning

Why the hell would he even say yes to attending her party, he knows she likes him, she snapped

OMG, Chloe gasped

Well then I am just a ghost, she snapped angrily

Hey calm down you don’t have to be that mad, Chloe said

All this happened because I listened to your advice, she snarled

Don’t you know after every quarrel, you will get closer, Chloe said

Keeva scoffed

Are you seriously not going, Chloe asked

Of course does it look like I am joking, Keeva scoffed

What if something happens between Leoreth and Adrian, Chloe asked

I don’t care okay, I am staying here to sleep, Keeva snapped

I don’t even know why you are going when that Victor of a guy only wants to get back at you, Keeva said

OMG, Chloe gasped

That prick, she spat

How did you know that, she asked Keeva

I know everything, well not all, she rolled her eyes

I will still go, Lets see what he can do, Chloe said

He can’t hurt you, because of the spell, Keeva said

Wow really!!, I guess I should go without fear then, Chloe chuckled

Fina opened the door

Baby are you going to a party, she asked

Chloe scrunched her face

I made dinner I don’t know if you will eat before leaving, Fina said

No thank you, Chloe said

Okay you can take the chocolates in case you get hungry, Fina said

Okay this is weird I feel like throwing up, Chloe mumbled

Huh what did you say, Fina asked

I don’t want any one, Chloe said

Okay bye have fun, Fina said and closed the door

Chloe rushed to the restroom to vomit

People were chattering excitedly, the music was very loud and a lot of people were also dancing

Adrian walked in

He looked around to see if he would see Chloe

Don’t tell me she isn’t coming, he scoffed

Are you really looking for her or someone else, he mind asked him

He rolled his eyes and continued moving

He was one hour late so by now a lot of students should be here

The girls started screaming immediately they saw him

Well it’s not surprising, he is handsome and he knows that

He smiled

OMG a girl fainted from the shock and excitement

He scoffed

That was when someone tapped him

He turned

Hey Adrian, thank you for coming, Leoreth said smiling

She was wearing a short gown and looked really hot

Like she was there to seduce

Someone came in and Adrian looked at the door immediately

It was Chloe

OMG, the guys started hailing her

She looked really segzy and hot, even Leoreth couldn’t come close

Leoreth scoffed angrily

But Adrian looked disappointed

Keeva wasn’t with her, she came alone

He left Leoreth and rushed to Chloe

Chloe rolled her eyes

I know who you came for, don’t make it seem like you came for me, Chloe scoffed

Fine you caught me, Adrian rolled his eyes

If you miss her that badly why don’t you go look for her, you guys shouldn’t stress me, Chloe snapped

Where is she, he asked

I don’t know she left, Chloe replied

He sighed and left the hall

He went to seat outside

He didn’t want to attend it, he just wanted Keeva to get jealous and talk to him

And it’s annoying that she isn’t jealous

Surprisingly that’s how he felt

But the twist was so shocking, like he was the angry one and she was guilty, so how did it change

He sighed and stared at the pool quietly

Where would she be, how can he find her, he thought

I miss her, he mumbled

I miss her bullying, craziness, bragging, fighting, it’s not up to a day and I am already feeling this way?

Tamina looked behind her as she walked

She couldn’t help but feel that there was someone behind her

Why was she even attending the stupid party?

She just wanted to leave home, so she decided to attend the party since every one was invited

But now she’s regretting it

Someone was definitely behind her, she could hear the foot steps

She was getting close to the venue so she tried to remain calm

She felt goose pimples

Can you really see me, the person asked

OMG it’s a ghost!!!

She should be used to this by now, she should be used to this by now, she chanted

But is that a kid?, The voice sounded like…..

I want your body, the person said

Her heart almost jumped out of her body

She had always heard it but she can never get used to it can she?

She suddenly felt the person beside her and that was when she broke into run

She rushed to the first person she saw that was about to leave the party

She hugged the person immediately

Her heart was beating really fast

Adrian was surprised

He was about to leave when…..

Wait who’s this……


He looked up and saw a ghost behind her

That kid that Keeva had thrown stone on

I am sorry just let me stay this way, she said breathing heavily

Just then Keeva appeared

She looked really……

Keeva began to burn in anger when she saw Adrian and Tamina

She began to think of what to do to her, should she break her head, divide her into two, bit her, remove all her teeth, break her bones?

She sighed and decided to do nothing, she disappeared

He pulled away immediately

Adrian, Tamina called in shock

She was surprised at who it was

The ghost had disappeared when Keeva appeared

I will be back, he said and rushed out

Gosh where would she be, where where, he screamed mentally

And just like that he found himself inside Chloe’s house

Wait did he teleport here?

Does it mean he can teleport now?

He rushed to Chloe’s room and she was there

She stood up immediately she saw him

She was surprised and confused

How did you get he….

He rushed and hugged her before she could finish talking

Let’s end it, he said

End what?, End being…..

No end making each other jealous, he said

What do you mean, she asked

I was jealous when I saw you talking to that ghost, he said


I want to be the only guy that close to you, the only guy you fight and play with, and kiss to, he said


He pulled away and kissed her before she could say jack



Written by Rosemary 🌹

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