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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 11 ~

Adrian are you okay, Maddie asked

I guess our school admitted a mad student,
Tamina said

Holly tapped her to keep quiet

Adrian stared at Keeva before leaving the table

Andorai sighed

Did you really have to say that, she asked

What was I wrong, why the hell was he talking
to himself, Tamina asked

They all sighed

You didn’t have to yell you know, Keeva said
immediately the left the cafeteria

He ignored her and went to the restroom

Are you ignoring me, she asked

He didn’t reply her

Very well then, I am good at it anyway, I love
talking to myself, she snapped

Then I guess you are the mad one, Adrian

Oh please I didn’t ask you to scream neither I
was going to eat everything, she snapped

He scoffed

Someone didn’t let me eat, now I have to hustle
for food, she said

He rolled his eyes

She scoffed and disappeared

Adrian hissed

He went back to the class and hours later they
were done for the day

He was feeling tired and hungry so he went
home straight

Gosh Keeva was in the living room watching TV

When did ghosts start watching TV, he asked

I’ve told you I am not just any other ghost, she

I am Keeva, a True God, The ruler of this earth,
they chorused

Adrian!!, She screamed

What, you always say it, what’s wrong with me
backing you up, he asked walking to the kitchen

You know I still have powers right, and you are
still a mortal, I can turn you into a frog, she

What the hell Keeva, he screamed when he
entered the kitchen

She rolled her eyes

He rushed out immediately

Are you trying to make me starve, how can you
cook one full chicken for yourself, he screamed

I didn’t eat breakfast and you wouldn’t let me
eat lunch too, she mumbled

Seriously, do ghosts need that, not that you will
grow tall or fat, he snarled

I am already tall, I don’t need to be fat, she

Who says so, you are a dwarf, he spat

This kid, she screamed

Surprisingly, waves from her scream blew him
off his feat, he landed on the floor

He was surprised

What the hell!

How dare you call me dwarf, I am even taller
than you, if I am a dwarf then you are an elf, she

Elf, he asked in shock

Are you kidding me you dwarf goddess, he

Sun elf, she snapped

He stood up angrily but gosh his butt was

This really hurts and you are cheating, you
threw me to the floor because I called you
dwarf, then what should I do to you for calling
me elf, he snarled

I will beat you up like a kid next time, she

Well then tell me how to become immortal, not
going around eating food, I need to send you
away, heal my mum and then go back to

I h@ťě this place, he snarled

Shut up okay, don’t talk to be that way, if I got
married when my mates were getting married,
my grand son would be your father, she snarled

Adrian scoffed

I am going to get you something, you better
make dinner before I return, she yelled and

That Ɓîtçh, Adrian cursed

He was already hungry so he went to the
kitchen to prepare dinner

He ate his and left the remaining ones in the pot

I can’t believe, I am doing this, he mumbled

Just then his phone started ringing, it was

Adrian have you seen it, she asked

Seen what, he asked in confusion

I sent you the things you asked for, check your
email, she replied

Oh that?, I will check it right away, thanks, he

He ended the call immediately and rushed

He opened his laptop and tapped a few things
on it

The email appeared, he clicked on it

Research on Goddess Keeva was boldly written
on the top

Goddess Keeva, the ruler of the earth was born
by the God of war and a lowly immortal

She was very beautiful and smart and began
training immediately she could walk

She started ruling the earth at one thousand

She told me five hundred, was she lying, he

Though she was pretty, she had a large horn on
her back that showed her identity as the
goddess of the moon

Adrian scoffed

Immediately, he saw that he knew that it was
full of rubbish

He was about to exit from his email when Keeva

Due to the shock, he closed the laptop instead

She glared at him

Are you okay, she asked

Since when did you start caring about me, he

Then why did you look frightened and shocked,
she asked

That’s because you appeared suddenly, was I
supposed to smile, he snarled

She scoffed and came closer

Are you hiding something from me, she asked

What would I hide from you, he snapped

Then why did you close your laptop, she asked

Must I show you everything, there is something
called privacy and I need it, he snarled

She scoffed and threw some books at him

Geez they were very heavy

Are you trying to ki|| me, he snarled

She rolled her eyes

What are they for, he asked

I want you to read about him first before we
start anything, she replied

He rolled his eyes and opened his laptop, so he
could switch it off

That was when Keeva snatched it from him

What are you doing, are you trying to damage it,
he snarled

It’s not spoilt so don’t worry, she said

He gulped hard

He didn’t want her to know he was reading
about her, it’s embarrassing, knowing how she
is, she will definitely tease him for weeks

Huh you were reading about me, she asked

I wasn’t, he snarled

She burst into laughter immediately

Jeez, she has started it, he mumbled

Gosh I feel really important, I mean the almighty
Adrian is reading about me, she continued

Shut up, it just popped up, he snarled

I understand, she mocked

He turned around and started leaving

Are you leaving your room or did you forget here
is your room, she asked grinning

I am leaving it for you, I don’t want to hear your
annoying voice, he snarled and walked away

She continued laughing

The next day

All Adrian did at school was read the book
Keeva gave him

It contained information about The god of the
sun Lorenzo

He was not only good looking but also very
strong and powerful

He could burn down buildings when he is angry

He accomplished a lot at a young age and even
trained the renowned God of War, Silas
obviously Keeva’s father

He once had a woman, who loved him very

She followed him everywhere he went and
everyone knew her as the God of the sun’s

So what happened to her, Adrian thought as he
continued reading

One day when Lorenzo went to war, she was
murdered by his step brother

Then she was also pregnant with his child,

Lorenzo went mad when he heard of it and
ki||ed not only his step brother but also anyone
that related to him

That’s cruel, Adrian mumbled

What are you reading, Someone asked

He looked up, it was Maddie

You have been reading it since today, it seems
interesting what is it about, she asked

Just some myth, I love reading myths, he lied

Oh, okay don’t you want to have lunch with us,
it’s lunch time already, she asked

Urhm don’t worry, I am good, he said smiling

She smiled back and left the class

That was when he looked around, jeez he was
the only there

He dropped the book inside his bag and stood

Then he made his way to the restroom to ease

Where is she anyway, I haven’t seen her today,
sneaky ghost, he mumbled

Hours later

Lunch was over and the students settled in for
their next class

That was when a girl stood up looking angry

My watch is missing, she blurted angrily

Miss Zachary, are you sure about that, the
teacher asked

Yes I am hundred percent sure, I left it in my bag
to go for lunch, she snarled

Calm down Leoreth, Leon told her

Tamina became suspicious immediately she
heard that

She turned back and saw Kein grinning and
looking at someone

She traced his eyes, Adrian

What the f-__-k, did he set him up!!

She shrugged, why would I even care anyway,
we are not in good terms, she thought and
relaxed to watch what would happen

That watch is the latest model, my mum got it
for me just yesterday, she snarled

Miriam suddenly stood up

I think I know who took it, she said slowly

Who who took my watch, Leoreth snarled

Someone didn’t leave class today, Miriam said

Tamina scoffed

Kein was shinning his teeth like a fool, he was
obviously enjoying the whole thing

Adrian didn’t even care at all, he was resting on
his desk but he was listening

The new boy, Miriam blurted out

Some students gasped, Adrian sat up when he
heard that

Before he could process what was happening,
Vincent grabbed his bag

What are you doing, Adrian growled

Are you asking me that, thief, Vincent mocked

Vincent turned his bag upside down emptying
the contents

All his books and a watch fell out

That’s the watch, Leoreth screamed and rushed
to pick it up

Oops I guess the new guy is a thief, Kein said
and stood up from his seat

When I came back to pick something, I saw the
new boy moving about suspiciously but I didn’t
think about it until now, Miriam said

Ahhhh, the whole class screamed

Adrian stared at Miriam coldly


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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