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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 1~

He threw the alarm clock angrily, it wouldn’t
stop ringing so he flung it away and continued

Some minutes later, his phone started ringing

He groaned and ignored it, hoping it would stop

But it continued

He tossed around the bed as the phone kept
ringing loudly

Who the f-__-k was that, he groaned

He sat up and picked the phone

Huh his dad!!

He gasped and accepted the call

Adrian, don’t tell me you are still at home, his
dad screamed

Of course, the time is….

He looked at the clock and screamed


I don’t want to believe you broke your alarm
again, his dad asked calmly this time

Adrian looked at the broken alarm on the floor
and gulped

His dad Terry sighed

I guess you did, you are not going to ki|| me
Adrian, His dad said and ended the call

He jumped up and rushed to the bathroom

His dad will definitely roast him alive if he ever
misses school for a day without a reason

Last night he stayed up to 4:30 talking to his

He chuckled

She’s just too cute, he thought smiling

He wore his clothes and had some cereals
before setting out

He would never go out without eating 🙄🙄🙄

He hopped on his bike and within twenty
minutes he was in school

The students started screaming immediately

🗣️ OMG Adrian
👤 He looks hot this morning
👥 Adrian my loveeeee
👤 Why is he late, I missed him already

He ignored them as usual and went straight to
the class

Luckily there was no teacher in the class

Why are you coming by this time, Jasmine
asked him as he sat down

Don’t tell me you were talking to Melissa all
night, Mason said

Wow how did you know that, Adrian asked

Of course everyone knows you, you fall in love
easily and you fall like a fool, Izna replied
shaking his head

Adrian rolled his eyes

Bro that’s the third girl in four months, you will
still end up heartbroken, I feel you committed a
crime in your past life or there is a curse, Mason

That’s right, with your handsome face, why do
girls always hurt you, Jasmine asked

Adrian glared at them

Mason and Jasmine coughed nervously

You’ve missed three classes already, luckily
they didn’t ask of you, Izna said

He looked at a girl that was sitting beside them
and turned to Mason

Why is she moody today, don’t tell me her
parents fought again, he asked

We don’t know too, you know Chloe has mood
swings, Izna replied him

Jasmine, Mason, Izna and Chloe were his

They have know each other since they were still
kids with running nose

Why are you talking about me, Chloe asked

Izna flinched

She was now looking at them

We were just discussing, Izna told her

Who are you to be talked about by me, Adrian

She banged the table

This son of a prick, are you looking down on
me, she snarled

Tell me, some one stood you up in one of your
numerous blind date right, that’s why you are
moody, Adrian mocked

Jasmine, Izna and Mason immediately brought
out their jotters and pen

You left over toasted bread with rabbit teeth,
she snarled

And you look like one who attempted a surgical
procedure but it failed, he snapped

What surgery, I can see you are dump, that’s
why you always get dumped, she snarled

You how dare you bring that up, Adrian yelled

Why would you mention my blind dates at first,
Ugly thing, she snapped

I can see you tried to apply an eye shadow
today, maybe some of it entered your eyes for
you to think I am ugly, He scoffed

Whattt!!, Jeez this rabbit with small balls is
really crossing the line, she snarled

Small what, have you seen it, he snarled

Shut up the both of you, what should she see,
Their literature teacher, Mr Chris snapped

They both kept quiet and glared at each other

You are always fighting, he yelled

That’s how a great love story begins, some one

Chloe scrunched her nose in disgust while
Adrian brought out a perfume from the pocket
and sprayed it on the air

Chloe glared at him

The both of you, Mr Chris yelled

They both scoffed and looked away from each

Mr Chris hissed and walked to the board

Did you get everything, Izna asked

Yeah I did, what about you, Jasmine asked

I did too, gosh I’ve gotten more insults, I am now
ready to face anyone, Mason grinned

Me too, Jasmine laughed

Jasmine, Mason and Izna one day detention,
Me Chris yelled

Sir please, Jasmine begged

Two days, He said

Ahhhh, Izna shrieked


They all kept quiet

Mr Chris scoffed and turned back to the board

So we have been learning about ancient rulers,
today we will be learning about

The powerful goddess queen Keeva, He said

The class was calm

Keeva was a goddess that ruled the earth,
according to history, she is said to be really
beautiful and smart, he said

Wow does she have B-__-bs, someone asked

Yeah what about butts, another asked

Are you kidding me, Mr Chris snapped

Guys I’ve found an image of her, she is really
endowed, one of the student said

They all rushed to him

Mr Chris banged the table angrily

Isn’t that a myth, Adrian asked

Of course it is, I can’t believe this foolish kids,
Mr Chris snarled

They all went back to their seat

For this, you will take it as an assignment

Research on the Goddess Keeva, in not less
than thirty pages, he said

Arrrhhhhhh, everyone shrieked

He scoffed and left the class

Madonna this is your fault, why would you
show us the picture even if you saw it, one of
the students screamed

Yes that’s right, the other agreed and they all
started insulting the student

Soon it was lunch time and Adrian was in the
cafeteria eating

He just had Cereal in the morning and was very

Izna and Mason were in the table with him
staring at him

He rolled his eyes and took Mason’s burger

Hey, Mason’s screamed

You don’t want it right, so it took it and you can’t
beat me, I am stronger, Adrian said

That’s bullying, Mason frowned

Chloe came to the table holding her tray

As she tried to sit down

Her fruit juice poured on Adrian’s shirt

Ahhhh, he screamed

Oops sorry, my hands slipped, she mocked

He glared at her angrily

Thank you so much, Chloe you are a darling,
Mason said and blew her a kiss

Adrian was so mad, but of course she’s the only
one that can stand up to him

He stood up and stormed off angrily

He is so mad, maybe you went to far, Izna

Who cares, Chloe rolled her eyes

Jasmine ran in immediately Adrian left

Where is Adrian, she asked panting

He just left, Izna replied

Where to, she asked

Why are you looking for him, Chloe asked

I think he went to the restroom, his shirt was
soiled and you know he h@ťěs dirt, Mason
replied her

Noooo, She screamed

What’s wrong, Chloe asked

Adrian will murder someone’s daughter, She she


Adriana was really pissed off

That girl, she just kept getting on his nerves

He will surely deal with her, he thought

He was on his way to the restroom when he
heard loud Mõ@ɲs

Those crazy kids, he mumbled

But then he froze

That voice sounds familiar

Hope it’s not what he’s thinking

He turned around sharply and entered the class

It was just as he thought

Melissa was Mõ@ɲing loudly as another guy
f-__-ked her

They didn’t even notice his presence

His eyes turned red

He left the class and went to the corridor

He couldn’t hold it again, he grabbed the bottle
that was lying on the floor

Adrian!!, He heard

Jasmine, Izna, Mason and Chloe were running
towards him

He ignored them and went back to the class

Melissa was still enjoying her self when he
smashed the bottle on her head

Arrrrrhhh, she screamed

The boy’s Ďïčk fell out her Pů$$¥ immediately

Adrian!!, Mason screamed


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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