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Friday, October 18, 2024
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COLLEGE DILEMMA – Episode 31 & 32

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GENRE: College Romance

By: Osbert Books✍️

🔞Violence🔞BDSM segz🔞Violence
🔞R@P£🔞Passion 🔞Sensitivity🔞



Beware Of Some Errors!! Not fully edited.


Read carefully! My Novels are a deep kind
—Every part and inch of the story are important
and have a purpose ! Thanks! 😌❤️✍️

◾️◾️◾️Episodes 31 and 32◾️◾️◾️◾️

( The Third Rehearsal)

The Dessa hall was filled to the brim —it was
about one thousand students, who attended
and this was an incredibly high number for a
rehearsal that usually had two hundred

But the reason for the gathering was clear —the
Last performance by the Famous Three Band
had shook the whole rehearsal —now more
students were expecting an even more powerful
performance this time. They couldn’t even wait
for the main hall of fame day.

This was actually the first time , that students
were actually getting famous during rehearsals
when the main Hall of fame program has not
even commenced.

Stacy and Lilian, tend to be looking anxious
especially as they looked at the crowds coming
into the hall.

They were hunted by the memories of the night
party at Michael’s house. But yet they tried to
sweep the whole event under the rug, and only
sticked to murmuring about it.

Lilian and Stacy also appeared to be more
closer while Rachel and Mirabel appeared to be
more closer to each other.

Mirabel and Rachel arrived earlier, while Lilian
and Stacy arrived about twenty minutes later
and joined them at the table to discuss while
waiting for what would happen for the day.

Mirabel was slightly gazing through the hall
looking for James, although she had already
sighted Michael and his friends.

“Your eyes are just turning round? Who are you
looking for “ —Stacy asked with a slight smile
as she tapped Mirabel on the shoulder.

“Yes I noticed too!” —Lilian added while Rachel
and Mirabel burst out laughing.

“Nothing actually! I am just…….” —Mirabel
said as she was soon interrupted.

“Who is the person ? “ —Lilian interrupted with
a smile.

“I think it’s James that she is looking for! The
one who who is scheduled to sing today! Rachel
explained as she slightly looked at Mirabel with
a smile.

“I am just saying my mind” —Rachel explained
as she looked at Mirabel with slight fear.

“Hmmmm! I will not say anything! “ —Mirabel
answered with a slight smile.

“You better say something! So that we can
know we’re to start to help you! Or are you
finally itching to have a man to f-__-k!!” —Stacy
explains with laughter.

“Jeeez” —Lilian and Rachel yelled as she
mentioned about segz.

“Everything is not about segz! You like talking
about segz! Just leave me! Leave me to be a
lover girl! “ —Mirabel yelled with slight laughter
and with a sigh in the end.

Sorry ooo —Stacy added.

Loook it’s James ! “ —Lilian suddenly saw
James climbing the stage, and all of them
turned to see him.


As soon as she said it, the moderator
immediately introduced James and Kasa as the
infamous two band .

Kasa took the stage as his keyboardist, and
another drummer was chosen to help serve as a

Meanwhile James was going to be the singer
—provided with his microphone. From the stage
James looked directly into Mirabel’s eyes and
from where she was sitting —she was also
looking into his eyes.

Mirabel was no longer hearing what her friends
were saying , all her eyes was fixated on him.

James was also feeling very nervous but by
looking at her he felt some courage growing up
into him.

James also walked up to his crazy friend Kasa
and whispered in his ears “you idiot! I am about
to perform ! So pray and perform well too!
Otherwise we are finished for life ! Biggest
disgrace of our lives!”

“Well disgrace is not going to be too bad! After
all we named ourselves infamous two! So not
bad!” —Kasa added with a smile.

“Shut up idiot! That was your idea! Well I can’t
remember whose idea it was!” —James added
with slight laughter.

“Well just get out and perform! Kasa added.

Okay fine!!” —James answered and left.

James quickly walked to stage and faced the
large crowd.

“I am not going to sing about love! Sorry but
about joy and madness! It’s either dance or
nothing!” —James yelled to the crowd.

The crowd burst out laughing.

James began singing. His voice was hush and
dry from the beginning. The more he struggled
the more his voice struggled, he was feeling
more and more anxious and his feet shaking
and feeling like a looser.

After about ten minutes —he picked up a new
courage and start seeing results. His voice
began to clear and his music began to take
roots in the mind of the crowd.

Soon the crowds were gradually being moved.
As more minutes went by, the music was
becoming a very interesting and dramatic
performance—with the drummer becoming
more loud, followed by the piano, and with
James trying to do more than singing but
actually leading the dancing.

Soon the whole place erupted —mass dancing,
students were dragging each others , dragging
and rocking, screaming and yelling.

“This is powerful! !!” Stacy and others
continued to yell —the mass screams of
support drowned even their own voice.

This was heading to be the biggest
performance in the school history. It was crazy
as more and more students began rushing to
stage —something that didn’t occur in the
“Fanous three performance!

It was clear , this band was going to exceed the
famous three —but with further competition in
the future, no one was sure of the winner.

Everybody was so happy. Mirabel was beaming
with pride and looked as though all her fears
had vanished. For the first time she rushed with
others to the stage —and immediately her
presence was noticed by everyone.

Everybody began to scream too for her —it was
as if no one had known her before until that

“The beauty paregenat queen!! She performed
well!” —hundreds of students began to murmur
as they sighted her amidst the mass shouting.

It was a giant concert situation. Mirabel rushed
to James. James was already carried away by
the sudden mass participation of everyone and
he was overjoyed.

Suddenly seeing mirabel drawing closer to him
—made him drown in happiness. To the shock
of everyone, she not only rapidly hugged and
kissed on his cheeks but she also turned her
back to him and tried gridding with her back
side on his pubic area.

She only succeeded for few minutes as her
action was immediately creating a great wave
of recognition in screaming and yelling of
surprise and joy —she immediately stopped
and vanished out of stage because she was
very shy.

All the rules were broken—there were mass lap
dancing, kisses, and body rocking as the
singing continued and also, students had
flooded the Platform.

The moderator had become frustrated with his
inability to control the situation and he was also
getting angry. He tried to shut the show down
and dismiss everyone but it was difficult. The
yelling and screams of the crowd downed his

It wasn’t long , Kasa stood up from his stage
and taking several of the females admirers and
bringing them to stage , he would rock their
bottom, kiss them, and suck their Břě@šťs in full
view of everyone.

“Infamous two!” ——hundreds of voices
screamed like a thunder storm as they saw
Kasa silly behavior.

It looked more and more crazy, but more and
more girls volunteered for him to use them on
stage meanwhile the main singer was busy
singing. While several girls came close to
James to hold him, Kasa will drag them off and
use them for his crazy stage behavior.

“You don’t need them! “ Kasa yelled in laughter

The performance was becoming very highly
loved by all that was there but the authorities
were very angry with the segzual display.

“This is a bad band! Stop this nonsense!” —the
moderator screamed.

The School security was soon called in to
disperse the crowd.

It was a very difficult scene —there was more
crowd of students than the last rehearsal that
attended Michael’s rehearsal , and this time it
was even more difficult for James to leave the

While Kasa was making way for James through
the crowds, he was also kissing the random
pretty girls who were stretching their hands to
get hold of James. It wasn’t long before Kasa
was lost in the crowd.

And James yelled ——“look! This idiot paving
way for me! Is lost!

James tried to storm out of the crowd but it was
incredibly difficult. Hands were stretching
everywhere to touch him.

Soon Mirabel and her friends appeared
—holding his hands and pulling him out of the
crowd. They managed to hire a car and drive

Meanwhile Michael and his friends stormed out
of the hall earlier due to jealousy, they were
preparing to have a better hit song.

The infamous two —the mad performance of
James was becoming a great talk and also the
crazy segzy habits of Kasa added much
popularity to the show. It was clear they were
now more famous than Michael’s band.

When Mirabel and her friends arrived at their
lodge. They were still crowds of girls coming to
check around the sorroundin lodges trying to
find James.

Meanwhile Kasa who was lost in the cores,
managed to reach home, but spent his night
with twelve naked girls —completely exhausted
from segz.


Mirable and her friends spent few minutes
chatting with James and being in awe of how
very talented he was.

Lilian was a little jealous, and so she was the
first to go to her own room. Also Stacy , and
Rachel, were excite for James, but they also
wanted to leave the room to allow Mirabel
some privacy.

When they left —James looked at Mirabel and
expressed his surprise at her brief show up with
him on stage.

While he looked at her—he saw that she was
struggling to say something because she was
now all alone with him.

“You don’t have to say anything more! Just
keep smiling.—James said with a smile as he
tried to touch her cheeks.

“I want to say you are talented!” —Mirabel said
with a smile as she continued to blush.

“Thank you ! It’s so sweet hearing it form you!”
—-James replied.

“It’s strange ! We are here together all alone!
Although you declined to come to my place”
—James continued.

“Hmmm yes its strange!

“You are so so beautiful!” James said as he
looked at her as she blushed with more smiles
and struggling with what to say.

He moves closer to her but she was reluctant to
move away —because deep down, she was
aching for more of his presence.



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