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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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COLLEGE DILEMMA – Episode 5 & 6

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GENRE: College Romance

By: Osbert Books✍️

🔞Violence🔞BDSM segz🔞Violence
🔞R@P£🔞Passion 🔞Sensitivity🔞



Hello Fam! I hope we will do better on these episodes !


◾️◾️◾️◾️◾️Episode 5 And 6◾️◾️◾️◾️

The dinner party was liken an after party that was approved by the College Senate Council to celebrate the enrollment of new students.

The party hall was already jam packed with several hundred students.

All of these students were all immaculately dressed —everywhere there were displays of gold and silver in wristwatches and necklaces. expensive phones, shoes, luxurious clothes and flashy cameras were everywhere.

Mirable and all her friends were present.

“Dude! Can you see those four pretty girls over there? I did see one of them yesterday , but now it looks like the four of them are close friends?” —James explained as he sipped from his glass of wine and tapped Kasa on the shoulder.

“Yeah I can see them! “ —Kasa replied as he adjusted his designer eye glass.

“Come on, I know what’s in your mind, you want to walk up to them?” — Kasa further asked.

“No that’s not it! It’s a bad idea to jump into the middle of four girls you have never spoken to! But I sense something strange “ — James explained.

“Come on dude! Tell me what you are thinking?” —Kasa asked.

“It’s weird! But I may be wrong! Look carefully at this beautiful girl in the middle of the three girls holding a glass of wine. She looks very much like the girl we R@P£D at Laza Royal Club some months ago”—James explained.

James at that point didn’t know that the so called girl was Mirabel.

“f-__-k $h|t! Come on! We can’t be seeing a ghost! Maybe it’s the sister or twin or something!”—Kasa further explained.

“I hope it’s not karma trying to pay us back in some way or something terrible about to happen, or maybe she is back from the dead to f-__-k us up” —James explained while slightly laughing and swinging the glass cup on his hand.

“What! Come on! She is not coming back! Let’s stop talking about this $h|t!” —Kasa explained as he burst out laughing.
They both continued to laugh together.

“Well I will walk up to her regardless, I don’t care for what Fate or karma has in store for us” —James explained with a smile, and began to walk majestically and mockingly, he waved his friend a funny bye and went towards the girls. Hanging around for a few seconds, Kasa joined his friend.


Michael and his friends, Jerry and Hudson were also present. Michael himself had decided to try his luck also on Mirabel since his friend Jerry had obviously failed and now seemed to have moved on with chasing Stacy.

As they were drinking together. Michael asked his two friends , Jerry and Hudson . “Come on, you guys should follow my lead, let me walk up to that girl in the middle and talk to her. Jerry I know you failed but I think I can pass.” — Michael explained , assuring his friends.

They all laughed.
“Well let’s see! Let’s get ready for her blasts!” —Jerry mocked and the three of them walked towards the girls direction.


It was like a coincidence, because Michael and his friends simultaneously arrived at the same spot with James and Kasa . They all met at the same time in front of the girls.

The two groups of guys found themselves confused and anxious in front of the girls.

“How can we help you gentle men?” —Rachel asked jokingly.

“Hmmmmm” —Lilian muttered jokingly.

Meanwhile Stacy immediately recognized Jerry and gave him a slight hug. Jerry immediately pressed his body against her and trying to have a good feel of her Břě@šťs—something that disgusted the girls especially Mirabel.

In other to cover up the embarrassing hug, Stacy immediately began to lead the conversation.

“Are you guys together “ —Stacy asked the small group of the guys while still holding Jerry’s hands.

“No! of course not, I am here with my own friends , and they are Michael and Hudson, but these other two guys I don’t know them”—Jerry slightly replied with a smile as he pointed at his friends and making sure that his five thousand dollar watch was revealed.

“Well, all of you! These are my friends! this is Mirabel, the prettiest queen here, and this is Rachel, and this is Lilian, and I am Stacy by name “ —Stacy addressed the whole group of nervous guys by slightly waving her hands and smiling, and pointing at each of her friends.

“Well thanks! I am James and this is is my friend Kasa,” —James explained to the small group with a smile and longing at Kasa.


“I think that this Michael is very handsome and this James on the other hand is handsome , tell me which one is more handsome?“ —Rachel whispered to Mirabel’s ears, as Stacy was leading the brief group conversation.

“Well i don’t care!” —Mirabel whispered back in Rachel’s ears.

“Please now! talk for once! Just please put a smile !” —Rachel whispered back to her ears and pretending to be babyishly needing her answer.

“Okay fine I will tell you “ — Mirabel whispered back into Rachel’s ears.

“So tell me who is handsome” —Rachel whispered in her ears.

“Okay I will answer this once ! I think James is more handsome followed by Michael and I understand that these two men don’t know each other and are not friends! But all the same I don’t give a f-__-k about any of them “ —Mirable whispered in Rachel’s ears.


“Come on let’s sit—the table is big enough for us all—after all we are all newcomers to this college, so we can get to know each other “ —-Stacy explained to the small group , And they all burst slightly laughing except for mirabel as they began sitting around the big round table and taking drinks and glasses for themselves.

“My Queen Mirabel —I wish you could smile “ —Michale asked jokingly.

“Well she is not your princess yet” —James asked showing slight jealousy but with a mixture of laughter.

“I don’t belong to anyone. Besides a queen needs a king. And none of you are kings. I just see bunch of boys claiming to be kings but without thrones”— Mirabel replied sarcastically.

“What the f-__-k!” —James yelled in slight laughter, and the whole group began to laugh.

“Well our friend, Mirable can be harsh sometimes “ —Lilian added.

“Being harsh is normal, she will soon be down to earth” —Michael answered with a sense of pride.

“Well I am never going to change! I don’t go about licking the asses of men! And I love being me! And being me is about being harsh! “ — Mirable replied sarcastically, feeling offended at Michael words, because they reflected nothing but pride to her.

“Wooooh! That was harsh” —Kasa added.

Michael felt a bit embarrassed and the whole group continued to laugh.

“We are sorry my princess! I think you are wonderful by being you! And we love you like this “ —James explained, trying to pamper Mirabel’s ego.

Mirabel slightly looked at him with a slight smile.

“Come on dude! Are you trying to flatter her ego or what? “ —Michael arrogantly interrupted and they all began to laugh at him.

“There is nothing wrong in him flattering my ego. You men have been harsh and mean for centuries and I would appreciate a man flattering my ego”Mirabel harshly responded.

“I am humbled “ —James replied looking towards mirabel and still trying to buy more of her attention.

And then James turned to Michael —“you obliviously want her and I think massaging her ego will help rather than being proud”

“f-__-k you! “ —Michael responded harshly, changing the atmosphere of the room, because he was now annoyed.

“f-__-k you too!” —James responded.

“Enough ! “ Both Stacy and Mirable screamed simultaneously.

“I am respecting you princess “ —James expressed, as he looked at Mirabel.

“f-__-k you again! For even licking her @zz! And being like a little boy. This Mirabel is nothing but another girl! With Pů$$¥$ and Břě@šť like any other girl” —Michael responded angrily and trying to tap Břě@šťs in other to provoke her.

James immediately hit off Michaels hands as they drew close to Mirabel.

“I think you are being childish” Mirable expressed to Michael.

The rest of the girls continued to laugh , and trying to change back the mood of the group to that of laughter.

“And f-__-k you too! Get the f-__-k out!” —Michael shouted to Mirabel and stood up in anger.

“I think he is hot tempered” — Rachel added.

“I don’t care”—Mirabel replied

“Don’t speak to a women like that” —James expressed to Michael trying to earn the sympathy of the girls.

Michael soon dragged him and they began exchanging fists and blows. A massive fight broke out.

Kasa jumped in to help his friend —James
while Hudson and Jerry also jumped into the fight to support Michael.

It was a horror to the girls. That end of the party was turned into a commotion.

Since James and Kasa were outnumbered, they were beaten up, but they managed to beat the $h|t out of the Jerry because he was the first to jump into the fight on the side of his friend Michael.


The Campus security soon bounced in and separated the fight.

As the campus security dragged them off Michael and his friends, Michael jokingly said to Jerry —“you are useless to this group? You even lost your glasses!

“For me I fought bravely!” — Jerry added.

They were dragged off to the Campus court since they appeared to be the aggressors.

Meanwhile the defeated James and his friend sat on their chair exhausted.

James had a slight cut on his forehead, and fuming with anger. The event touched Mirabel.

She knew that the whole fight happened because of her, and that James was actually on her side.

While her confused friends looked around in confusion. Mirabel went towards James and tried to tease him. “It’s all right my dear”—Mirabel softly talked to him.

“Calling me dear is enough for me! It’s sweet ” —James replied looking up to her with a smile.

Mirabel gently cleaned his cut on his forehead with her towel. Giving him the towel, she said —“use this, keep cleaning it and go to the Campus Health Center and you would be fine. I am really sorry for what happened.

“It’s all right my princess, maybe I am not strong enough“—James asked why putting his head down.

“You are strong, just that you were outnumbered , it’s rare thing if you could over power three guys” — Mirabel consoled him with a smile.

“Hmmm” he replied with smiles. Mirabel smiled back at him and let his hands go off hers. He gradually walked out assisted by his friend Kasa.


Unknown t0 Mirabel, this so called weak James, who she was sympathetic to, was the guy who was strong enough rape her sister.

“I think you like this guy” Rachel asked Mirabel, drawing the attention of their Stacy and Lilian.

“Somehow ! He is good! He Stood for a woman’s honor, and fought bravely even though he was outnumbered! And above all he is very handsome ! But still yet! I am still angery with men!” — Mirable replied with a smile while picking her bag and walking out.

“Really” —they all replied to her simultaneously , and noticing that they said it at the same time, they burst out laughing.


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