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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: BROKEN LOVE – Episode 83 & 84

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.



Jane kept staring at her mom, still in shock. It’s been over five hours now and yet the shocking look on her face never left her body. Rebecca has been taken to the city jail and she has been barking like a dog since she was thrown in jail.

“Jane, my daughter… ”

“How come you’re alive? The doctor told me you’re dead, and they said that they were going to help me bury you in the hospital’s cemetery. So how come you’re alive?” Jane asked with tears falling down from her eyes like rain.

Roseline sighed and took her time to explain everything to Jane, and hearing she was Antonio’s daughter made her even shock.

“Why did you do it mom? Every single day I blame myself for your death, not knowing that you have been alive all this time. Why did you do it?” Jane asked crying, and Roseline hugged her.

“I’m so sorry, Jane. I did it because I wanted to protect you. I’m sorry, my child” Roseline said, crying as well.

“I miss you mom” She sniffled, hugging Roseline back.



Adrian kept looking at the door in front of him, anticipating if he should entered the room or not.

“Why aren’t you going in?” Debra asked.

“I feel so guilty, Debra”


“I have always have suspicious about this room, but I was always too ignorant to check who might be inside. If I had done that, maybe I’d have found out that my dad was not dead”

“Don’t nitpick yourself, Adrian. You were barely in Dashie. You were gone for six years and after you came, you only stayed for few months, before you relocated to Australia. What matters now is to know if your dad is still in good health, ok” Debra said and Adrian nodded his head, before entering the room.

His eyes widen after he saw his dad laying like a paralyzed person on the bed. Antonio wanted to call his name, but he couldn’t.

“Dad. What the heck did that woman do to you? Dad!” Adrian said crying, holding his dad’s hand.


Julianna sighed for the unkempt times, as she waited patiently for Lucas, Jane and Kayla. She was crimping her hands under the table as she waited for them.

“Julianna” Lucas her name.

“Lucas” She muttered his name, looking at him.

“Why do you want to see us? With everything you have done, you’re the last person we’d want to see” Kayla said.

“I have something important to say to y’all. Can you please sit?”

Lucas and Jane sat down, while Kayla glared at her, before sitting down.

“What do you want to tell us?” Jane asked.

“Firstly, I want to apologize for what I did to you, and to thank you for not having me locked up for what I did to you and Kayla”

“The only reason why I didn’t press charges against you and Stephanie is because you helped my mom escaped from where she was locked up for years. Rebecca is in prison because of what she did to Antonio, because she tempered with human life” Jane said.

Antonio is already admitted in the hospital, and the doctor said it’s by the grace of god that he will be able to walk and speak again.

Julianna smiled lightly and said. “That’s why I am thanking you Jane. I’m planning on leaving Los Angeles after I disclose the truth to you. Congrats to the both of you. I have always known Lucas loves you, I just chose to stay blind about it, because of my love for him, you both deserve each other”

“Can you stop with the irony and get straight to the point of why you called us here?” Kayla said.

“Kayla, don’t be rude” Lucas said and Kayla threw a h@ťěful glare at Julianna.

“The reason why I called you both here, including Kayla, is to tell you the truth about Kayla’s identity”

“Kayla’s identity? What did heck are you saying!” Jane asked, raising her voice at Julianna.

“Kayla isn’t your daughter” Julianna said, and Kayla hits her hand on the table.

“What nonsense are you blabbing about!!!” Kayla shouted at her.

“What stupid joke is this, Julianna?” Lucas asked.

“I’m not joking, Lucas. Kayla is not Jane’s daughter. I switch her and Xavier at the hospital in Dashie, fifteen years” Julianna said, and balls of tears fells down from Jane’s eyes.

“No! That’s not true! She’s my mom! No!!!!” Kayla shouted in a crying voice and passed out.

“Kayla!” Jane called out her name, crying as well.


“Grandma, where did heck are we going? You even got me new clothes” Christian said, as he walked with his grandma.

“We just want to see someone, Christian” Grandma Linda said and they continue walking until they got to Beatrice apartment. Ethan already got her and the kids a new apartment, and thankfully she has forgiven him, and they were back together.

“Who owns this house, Grandma?” Christian asked.

Grandma Linda was about answering his question, when a car pulled into a halt close to where they were standing, Jane, Lucas, Adrian, Julianna and Kayla came out from the car.

Jane and Kayla’s eyes were swollen as a result of too much cry. They haven’t stopped crying after they found out about the truth, especially Kayla. She fainted again after the DNA test result confirmed that she wasn’t, Jane and Adrian’s daughter.

“Kayla, you’re also here?” Christian asked and Kayla looked at him with sad eyes.

Beatrice came out from the house because she was hearing voices from inside.

“What brings you all here?” She asked, and Grandma Jojo came out from the house too.

“You’re all are finally here” She said, with a guilty voice, and Beatrice looked at her, confusedly.

Somehow , Julianna and Grandma Linda were able to contact Grandma Jojo, and she was ready to tell the truth.


All eyes fell on Grandma Jojo as they waited for her to start talking. Ethan, Xavier and Xiaomi were present as well.

“I lied to you fifteen years ago Beatrice. You gave birth to triplets and not twins”

“Triplets?” Beatrice asked, with a puzzle face.

“After you fell into coma, I was so confused on what do to with the kids. We have no money, I was desperate and that’s when Julianna came to me with an offer to switch Jane’s baby with yours. She offered to pay me handsomely and out of desperation I switched babies with her. I gave Kayla to her, and I took Xavier from her. Xavier is Jane’s child, while Kayla’s is your daughter.

“What! Ma. Jane is my mom?”

“Kayla is my twin and not Xavier?”

Xavier and Xiaomi asked at the same time. Jane and Kayla was already crying, while Beatrice was still shocked about everything, including Christian and Ethan.

“I’m sorry. I only did that because I needed money” Grandma Jojo said, sniffling.

“What about my third child? What did you do to the baby?” Ethan asked and Grandma Jojo looked at Christian.

“That’s him sitting over there with his foster Grandma. His name is Christian and I abandoned him at the roadside fifteen years ago, because he was showing sighs of illness, and I didn’t want to waste the money I got from Julianna to save his life, because we needed money” Grandma Jojo said, crying.

“How could you be so cruel mom? For fifteen years, you lied to me without blinking an eye. Who told you that I won’t be able to cater for my triplets!!!” Beatrice shouted at her crying, and Christian took up to his feet.

“I will just pretend I didn’t hear any of this. I’m an orphan and it’s going to remain that way forever” Christian said and ran out of the house.

“Christian!” Beatrice called his name in a crying voice, going after him.



“Wow, I didn’t know you were allowed to have visitors” Stephanie said with smile on her face when Rebecca entered the visiting room.

“What are you doing here, Stephanie?” She asked.

“I came here to help you” Stephanie answered.

“Help me? After you betrayed me?”

“You were the one who betrayed me by having me locked up after I have helped you. I only worked with Julianna, because I wanted to get out from the hell hole you locked me, and now that I am out, I want to work with again. I still h@ťě Jane so much. I can be your eyes and ears outside this prison” Stephanie said, smiling.

“You will?” Rebecca asked.

“Yes. I’m your ally, trust me” Stephanie said giving her an energy drink.

“So what has been happening outside this prison? What about Antonio and Roseline, including Jane too?”

“One question at a time, Rebecca. You need to drink that first, so you’d have the strength to listen to everything I have to say”

Rebecca looked at Stephanie, before opening the drink and she poured everything in her mouth.

“Now, tell me the entire details” She said and Stephanie began to laugh.

“What’s funny?”

“I will really make it big in the movie industry, if I become an actress”

“What are you trying to say…. ” Rebecca stopped halfway and held her neck when she felt something painful in her throat.

“What have you done to me?” She struggled to asked and Stephanie smirked.

“Do you possibly think I’d forgive you for what you did to me? I will be leaving LA with Julianna, and since I can’t apologize to Jane, I have to do something for her before I leave. You will forever feel so much pains in your throat, Rebecca, and it will increase as the day goes by. You will forever be in pain. Have a wonderful time in prison, Rebecca” Stephanie said and left the visiting room.

Rebecca held her neck as her eyes became red and glassy. It was as if fire was burning in her throat.

“Arrrghhhhh” She screamed in agony.



“How’s life with your new family?” Xavier asked, as he walked in a pathway with Kayla.

The whole issues have been resolved and the children went back to their biological parents. After much pleading, Beatrice forgave her mom. Kayla also asked for forgiveness from Adrian for being rude and he told her he will always see her as his daughter.

“It’s fine. Xiaomi and Christian are the best buddies”

“It’s lonely living without a sibling, but my mom and dad Lucas are showering me with all the love they can give. It’s sad that my real dad and my mom aren’t together, but what matters is my mom’s happiness”

“Take care of my mom okay, she means the world to me”

“Like wise my mom Beatrice too. Who would have thought that we were switch just like Mara and Cara”

“I know right, I didn’t get the chance to watch the series because it was filmed in 2011, and we are already in 2038, but I saw some of the shorts videos online and the only difference between us and that series is that we both came from rich families” Kayla said and they both laughed.

“That’s true. You were like Clara when we first met”

“Hey, that’s not true!” Kayla said, hitting him, and Xavier laughed. Kayla looked at him as he laughed and smiled.

“I have something to tell you, Xavier”

“Go on”

“I have a crush on you… No, I like you Xavier, but I’m not ready to start a relationship with you. My promise with my mom is still intact. If you like me back, then we can start dating when we get to college” Kayla said and took to her heels.

Xavier looked at her as she ran and smiled.

“Well, I like you too Kayla! You will be my first and last girlfriend when we get to college!” He said in a loud voice, smiling.



Richard clapped his hands after Xiaomi was done singing.

“How was my voice? Does it fit to feature in your new album?”

“Of course it does, Xiaomi. You did great” He said, giving her a high thumps up, smiling.

“You look happy today, Richard. Did you win a lottery?”

“It’s more better than winning a lottery. My mom already apologize to me, and she said she will be the best mom to me from now on”

“Wow, that’s great, Richard” Xiaomi said in excitement.

“It was all thanks to you, Xiaomi. Thank you for coming into my life. You’d be my girlfriend when the right time comes, right?” Richard asked, smiling.

“Of course Richard. You already stole my heart” She said and they both laughed before hugging each other.



Christian rushed to Isa with a smile on his face, when he arrived at the park.

“Why did you call me here, Isa? Do you want to have fun at the park?” He asked and Isa looked at him with sad eyes.

“I just wanted to thank you for the very last time, Christian”

“What’s the sad face for?”

“I’m going back to Australia, next week”

“You’re leaving? I thought you’d attend my parents’ wedding?” Christian asked.

Thankfully, Ethan and Beatrice will be getting married soon.

“Yeah, but things change. My dad wants us to move back to Australia, and I think it’s the best thing to do”

“Why are you leaving when I have already liked you a lot?” Christian asked, sadly.

“I like you too, Christian, but even if I stay here, we won’t be together as a couple, because we’re too young to be in a relationship. Maybe when you and I become older, we can think about our feelings for each other. I’m set to leave LA and go back to Australia”

“I’m going to miss you, Isa. Take care of yourself okay, and don’t get hurt”

“You too, Christian. I will always keep in touch with you, that’s a promise” Isa said and Christian smiled, caressing her cheeks.



“Why are you leaving, Adrian? Debra already ask for my forgiveness and we are cool with each other and I already told you I don’t need my dad’s inheritance. I have been able to build back my company and it’s doing great”

“I know that Jane. I just want to leave LA”

“Is it because of me?”

“Not at all Jane. I have already moved on. Rebecca is suffering hellishly in prison, and my dad is slowly moving his hands and feet. I just want to move back to Australia”

“When are you leaving?”

“Next week. I want to let you know about it. Goodbye Jane” He said, stretching forth his hand for a handshake.

Jane smiled and hugged him.

“Goodbye, my first love” She muttered, patting him.



Jane came down from the car after going to see Rebecca in Jail, and she’s greatly suffering from what Stephanie did to her. She was about entering the house when her phone chimed. She checked the message and it was from Romeo.

💬 I’m sorry for what I did to you Jane, I was obsessed and I wasn’t thinking. Send me an invitation card when you and Lucas decides to get married.

Jane read the message and smiled, before entering the house and she was warmly welcomed by Lucas who popped a Champaign on her face.

“What the occasion for?” She asked, hanging her hand on his neck smiling.

“Grace finally got a boyfriend”


“Yes. Mom called me earlier today and told me she’s dating Craig. She hasn’t stopped screaming. I’m shocked as well, I thought Grace was going to die as a virgin” He said and Jane hits his chest playfully.

“Don’t talk that way about Grace. Where’s Xavier?”

“He said he is spending the night at Richard’s place, so we have this whole house to ourselves” Lucas said and raised her up from the ground. Jane screamed and laughed afterwards.

“I am not in the mood for this” She said, smiling with her hands still on Lucas’s neck.

“Should I put you down then?” He asked, and Jane bites her lower lips, s*xily.

“I also want you for the entire night, babe” Jane said and Lucas smiled naughtily, before interlocking his lip with hers.

The hot and soothing kiss continue as they made their way upstairs to solve Quadratic equations.



We have finally come to the end of story, thanks for staying till the end.

What’s your saddest Scene??

Funniest scene??

Tell me Lotta of sweet words, lemme blush 🤗

Stay tuned for our next story

Succie 💜💜 Y’all

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