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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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VAMPIRE’S OBSESSION – Episode 37 & 38

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(Blood,lust and love)

THEME: тнe vaмpιre’ѕ мυѕe

CHAPTER 37 & 38

By: Maya j.a


‼️Do not copy or repost‼️


★★(Damok or Damien)★★

Where the f*”k are they going to?

Right there in front of her eyes, he ignite the engine and drive off not noticing her presence there.

“Aarh” she screamed as her fangs $h00t out dangerously too.

“I h@ťě you mundane, I h@ťěyou so f””king much” she cried as tears run down her cheeks along with her mascara making her look like a demonic witch.

“You will suffer, I will make you suffer, even if it to collab with the evil force just to make you suffer, I will do it” she said breathing fast as her hair covers her face.

“Not just that, I will make sure you don’t exit or get to reincarnate again” she gritted angrily digging her claws on the soft black sand.

<<<< Ashley held Damon from behind gluing her face to his back in fright. What's this thing?, its cool and fun to her but been her first make it uneasy. Damon eyes move to her hand wrap round his body and he find his self smiling again but the smile suddenly turn to a frown again. For f-__-k sake what is making him smile?, this is the second time he is smiling today. He took a diversion, heading into the woods. He suddenly halt and they both step down. He begin to walk and no one need to tell her what to do,follow him!. She was scared of the woods again remembering her last encounter. Soon they came across a big field in the wood. There stand a big archery board on a tree with a big red heart drawn on it. “Are you ready for this?“ He asked. “Um…yes..but i..I..can't play it actually” she stuttered thinking he will get furious. “I will teach you, but you are going to pay me with something else another day,” he smirked, and she nod naively not bothering to ask what is it. “Okay then, here we go” he said handling her the bow and arrow. He showed her how to hold the bow correctly, his hand brushing against hers. She felt a shiver run down her spine at his touch. He noticed, and gave her a small smile. He showed her how to stand, and when she did as he said, he stood behind her, his body close to hers. He showed her how to aim the bow, his arm brushing against hers. She could feel her heart beating faster as he whispered instructions in her ear. As they continued to practice, the tension between them began to build. Finally, he stopped and turned to her, his eyes meeting hers. "Maybe we should take a break," he said, his voice low. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. They walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. He turned to her and said, "You're doing really well. I'm impressed." She blushed, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. He smiled, and she felt herself relax in his presence. He turned to her and said, "I have an idea. Let's make this more interesting." She looked at him, curious. "What do you have in mind?" she asked. He smiled and said, "Let's make a wager. If you can hit the bullseye, I'll buy you a dinner, If I hit the bullseye, you have to do something for me." She raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" she asked. "I'll let you know if you lose," he said, his eyes twinkling. They both stood up and went back to the archery target. She took her place and he stood behind her, helping her to adjust her stance. He leaned in close, his breath on her neck. "Ready?" he asked. She nodded, feeling her heart racing. She let the arrow fly, and it hit the target, just outside the bullseye. He smiled and said, "Not bad. But not quite good enough." She turned to him, determined to win. "My turn," he said, taking her place. He took aim, his concentration fierce. She watched him, feeling a strange mix of nervousness and excitement. He let the arrow fly, and it hit the very center of the target. He turned to her, a triumphant grin on his face. "Looks like I win," he smirked. “So..what are you up to” she asked moving back while a dark grin settled on his lips. “That will Also be for later” he said and pick a bow as he walk to the face the archery board. His smile and cheerful face suddenly turn gloomy as he focused his gaze on the target. “Don't just sit there, retrieve my arrows” he said coldly. Ashley sighed sadly wondering if he is not the same person whom was smiling with her few minutes ago. If it was Damien, his mood remain his mood, he don't go cold all the time. She drag her feet lazily to retrieve the arrows, if only he can be just remain the way he was few minutes ago. The sound of her grumbling stomach reminds her she hasn't taken anything since morning. “I'm hungry” she cried out. He didn't answer her as he continue $h00ting his arrows continuously. “Am hungry” she said bursting into tears this time around, shocking Damon. How can she be crying cause of food?, is that how humans behave? *Why not, when you crave for blood, dont you get it by all force?* Lucien his witch said and Damon frowned. “Come with me” he said walking away and she followed immediately. He got into the bike and she joined him immediately. **** “Ready to go on an adventure with me?“ Matthew asked stretching his hand for Zendaya. “Yes” she replied blushing. She took his hand and they walk out heading to the school sport field. “Don't” Maya suddenly said behind Lou who is about to follow them. “Mayaa” he grunted angrily. “Common, stops been so jealous, it can ki||” she said and move to his front blocking him. “But I don't want to see her accompany another's man or make him happy apart from me” he said sadly and sat down licking it paws. “I do understand you Zevon, but trust me, our plan will definitely work,just give her time, she is been lonely for so long, let her smile okay?“ She said and he just sigh and look away. “I will keep you busy, I promise, let just work on making her fall helplessly for you” she said and he nod. “And how do you want to keep me busy?“ He asked. “I will stay in my cat form through out today cause of you,now follow me let go have fun” she said and start run while he followed smiling in his head. **** “You mean the girl is close?“ Elder Trevor asked and Gryta nod. Elder Trevor is more like the one keeping eyes on all the supernatural before Damon will ascend the throne. “Then, we will have no choice than to find her sooner and ki|| her” he said and Gryta just nod while holding Loki's hand so tight due to nervousness, Loki understand her, so he began patting her hand soothingly. “but what if he find her, before we do?“ Loki asked. “That why am saying we should find her and kîll her earlier before he does, cause according to the prophecy once read by the witch queen before her depart, the ending says, he won't let go even when he know she will be his end and neither will she want to let go too if she get to falls in love with him”. He said and Gryta eyes widened. Does this mean…? “The rest are blank” her words rang in her head and it dawned on her that even Ashley couldn't see the rest part of the book. Why is that?, is it because the prophecy is meant to happen?. “Um, Elder Trevor, i will get going, am going to take the book with me, to find someone can still read more” she said and he nod as he crossed his hand at his back walking to the balcony. Loki walk behind her as she hold the book to her chest walking out. The pain she is feeling now is unexplainable, she already like Ashley and telling Elder Trevor that she know the lady already is a betrayal cause the poor girl don't even know about her self. She won't want to tell anyone and she would have to protect her too and see if she can make thing right and different from the prophecy even without her sight, but the question is, can she change the prophecy? “Um,Loki, we should meet tonight, am off have something to work on” she lied not wanting to tell him she is going for a lunch date with Eddy. “Okay, then, I better go get ready” he said smiling happily like a baby promise a wonderland. <<< 👥”aarh” 👥”we under attack” 👥”defend yourself if you can, or better still hide” 👥”oh no, what's are those creatures?“ The students cried as a portal suddenly open and six wolves with black eyes step out. “Where is our queen” one asked turning to it human form. “What are you talking about?“ A student asked. “No time for questions” Elder Trevor said appearing in front of the students. The wolves want to lunch at him but he hit his foot on the floor and they all turn to dust except one. “Give us our queen that's what we want or our king shall come himself” he said and before Elder Trevor could lunch at him, he teleported. 👥”what was that about?“ 👥”I don't know” 👥”you think they haven't gone crazy?“ 👥“What are they?“ 👥“Can't you see?, they are the dark souled wolves. “You all should be careful and make sure you keep eyes well now, cause I don't know how they got their way here and make sure you assemble your self at the school tomorrow morning” Elder Trevor said and disappeared. 👥”that ain't funny.“ >>>>

Damon watch Ashley funnily as she ate tga last quantity on her third plates.

Jeez, she Eats a lot.

“Thanks so much master, am full” she said smiling.

Damon just shake his head, can’t he just stay cold a day if he is around her?.

His eyes move to the mole on her shoulder and he look away immediately.

“He already came across her and he isn’t letting go, not when he like her been around him, not now that he h@ťěs seeing her with someone else.

Not when he had watch her grow!.

He paid the bills and they left.

Getting to his apartment, they met Damien there waiting for Ashley.

“Oh, jeez. I was worried about you all day” he said and rushed to her pulling her into his arms before she could even obliged, ignoring his brother.

Damon grip on his Key tightened as he watch them.

“I went out with master Damon” sue smiled and that got Damon furious, but she don’t give him such smiles when she is with him, why is she giving Damien that?

“I have missed you all day, mind coming with me to the fountain again?“ He asked holding her hand forgetting the presence the presence of Damon who is already red with anger and jealousness.

“She is jot going anywhere” he fired and they two jolt in fear.

“But you are not her mouth peace and you can’t keep giving her decisions” Damien defended standing in front of her.

Damon wanted to answer him, that she belong to him, only him, just him and no one else but that would only be a waste of time, he has to know who she wants most between the two of them.

“Ashley” he called but she didn’t respond as she kept looking at the floor.

“Ashley” he called again and she answered gluing her gaze to the floor.

“Ashely look at me!“ He demanded and she slowly raised her head to meet his gaze.

“Me or Damien?“ He asked.


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