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Friday, October 18, 2024
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πŸ’œπŸ’—πŸ€ πŸ’—FINAL EPISODE πŸ’—πŸ€πŸ’œπŸ’—


Goodness what’s the kiss all about patient,and why are you dressed like some important person ” she said pushing me away”

We’re leaving this place now,you don’t belong here, let’s go … your mother will be very happy to see you” I said”

Let me go,what the heck are you talking about patient…this is where I belong..and I’m not to leave until dead because if I do then my people will perish ” she said”

Alicia,the black goddess has been using you all this while to keep the witches alive….she stole you from heavens after the moment you were betrothed to me…. common Alicia we have to leave here.. don’t worry I’ll explain everything to you in heavens ” I said”

Hahaha, goodness patient you’re such an amazing actor,what business do you even have in heaven huh? Common stop it already,you just kissed me and I don’t like it, although you’re cute but you’re not my type ” she said as I grabbed her hand”

I can’t wait anymore for you to keep talking, let’s go” I said about to vanish with her when suddenly powers from no where pushed me back and I landed in the ground in pains”

Ahh ah” I screamed on the ground as Alicia rushed to me”

Patient, patient are you alright…” She asked with me in her arms while we saw the black goddess and their demon king coming”

Oh no,the demon king is here, patient you have to leave now, please leave I don’t want him to hurt you ” Alicia said as I stood back facing them”

Hahaha, prince Kudia,I can see you’re here to take your so call wife with you,how dare you come to our territory ” the demon king asked”

You have no home , everywhere in the world belongs to my father,you two stole the princess because you wanted to live, she’s like a rock to you all, without her you cannot live, listen to me you witches,let us go in peace else you’ll be burnt to ashes ” I said angrily”

Never, Alicia doesn’t belong to the heavens or the waters anymore, she’s ours, it’s been years….why can’t you all leave us alone,go and get someone else to marry and let Alicia be,we can never give her out to the heavens or her mum the goddess of water ” the black goddess said as Alicia looked at her surprisingly”

What! What did I just hear you say my lady? The goddess of water is my mother? What’s going on here… patient who are you really,are you from the havens? Someone should explain to me what’s happening here ” Alicia said almost in tears”

Alicia dear, you’re a princess in heaven because you’re my wife,and the goddess of water is your mother,I am the Only child of the Heavenly King…my name is prince Kudia ” I said as she looked at me surprisingly”

What! are a prince of heaven??” She asked”

Yes Alicia ” I responded as she bowed down to me immediately with her head on the ground”

My prince, I’m sorry,I didn’t know you were a prince…” She said in tears as I rushed to her and raised her up”

Stop this Alicia, let’s leave here immediately” I said about leaving with her when the demon king casted a spell on me but I destroyed it”

You demon,how dare you ” I said throwing some fire on them as they held them up with their powers ”

So it’s true,my lady so you stole me from heaven…so you’ve been using me all this while” Alicia said as her eyes began to change,the cloud began to change and the wind began to blow ”

Nooo, Alicia don’t listen to him.. he’s lying to you,we are your family… please calm can’t get angry…if you do we’ll be all dead including the prince” the black goddess said as I began to creat powers to protect myself from being touched by Alicias powers ”

Alicia since you’re being stubborn,I won’t waste time in ki||ing youuuu” the demon lord said about casting some powers to Alicia when suddenly a great rain began to fall as we saw the goddess of water coming ”

” She casted powers on them as they screamed ”

How dare you lay your finger on my daughter” the goddess asked angrily as Alicia’s powers began to break down buildings and trees , suddenly we saw father and uncle appearing ”

I am here to destroy the witches,I gave you time to repent but you didn’t, instead you stole from heaven…now it’s time for you all to die” father said angrily creating the almighty fire πŸ”₯ as uncle supported ”

No please, don’t ki|| us my King.. Alicia please come back to your self and speak with the Heavenly King, I’ve been like a mother to you all this while, please talk to him” the black goddess said as the demon lord said angrily ”

How dare you beg them,how dare you beg for help when I’m here…I think I should ki|| you myself” the demon king said casting a spell on the black goddess as she Screamed in pains and turned into Ashes ”

Father stopped Alicia’s powers and made her fall in my arms……

Kudia take the princess back to heaven…I want to destroy the underworld” father said setting everywhere on fire and destroyed the demon king as I carried Alicia in my arms and vanished to heaven.



In our ceremony πŸ’ž

Alicia,are you happy being my wife” I asked smiling”

What else should I have done,I have no choice ” she said twisting her fingers”

Oh..I see…so you mean you don’t love me, anyway fine.. I’ll go tell father now that I want concubines ” I said about leaving as she held me back”

Common my husband, can’t someone joke with you again ” she said laughing”

You see,you love me woman..stop pretending ” I said as the goddess of water and mother came to us saying”

Enjoy your day children ” they said”

Mum,I don’t even have time to stay with you in the waters because I’m already married to patient ” she said”

Yes I know,you now belong to the heavens my dear child..hey my prince,if you hurt my daughter,you know what I can do” her mum said as uncle came forward”

Hey Alicia I have a secret to tell you about kudia,do you remember the first day you met him,he was perfectly fine,he asked me to stab him so you could help him” uncle said as I looked at him ”

Shiii.. uncle what are you saying..” I said faking a smile”

Wait a sec,is it true patient,you faked that?” She asked”

Not really, uncle was the one who asked me to do it, don’t mind him” i said as uncle began to laugh at me”

Hahaha, secret disclosed hahaha” he said laughing as Alicia said back ”

Wh@Ε₯Δ›ver,I still love him and will never h@Ε₯Δ› him for that, hahaha uncle you’re a loser” Alicia said laughing ”

Hahaha yes…come here my princess” I said kissing her passionately as uncle closed his eyes saying ”

What a spoiled brattttttttttt” he said ”


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