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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Make me scream holy 🙏}









“Can you help me out this once Father?” She whispered in his ears

” No” He replied simply without wasting much time. He walked further into the restaurant taking his seat.

Thelma bit her bottom lips scanning the restaurant, all eyes were on her including the man she had a blind date with. She averted her gaze to the floor embarrassed and then she did the only thing she could do, she went to Father Micheal’s seat.

“You should have helped me out at least, everyone is staring like you shoved me away. I guess they’ll probably be thinking that I’m the one forcing myself on you” She said eyeing him

” Isn’t that what you are doing?” He retorted causing her to scoff loudly

” Excuse me? Do you know who I am? I’m a prosecutor for f-__-k sake! I can get you arrested without any reason, I….

Thelma paused on her words as his orders arrived. It’s a bottle of tequila. Her mouth fell open subconsciously

“You drink?” She said more like a question.

He just opened the bottle of tequila without bothering to reply her. He started drinking from it directly. Thelma just watched him like he’s staging a movie.


Father Micheal stopped right on his track as he heard whimpers from a woman. He rolled his eyeballs and wanted to leave but somehow, he couldn’t. He moved closer to the woman who was sitting on one of the benches.


” I’m so sorry Father, I’m sorry for disturbing your peace. This is the only place I could think of my heart is too heavy” She cried while sniffing in continuously.

” There’s no issue about that ma’am, afterall the church is a place where we pour out our problem. Just go on with wh@ťěver you are doing okay?” He said

” Father, have you ever been in a situation where you feel like the world is against you? Like the world is a cruel place and nothing gives you solace anymore. Why would they do that to him? Framing him for embezzlement was enough but why would they take him away from me? Why…. He was ki||ed and they call it suicide? How far can this go, huh? I’ve always told him to quit his job at Jk conglomerate, I was never comfortable with it” The woman said sobbing really hard while Father Micheal just watched her without saying a word

“I’m…. I’m so sorry for that” She said after a while cleaning her tears that wouldn’t stop rolling

“Tell me everything” He said


Father Micheal chuckled lightly on seeing Thelma, he never expected her. She was equally surprised to see him.

“Father” She called

“I’m here concerning the murderer case of Mr Garry, the family is requesting for an investigation to be conducted” Father Micheal uttered taking his seat.

Thelma smiled lightly reclining fully on the chair

“I never imagined that you’ll be here requesting for my help, i guess I’m still useful anyways” She teased, flipping her hair backwards

“And what if I say no?” She added leaning closer to him

“Why would you do that? That man was murdered in cell and you’re just going to close the case like that?” He questioned with a slight frown

“He committed suicide and what is left for us to do? Investigate what never happened?” She retorted smartly

“Were you paid to do this?” He blurted out without thinking


“I’m disappointed in you, at least I expected better than a corrupt official” He muttered making her scoff loudly

“Corrupt you say? d@mn!”

“You are hereby disqualified from church, you are no longer a member of the Daham cathedral” Father Micheal declared and that made her burst into laughter.

“What the f-__-k is that? Who gets disqualified from church?” She said in between laughter

“Just do this for the sake of fairness and justice” Micheal muttered in a surprisingly calm voice

“Why aren’t you raising your voice this time? I thought you were always hot headed. Go on, yell at me” She taunted

“I’m trying hard to be calm here miss” He snapped banging his fist hard on the table and that got her flinching

“That’s too sudden” She muttered

“Are you going to permit an investigation or not?” He questioned

“There’ll be no investigation cause Thelma Willow says so” She answered with a smirk.

“Then listen, I’m going to investigate this myself and I’m going to get to the root of all this; everyone involved in it must go down” He said in a thr_@tening like manner. He pushed the chair he had used to sit down roughly before stepping down slamming the door behind him


“The priest who just threw a tantrum at the office, who is he? And what did he come for?” Festus asked adjusting his glasses

“He is a new priest at the Daham Cathedral, he came concerning the murder of Mr Garry…..

“Suicide” Festus butted in


“It’s the suicide of Mr Garry, he ki||ed himself” Festus corrected

“Sir…don’t you fund this strange too? Why would he ki|| himself? I mean, there were likely chances of him winning the court case” Thelme said

“Don’t be too inquisitive and let things stay that way. The police will handle to remaining of the case” Festus said dismissively


Fabian clicked his tongue at he took a glue of the whisky. He raised his glass to no one in particular.

“Cheers to a finished case” He said

“Wasp did a great job again and I must commend that. Everyone is thinking that it’s suicide. No one is even raising an objection to it” He added

“Someone is out there” Festus said


“It’s a priest, he was at the cathedral earlier today. And he doesn’t appear like the one who would give up soon, I’m afraid he will cause trouble for us” Festus answered

“What else can a priest do if not to pray?”

“Wasp will handle that” Finn said in a low voice.

“Two deaths in not less than twelve hours, that’s harsh” Jade mumbled


Thelma bit her bottom lips thinking very hard, she hasn’t even touched her meal and that got Valerie’s attention. She waved her hand right in front of Thelma but she didn’t bulge.

“Hey, are you being silent concerning the blind date? Come on, I already apologized for that” She called tapping her shoulder lightly and that jerked Thelma back to reality


“What exactly are you thinking about?”

“The new priest….Father Micheal, there is something strange about him…. He does not act like a priest; from his words to his actions. There is something not right about him….

“The only thing not right here is how you are doing crazy about him. He is a priest for d@mn sake!” Valerie snapped

” What if he’s not a priest? What if there were more to him? I mean, who openly challenge Festus? He’s so fierce, then his looks like he h@ťěs everyone in the world…. Mom, is that how a priest should be?” Thelma asked turning to face Valerie for a reply but she got deadly glares instead.

“Never mind, I’ll just do my own research on him” Thelma muttered standing up from the chair. She grabbed her phone placing a call on someone.

“Yes…. Actually, can you help me with something really urgent?” She said into the phone while leaving the dinning table

“You should as well book an appointment for a brain check cause you’re slowly losing it” Valerie shouted behind her


Father Micheal stopped right on track as he felt someone right behind him. He began to feel uneasy but he tried not to show it as he held unto his rosary.

The footsteps became louder and clearer, he was now sure he was being followed. He began walking fast and the person behind him followed suite

“This is definitely not good” He muttered

Following his instinct, he swerved to the left and just then the sound of a metal clanking of the floor followed.

“Nice dodge, that should have landed on your head” Wasp muttered behind his mask. He is actually on mask to conceal his identity.

“Do you want to hit a priest?” Father Micheal muttered looking shocked

“I don’t mind” Wasp replied with a smile

” Or will there be repercussions from the Almighty? Will he strike me dead? I wanna see about that” Wasp added

” You are going to go to hell brother” Micheal replied simply, using his rosary to do a cross sign.

“May the Almighty forgive you for what you are about doing. The Lord is a merciful God and I’m sure…..

“Nah! I love the sound of hell” Wasp cuts him off swinging the metal with a smirk on his face.

Father Micheal took a deep breathe raising his head to the sky with his eyes closed. He stayed like that for a while without moving causing Wasp to chuckle loudly

“Are you saying your last prayer?”

Father Micheal wrapped his rosary and place it inside his pocket. He then turn to Wasp who has been watching the while thing with interest

“Let me board a shuttle bus to take you to hell then” Father Micheal said beckoning on him to come close with his hand.


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