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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SHADOWS OF THE UNKNOWN – Episode 31 & 32

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( Supernatural Nexus… )


By, Summer Gold R.



It was already so late,the night breeze had became even more cold,the trees were making noise from the blowing breeze but even at that Natasha was still waiting,she was sitting down on one of the huge rocks beside the river. Her whole body was filled with goosebumps and she already developed the cold.

Few minutes later,Lamia showed up,breathing heavily. His eyes grew wide the moment he saw Natasha,he actually wasn’t even expecting to meet her but he just decided to come the moment Heaven finally fell asleep.

“Ta….Tasha” He called breathlessly,his eyes on Natasha who looked back and their eyes met.

Natasha vanished from the rock and appeared in front of him.

“Tasha,I’m sorry…..I just…I don’t have any excuse but I’m sorry……..”

“You don’t have to be sorry…’s not bad making your choice,I think tonight made me realize that. I was Never your choice to begin with”

“No,that’s not true. I was on my way here and…..”

“So she’s more important than me! Exactly what I’m saying! You left me here in the cold,yeah I know,nobody forced me to stay but I waited because I have to tell you Lamia” Natasha said.

“I’m sorry……”

“Let’s stop it here” Natasha mumbled.


“We have nothing to begin with,but the little one we have,let’s end it here” Natasha said.

“I don’t understand” Lamia uttered.

“Let’s stop talking to each other,don’t act like you know me from now on,I don’t want to be a third party anymore. I waited to tell you that” Natasha said and before Lamia could say more ,she disappeared.

Lamia bite his lips hard,his eyes made a noise the moment it became green. He immediately blinked twice and they came back to normal,he turned and started walking to his room slowly and sadly.

He entered his room and sat down on the bed,his face buried into his palms,but the silence didn’t last long before he started hearing different voices and screams,he could even hear people breathing in their rooms,the sounds from animals far away,that songs of birds,every thing coming from living things,he could hear them clearly,seems like it’s becoming worse this time around.

“Aghhh!!” He groaned painfully and fell on the floor,covering his ears but it only worsen and soon,his ears began bleeding. He closed his eyes,taking a hold of all the pains and after few minutes,it stopped. He removed his hands and they were covered with blood.

He sighed out loudly and walked into the bathroom,after he finished washing up and changing his clothes,he climbed on the bed,his eyes were opened. Not like he always sleep soundly anyway,he would wake up every minute from the voices in his ears.

His mind drift to Natasha and he let out a sad sigh.



Heaven and Cat-Girl were walking together along the pass way,Heaven held Luna in her arms and the cat stayed still,also looking around as they walked until Cat-Girl suddenly stopped.

“What’s up with you and Lamia? I saw him carrying you last night” She said and Heaven faced her with a smile.

“He carried me in,that’s it” Heaven said


“I hurt my leg…..”

“Really? Is it that bad? I didn’t notice” Cat-Girl said.

“No,it wasn’t bad” Heaven smiled.

“What? Don’t tell me you pretended” Cat-Girl said and Heaven nodded.

“Why did you do that?” Cat-Girl sighed out.

“He was on his way to meet Natasha” Heaven muttered.

“But,what if he find out?”

“He won’t” Heaven said immediately.

“Really??” They heard Lamia’s voice and they both turned at once.


“What do you mean by you pretended like you got hurt?!” Lamia snapped.

“Hey,calm down…..” Cat-Girl tried talking.

“Shut up” Lamia muttered and turned back to Heaven.

“Tell me what I heard wasn’t true,you didn’t really pretended all night just to prevent me from meeting Natasha…. ”

“It’s true” Heaven said.

“What??..why? How the h*ll did you even know I was going to meet her? How?” Lamia asked.

“I just know…. Somehow” Heaven replied.

Lamia nodded.

“I must have been a fool to believe you…..”

“That’s not true,I just……”

“How am I going to believe that everything you’ve always done weren’t lies?!! How!!” Lamia yelled at her.

“I just can’t believe you right now,what the f-__-k do you take me for? You have to lie so much to get my attention?…..” Lamia stopped and sighed out.

“I’m sorry….I just wanted to spend time with you” Heaven said almost tearfully.

“We are friends Heaven,I don’t think lying and pretending are really necessary for us to spend time together,I talk to you more than anybody here,I spend time with you and do things with you more than anyone,I don’t think I even talk to Natasha like I do with you,so why the f-__-k are you still…..”

“Because I don’t like it when you two are together” Heaven said and Lamia exhaled.

“I’m sorry……”

“I think we should stop talking to each other from here” Lamia muttered and made to leave.

“No” Heaven grabbed his arm but he threw it off.

“Don’t make me regret ever talking to you” He said and walked away angrily.

Heaven broke into tears and squatted,Cat-Girl immediately held her.

“Hey,don’t cry” She said.

“He said….we should stop talking to each other” Heaven said,brokenly.

“I’m sure he’s just mad at you right now okay? He will be back,trust me” Cat-Girl said but Heaven kept on crying.



Natasha was the only one in the hall training with her sword,she kept jumping and moving her sword duetly with her invisible enemy,her hair moving along with the wind and her speed.

She got distracted when she heard steps coming behind her and she stopped,she turned only to find Lamia. Natasha rolled her eyes and continue training.

Lamia stood in front of her,she faced somewhere else but he still blocked her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked coldly.

“Can we talk?” Lamia asked.

“I’m sure I made it clear last night when I said you should act like you don’t f-__-king know me” Natasha said.

“I would do that if I don’t know you,but I do and I don’t want to top talking to you,can you just at least give me a chance to explain myself……” Natasha dropped her sword loudly on the floor.

“You can have the hall to yourself then” she said,glaring at him.

Lamia grabbed her hand.

“Don’t touch me!” She pushed him away.

“Fine let’s agree I made a shameless mistake yesterday,asking us to meet up is really the most shameless thing I’ve ever done in my life and I regret it so much,let’s say I did that,you should have told me you have no time for me Lamia,I’m sure I wouldn’t be persistent or force you to do what you don’t want to,but how dare you keep me waiting for another girl? Do I look like a fool to you? You clearly ditched me for her!” Natahsa shouted.

“Honestly,I have no excuse okay? But trust me,I was on my way coming to you……”

“Then she showed up as usual and you couldn’t resist her tears because they are your weakness” Natasha cut in.

“It’s not what you’re thinking okay? I just…….”

“Hey Natasha” Damon entered and Natasha smiled.

“I’ve been waiting” She said and glared at Lamia once more before taking her sword,she walked over to Damon and they both walked out of the hall together.

Lamia’s jaw clenched as he stared at their backs till they were out.


“What was that about?” Damon asked after the minutes of silence as they walked.

“What?” Natasha asked.

“Did that bastard did something to you again?” Damon stopped and Natasha held him.

“Stop acting as if you are stronger than him,he will beat you blue black” Natasha said.

“Oh come on,tell me what happened” Damon requested.

“Nothing big,just that we stopped talking to each other” Natasha said.


“You heard me” Natasha said and walked more faster,Damon stood there smiling and then ran after her.

“So,you said you’ve been waiting for me ” he said.

“Let’s go to the humans world” Natasha whispers and Damon chuckled.

“What’s that?” Thatcher asked beside Eugene,they are both watching Damon and Natasha.

“Since when did they became so close?” Eugene muttered.

Soon after they left,Lamia showed up,walking.

“Hey Lamia!” Eugene called and they both went to meet him.

“Are you okay?” Thatcher asked.

“Not in the mood to talk” Lamia muttered and walked away.

Eugene and Thatcher exchanged glances.

“Did something happened between him and Natasha?” Eugene asked.

Thatcher was about to talk but then he suddenly saw Sadie walking.

“Let’s talk later” He said and ran after Sadie.

Eugene sighed out loudly.

Someone cleared throat beside him and he turned immediately.

“Hey” He smiled at Summer who only scoffed.


“Why are you standing here?” She asked.

“Waiting for you ” Eugene grinned.

“Liar” Summer scoffed and continue walking,Eugene followed.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“It’s boring everywhere,I’m just walking” She replied.

“Do you wanna do something so badly?” Eugene asked.

“I don’t know” Summer sighed.

Eugene smiled and opened his palm,something like a needle came up and he snapped his finger at it,the needle multiplied and he sent them toward Summer,she immediately threw a ball of fire at them and they vanished.

“Hey!” She yelled at Eugene and he chuckled.

“At least you did something today” He said.

Summer crossed her arms and faced him directly.

“You seem to have alot of powers and abilities” She said.

“Yeah,it’s the work of my dark spells” Eugene said.

“Dark spells? Are you a wizard or something?” She raised her brows.

“Am I?” Eugene laughed.

“Be serious” Summer snapped.

“I don’t know okay? I got this from my late father tho,he have same powers as mine” Eugene said and Summer nodded.

“The only thing I have is the fire,but I can use it anyhow,I can just decide to make you so f-__-king hot and you melt to death without even burning” She said.

“Why are you using me as an example?” Eugene asked in a mutter and Summer laughed.

“Are you scared or something?” She asked.

“Of course,melting is way more dangerous than burning” Eugene said amd Summer laughed again.

“Scared cat” She said.

“Don’t call me that” Eugene said.

“Scared Cat” She repeated.

“Don’t say it again”

“Or what?” Summer asked.

“Or I will kiss you” Eugene replied and she immediately continue walking.

“Now are you scared of kiss that much?” Eugene chuckled.

“Shut up” Summer muttered and he laughed.



Lamia was in the arena,it was all quiet and most students are already in their rooms,but yet Natasha and Damon aren’t back. Lamia was leaning on the wall waiting patiently for when they will show up,and then finally Natasha showed up,she saw Lamia and ignored him.

“Tasha” Lamia called and caught up with him.

Natasha stopped,staring at him blankly.

“What do you want?” She asked.

“What do I want? How can you be asking that question right now? You left simce hours ago and just coming,this isn’t the first time,do you know how worried I was…..”

“Keep your worries to yourself,I don’t owe you any explanation,stay away from my business!” Natasha said and made to leave.

Lamia grabbed her hand.

“Hey,let her go like she said” Damon throw Lamia’s hand away From Natasha and Lamia glared at him.

“What was that for?” Lamia asked.

Damon chuckled.

“I’m sure you heard her clearly,or do you have problem with your ears? Stay away from her” He said.

“You have no say to that” Lamia said.

“Really? Should I just make you realize what’s going on?” Damon asked and Lamia raised his brows.

“You might probably die after this” Damon smirked and held Natasha’s waist.

Right in front of Lamia,Damon slammed his lips on Natasha’s own.

Lamia’s eyes turned deeply green and the glare threw Damon from Natasha far away,his back hit the wall roughly and he fell on the ground,he coughed out blood.

“Damon!” Natasha screamed and tried running to him.

“Tasha….” Lamia grabbed her hand and immediately Natasha threw an heavy slap on his face.

“I h@ťě you!!” She yelled and ran to Damon.

Lamia swallowed hard,watching how Natasha helped Damon up and hugged him.


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