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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE – Episode 71 & 72

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 71 & 72

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.





Applauses were heard in every corners of the hall as the models walked on the walkway with their beautiful dresses designed by the fashion designers available in the hall.

The hall was glamorously designed by experts in the world of interior designers. Just by looking at the hall, one can easily tell it was only those from higher-ups are available in the show.

Everyone was looking so gorgeous, and Jane wasn’t looking bad herself. Her beauty was shinning just like the morning sun, and Kayla was exceptional. She was wearing the same dress like her mom, and she was shinning in her own way.

“Your models look so stunning, mom. I saw them earlier, and I’m sure you’re going to be the talk of this show” Kayla said, and Jane smiled at her.

“Thanks, Kayla”

“Where’s Dad? He said he’d be here, it’s almost starting” Kayla said.

Jane brought out her phone to call Lucas. It was ringing, but no one was answering the phone.

“He’s not picking up, I guess his phone is on silent. He promised he’d be here, so let’s patiently wait for him. Lucas is not the kind of person to back out of his promise, okay” Jane said and Kayla nodded her head.

Jane looked at Lucas’s picture in her phone, and she smiled before putting it inside her XL bag.

Kayla was looking around the hall when her eyes spotted Isa. She also came for the show, since Debra was partaking in it.

Isa waved at her, but Kayla rolled her eyes at her, before looking back at her mom.

“Does she h@ťě me now?” She muttered sadly.

“Did you say something?” Rebecca asked, and Isa shaked her head.

“I can’t believe Jane showed her face here after accusing me of poisoning her daughter. It’s so annoying that she is attending this luxurious show when she was nothing but a pauper, years ago” Debra said.

Rebecca looked at Jane and smirked. “Her year of reign will soon be over, and she will hide that face of hers for life”

“What are you planning on doing mom? Don’t tell me, wh@ťěver you have against Jane, I don’t want to be part of it. The only thing I want is to win over her, not endangering her life” Debra said.

“Grandma, what are you trying to do to aunt Jane? Was exploding her company not enough?”

“Shut up when I am still be nice. I’m doing this for the both of you, so you should be grateful rather than phrasing out nonsense from your gutters” She said, and both Debra and Isa looked at her.

“Were you the one who poisoned Kayla?” Debra asked.

“Why would I do that to Kayla? Even if I h@ťě Jane, Kayla is still my granddaughter,”

“Then who would have done that to Kayla?” Debra asked again.

“How should I know” Rebecca muttered. She looked at Jane from where she was sitting and Julianna’s voice echoed in her ears.

*I managed to get Jane’s naked pictures, I will do as you have said*

Rebecca smirked. *it’s time to face the biggest embarrassment of your life, Jane McBroom* Rebecca said, inwardly.


Julianna came down from her car, wearing a face cap. She looked at the huge building in front of her, and she sighed.

“I’m sorry Jane, but I have to do this” She said trying to entered the building, but someone covered her noise from behind, and after much struggle, she pass out.

Meanwhile, Jane phone chimed inside her bag when the show was about starting, and she brought out her phone. It was a message from Lucas.

💬 Leave the fashion show in secret, there’s something you need to hear and see

“Leave in secret? What’s going on?” Jane muttered wearing a puzzle look on her face.

“It’s everything ok, mom?” Kayla asked and Jane looked at her.



Jane’s car halted after she came down from her car.

*Kayla, something came up and I won’t be able to stay for the show. Stay in for me, I will explain everything to you when it’s sorted out*

Jane remembered what she said to Kayla, before entering the house, and she gasped when she saw Julianna unconscious.

“What’s going on here, Lucas? Why is Julianna unconscious?” She asked.

Adrian slowly walked up to Jane, with tears falling down from his eyes.

“What’s going on here? Why are you crying”

Adrian went down on his knees. “I am so sorry for not believing you fifteen years ago, Jane. I should have known you were innocent” He said, crying.

“What is he talking about, Lucas?” Julianna asked, and Lucas looked at Rodolfo with cold eyes.

“It was I and Julianna’s doing, Jane. Julianna was the waitress who sedated you, and I was the man in the video”

“What?” Jane muttered with surprise.

“The reason why you can’t remember what happened that day was because you were under sedation. Julianna worked for this woman, who she hasn’t told me about. She promised to change Julianna’s life if she separates the both of you. I just helped her out because she was suffering. The woman she worked for was thr_@tening her that she was going to tell Lucas about her past, Julianna love Lucas so much, and that’s why she wanted to expose your nudes during the announcement of your victory. My wife cares about you so much, and that’s why I couldn’t partake in her crime, and decided to come clean. I am sorry Jane” Rodolfo said, regretfully.

Jane almost fell the floor with tears falling down from her eyes, but Adrian held her quickly.

“Jane, I am sorry. Please forgive me” He said crying.

Jane looked at Adrian with watery eyes and pushed him away. “You’re sorry? Are you sorry because you found out about the truth? Or are you sorry because you didn’t believed me?”

“I know I made a mistake, but you won’t blame me. The video was so real”

“I was a virgin back then Adrian! Wasn’t that enough prove for you to have believed me? You were my first kiss, my first love and the first person I gave my body to. I gave you my self to you, because I loved you, but what did I get in the end? Your distrust and your painful words! Do you have any idea the pains I went through when you chose to abandoned me? My mom died, and I almost ki||ed myself because I was so young back then and I couldn’t take the pains. I’d have been dead if not for Lucas. He was there for me during my darkest times. He gave hope and the reasons to keep living. You were never there for me, Adrian, and even when we met again after fifteen years, you still believe I was a golddigger, and you will have still believe I never loved you, if Rodolfo didn’t come clean!” Jane yelled at him, crying and Adrian hugged her.

“I am so sorry, Jane. I’m sorry for not believing you, I am sorry for abandoning you. I’m sorry your mom had to die because of my foolishness. Please forgive me Jane, I am going to make up for all my mistakes. I still love you so much Jane. I am sorry for taking your love for granted” Adrian cried, as he hugged her.

Jane forcefully pushed him away from her body and Adrian almost fell down.

“It’s a good thing you already found out about the truth, that way I will no longer explained myself to you. I admit that I was crazy in love with you back then, but not anymore Adrian. I wasn’t jabbing when I said I no longer love you. Why should I love a man like you, Adrian? When all you do is cause me pains! I regret ever loving you, so no matter how you beg me, I’m never going back to my vomit”

“That’s harsh, Jane”

“What I said is nothing compared to what he said to me, Lucas. I don’t want to ever see your face again” Jane said and leaves the house.

“Jane” Adrian said, trying to go after her.

“I think you should leave her alone, Adrian. She needs sometime to organize her thoughts” Lucas said and Adrian fell to the ground.

“Jane, please don’t stop loving me, please” He said crying and Lucas sighed.

“What are we going to do with Julianna?” Rodolfo asked and Lucas looked at her.

“I will handle it”



Xiaomi sighed and halted her feet when she got to the doorstep of Richard’s studio.

“You’re so crazy, Xiaomi. He cut ties with you, so what are you doing here? You should leave before he thinks you’re obsessed with him” Xiaomi said and made a step to leave, but some clattering sound from inside the studio stopped her from leaving.

She peeped inside the studio, since the door was silently open and she gasps when she saw Richard on the floor, with his face bruised up.

“Why do you keep treating me this way? I am your son!” He said crying.

“You’re not my son, Richard. You ki||ed my husband, you ki||ed the man who made me happy!!” Veronica shouted at Richard, hitting him with the stick, and Xiaomi covered her mouth, so that a gasp won’t escape from her mouth.

“I didn’t do it mom. I didn’t ki|| him, stop treating me like a criminal”

“You’re a criminal Richard, and if I can go back to sixteen years ago, I’d do it, just to have you flushed out from my womb. I h@ťě you! Bring back my husband!” She said, hitting him severally with the stick.

Xiaomi wanted to go in and help him, but her legs were betraying her or maybe it’s because she was afraid of going in.

She saw Veronica leaving the studio staggering and she quickly hide. No doubt, Veronica was under the influence of alcohol.

Xiaomi entered the studio after she left and sees Richard playing the piano with tears falling down from his eyes.

“You should get yourself treated, first” She said and Richard looked at her with misty eyes.


“Do you hear the conversation between my mom and I?” He asked in a low voice, as Xiaomi treats his wounds.

“I will win the trophy of the year, if I said I didn’t. You’re going through a lot, you shouldn’t hide it behind a smile”

“I am a terrible person, Xiaomi. You shouldn’t be around me”

“If you keep pushing me away, I’d leave. You’re not a terrible person. Even if you don’t tell me, I know you’re saying the truth, Richard”

“It was a fire accident”

“Fire accident?” Xiaomi asked and Richard nodded his head.

“Yes. I was ten years old then. My dad told me to stop playing with his scientific instruments, but I was stubborn. I didn’t know what I did, but it resulted into a huge fire, and my poor dad died when helping me out from the fire. Come to think of it, I ki||ed him. If I wasn’t so stubborn, he won’t have died. I deserve every Ill-treatment my mom gives to me” Richard said crying with his head on Xiaomi’s B-__-bs.

“It’s not your fault, Richard. You were a kid back then, and I am sure your dad don’t blame you for anything. It’s just your mom nitpicking on you” Xiaomi said, patting him

More tears falls down from Richard’s eyes and he wrapped his hands around her slender waist.



Julianna slowly opened her eyes and sees Lucas looking at her with cold eyes.

“You’re finally awake” He said and Julianna quickly got up from the bed, and began looking for her phone.

“Looking for this?” He asked, showing her the phone, and Julianna’s eyes widen.

“How did my phone get to you?” She asked in a low voice and Lucas grabbed her neck and pinned her to the wall.

“Lucas” She gasped in pain.

“Thank your stars that I am a doctor, I’d have ki||ed you for everything you have done to Jane. What you did to her fifteen years ago wasn’t enough and you were almost trying to spread her nudes online, what kind of a woman are you, Julianna!”

“A woman who loves you more than her whole life! Everything I am doing right now was to keep you to myself. I even had to poison Kayla just so she won’t say a word to you!” Julianna said and Lucas release her neck.

“You were the one who poisoned, Kayla? How could you have done that to Jane!” Lucas shouted at her.

“Because I love you and I was only trying to make you stay with me”

“Here I was being concentrate that you did what you did because of your poor finances, but you even did worse by poisoning Kayla!”

“I am sorry Lucas, I only did that because I love you. I didn’t ki|| Kayla, I only scared Jane” Julianna said, crying.

“It doesn’t justify what you did, Julianna. You’re ready to go miles just to make me yours. I can’t believe I was slowly starting to fall in love with a she-devil”

“What are you trying to say, Lucas?” Julianna asked, hiccupping in tears.

“Let’s call off the wedding” Lucas said and walked out of the house.

“No no, you can’t do this to me. I love you Lucas!” Julianna said crying, running after Lucas’s car.



Roldofo is seen outside his house, trying to stop Joyce from leaving.

“Please Joyce, don’t leave. We are expecting a baby”

“I just want some time for myself. I can’t stand you right now after what you have done to Jane”

“I didn’t touch her back then, Joyce. I only helped Julianna out”

“That’s the more reason why I am mad at you Rodolfo. Thanks to you and Julianna, Jane had a hard life. Do you have any idea how disheartening I feel that you contributed to Jane’s pains years ago?”

“I am sorry. I’m going to make amends” Rodolfo said, trying his best not to cry. He loves Joyce a lot.

“I need a break Rodolfo. If you stop me again, I am going to ki|| myself”

With her statement, Rodolfo let go of her, and she threw him a h@ťěful glare, before leaving the house.

“Joyce” He muttered her name, crying.


Isa sat in the street bench waiting for Kayla. She had earlier texted her that she was ready to tell her everything she knows.

“Why is she taking so long to come? She already saw my message. In order to keep my friendship with Kayla, I have to come clean” She said with a cute smile.

“Hey pretty girl” Some group of thugs said to her and Isa stood up immediately she saw them.

“Who are you guys?” She asked, getting scared.

“We are good guys, we just want to have fun with you” One of them said and they laughed, walking closer to her.

“Don’t come near me! Don’t touch me!!”

And the next thing that was heard was, Isa’s painful scream.



Lucas entered the house and sees Jane drinking. He sighed before going to her.

“Stop drinking, Jane”

“Oh, you’re back” She said, giggling.

“You shouldn’t have drink, Jane. Come with me, I will take you to your room. Where’s Kayla?”

“She’s already sleeping. I told her everything” Jane said, sniffling.

“You should sleep as well Jane”

“My feelings have changed” She said in a sad voice.

“What feelings?” Lucas asked, sitting beside her.

“I no longer love Adrian. It sad that he found out about the truth now that I no longer love him. My feelings for him is no longer there. Should I called it Broken Love? I can tell he still loves me, but I no longer love him. My heart is already longing for someone else, and just by looking at him, my heart melt like it’s an ice. I have every reason to love him because he was always there for me. I just recently found out that I love him and not Adrian”

“Who is he, Jane? Is he someone I know?” Lucas asked.

Jane looked at him and smiled. She pulled him closer to herself and slammed her lips on his.

Lucas’s eyes widen immediately.



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