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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She is His true love…
Only light to his Dark world) 🌹

” Love is Blind and the lovers are blinded…..”


Author: 🌟IFEOLUWA Babymediagirl 🌟




THEME :🦋 (He can see!)



“Mom, the kid won’t play with me because I’m blind” The six years old Vincent mumbled, he is laying on his bed holding on to a rabbit teddy bear as his mother stroke his hair slowly.

His mother chuckled “you are not blind Vincent” She told him and he was surprised and he turned his head to his mother’s direction.

“Mom but I can’t see” The young boy protested while his mother smile “You are just different from other people and that makes you special, Vincent”

“Special? I’m special?” He asked as he is trying to understand the word with his little knowledge.

“Yes,You are a special being, You can do what they do also and more, You are smart” She patted his hair and that seems to make the little boy happy.

“I’m special” He smile and that makes his mother to smile also.

“Sleep now my Special baby” She stroke his hair softly so he can fall asleep.

* * * * * *

” You are useless, why did you have to be born? ”
” Why does my son have to suffer because of you?”

“You are just a blind boy! Blind! ” Abigail pushed the little Vincent and that makes him fell to the floor with his walking cane.

“I h@ťě you” She hissed, tears started rolling down his face.

“Why did you…you h@ťě me this much?” Vincent sobbed sitting on the floor. Abigail bent down to his level, lifted his chin and that made fear to ran down his body.

“Yes, I h@ťě you, because you don’t deserved to be here. You are blind and deserved to die! You should have die with your Mother you bastard” She slapped his face to the side and hissed before walking away, those words sting him deeply.

He deserved to die? No one love him, no kids wants to play with him. Is it his fault that he is born blind?

“Vincent” He heard his father’s voice but he continue sobbing hard, he doesn’t want to live again, he wants to die.

“What happened to you? Why are you on the floor crying? ” Mr Lennon worrily asked and bent down to him. He didn’t say but just continue crying.

“Daddy, why am I born blind? Everyone h@ťě me! I want to die! I should have die with mom” Mr Lennon was quite surprised at the young boy’s words. He could tell something happened when he was away for him to say those words.

“Come Vincent, I warned you to stop looking down on yourself, what are you saying? Die? ” He scoffed and helped him up to the couch in the room.

The young boy couldn’t help the sobbed more.

“Vincent, You are different, You are blind but can do a lot of things like them, you trust me right? ” Vincent finally swiveled his head to his father’s direction. That is what is mother told him too but why can’t others see that too?

“Mrs Abigail said I don’t deserved to be here” He spat out and that got Mr Lennon angry. How dare her?

“No,You deserved to be here. I told you big boy don’t cry, You are a big boy, aren’t you?” Mr Lennon pulled his cheeks trying to lit his mood but little Vincent still had this frown face.

“I got you Chocolate, you still won’t smile?” His father tickled his stomach and that makes him to giggled then burst into laughter as his father tickled him more.

* * * * * *

“Vincent, You had the highest mark here, wow! What are you? ” Ben exclaimed, Immediately he checked Vincent score on the board list while Vincent chuckled.

Not like it’s a big deal, he has always have the highest scores even in class exam and that makes most of the student to h@ťě him more.

He is only 16 years of age at the time he finished his highschool, yet he acts twenty.

“Let’s just go home” He said and started walking away with his walking cane as Ben won’t stop praising him.

“Ben, Let’s drop by the Hospital to see Dad” He said immediately they entered the car.

“Sure, I bet he will feel more better when he hear this” Ben giggled, ignited the engine and drove away.

Vincent sighed, He hoped his father get better soon, he can’t wait to leave the country for good just as he promised that after his highschool, he is going to send him to Canada.

They got to the Hospital and Ben helped him inside the hospital immediately they arrived. But something seems different, Ben could sensed it as soon as he saw Mrs Abigail sobbing, Mrs Smith is also there and Ma’am Gina.

“What is going on?” Ben muttered as they walked nearer.

Ma’am Gina walked up to Vincent in tears “Vincent” She sobbed but Vincent is yet to know what is going on also, he could heard different sob.

“Ma’am Gina, what is… going on? Why are you sobbing? ” His voice came out low, he is trying not to conclude anything.

“Vincent” Ma’am Gina didn’t say anything again all she did is sobbing.

“Your father is dead” His heart stopped immediately Abigail said that.
He almost fall but Ben held him.

“Da.. Dad, Dad is….” He tried to move but his head bang loudly for a seconds, he could heard a loud sound in his head distance him from wh@ťěver they might be saying at the moment, he held his head trying subdue the pain but he couldn’t.

He fell to the floor and pass out.



” Vincent! Vincent! Vincent! ” I struggled with the different voices that screamed my name. I can’t tell where I am or what is going in with me but the pain I felt from my long dream is coming back as I struggled to recognize those voices calling out my name.

Could it be Dad? Mom? Or Skylar? I held my head as my eyes itched me again, I had to rubbed it. “f-__-k! ‘ I cussed.

” Vincent, Are you awake now?” I opened my eyes but something doesn’t seem right, for the first time in my life, I saw something white and not Dark.

I closed my eyes and try understanding what is really happening, slowly the view become clearer, The door and white ceiling.

“Vincent” I look beside me and I look at the person balefully at first, I recognized the voice vividly.

Goodness! I hope i’m not dreaming.

“Ben?” I called and seems he noticed that something is different about me.
He looked at me strangely at first then his eyes widened and he gasped.

“Wait, You can see me?”

{Sin Reglas club}


I walked into the club and take a seat in front of Sam with a smile. He attended to a customer beside me before turning to me.

“You look happy today” He chuckled and I smile.

“Of course, I’m d@mn happy, the wedding has been call off and there is still chance my baby is coming back to marry the whole top billionaire of Mexico, I can’t wait! I squeaked in joy and he chuckled again.

“Good for her, I heard the news also about the wedding. So you gonna consider Xavier now right? Dude is d@mn serious when he said he love you, he stop f-__-king Ɓîtçh” I hissed at Sam’s words, why is he bringing Xavier into this again?

“Sam, don’t talk about him” I rolled my eyes and he sighed before nodding.

“If you need anything” He said and walked away to attend to other people. I don’t want to even think about it. How can he fall in love with me? That explains the way he was staring at me that night, motherf-__-ker!

I stood up but bumped into Roald, one of my segz dude.

“Hey, Anita, You look smoking segzy” He said and draw me closer by waist to himself. I chuckled and twitched my body

“And you look hot as usual” I said and run down my hand down his chest smiling.

“I don’t know you work in daylight, how about you make my day more brighter than it has been before with this your body?” He send down his hand to my butt but a hand jerked it off suddenly.

“Get the f-__-k away from here @$$h0le!” I turned to Xavier who looked d@mn angry
What the hell? Why is did he interfere in my job?

“Dude, come on, is it not her job? I’m gonna pay her ransom dollar” Roald said about pulling me close to himself again.

I gasped as Xavier send punch to his face, Roald almost fall but he held himself
“what the f-__-k! @$$h0le” He almost return the punch but Xavier held his hand before he even think of doing it. Xavier seems way stronger than him.

People’s attentions were on us already,
“Xavier, why are you are doing this? I’m only doing my job” I was taken aback when he yelled at me “shut up!”

What? Did he just shunned me?

“Get out of my club and never come back again Roald” He said, people murmured probably because Xavier just revealed he is the owner of the club.

“f-__-k you dude” Roald threw him a deadly glare and walked out of the club.


“I’ve had enough of your madness Xavier” I was about dashing out also but he held my hand.

“Come with me” He started dragging me away.

He opened the door to his private room and I swatted his hand away in anger.

“Xavier, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you interfering in my job?” I yelled but he scoffed picking up the cigarrette on the table and lit it, he puffed out the smoke backing me.

It is so obvious he is angry,this is the first time I’m seeing him so angry.

“You are not working as slut anymore” He said and I scoffed.

“And who are you to decide that for me?” I huffed and he turned back to me, he look at me,not angry as before but with this weird look. He dropped his ciggarete on the ashtray.

“Anita, You are driving me insane,why are you doing this to me? I can’t watch any other guy touch you” He said walking up to me. Why is he sounding jealous?

“Why is that? I didn’t asked you to love me did I?”I folded my arm looking away.
He got to where I am, standing just an inch apart from me.

He held my hand and placed it on his chest so I can feel his heart beat that I was forced to look at him.

“I can’t help it, you are making me lose my mind, If you don’t know” He is giving me that look again,that irresistible look.

My hand is still on his chest as we both stare at each other “please” He mumbled and brought his face closer to me, take up my lips into his.

He kissed me deeply like i’ve never been kissed before, wrapping my arms around his neck, I reciprocate the kiss back.

“Promise me you will stop doing this Job, I will be here to satisfy you anytime you want, I just can’t watch other guys touching you, that alone is driving me nut” He break the kiss, my arms still wrapped around his neck and his arm around my waist.

Can I really commit to what he want?I’m just not sure if love is for me.

“Xavier, I don’t love, I just…” He chirped in smirking.

“Try me first, I’m sure you won’t be able to resist me” He said with so much confident.

TBC awwn Vincent 🤭🤭

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