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HomeTRUE LOVETRUE LOVE – Episode 77 & 78

TRUE LOVE – Episode 77 & 78

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LOVE ❤️💛
( Idols😍In🎤My😘Heart… )




By: Naomi Cindy B.

“I just wanna disappear” he muttered.

“Vee say something!” Juniper pulled him again.

“Bro!” Sphinx shouted.

“Vee…” Maple grumbled.

“Can y’all let me go? Please” Vee muttered tiredly, looking at them one after the other, and they all let go of him at once.

“Cool, I need to go shower ok? I’ll be right back” he said and rushed upstairs.

“Gosh! It’s so painful that he has a girlfriend! Why is he so handsome!” Juniper fell on the couch.

“You wanna snatch him from Diva?” Maple replied, falling beside her.

“But wait…are there girls with big @zz in this country? Everyone is slim” Sphinx muttered, and they both turned their heads to him at once.

“You’re still thinking about that?” They chorused.

“It’s not a sin to like what I like” Sphinx replied and sat with them.

“Should we resume what we were watching?” Maple suggested.

“No. Vee said it’s not allowed and that’s on point. I’m trying to get on his good side so I’ll do all he says. I’ll be a good boy throughout my stay in this country” Sphinx smiled.

“It’s so easy for you to tell lies” Juniper shook her head.

“I’m serious” Sphinx replied, and the door opened that minute.

Myles was the first to come in, and Maple stood.

“Wait… Myles of VIXXEN?” He smiled, and Krystal came in behind Myles.

“f-__-k! Finally Vee answered me first! Krystal!!” Maple screamed, walking fast to her.

He hugged her tightly, but she was quick to break it, looking at him in awe.

“Who are…

“Maple! I’m from Washington and I’m your fan! You’re my bias trust me! Your pictures flood my gallery and you’re even my wallpaper! Have a look!”

He quickly showed her, and she smiled.

“You’re real”

“Of course! Gosh! Nice to meet you in person” Maple extended an hand this time, and she shook it gently.

“Your palm feels comforting” he said, and she smiled again before removing her hand from his.

“Guys!” Vee said surprisingly as he came downstairs.

“You said you’ve got visitors here, and the dorm is too boring for just I and Krystal” Myles said.

“So…you guys are spending the night here?” Vee blinked.

“Obviously” Myles replied.

“Now that we have a full house, should we just throw a house party?” Sphinx suggested.

“House party with six people? Cut the crap” Juniper said.

“Anyway guys, meet Maple, Juniper and Sphinx from Washington” Vee did the introduction.

“But they don’t look like Americans though” Krystal said.

“We’re Koreans, but our parents are so wicked that they abandoned us, so we got adopted” Maple said straight.

“Oh, that’s… straightforward” Myles said.

“Let’s go change to our PJs” Krystal said and climbed the stairs with Myles while Vee settled with the three.

“Vee when is your next song coming out?” Maple asked immediately.

Juniper and Sphinx are currently on their phones.

“We returned from our world tour less than a month ago, and we’re still resting. Besides, KMA is coming soon so no music release in mind till next month” Vee explained, and Maple nodded.

“f-__-k! Who’s this! His video just popped up on my fyp!” Juniper shouted, showing Vee her phone screen.

“Kang Daniel. He’s the leader of the biggest K-pop group here” Vee smiled.

“OMG he’s so hot!” Juniper gushed.

“Stop drooling, he’s got a girlfriend” Vee replied.

“d@mn! Who’s this again! Korean guys are eye candies! Just look at those deep dimples!” Juniper screamed.

“That’s Jung Jazzy, leader of TRUE LOVE. They’re trending right now” Vee replied without looking at the picture.

“How did you know when I haven’t even showed you?” Juniper looked up.

“Who else has deep dimples if not Jazzy?” Vee replied, and Juniper quickly sat with him.

“You talk as if he’s your friend. Please link us up I like him already” she said.

“Seriously? Do you like every handsome guy you see? I’m sure if I didn’t say Daniel has a girlfriend, you’d have told me to link you up too” Vee replied, and she sighed.

“It’s not my fault, I’m desperate for a boyfriend. I h@ťě loneliness” she muttered sadly, and Vee smiled lightly before stroking her hair.

“Calm down, if it’s yours, then it’s yours” he said, and she nodded.

Myles and Krystal came down in their PJs, and Maple offered Krystal a cup of juice immediately.

“Oh … Thanks, I love apple juice” she took it with a large smile and drank.

Vee stood to go get his phone upstairs, and she stood too.

“Vee can we talk?” She asked, and he nodded simply.

They left for the kitchen together, and they faced each other.

“I’ve been thinking of ways to apologise, glad I got the courage tonight” she muttered.

“You don’t have to” Vee replied.

“No. I have no right to toy with your phone or call the girl you like a Ɓîtçh. I’m so sorry, and I promise I’m over you, trust me” she said, and he smiled.

“It’s ok”



Lyric didn’t know about the presence of Daniel’s parents till she broke the hug and saw them.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly held Daniel’s hand.

“Meet my parents” Daniel said, and she faced the ground immediately, too embarrassed to look up.

She’s not wearing shoes right now and her hair is surely scattered from the way she ran. She’s wearing a simple home gown too! This is surely not the right way to meet your boyfriend’s parents for the first time.

She started fidgeting, and when Mrs. Kang noticed, she stood and went to her.

Surprisingly, she took her from Daniel and held her face, looking at her directly in the eyes.

“You, were you planning to break up with my son?” She said, and Lyric’s eyes widened.

“No. No I was just heartbroken when I heard about it and I didn’t pick his calls cos I didn’t know what I’d say if I did. I’m never gonna break up with Danny trust me he’s my favorite person and the love of my life” she replied fast, and Daniel began blushing.

“That was cute” Mrs. Kang said and hugged her.

“Welcome to the Kang family. I’m happy that my son finally made his choice, I’ve been waiting to meet you since he told us about you” she said.

Lyric smiled as she hugged her back, and Mr. Kang stood.

“My son is pure, so ignore anything you see about pregnancy out there. The girl did it to ruin him obviously, and she’s going down the moment I get her” he said, and Lyric broke the hug with Mrs. Kang to face him.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Kang” she smiled.

“You’re pretty, and I love your smile” Mr. Kang complimented, and she smiled again.

Daniel eventually took her upstairs, to his room.

He sat her on the bed and knelt in front of her.

“What?” She muttered, and he took her leg, raising it to look at her foot for any sign of wound.

“Why did you come here barefooted? You could have been wounded” he said.

“Diva told me you’d be going to San Francisco, I didn’t know it was a prank” she muttered again, and he smiled.

“Whoa, I think I need to thank Diva for bringing you to me indirectly”

“Jerk!” She made to hit his chest, but he caught her fist and kissed it.

“I’m sorry. It was my mistake. Telling you I really slept with her was because I woke up naked the next morning. She drvgged me actually, and it has been confirmed that nothing happened between us that night, trust me cutie” he said.

“I trust you” she replied, and he stood to hug her.

“I missed you” he whispered.

“I missed you more” she replied.

“I love you” they said at the same time, and when he broke the hug, they kissed softly.



Rhett’s glasses were on, though he has tears in his eyes as he walked into the building.

His arm was immediately grabbed, and he was pulled into a room before he could see the face.

“Who are you?” He asked, and the attendant smiled.

“Call me Klaus, I’m an attendant here and I worked with Rhapsody before her death. She probably didn’t tell you about Byeol’s part, and that’s why you’re shocked”

“Byeol?” Rhett blinked, and Klaus opened the compartment, revealing Byeol’s body.

“Arggggghhh!!!” Rhett screamed, going down on his bum.

“Wh… was that” he swallowed hard.

“Vodka’s girlfriend who disgrace Rhapsody the other time. Turned out Vodka murdered her and threw her body in the river. Rhapsody got it out somehow, and it has been here since then” Klaus replied, and Rhett stood slowly.


“Come with me, there’s more” Klaus pulled him to his office where they both watched Byeol’s confession video together.

“Vodka is…is 40? He’s a ki||er and a rapist” Rhett muttered shockingly.

“Everything would have been settled by now if Fave submitted these evidence to the cops, but her plan was to get money from them through blackmail, and she really did. But I guess it all got burnt” Klaus said.

“I told her same thing immediately she told me the secrets about their HIV status and the two murdered doctors. I told her to report but she was just too stubborn” Rhett replied.

“Then we can do that” Klaus said.

“How? Won’t they ki|| us too?” Rhett replied

“You have the HIV test results with you, right? I have Byeol’s body and the video of how they threw it in the river with me. We only have to gather everything and throw a bomb on the day of his show next week” Klaus said.



Diva opened Piper’s room, but surprisingly, she’s not in, so she opened Freddy’s.

As suspected, they’re in bed together. They obviously cuddled till they fell asleep together.

“Dorm couple! Wakey wakey!” She shouted, and Freddy’s eyes opened slightly.

Instead of waking, he hugged Piper even tighter and covered them well before drifting off again.

“Those two” Jazzy suddenly said behind Diva, and she laughed before going in with him.

Jazzy got the microphone and screamed WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

It was so loud that they spranged up together, almost falling from the bed.

“Jazzy please” Piper muttered sleepily, hugging Freddy again.

“Can we get one more hour?” Freddy said.

“It’s our practice resumption day, wakey!” Diva said and left the room..

“You heard her, sleepyheads” Jazzy said and left too.

“Why are they so wicked?” Piper mumbled, obviously still sleeping.

“Come here” Freddy pulled her together with him, and they resumed their sleep.


After everyone finished brushing, Lyric came in. She spent the night at Daniel’s actually.

“Guys! Rhapsody died last night! Together with her friend in her house! The house got burnt!” She announced, and their eyes popped.

“What!” Diva gasped.

“What are you saying!” Jazzy shouted.

“Not true!” Piper and Freddy chorused.

“I’m serious, her agency announced it already” Fave replied sadly, and their arms dropped at once.

“The f-__-k!” Jazzy gasped.



🎶 Make me your dream

🎶 I’ll fill your sleep

🎶 Make me your sunshine

🎶 I’ll beautify your day

🎶 Fill your world with me

🎶 Through thunderstorms and Thunderbolts, you’d be fine I promise

🎶 Cos I am the one… the one…
The only one for you…
Cos I am the one, the one..
The perfect place for you to be.

H. O. T new song (The One) featuring Megan was released today, and as expected, it topped the charts as the new hot, pushing Volume Up to the second place.

Megan’s appearance in the MV added even more spice, and the visuals got jaws falling as usual, they’re the number one for a reason.

While the whole of Korea is loving the new drop, Vodka is busy preparing for his show tommorow.

He visited his outdoor studio, and as expected, his young fans piled up in front of the building, screaming Vodka so loud.

He was smiling sweetly and waving as he made his way inside with Min and his guards.

From the middle of the crowd, stood Rhett who was wearing a face cap.

“Tommorow it is” he muttered.



Mr. Hwang returned from the hospital four days ago as planned, and even being around his own kids feels like he’s with strangers.

They don’t talk to him at all, just casual greetings whenever meet in the living room.

They’re even avoiding coming to the living room despite the fact that they don’t know the truth yet, what’d be the case if they find out?

It’s heartbreaking.

He was sitting weakly in the living room as usual, looking gloomy when Vee came down dressed handsomely in suit, and he’s currently rocking a mullet hairstyle which gave him a Șëx¥ gentleman look, he looks more handsome with it.

“You ready?” Sara asked, coming out of the kitchen.

“Yes Sara” he smiled.

Tonight is Idols Couples Night (ICN) where the couples in all kpop groups gets revealed to the public.

“You look great” Sara gave him a hug, and he pecked her.

“Have fun” she said.

“Vee lemme look at you before you leave! Vee!!” Maple’s voice came from upstairs, and he ran outside quickly, ignoring Mr. Hwang who’s staring at him with much regrets in his eyes.

He drove to Diva’s dorm, and she immediately came out dressed in a white flowing gown, almost like a wedding gown.

Vee’s mouth refused to close as he gave her the most affectionate look ever, he was staring till she got to him.

He took her hands and kissed her knuckles.

“I love you” he smiled.

“I love you” she replied, and he opened the car door for her.

They left together, and Jazzy peeped out through the window.

Piper left with Freddy already, and Lyric left with Daniel, so he’s the only one left in the dorm.

“Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody, to call my own” he sang, falling on the couch.

Surprisingly, the doorbell rang, and he rushed to open up, only to meet Juniper.

“Hey Dimple Guy! Vee gave me the address, he said I could come here to spend time with you” she smiled.



Mouths hasn’t stopped widening since the start of the party, and it’s still on as idols who weren’t expected kept coming in as couples.

Even Bobby of H. O. T who has always been shipped with Daniel came with JoJo of MOONLIGHT!

Freddy and Piper were dressed in pink, shinning as they walked in on the red carpet too.

Eyes widened again, but it widened more when Vee and Diva came in.

Though they’re already known, but their drip is blinding, they could pass as the cutest of all the 30+ couples present

Then the shutdown happened when Daniel came in with Lyric. Eyes popped and dropped for real!

👥 No I don’t believe this!

👥 f-__-k! For real?

👥 Unbelievable! She’s Lyric!

👥 Daniel is an icon!

👥 This is shocking!

👥 Awesome!

👥 Aww! They look cute!

👥 Even Bobby came with JoJo!

👥 Has anyone seen Pinkie? I don’t think she’s in a relationship!

The person got proved wrong when Pinkie came in with Henry, another member of H. O. T

👥 F***k!!!!

“Few weeks ago, she was chasing after you” Piper said.

“She got over me, I guess” Freddy replied, and Piper held him tighter as Pinkie walked past them with Henry.

“Everyone knows how this party starts with the pickup lines battle” the MC said from the center, and all attention shifted to him.

“Is naughtiness allowed?” Vee asked loudly.

“Of course! Who’s going first?” The MC replied.

“No pen, no paper, but you still draw my attention” Freddy said, facing Piper.

👥 Whoaa!!!

“I can’t rate you of ten, cos your beauty broke my scale” Bobby faced JoJo.

👥 Whoaaa!!! Crazy!

“Are you good in maths? Cos it’s confusing how they keep using X and Y instead of U and I” Daniel faced Lyric.

👥 Ate!!!!

“Are you today’s date? Cos you’re 10/10” Henry faced Pinkie.

👥 Bam!!!!

“My lips has been lonely these days, would you love me to introduce them to yours?” Another idol said.

👥 Cool!!!

Different pickup lines began coming in, and girls began blushing till the MC noticed Vee who has been quiet.

“Hwang Vee? I think it’s your turn” he said, and all eyes turned to him.

“Already?” He blinked innocently, bit his lip before facing Diva who was already blushing.

He slipped his hand on her neck drawing her so close that their lips almost met, then with his second hand, he slipped her hair behind her right ear.

“The Lord is my shepherd, but it’s you I want” he whispered.

👥 d@mn it!!!!!!

“Hooney, your legs are not my kids, but I’d love to raise them” He whispered again.

👥 Veeee!!!!!

👥 That’s naughty!!!

👥 Gosh!!!

But it wasn’t over, cos he dropped another banger immediately.

“Is there a mirror in ur pants? Cos I can see myself down there”

👥 What!!!!!


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