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THE END: ENSLAVED BY A MAFIA – Episode 35 & 36

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{…Toxic Dominance…}

THEME: The Devil Wants Me.

Chapter 35★ 36 (Final Chapter )

Gbemi Writes ✍️




☙ { The Villian }☙

<< Giorgio's room >>

“Don’t tell me you are going on this mission after hearing their conversation In the torture room?” Queenie said to Giorgio who was preparing his gear.

Truth is they had both been present in the torture room but they had hidden so they won’t be seen.

“After hearing the things Ricardo said, you still go ahead with your father plans and ki|| him?” Queenie asked.

“Ricardo is a traitor and you of all people should know how have been waiting all my life for Ricardo to disappear and now that I have that chance, I won’t throw it away, he’s not brother after all” Giorgio said before leaving the room.

<< Kitchen >>

“I still can’t believe that Giorgio is the spy” Marissa said as she drank her coffee.

“I don’t know the details but Ricardo must definitely have a reason for being the spy” Leon chipped in.

“Seeing the way my brother went with him. There definitely must be a point we don’t know about ” Bonnie added.

“Why don’t we find out?” Mona asked just as the door open revealing Ten.

“You’ve got no time to find out since everyone is requested to get ready for battle” Ten said.

“What battle?” Bonnie asked.

“We are going to attack the devils and so get @zz moving, you don’t want to make big boss angry right?” Ten said.

“Attacking the devil clan means attacking Ricardo” Bonnie said.

“It does. Have any problem with that or are you worried about that traitor of a brother you have? Don’t worry, I will make his death less painful ” Ten said before leaving the kitchen.

“This is bad. What should we do?” Marissa said.

“For now, we will have to do as the big boss say. Let’s get ready for battle” Leon said as everyone disperse.

On finding out about the battle thing. Red went in search of Dacio and she found him alone in the gym.

“I heard about it, are you okay?” She asked as she approach him.

” I just found out that my brother isn’t my brother and he turns out to be a spy and you are asking if am okay? I feel terrible” Dacio let out slowly.

“Tell me, do you believe everything being said about Ricardo, don’t you think that there’s a story behind it?” Red asked.

“Ricardo isn’t one to do something without having a reason. I also believe that there’s a reason why he’s doing this” Dacio echoed.

“Do you wish to join the others during the attack or will you come with and let’s go find out the real truth from Ricardo” Red asked.

“Are you suggesting we sneak into the devils clan?”

“Yes. Either that or we will never find out the truth, so are you coming or not ?” Red asked stretching her hand towards him and immediately he took hold of her hand.

“Let’s go”

<< Devils Clan >>

“Now that Stephan is aware of things am sure he would be preparing his men for a fight and so we should also be prepared” Lord Santos said before turning to stare at Ricardo, Tony and Flora.

“But we have a problem” Tony began slowly.

“The knights clan have got a lot of men which means that we are outnumbered ” Tony added.

“You are right, I didn’t think of that. It’s best if I call for back up from a friend. Am sure he’d be willing to help” Santos said before moving towards Flora.

“Am saddened that we had to meet this way but am very much happy that my son have got a lovely girl like you by his side” lord Santos said to Flora who gave him a smile in return.

As soon as lord Santos left, Ricardo turned to Flora.

“Why don’t you leave this place tonight. I can send three of my guards to watch over you in the city and….” Ricardo was cut short when one of their men came into the room unannounced.

“Sir, we’ve caught some intruders and we believe them to be from the knight clan”

“Where are they?” Tony asked as he pulled out his gun.

“It’s us and we are harmless” Red said as she walk into the room with Dacio.

“What are you two doing here?” Ricardo asked.

“I believe that you owe us an explanation Ricardo. No matter what father says, I would rather hear the truth from you ” Dacio said.

“Same here” Red added while Ricardo let out a sigh before ushering them to seat and telling them everything.

“Have always been jealous about how Dad treated you not knowing that he had a hidden agenda” Dacio let out gruffly.

“So the real villian here is big boss” Red added.

“It is and just like you all, I never thought him to be” Flora said looking pale.

At that moment they heard the sound of an explosion.

“We forgot to tell you that dad is planning on attacking you guys” Dacio said as they heard the sound of gun firing.

“We were also expecting him ” Ricardo said as he brought out his gun.

“Red, can I trust you to protect Flora?” Ricardo asked which got her shaking her head in return.

“I will be back soon, my love” Ricardo said as he gave Flora a kiss before leaving the room with Tony and Dacio who smiled at Red before closing the door.

“Are they going to be fine?” Flora asked and Red took hold of her hand.

“They are. You should know by now that Ricardo always win and he will win this time around ” Red assured.

They stayed locked in but that didn’t stop them from hearing the sound of gun shot which kept coming from different angle.

“I think it’s best we leave. Let’s find somewhere else to hide” Red suggested as she took hold of her hand and led her to the door only to stop short when they saw Ten there.

“And where do you think you both are going?” Ten asked as he quickly step in before she could close the door.

“Don’t tell me that you’ve decided to join the devil clan, Red. I thought you were wiser”

“Get out of my way and I promise not to harm you” Red thr_@tened.

“I should be telling you that. It’s a pity that it has to come to this but I came here to ki|| Flora and no one is going to stop me” he said as he launch forward.

They both got into a fist fight while Flora stood watching them.

Red did her best to block his punch but she failed when he gave her a kick on the stomach.

“You are nothing but a weakling. The same just as that darn Lazaro”

“Darn Lazaro?” Red let out slowly.

“Yes. The idiot didn’t agree to my plan which is why I had to eliminate him and made you believe that it’s Dacio doing”

“I had everything planned out but Lazaro had caught me which was why I had to ki|| him before my secret got exposed”

“So you ki||ed Lazaro?” Red said with so much pain.

“I did and the only reason why am telling you about it is because you will soon join him in the after life”

“You bastard! You made me believe for years that Lazaro….your going to pay for it” Red said as she got off the floor moving towards him but they both stopped when they heard the sound of a gunshot.

Red watched as Ten spill out blood from his mouth before collapsing in front of her.

“Are you okay?” Flora asked holding the gun she used in $h00ting Ten.

“I am, let’s get out of here” Red said as they both left the room.

Ricardo, Tony and Lord Santos stood outside while pointing their gun in all direction.

All of their men were ki||ed giving the knights clan the upper hand.

“Why don’t you Surrender. It’s over” Santos said as he approach them followed by Giorgio and some men.

“You are all surrounded and it’s no use trying to fight back ” Stephan said.

“For how long will you keep up with this. Is it due to the bet? Did you become a monster due to not wining the bet?” Santos said glaring at his old friend.

“Bet? That was a f^^king long time ago and am totally over it. We made a bet and you won the love of Celine”

“You’ve always been a sore loser Stephan. You were mad at Celine for choosing me, it’s the reason why you sent someone to poison her, it’s the reason why you stole Ricardo away from me and also the reason why you ki||ed Camilla my precious daughter” Santos yelled at him.

“Blah, blah, blah. Those were the past and if I did all that just to get back at you, you certainly deserve it. You knew how I felt about Celine and yet you stole her love from me!”

“I did not do that! She fell in love with me and that’s the truth” Santos yelled at him.

“It’s what you believe but I know that Celine should have been mine but you came and ruined it all. I will make sure you take your last breath today ” he said as he pulled a gun from the hand of one of his men pointing it at Santos.

“$h00t them if they don’t put their weapon down” Stephan thr_@tened and that got Ricardo, Tony and Santos throwing their gun on the floor.

“Goodbye Santos” Stephan said about to $h00t but Giorgio stood in his path.

“Let me help you get rid of them,father” Giorgio said and he surrendered his gun to Giorgio.

Giorgio turned to the three men pointing the gun at them.

He stared at Ricardo for a while and surprisingly, he aimed the gun at Stephan.

“What are you doing?” Stephan bellowed.

“What I should have done a long time ago”

“Put that gun down. Will you really $h00t me your father?”

“Tch, father? You’ve never been that to me. You never thought me to be your son, Dacio and I were just a hindrance in your life. You made mom’s life a living hell, you married her being in love with someone else and made her miserable till the day she died and that’s something am never going to forgive you for” Giorgio said looking very hurt.

“You don’t have the guts to $h00t me. It’s one of the reason I never acknowledge the things you do. You were a complete mess, a loser. $h00t me, I dare you to $h00t me if you can” Stephan taunted but Giorgio couldn’t pull the trigger.

“See! You are just a dumb loser. A useless son” Stephan added.

“You are right. I don’t have the guts to $h00t you since am a loser” Giorgio said as he pull down his gun.

“Why don’t I show you what a real winner is all about” Stephan said wanting to $h00t him but Ricardo shielded Giorgio taking the bullet on his back.

Seeing this Giorgio fired the trigger on the his father multiple of times.

Stephan fell on the floor and a dove flying in the sky was the last thing he saw before dying.

<< One Year Later ~ knights clan >>

Dacio, Giorgio and Ricardo stood in the room silently starring at each other.

“Common! I can’t handle the clan. Let me deal with out business in the city” Dacio implored but his older brother shook their head.

“Sorry. We already played a game and I got to be the one who handle the business in the city” Giorgio said.

“While I take care of the devils clan and besides have got a wedding to prepare for. Am the busiest amongst us all” Ricardo said proudly.

After the death of Stephan. The three brothers decided to bring the two clan together though they still have their respective names.

“And mine will be taking place after yours” Giorgio said which got both brothers starring at him.

“Don’t tell me Queenie finally said yes?” Dacio asked and Giorgio gave a nod.

“Congrats bro” Ricardo said which got him smiling.

The door opened revealing Red dress in a beautiful purple gown.

“What are you three doing here when the party is going on downstairs?” Red asked before going straight to Dacio who gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Just having a brotherly talk” Giorgio replied.

“Then I might as well tell you that Queenie and Flora are dancing with one Mona relative and they are both hot” Red informed which got Giorgio and Ricardo quickly leaving the room.

“Weren’t you tempted to dance with them?” Dacio asked her.

“No. Am only saving the dance for you” Red replied.

“That’s why I love you” Dacio murmured in return.

“Ditto ” she said before giving him a kiss.

At the party, Ricardo stood with Flora watching everyone celebrate the marriage of Bonnie and Mona.

Ricardo’s gaze drifted to Marissa and Tony who were both in each other arms chatting and there is Leon flirting with one of the guest.

Red and Dacio were dancing with other guest while Queenie and Giorgio were no were to be found, probably f^^ king somewhere, Ricardo thought naughtily.

“When is your father coming back?” Flora asked bringing his gaze on her.

Once again Ricardo couldn’t help but to admire her beauty.

“The next month. He’s having the fun of his life travelling around the world. Did I tell you that you look ravishing tonight?” He asked which got her wrapping her arms around his neck.

“And I forgot to tell you something”

“Am listening”

“A little you is growing in me” Flora said and for a while he didn’t get what she meant but when it dawned on him, he lifted her by the waist and spun her around in excitement.

“Are you sure that am going to be a father?” He asked and she nodded.

Once again he pulled her into his arms giving her a tight hug.

“I love you my queen. Thanks for coming into my life” he whispered into her ear.

“Same here Ricky, I love you so d@mn much” she replied as she kiss his throat.

Together forever, Flora thought as she tightened her hold on the man of her dreams….

The End ✌️✌️✌️

Another story has come to an end💃 thanks my babies for going through this ride with me😁😁😁

It hasn’t been easy but you all stood by me which am very grateful for 🙏🙏🙏

Thanks again for being my fan and I hope that you will keep on reading more of my stories 🤗🤗🤗

Heart you all 💞💞💞

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