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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HIS SWEET ADDICTION – Episode 15 & 16

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{ Lovesick for you….}


THEME ; Romance Of A Lifetime.

Gbemi Writes



When there was no sign of him, she picked up the phone only to be shocked when she saw the caller.

“Why on earth is shaman Lola calling Romeo?”

Romeo got back to the table to see Tahlia with his phone. Judging by the puzzled look on her face, she must have seen something she shouldn’t have…he thought as she turned to stare his way.

Forcing a smile on his face, he went towards her.

“Did someone call me?”

“Shaman Lola did. How come you have her contact?” Tahlia asked.

“To be honest, I went in search of shaman Lola. You guys kept insisting I was under a spell and so I went to see her to confirm ”

“And?” Tahlia said clearly waiting for his reply.

“I found out that she’s gone on a trip”

“That’s true. I also went back there only to be told that she’s gone on a trip ” Tahlia echoed.

“And why would you go back to see her?” Romeo asked quickly changing the topic from himself.

“To revoke the spell”

“Am glad you didn’t get to meet her” he said just as the waiter approach them with their desserts.

Sometime later, a well fed Tahlia got out of Romeo’s car.

“Am afraid this is where we will have to part ways. As much as you love acting as my boyfriend, my mom won’t let you sleep over” she said tautly but instead of giving her a reply, he stood studying her face.

“What’s wrong, Is something on my face?” She asked nervously and made to wipe it but he took hold of her hand.

She watch him put a beautiful bracelet on her wrist.

“Your birthday present” he muttered still holding onto her hand.

“But the meal and the park…”

“Are just something I prepared to celebrate it. This is the real gift” he cut through her words while she stared at the beautiful but expensive bracelet.

“Thanks Romeo” she said a smile tilting her lips.

“Do you know how beautiful you look whenever you smile?” He asked making her blush.

Taking hold of her hand once again, he pulled her into his arms and tightened his hold around her.

“Am glad you didn’t get to revoke the spell” he muttered.

“Cause I love being under your spell” he whispered into her ear this time before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Good night. See you at school tomorrow” he said waving her off.

For a while Tahlia watch his car drive down the street, her gaze went back to her wrist which still had the bracelet and once again, a smile tilt her lips.


Tahlia was attending to a customer when she noticed the arrival of a girl and Judging by her outfit, Tahlia could tell that the girl is very rich.

She was surprised when she ignored other attendants just to come to her.

“You are Tahlia right?” She asked as she took off her glass.

“I am ”

“Am Cherry, Romeo’s fiancee” she said introducing herself.

“If I remember clearly, you were the one who ruined our engagement party, right?” She added tautly.

“I didn’t know the mic were turned on. I just really….”

“Am not here to talk about that day, am here instead to make a deal with you”

“A deal?” Tahlia asked which got her pulling out a cheque book.

“Am willing to give you anything as long as you stay away from Romeo, so name your price?” Cherry said with a look of distaste on her face.

“I think you’ve got it wrong. Am not chasing Romeo ”

“Really, Are you saying he is the one chasing you? Romeo’s got a lot of class, he wouldn’t go for someone like you, well men are meant to stray a bit if the lady in person pleases him in….”

“I would rather prefer you don’t insult me” Tahlia warned.

“Why can’t I? You are obviously a poor little thing looking for a rich man to cater to your whims for life but Romeo isn’t that guy though you’ve manage to get him to buy you that expensive bracelet”

“With the money I will give you, you can buy wh@ťěver you want just as long as you stay out of Romeo’s life. So name your price” Cherry added feeling impatient.

Tahlia have never felt so insulted in her life, she felt like throwing the coffee on her.

“Tch! I suggest you rethink doing that since that will get you fired. You wouldn’t want your boss firing you for disrespecting a customer” Cherry mocked.

“Then I might as well do it for her” Daniella said suddenly and taking the cup of coffee from Tahlia she emptied it on Cherry’s expensive dress.

“Are you crazy?” Cherry yelled at her.

“What! Am a customer and I can do what I want to stupid Ɓîtçhes like you” Daniella yelled in return.

“Look what you did to my dress!”

“If you want me to do more I can after all you are rich enough to buy another. Now I get why Romeo never looked at you, it’s because you are a shallow Ɓîtçh and Ɓîtçhes don’t end up with something good ” Daniella choked out.

“Say that again and I will make you regret it” Cherry thr_@tened.

“Not if I break your bone first” Daniella said making a move towards her but Tahlia quickly stopped her and by now a lot of people were starring at them.

“I think it’s best you leave” Tahlia said.

“After what she did to me? I refuse to and come to think of it…have seen you before. Now I remember, you are the idiot who keeps following Jerry around”

“Did you just call me an idiot?” Daniella said.

“Aren’t you one or do you prefer I use the word wh-_-re ”

“wh-_-re are for people like you and just so you know….I mean more to Jerry, am his girlfriend” Daniella stated and that got Tahlia’s gaze on her.

“At least have got Jerry’s attention but what do you have, Nothing” Daniella added angering Cherry.

“You both just made a mistake by crossing me. You will regret it” Cherry thr_@tened before leaving the cafe.

After apologising for the commotion, Tahlia went to join Daniella at her table.

“What you said about you and Jerry, is it true?”

“Of course not. I just said that to annoy the Ɓîtçh though am sure she’s going to mention it to Jerry and he will be angry” Daniella said screwing up her face just by thinking of Jerry being angry at her.

“So, will you stay away from Romeo like she wants?” Daniella asked.

“Romeo wouldn’t allow that since he’s under a love spell but I will do my best to avoid him from now on” Tahlia replied.

“But why?”

“If I hadn’t cast the spell on him, Romeo would have been happily engaged to Cherry. Cherry has a right to be angry, I would if I were in her shoes”

“I can’t believe you are saying this. I do hope Romeo would pester you for the rest of his life ” Daniella said in a strident tone while Tahlia stared a the bracelet on her wrist.


Donald walk into the kitchen hoping to find Michelle there but she was no where to be found.

He was about to leave when he came across Felix.

“If you are looking for the maid, she’s outside” Felix said referring to Michelle.

Ignoring him, Donald made to leave when Felix stood in his path.

“She knows that you are engage. She saw the whole fiasco last night”

“You told her didn’t you?”

“I had to since it seems like she’s into you ” Felix replied with a evil smirk on his face.

“Mind your d@mn business and stay away from Michelle” Donald warned.

“Why? Are you scared I might steal her from you?” Felix taunt but Donald chose to ignore him and went outside.

Michelle stood on a chair as she spread the wet sheets.

She let out a sigh and turned only to see Donald watching her.

She lost her balance and would have fallen if Donald hadn’t caught her.

“Are you okay?” He asked and when she would have pulled away, he wrap his arms more firmly around her waist.

“I am okay…can you let go of me” she let out slowly hoping he wouldn’t notice her blush.

“Oh sorry. I just…Felix told me that you know am engage” He said.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, I was just returning to…”

“It’s okay. Am not reprimanding you instead I would like to clarify somethings”

“Er…I have a lot of chore to do, I don’t have time to talk and so…excuse me” Michelle said as she quickly walk off.

Unknown to them both, Felix stood watching them from a distance.

He went back into the house and met his mom who was set to leave.

“What’s with the rush?” Tasha Hamster asked

“Thats because I want you to do something for me,I want you to help me get something and this something is very big ” Felix said, a wicked glint in his eyes.


“This is half of the payment. As long as you complete the task, I will give you the rest and added to it a bonus” Cherry said to a man.

“So who are we playing with this time?” He asked chewing his gum.

“Just a girl who’s thr_@tening my peace of mind. She has class tomorrow, I hope you get her and do it fast before anyone knows” Cherry told him which earned her a horrid smirk from him.


Romeo got to class his eyes searching for Tahlia but there was no trace of her.

He went to Michelle who was busy on her phone.

“Where’s Tahlia?”

“That’s what am trying to find out. She left the hostel quite early for a class but I was told that she hasn’t even sign in today which means she never made it to school” Michelle inform him.

“Let me try calling her too” Romeo said as he pulled out his phone to call her but after the third ring, he decided to go in search of her himself.

He walk past the professor who just arrived for class.

As soon as he got into his car, he dialled a number.

“Locate Tahlia for me” he said brusquely before ending the call.


Thalia was pushed roughly on the floor by three men.

On her way to college that morning, they had suddenly showed up from no where and knocked her out.

“Who are you people? What do you want?” Tahlia asked trying to hide her fright.

“She’s asking us who we are?” A man said while the other two laughed.

“You see we’ve been payed to teach you a lesson and just so you know, we don’t ki|| but instead we get pleasure from having fun with girls like you”

“I can tell she’s a virgin”

“Sweet! Have never had to sleep with a virgin before”

Tahlia cringe at the dirty things the men uttered, she stood up running towards the door but they caught her and gave her a slap which sent her to the floor again.

Immediately one of them knelt over her while another began touching her.

Tahlia scream filled the air as she tried to fight them off but they were too strong.

Suddenly the first man was pulled away from her and the other too was pulled away.

She sat up to see Romeo beating the hell out of them and she couldn’t help but to feel grateful.

When they were all sprawled on the floor groaning in pain, Romeo came to her and pulled her off the floor.

“Are you okay?” He asked and instead of replying, she burst into tears.

Immediately, he lifted her into his arms and out of the ware house.

A while later when her crying had ceased, she noticed that he had brought her to a luxurious pent house.

“This is my place. You can rest for a while before heading back to your hostel”

“I’d rather…”

“Don’t refuse me okay. Let me take care of you” he said and got out to car to help her into the house.

Tahlia couldn’t help but to notice how furnished and expensive the interior was.

He led her into a room and returned with one of his shirt.

“Take a bathe and put this on and after that you can rest for a while” he told her before leaving the room.

Tahlia did as he said and when she slipped into the bed, she dozed off only to wake up some hours later.

The sky had turned dark indicating it was night time. She got out of bed and went downstairs in search of Romeo but he was no where to be found.

Heading towards the telephone she knocked a table over which spilled some papers on it.

Quickly she began to retrieve the whole thing when she came across a picture.

Slowly, Tahlia stood up her gaze on the picture when Romeo returned.

“Sorry I left without telling you where I was headed, I went to get some groceries so I can…what’s wrong Tahlia?” He asked on seeing her face.

“Mind explaining this to me” Tahlia demanded as she showed him a picture of him and Shaman Lola.

In the picture, Romeo had his arms around the lady while they both pose for the camera.

“You said you haven’t met shaman Lola but this prove other wise” Tahlia choked out.

“I lied to you, Tahlia” he began slowly.

“You see, Shaman Lola is my aunt and the spell was all a lie” he admitted shocking poor Tahlia.


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