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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( The girl in my dreams)🐾

Episode 23

🥞 Alyssa 🥞

Everyone in the room turned to me and I shifted uncomfortably.

Hey, that’s not a big thing. I mean anyone can ask her uncle to make peace with his enemy right?

And what I did was wrong an exception! I don’t know why they are staring at me like I just murdered someone.

I feel embarrassed under their stares gosh!

My eyes met with the King while he stared at me blankly. I can’t really tell what his expression is.

Queen Anne flew on top of me giving me a tight hug unexpectedly.

Oops! I can’t breathe lawd. The hell! Why’s she hugging me this tight?

I smiled and hugged her back without knowing the reason for the hug anyways.

We both disengaged from the hug and she sniffed in tears.
She was really crying!

” I knew you were an angel and a saviour Alyssa, thank you so much for making this issue a small one. I have lived with the guilt all my life ” she confessed turning to Uncle Mike.

I believe it is all thanks to Uncle Mike, I just made my own statement. What if he refused to make peace with them?

” Thank you for forgiving my husband and I ” she bowed her head finding it difficult to look at Uncle Mike.

I am glad she admitted she was wrong, including the King.

” It’s fine, there’s nothing to worry about anymore ” he replied giving her a smile.

I sighed in relief seeing it went smoothly, it didn’t get out of hand.

If it did, I could have been dead and buried from a heart attack.

” I don’t know how else to thank you Alyssa, I am really grateful for everything you’ve done for my family and I, you…”

The king’s words were cut short when prince Ryan walked in shrieking and yelling my name.

I frowned taking in his look. He look like a mess !

His hair was tattered, his dress looks very rough and there are lots of eysbags under his eyes. What happened to him?

” Oh my goodness Alyssa, I thought I lost you ”

My mouth went agape seeing prince Ryan’s reaction!
He freaking pulled me into a hug

An unfamiliar sensation ran through my body which made my frown deepened.

I didn’t feel this way when his mother hug me.

Why did I feel that when his body came on mine?

I glanced down at him and he snuggled closer.

Was he that worried about me? God!! When do I have sense?

I practically left all of them worried! How selfish.

A loud laughter erupted in the room and I almost jumped up

We quickly disengaged from the hug to see different pairs of eyes staring at me.

I flushed in embarrassment while Prince Ryan’s ear turned pink.

Goodness! For a moment, I forgot the people in here. All I see and feel was the hug.

It did something to me, I don’t really know what it is but it feels good.

” Can you see their faces?” Scarlett asked giggling while looking back at others.
Lawd! This is more than embarrassment!

” Aunt Lissa, you need to have seen how my brother here almost murdered everyone because you weren’t found. He…”

” Shut up Melanie Nathan ” Prince Ryan growled and I chuckled.


Zoey’s POV

I clasp my hands together waiting for the good news from Miles.

He made his boys drag me out of the house this peaceful morning when I was supposed to get my beauty sleep.

Thank goodness! Mum left for work, what explanation could I have given her?

Thinking of how to be freed, I can’t really tell. I have been thinking I should inform mum about it but what if Miles get to know?
He will ki|| me straight away!

” I won’t be able to ki|| Alyssa and I advice you to quit trying anything stupid ”

My head forcefully snapped up immediately. Huh? He can’t ki|| Alyssa?

” That wasn’t our agreement Miles, you promised to get her ki||ed and you have to do that ” I yelled but immediately regretted it.

$h|t! $h|t! $h|t!!!
What was I thinking?

I gulped nervously taking few steps back!
Mile’s face darkened and he caught up with me that moment.

He held my neck pressing it so hard while I struggled to breath.

His eyes were getting darker with each strength he used in pressing my neck.

” Do not ever yell at me fúck ” he pushed me away and I landed my butts on the floor.

What have I gotten myself into? The Alyssa that I was jealous of and try to ki|| isn’t dying anytime soon.

I breathed out holding my neck! I am very sure it has turned red from his fingerprints.

Why will he say he can’t ki|| her and equally warm me to quit trying?

After he walked out, he came back minutes later with the cold expression dissolved.
What’s with him and mood swings?

He came closer to me squatting beside me. What happened the last time I shifted uncomfortably I still very fresh in my mind, that made me sat still in fear .

Will I be used to this?

He raised my chin staring into my eyes. I think I saw guilt flashed in his eyes. Is he feeling guilty for strangling me?

” I will never want to hurt you pretty but certain things do get me angry and I don’t know how to control my anger, do away with anything that will make me angry and we will live peacefully ”

Yeah right! Is there nothing that doesn’t get him angry?

His hand went to my neck and I yelped. I guess he saw what he’s done already.

” Does it hurt?”

No, it’s waiting for you to give it instructions.
I wanted to say but I ended up nodding! Can I say that?

He opened his mouth and clasp it close almost immediately, then he tried that again and again.

Why’s he stopping himself from saying wh@ťěver he wants to?

” I….am sorry okay? I said that for your safety, our safety. Alyssa isn’t someone to harm, if we do, it won’t take us 10minutes and we all will be dead ”

Wait! Did he just say sorry? Oh my God! I am dreaming!


🥞 Alyssa 🥞

I gently knocked on princess Emily’s door waiting patiently for her response.

I am sure she’s in there, that’s where she always is. Sometimes I wonder if she’s a loner or something?
Her character bothers me a lot.

I heard a faint come in and I sighed, I just hope she doesn’t send me out.

Wow! Her room is beautiful, this is my first time of entering her room.

She sat on her bed surfing through her phone .

She raised her head up the moment she saw that someone entered.

” What are you doing here?” She asked clearly irritated.


” Can I at least sit please my princess? ” I asked

” No, get out of my room ” she replied bluntly.
I ain’t gonna give up.

” Please ” I said again making a puppy eyes

She stared at me for sometimes and looked away.

” Fine ”

Oh lawd! Happiness spread through me hearing that.
That’s a step you know!

” Thank you ” I sat down beside opposite her so I can see a clear view of her.

” I was doing something before you came , say wh@ťěver you want to say and leave ”

I am the one that wants something right? So I need to be patient.

” Uhhm, I can’t really tell why you don’t like me. Maybe because I am a commoner? Or something ”

I said ! She glanced at me and looked away without replying.

” If its because I am a commoner, I didn’t create myself to be one my princess. If changing my standard will make you happy the I will, and if it’s that, I have offended you before, please forgive me ”

I paused to see her reaction but she wasn’t even sparing me a glance. She was staring out to the window.

” And if leaving the palace will stop you from hating me further I will leave after I am out of your room but please, stop hating me. I just wish we can be friends like others ”

” But I understand we don’t have to like everyone, I don’t like everyone either so yeah, I understand and I can’t force you to like me too ”

” I thought we could settle this but I guess you are not interested to talk to me, I take it as we can’t be friends ”

” I am sorry to have interrupted what you were doing my princess and you won’t see me in the palace again, excuse me please ”

I stood up and left for the door, I can’t definitely stay here when the king’s daughter is not happy with me.

Not that I don’t have a home!
I reached the door making my way out .

” I was segzually assaulted by my personal maid when I was five ”

My hand froze on the door knob immediately I heard princess Emily’s voice.

segzually what?


Mela’s POV

” I am very busy Mela, you can tell the maids to get it for you ” Ryan said and I pouted .

” But I want you to get it for me Ryan, only you” I protested.

He punched his laptop frustratedly closing it.

I must persuade him to, my plans can’t go to waste just like that.

” What in God’s name did you want a restaurant food for when we have lots of dishes in the palace?” He asked giving me a tired look.

” That’s what I desire to eat bro, grant me my wish please ” I pleaded.

” I am busy Mela, you can ask any of the girls to get it for you ” he said opening back his laptop.
Why’s he proving to be stubborn?

” I get it, you don’t like me anymore and it’s fine ”

I pouted my lips making it quiver a little like I was about to cry while I stood up pretending to be angry.

” Fine, I will go get it for you ”
I jumped up in joy giving him a hug.

” That’s like my bro, thank you and guess what, you won’t be going alone ”
He narrowed his eyes before chuckling.

” You are gonna come with me?” He asked.

” Nope but Aunt Lissa will, I need to go get her ” I shrieked running up to the stairs.
My plan did work out! It worked out!

” What ? No way Mela ” I heard him say and I rolled my eyes.
It’s definitely a yes way!


Mela is a character 🤣

And Emily? I can’t wait for her story.

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