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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE CRAZY TOMBOY – Episode 49 & 50

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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡





“Your dad and I where more of buddies than business partners”. The Senator said settling on the seat opposite Lisa and his wife.

“Ohk then why haven’t I heard him mention you while he was still alive”. Lisa questioned not buying any of what the senator just said.

“I wasn’t a good friend to him. I turned my back on him when he needed me the most and your dad being the type of great self respect never really called upon me for help”. The Senator said and Lisa’s cool gaze on him turned into a glare.

“Is that why you want to take me in? So as to clear your awful conscience!”. Lisa snapped.

“I know no amount of explanations and apologies can recount for your loss, but back then everything was beyound me and i was restrained from giving him a helping hand…

“Restrained by who? My father saw you as a friend but you never acknowledged him as one!!”. Lisa yelled getting up and Lady Emily stood up with her also.

“Lisa try to calm down. It’s true our family is to blamed for what actually happened to your dad, but we couldn’t help him because he messed with so many higher ups”. Lady Emily tried to cooe and Lisa threw her a stern look, with her eyebrows furrowed.

“Higher…ups??”. She mumbled out and Lady Emily nodded.

“We’re currently working on it. We found out that your dad wasn’t the only one framed for the creation of illegal slush funds”. The senator said.

“At least stay here till we find something to prove your dad’s innocence and restore his name back to honor”. Lady Emily let out softly with pleading eyes and Lisa just scoffed before walking out the door.

“Give her sometime to cool off honey, then we’ll try bringing it up again”. Senator Russell uttered pulling Lady Emily into a warm hug.

“By the way i don’t see Ramona anywhere, i thought she’s always with you”. Senator Russell muttered patting her back smoothly.

“Her daughter Crystal just returned from the states, so i gave her a day off to spend some time with her”. Lady Emily muttered in almost a whisper.

“Crystal?? You mean that lousy daughter of hers who’s always roaming around our son?”. Senator Russell mouthed and his wife chuckled softly.

“Speaking of our son. Dylan has a lot to explain once he returns so don’t hold me back while I beat the crap out of him”. Lady Emily sneered and the Seantor was the one who chuckled this time.

Then he placed a kiss on her smooth neck and she shuddered pushing him away.


“This isn’t what i ordered”. Aiden said the moment Isla dropped the dishes of meals right in front of him. Dylan shook his head as he sat opposite Aiden.

Dylan picked up his fork and knife and made to dig in when Aiden held his hands, taking his curtleries from him and he threw him a stern glare.

“Go change the meals before I call your manager!”. Aiden said ignorantly to Isla as he pushed the food aside.

“This is the third table you’ll be ordering and… Isla made to protest, with a baffled look on her face, and Aiden just gave her a raised eyebrow.

“The customer is always right. I can change my mind about any food I want and at any minute. Plus it’s literally your fault if you had come any sooner then i wouldn’t have had the time to change my mind, so keep moving like a snail and I’ll keep changing my orders”. Aiden uttered bringing out his phone to press, and Dylan scoffed in annoyance.

“You have a huge problem!”. Isla snapped in rage and Aiden gave her a surprised look.

“Did you just say that to me? Are you forgetting that I’ve saved your little @zz countless of times!”. Aiden snapped jokingly and Isla’s eyes widened, while Dylan broke into silent laughter.

“You’re a f-__-king Ďïčk head! How dare you call my @zz little?!! You know what serve your f-__-king self!! Since it seems body shaming me whenever you come eat here is becoming an annoying habit of yours! I’m out!!”. Isla yelled in rage.

Then she took off her apron and dumped it on Aiden’s face making it hit him hard, then she stormed away immediately exiting the restaurant, and Dylan finally let out his charming laughter, as he laughed really hard that everyone turned to face him, wondering what was so amusing.

Aiden in utter disgrace removed the apron from his face, then he placed it on an empty side of the table.

“Did she just quit?”. Aiden asked as he stared at her crossing to the other side, from the huge glass window beside him.

“No. I think her shift’s over that’s why”. Dylan chuckled mockingly.

“Then she should have just served me before leaving! And…and…that was no way to treat a customer especially an handsome one at that, i really need to see the manager!”. Aiden snapped in rage and Dylan scoffed.

“And she has become f-__-king bold now, she isn’t the baby I used to know. This is one reason why I never like her hanging around with that crazy Lisa girl!!”. Aiden yelled again and Dylan gave him a raised eyebrow.

“What?”. Aiden asked Dylan, feeling uncomfortable at his stare.

“Do you like Isla?”. Dylan asked calmly and Aiden’s eyes immediately widened, then he stood up instantly banging his hands on the table..

“What?! I don’t like her! Never! You know what drive yourself home for this stupid question you just asked me!”. Aiden snapped picking up his car key from the table and walking out.

“@zzh*le! You’ve never for once been honest to yourself!”. Dylan spat chuckling as he followed his friend out of the restaurant door.

Right when they where about entering Aiden’s car, a cop car pulled up right in front of them, then four police officers alighted the car.

Aiden and Dylan stood still with puzzled faces, as the cops approached them.

“Dylan Russell and Aiden Gastio you’re both arrested for the murder and disappearance of young Miss Olivia Clearn”. The inspector said as his men handcuffs the duos, whose eyes are now widened.

“Murder?”. Dylan mouthed with widened eyes.

“Wait…Is it the same Olivia Clearn we know?”. Aiden muttered.

“Is Olivia really dead?”. Dylan aslo inquired.

“We have no room for pretense young masters and this case is so huge that even your wealthy parents might not be able to safe you both from the law”. The inspector uttered glaring meanly at the guys, who made to speak but was interrupted.

“You have the right to a lawyer and also the right to remain silent, cos anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law”. Another officer said and they took the guys into their car and drove off.


Oliver alighted the stairs only to notice the mean glare everyone including the maids and lowly servants directed at him.

His mom was wailing madly like someone had died, his dad stood staring into space, then right in front of him where two police men. It seems they where actually waiting for his arrival.

The moment his mom saw him, she immediately stood up running towards him, she slapped him twice on the face. She made to slap him again but this time his dad held her hand.

“What?!!”. Mrs Clearn yelled at her husband.

“There might be a misunderstanding somewhere my son would never do that!”. Mr Clearn snapped at his angry wife.

“Are you aware of the kind of crazy friends he moves with?! They almost beat Archer to death the last time they visited, if only I hadn’t stopped them then my eldest son would have been six feet beneath the ground right now just like they just did to my Olivia the only daughter I have! This devil right in front of me cornived with his friends to ki|| his own twin sister!!”. Mrs Clearn yelled and Oliver’s eyes widened the moment he heard his mom’s last statement.

“Olivia…is..dead?”. He stuttered in shock and that was when the cops stepped in.

“You have the right to a lawyer and also the right to remain silent, cos anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law”. One of the police men said, handcuffing Oliver.

“Yes! Take him away and see to it that my daughter gets justice! He’s a f-__-king murderer and I curse the day I ever gave birth to you!!”. Mrs Clearn spat and a tear dropped from Oliver’s eyes as the cops took him away.

“Nadia!!?”. Mr Clearn called in rage and a middle aged maid immediately moved forward towards him in fear.

“Take my wife up to her room and see to it that she’s locked up!”. Mr Clearn yelled in rage and the maid instantly obeyed.

“You won’t be able to save him this time Donald! He’s a f-__-king murderer. He ki||ed his own twin!!”. Mrs Clearn yelled as they took her away.


“Great! Good job” Frankie smirked cutting the call before facing his friends.

“They’ve been arrested”. He announced and Davis nodded sluggishly, while Kingston just stared into space he was still in shock.

“C,mon. It’s just a matter of time King you’ll be over her death very soon and besides she never really showed you love all she ever cared of was Aiden, don’t forget about that”. Frankie smiled patting him on the shoulder.

Davis was busy on his phone, then when it suddenly pinged of a message he looked up at his friends.

“I’ll be leaving now, see you guys later”. Davis stood up and left.

“C,mon dude cheer up! All our problems is finally over!”. Frankie chuckled spanking Kingston who kept gulping down and refilling his drink.


Davis Mercedes pulled up right in front and he alighted it, with three shopping huge bags in his hands as he made his way in.

Silver hotel was the most luxurious and expensive hotel located right in the middle of the city, it was always buzzling with lodgers of expensive taste.

He collected the lock card from the receptionist and made his way to the twenty fifth floor.

He placed the card on the door’s lock screen and it immediately dinged, indicating it was open.

He frowned at what he saw the moment he walked in. The room was completely scattered and unorganized.

“You only just moved in and you’ve already turned the entire apartment upside down”. He muttered dropping the shopping bags on a huge table, then he began clearing everywhere.

“Did you get the clothes I asked you to get?”. The feminine voice asked approaching towards him with her naked body wrapped with a duvet, then Davis looked away from her and she scoffed.

“Such a baby!”. She girl spat picking an apple from the fruit bowl and then she took a furious bite.

“The clothes and the things you asked for are on the table in those bags, so f-__-king go through it and put something on, I don’t feel comfortable with you moving naked around my room!”. Davis uttered still avoiding contact with her.

“You talk as if I’m naked, my body is fully covered with this duvet okay?!”. Olivia snapped back more loudly and Davis scoffed.

“I’ve never made such a big mistake saving someone in my entire life!”. He sneered as he roughed his brunette hair in frustration.

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