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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE CRAZY TOMBOY – Episode 45 & 46

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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡



“Hit him hard for me”. She uttered glaring at her son. Dylan immediately stood up from his knees, then he walked towards Lisa snatching
the turning stick from her, then handing it back to his mom.

“I prefer you ki|| me, than she hitting me”. Dylan said and Lady Emily smacked him on the head and he groaned.

Then she smacked him again and again then she began hitting him all around with a stick, Lisa stood shooking her head in total dismay, as Dylan whinced in pains.

She glared at Mia who tried to escape through the door, but she was stopped when Larry and his other workers walked in, It seems Dylan’s noise was the source of their presence.

“Is anything the problem my lady?”. Larry asked with widened eyes, as he watched Lady Emily hit Dylan nonstop.

“What’s going on Lisa?”. Isla asked Lisa from behind in a little whisper.

“She’s disciplining her p*$$y loving son”. Lisa uttered enjoying the show.

“I don’t want that Ɓîtçh anywhere close to me, when next i visit this place otherwise I’ll f-__-king shut this whole place!”. Lady Emily yelled in rage as she angrily stormed out of the restroom.

Lisa followed her and Dylan also instantly did, though his limping slightly.

“What did you do this time?!”. Larry snapped at Mia who flinched instantly.

“Isn’t it obvious? Seduction gone wrong”. Isla mumbled as she also left the restroom, while Mia glared after her.

“Ha! serves you right!”. Zara smirked mockingly as she also left. Jake left also.

“Consider this as your third strike Mia, any more stupid act after this and I’ll fire you! sl*tty Ɓîtçh!!”. Larry spat as he angrily walked out.


“C,mon you can’t be this mad at me. You’ve already beaten me as much as you want!”. Dylan pleaded his mom as they walk to the car.

“I don’t want you to come along with me. I’ll be taking Lisa home instead!”. Lady Emily said glaring meanly at Dylan and both Dylan’s and Lisa’s eyes widened.

“I’m..coming..along with you?”. Lisa asked with a puzzled look on her face and Lady Emily nodded with a smile on her face.

“I have a lot of things to speak to you about”. Lady Emily said and Lisa nodded.

“You’re kidding right? You can’t possibly leave your own son here, and that psycho home with…

Dylan was interrupted when Lady Emily zoomed off in her car along with Lisa.

“I should f-__-king find a way to put that Ɓîtçh in her place!”. Dylan muttered in anger as he roughed his hair.

Just then a blue Lambourghini pulled up right in front of the restaurant, and Dylan scoffed recognizing the car at once.

Aiden alighted the car looking as charming as ever and his eyes widened when he saw Dylan, but then it turned into a smirk as he approached Dylan.

“I so much love the unique speed of my Lambo it’s a pity someone’s own had to be crushed”. Aiden mocked and Dylan threw him a glare.

The two of them alongside Oliver had purchased their Lamborghini the same, immediately it landed in the country.

Dylan’s was Ready Aiden’s was blue while Oliver’s was Yellow.

“Why does it look you’re stranded? And what’s with the multiple bruises on your face did you get into a fight? Also where the f-__-k is your car?!”. Aiden asked all at once.

“f-__-king ask one questionat a time you @zzh*le!”. Dylan snapped at him and Aiden broke into immense laughter, more like he mocking Dylan.

Just then someone came out of restaurant and he immediately stopped laughing as he began staring at her.

“Just wanted to say if you would still like to order something else, cause I’m about clearing your table”. Isla’s cool voice came not
realizing Aiden’s presence at first.

But when she looked and saw him, her eyes widened instantly but she immediately his it and went in immediatelyafter getting Dylan’s negative response.

Dylan saw how Aiden was mindlessly staring at Isla’s leaving figure and he smirked.

“Is she the reason you’re here?”. Dylan scoffed and Aiden ignored him as he went into the restaurant.

“Don’t f-__-king take too long! I’ll be going home in your car tonight!”. Dylan yelled at Aiden who was already long gone.

“Mother f-__-ker!”. Dylan spat as he sat on a bench, then brought out his weed and began smoking.


Amelia was helping Oliver with a face massage, trying to see to his picky and sometimes stressful needs.

Oliver had earlier requested for it just few inutes after his return from school.

Amelia had wondered why he suddenly needed a face massage and worse from her?!.

If she could remember vividly, he h@ťěd contacts especially with poor people including her, but suddenly he wants her hands all over his perfect face rubbing and smooching it?

Olivia came down from the stairs with her puppy Ruby in her hands as she led the barbie looking dog whowas tied to her fancy leash.

“Can’t believe you are not ready to let me have Amelia yet. It’s been f-__-king two hours now!!”. Olivia snapped at Oliver who ignored her.

“I’m taking baby Ruby for a walk, and once i return Amelia will be with me till ttomorrow noon! Afterall I’ve f-__-king been the one who has kept her company”. Olivia glared before walking out the door with her dog.

She was putting on all white with a mix of pink, and a white ribbon on her neatly packed pony tail also. She had a white shorts and sneakers on her.

It was obvious white was her favorite color, and she dressed up her cute puppy the same way she was dressed.

She had just walked twenty miles away from her house unknowingly, with her face stuck to her phone when suddenly a black van with tinted glasses pulled up right in front of her.

Before she could picture what was happening two huge men dressed in black alighted the car and immediately bundled her up and threw her into the van not before blindfolding her, then they zoomed off.

Her innocent puppy kept on backing as the van disappeared into the wind. Then it twirled around twice in complete confusion before making it’s way back to the mansion. It was nice Olivia had trained her well to always find her way back home, as long as they weren’t too far from it.


Olivia’s blindfold was removed and she immediately began cursing at them, even when she hasn’t seen their faces yet since they were masked. She screamed as they tied her to a wooden chair.

Then three handsome figures came in also masked up, with one in the middle as he ran his eyes all over her with an expressionless blank look on his face, then he faced the guy beside him.

“Is she the one you where referring to?”. His familiar voice said and the guy he was speaking to nodded, then Olivia’s eyes widened.

“Frankie??”. She muttered in shock and he faced her.

“Sorry you have to pay for your brother and his worthless friends sins, but what can do? That’s the only reasonable way to get back at them, for breaking the rules and getting us suspended.

“… for my brother’s sins! What are you going to do to me!!”. Olivia yelled at first then it dawned on her and then she glanced at the two guys behind him, and her gaze landed and stopped on the masked guy who had Kingston’s figure.

She had earlier noticed the glare he gave her right from when he came in and had earlier felt uncomfortable with it.

But now that she knows she was sure he was her ex and judging from what he was about to do with her with his friends, he was a ruthless one.

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