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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?his royal darkness ?
(living in his darkness)

? written by provy?

chapter 25

at the mouth of a cliff surrounded with tall bamboo trees , wind blew causing the bamboo tress to dance to it’s rhymes .
Milo and Matilda could be seen seated at the mouth of the cliff staring down at the buy city below , it was I deed a great view up here . a white cloth shite was spread on the ground and fruits were placed on it along with wine bottles and cups .
they talk about random events from the past and present,the both laugh at some funny parts

” how does it feel to be royalty” Milo ask taking a bite from his apple while staring at Matilda who sigh as she push in blueberries into her mouth .
“boring , you have to attend all princess parties and smile like all is well . dress in big uncomfortable gowns just to impress other princes from other kingdoms hoping to get a husband “she grumbled and Milo chuckled
” at least it’s better than being a commoner” he said
” it’s better to be commoner” she said

they were both silent for a while then Milo slowly put down the apple he’s holding and turn to princess Matilda .

“i.. I don’t know how to say this but am gonna say it anyways , it’s better to get rejected than die with out telling you how i feel “he said , she stop eating and focus on him fully . he carefully took her left hand and held it up close to his lips .

“it’s been 2 years since I first met you and during this period I have developed suddenly likeness for you

you’re beautiful ,kind hearted and perfect just like my dream partner . I know am not royalty or related to any but … “he couldn’t even complete his words and she slam her lips on his , he was shocked at first but quickly took in her lower lips into his mouth .

Elena who was hiding at the back of a tree froze as she watch them
her heart somersault . her blood went chill
tears slide down her cheek while watching them kiss . her grip on the tree tightened
when she couldn’t take it any more so she spun and ran off not wanting to see any more .

Matilda broke from the kiss and shyly look down feeling embarrassed on what she had done , she didn’t know came over her but she kinda like it . the feeling of butterflies roaming in her stomach
the sweet sensation she felt when she kissed him .
” s-sorry for that ” she stuttered but he smile and leaned close to her again

“your lips test like honey ” whispered and she blush uncontrollably and took her lips into her mouth while fuddling her fingers .

“so princess Matilda will you be my companions , someone who will be my pillar and also someone I can trust with out doubt “he asked and she nodded slowly

” yeah ”


Mr Justus didn’t say a word for a while then he exhaled and lifted his head up
“I can’t tell my queen , I don’t know or have any clue to that ” he said and the queen sigh and laid back on her chair . the king kept on stealing glances at his wife whose eyes were shut as she try to think .

“if the curse was made from magic then we need to find the solution using magic “the queen said and open her eyes . Mr Justus shifted back uncomfortable
he adjusted his glasses ,he isn’t in support with queen idea.
“humm i-i d-don’t t-think that’s a good idea my queen ” he stuttered but the queen scoff
” then give me an idea something I can hope on “she yelled and bang her fist on the table causing him to flinch
“calm down my love ” the king whispered and she sigh and puff out while trying to control her ranging anger
“umm my queen I will like to take my leave now , am gonna inform you if I find anything new “Mr Justus said

” you can go Mr Justus “the king said dismissing him and he bowed before leaving the library and as soon as he left the queen rouse up and so I’d the king .
” my queen ” he called and she sigh and turn to him
” am fine ” she said icily before leaving the library and the king sigh in frustrated by the whole Kyle issue sometimes he wish Kyle was never born at all.

“grahhhh!” Elena scream and turn her bed upside down while pulling her hair in anger , her fingers were bleeding and her eyes red like blood .
“why.. why. first Erica has to be all good too shoe and everybody favorite now Matilda is now a shield to my happiness . what have I done to the universe to be against me “she cried and sat on the floor . she hug her knees and buried her face there , she stayed in that position for close to an hour then she lifted her head up and her jaw tightened .
“I most have Milo he is mine and mine alone I don’t care if Matilda is a princess if she won’t step down then I will have to… “she pause leaing her words hanging .a deadly smile formed on her face a smile which holds nothing but acrimony .she rouse up and made her way close to the mirror which was lying on he floor broken into several pieces . she squatted down and pick up a large piece and she took a glance at her reflection.

” Milo Norman is mine no one will take what belongs to me not even the princess of Zalodan “she spat glaring at her reflection . she smashed the mirror on the ground and it shattered into millions of tiny pieces which flew across the room and some gave her cuts .
Elena pick up another mirror piece and matched into he bathroom attached to her room and she use the broken mirror to cut her hair . it took over 45 minutes for her to trim her hair short like that of a boy ..

Mrs Nam walked in the room and she gasped at how disorganized it was , her eyes moved from the broken mirror pieces lying carelessly on the floor .

the bathroom door push open and Elena stepped out using a towel to try her hair

“ahhhh Elena what happened to your hair”Mrs nam ask shocked
” nothing mother I just thought cutting my hair will look good on me “she said nonchalantly and Mrs Nam made to hit her but she move backwards
” silly girl , you look like a boy” she yelled
” ma it’s my hair not yours so let me do with it what ever I like “she grunted
” yes it’s your hair but you don’t have a husband to compliment your hair style “Mrs Nam yelled glaring at Elena who sigh with an eye roll .
“and what happen to you room “mrs Nam ask scornfully and Elena twisted her lips while staring at her mess room.
“I don’t wanna talk about it ” she said and walk pass her mother towards her dressing table . Mrs nam groan in frustration

it was pointless talking because Elena won’t listen so she turn around and left . Elena exhaled as soon as her mother left
“first thing first ,I gat to separate those 2 I can’t let them be together ” she mumbled ..


Erica wheeled herself into her father privet study and there she saw a piano . she smile and rolled close to it , she ran her fingers on the keys

she remembered prince Kyle and how grumpy he was while teaching her how to play . she could still remember his glare and funny enough she miss those dangerous glare of his .she almost laugh when she remembered his looks when she had sang twink little star.
she almost laugh out loud but she use her palm to muffle her laughter.

“have he eaten , how is he fairing am sure he is fine “she though with a worried expression .n idea popped into her head and she giggled

” am gonna ask angel to heal me with magic so that I will return to the glass mansion ”

” gush what are you thinking Erica he almost ki||ed you “her subconscious yelled out and she bite her lips but her bright smile appeared again .she walked close to her window still smiling as she stared at the fast setting sun ..

prince Kyle stood at his window side staring at the fast setting sun , his brows were tightly frowned and the mark on his forehead glowed brightly .

“she gone she never gonna come back , hahaha humans are all the same they make fake promise she’s never gonna come back “the dark voice mocked .
” she’s gonna come back am sure about that , ahead never gonna abandoned her friend “he mumbled
” fool she’s has so many friends out there do you think she’s gonna come back after you stabbed her haha you’re a big fool “he said and Kyle sigh taking his gaze from the sun .
“if you’re so powerful why stay trap in my body , you’re nothing but a bodiless being . “prince Kyle said calmly

a dark being stepped out of his body and stood right in front of him , the being body is made of smoke and his eyes red . prince Kyle glare at it and so did it

“you are my slave Kyle always remember that, you are curse with my mark ” the being growled
” a not curse and will never be curse “the prince hollered daringly not scared of the being in front of him …

Mr Carter who was being at the corner watching all this shook his head
“this isn’t good the prince is gaining more grounds , his humanity side is kicking in fast. I need to inform queen xyra about this she alone might have something to do “he mumbled and teleported out of the mansion …


? 2022 publish ?

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