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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 72)πŸ€
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

(Andrew’s resident)
Saturday morning

Jean walked into the living room. She wore a swim suit and hold a glass of wine.
Andrew and Rose who sat down watching the TV were surprised to see Jean dressed like that.

“Why are you dressed like that, Jean…
Andrew asked.

“Obviously, am going swimming”
And if you guys need me, am at the swimming pool at the back of the house”
She said and sip her wine before walking out. Rose and Andrew watched her walk away.

Rose looked at Andrew.
“I think we should go swimming too”
Rose suggested.

“No… Am not interested
Andrew quickly replied.

“And come to think about it… I haven’t seen you swim before”

Andrew sighs…
“Can we just forget about this swimming stuff?”
We can do something else”

Rose lie on the couch and placed her legs on Andrew’s lap.
“I know the reason why?”
She smile.

Andrew groaned and begin to massage her legs and toes.
“There is no reason behind it, I don’t just like swimming”

“You don’t just like swimming… Says the man that has a swimming pool in his compound”
I know you catch cold easily when you swim”

Andrew was surprised. He chuckles.
“How do you know that?”

“Jean told me…
Rose replied.

He muttered and continue to massage her feet. He squeezed down one of her toes.

“Ouch.. why do you do that?”

“That’s for asking me if we can go swimming when you literally knew I do get cold easily when I swim”
Andrew replied.

Rose bursted into laughter.
“Am sorry”

“But …
I know what we can do this early morning”
Andrew said.

Rose put down her legs.
“What’s that? ”

“A morning exercise”
Andrew replied.

“No, I don’t do exercises…
Rose replied.

“You need it,rose,
Doctor naresh said it will help”

John came out from the kitchen with a coffee dragging his feet in his bedroom crocs across the floor.
“Morning, Boss
John said and smile.

Can you prepare the Work out room? Rose and I want do some exercises”
Andrew said. John almost spit out his coffee from his mouth.

“You say what boss ..?

“Prepare the gym room”

I will do just that… Do you two especially rose want to do some exercises?
John asked… Andrew and rose both looked at him in a wierd way.

“Sorry for asking that question. It just that I haven’t seen pregnant woman do exercises for a long time”
He muttered and walk away.

(Gym room)
“C’mon… You can do better”
Andrew said.
Rose lie on the flat mat trying to raise up her left leg.

She groaned as she move the left leg up with the right one still on the ground… She move up the other one again.

“Alright, Let’s change to any another workout.
How about a press up?”
Andrew asked as rose place both legs on the ground and take a little rest.

“What? A press up exercise?
In my condition?”

Yeah .. it’s that easy.
Andrew nodded.
Rose groaned and changed her position, positioning her both hands on the ground and resting her legs on her toes.

She began to lift her body up and down.
I love this”
Rose said.

“Yeah, you are loving it but you are going to get tired in a while”

Rose continued and did up to five times before giving up.
“Oh gosh, am tired…”
She touch her waist as she breathe out repeatedly.

“See?I told you
Andrew said. Rose lie on the ground to catch her breathe. Andrew noticed her baby bump is already becoming bigger.

“I can’t wait for her arrival”
Andrew smile.

“You mean beauty?
Rose asked.

“Yeah, Are we really naming her beauty?”
Andrew said as he did some pushups.

“Yes, I love the name”
She replied.

“We can find a better one”
Andrew suggested as he continues with the push up.

“Thats enough….
You are not going to ki|| yourself”
Rose said as he realized Andrew is not going to stop anytime soon.

Andrew finally stopped.
“I just did twenty pushups”

“Yeah… Don’t flatter yourself”
Rose replied.

Andrew smile.
I just need an encouragement to continue”

“Yeah, I get…
That’s how you get the abs and muscles,but for me,.. I need a massage”

Andrew sighs and walk to her.
“Your hands are always hard, can you make it more soft?”

“Everyone says my hands are soft, yours is different”
Andrew replied.

“Wait a minute, do you give massages to people?”
Rose asked in a kind of jealousy way.

“Yeah… People loves my massages”
Andrew replied.
“I do help the physiotherapist at the doctor naresh hospital some years ago”

Rose breathe a sigh of relief. Andrew rubbed his hands together.
“So where should I massage first?”

“I feel some pain in my waist, I maybe cracked my bone when I was doing some pushups”
Rose replied.
Andrew held her both side of her waist and massaged it.
“How do you feel now?

Rose winked and smile.
“Am enjoying it”
Andrew continued and kiss her baby bump.

“Are you?

“Yeah… Please continue”
Rose pleaded, MΓ΅@Ι²ing a little. Andrew moved his hands to her thigh. He massaged it also and rubbed it.

John and two men walked into the gym room.
Someone is here to see you”
John said.

Andrew stood up from where Rose and he both sat.

“Detective stones”
John replied.

Andrew sighs and took his face towel and a bottle water from the ground.
“Gosh .. Det stones again
What does he want?”
Rose asked.

“We are going to find out”
Andrew said.
“I will be right back rose”
He added before walking out with John and his men.

Rose sighs and stare at Jean swimming at the pool through the transparent glass walls.
Jean saw her also and smile. Rose waved at her.

Andrew walked to the living room. His men had left but John was still with him.
Detective stones sat on the couch with his both legs crossed.

Andrew saw it and chuckles.
“It seems you have no respect for my couch”
No one cross his legs in my living room”
Andrew said.

Detective stones quickly separate them.
“Sorry about that”
He replied.

“So what does the man who wanted me arrested and also tried to ki|| me while I was in prison cell want?”
Andrew asked.
John smile.

“Gosh, Andrew Williams.. now you are making me feel bad”
You don’t have to say all that?
Det stones said and stood up.

“Just sit down”
Andrew said… Det stones quickly sat down back.

Andrew sat down opposite him.
“So what do you want?

“I knew you were at Santa Rosa few days back… You and your men were there”

“So what are you going to do?
Andrew asked and sip a little water from the bottle water he wss holding.

Det stones smile.
“Am not going to do anything, I just need something in return to keep your secret”

“Oh secret?
You call it a secret?”

“Look, I just need to know who is behind the mask..
I know you’ve seen her that day, who is she?”
Det stones asked.

“Who is behind the mask?

“Yeah, Andrew…
We also know about how she shot Olivia dead”
Please andrew, tell me who is she? People’s lives are on the line”

“Do you have a mom?
Andrew asked.

But how does that relate to what am asking?”

“Cos I think I saw your mom at Santa Rosa, the resemblance between you two are so close”


“She ki||ed Olivia… So maybe she is behind the mask
You should question her”

Stop joking around… Just tell me who the hell is she? People lives are in danger”
Det stones pleaded again.
“You do know keeping things away from a cop or refusing to confess is an obstruction of justice”

“Says the most corrupt officer in California”
Andrew said.
“And which people’s lives are exposed to danger…? Cos you and I both know it’s for Liam Payne to find her so he could have her ki||ed”

Det stones sighs.

“You can leave, Det stones…
I have nothing else to say”
Andrew said and stood up.

Detective stones calls but Andrew ignored him. He walk back to the Workout room to meet rose.

(Liam’s resident)
Liam walked into his bedroom in his pyjamas. His phone he held rang in his hands.
Det stones”
He muttered and place the phone in his ears.

“I already told you, don’t call me unless you find the masked assassin”
Liam shouted over the phone.

“Liam… Just calm your d@mn f-__-king nerves down”
Det stones replied getting upset.

Are you talking to me this way?”
Liam was surprised.

“Yeah… Liam Payne, everything is not about showing who is the boss, am trying to help you here, c’mon”

“It’s me, Liam…
He was still surprised.

“Alright,I think am getting fed up already. I have tried withstanding all your nagging and can’t keep up anymore.
Am tired of working for you, trying to save your d@mn life and all you could do now is to shout and treat me like am not human.
Am done, Liam Payne… find someone else to do your dirty work”
Det stones ended the call.

Liam saw he ended the call.
“So now he has grown wings… I knew this will happen one day ”
I shouldn’t have trusted him”
He sighs and thought for a while.
“I really need him right now”
He muttered and put a call to Det stones

“Det stones…
Am sorry for what Just happened… I was just angry and upset about everything.
Olivia is dead now and the black masked assassin is still out there”

“Yeah, I understand… Losing someone is quite painful”
Detective stones replied.

“So, is there any information or update?

A source said she is attacking you tonight” That was what I was trying to tell you before you shouted at me”
He replied.

“Yeah, am sorry about that. I want to know more about the source…
Who is it?”
Liam was surprised.

“I have a spy, that’s my source.. he watches her activities but he can’t discover her identity quite yet”
Det stones added.

“Wow… That’s shocking
She has a gang of men right, then who can she be?”

“Am anticipating as you are,
Just be careful, Liam”
Det stones said and ended the call, putting his phone back into his pocket.

Seconds later, He felt that tip of a gun at back of his head.
“I also can’t wait to know who is she?
A distorted voice said.
“Your hands up, now”
Maddie commanded.

Liam quickly raise his hands up and look back slowly. It’s the blacked masked assassin.
“Finally, you found me”
Have been waiting for you”
Liam said and chuckles.

She pushed Liam forward with a gun.
“On your knees now”
She said as two of her men walked into Liam’s bedroom.

“Who are you?
Liam asked.

“You’ve asked me that same question several times”

“Remember the last fight we had?
Liam smile, reminding her about their last fight at Liam’s office.

“What do you have to say about it? ”

“Yeah… I was just so close to find out who you really are then but now I think this is my chance again”
Liam said.

Maddie smile.
” Really?
Okay… We are going to see about that”

“Do you bring back the asset transfer file? ”
Liam said again trying to buy time so he could think of how he could get his gun from under his bed.
His prayers was answered when one of Maddie’s men pushed him to his bed.

“Stop asking questions”
One of her men hit him with the back of his gun and pushed him.
Liam spit out blood. He realizes he now stay close near his bed.

Liam smile.
“What do you want from me? Why do you want me dead?”
Liam asked again..

The same guy wanted to hit him again for asking questions again but Maddie stopped him.

“How many people have you ki||ed since you started to hold a gun?
Maddie asked.
Liam slowly reached for his gun under the bed.

“Thousands of people and I can’t wait to add you to my list”
Liam replied and in a flash, he shot the guy who hit him the back of his gun.

Maddie quickly shot him in the leg before he could $h00t her.
Liam screamed in pain and drop his gun on the floor, holding the leg he was shot.

Dylan came in and was surprised how everything has turned out. Maddie looked at him.
“Is the coast clear?
She asked.

But what just happened?”

“He reached for the gun he kept and tried to $h00t me”
Maddie replied. Dylan looked at the dead one on the floor.

“Nice job, Maddie”
Dylan said.

“Nice to see you again”
Liam managed to say.

Dylan folds his hands.
“Nice to see you again, Liam Payne…
Am sorry to say this but you might die tonight”

Liam bursted into laughter and looked at Dylan in the face..
“You gat to be kidding me…
I,Liam Payne, am going to die? That’s sound sarcastic and funny.

Maddie said and raise her gun at him with tears in her eyes.


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